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In Your Eyes (Let It Be Book 3) by Barbara Speak (12)

Chapter Twelve

He did exactly what he said he was going to do and didn't speak a word to me, even after we pulled in my driveway and he put the truck in park. Turning in the seat, I looked at him and tried to find the words I had been searching for the entire ride back to make the situation better, but without knowing what really happened, there was no understanding to rationalize. Without him willing to even look back at me, it took its toll. So, instead of continuing to sit there with no resolve, I opened the door, climbed out, and closed it behind me before I headed toward the house. I hadn't even made it through the doorway before he put it in reverse, throwing rocks with his tires as he backed out the driveway and floored it down the street. My heart hurt for what he was going through. Asshole Jenkins, which was how I then referred to the man, said some awful things that couldn't be taken back. I knew there was a story, and if Jase didn't want to tell me, I knew where to go to find out. 

Not wanting to waste time walking, I figured it was as good a time as any to see if I could drive. 

My car had been sitting in our garage since I left for college the previous fall. Canyon made sure everything was taken care of so I knew there would be no problems starting it. I climbed in and found the keys sitting in the passenger seat. 

"Here goes nothing."

I made sure to keep my boot far to the left so it would stay out of the way of the pedals and rested my right foot on the brake, turning the key to start the engine. Like I figured, it purred as it should. Looking at the clock, I knew there was a chance that they were all asleep, but I had to try and help Jase.

Backing out of the driveway, I felt a sense of empowerment. I wasn't at the mercy of others anymore. I could actually get around if needed. Not even a full minute later, I was turning down their drive. Shutting off the car, I got out and headed for the back door. As I rounded the corner, I noticed Canyon's voice just before I caught sight of him singing to my sister on the porch. I hated to interrupt, but some things are more important, and having to know what happened to Jase was my top priority. 

I cleared my throat as I got closer, letting them know I was there. The song stopped abruptly, and Canyon got to his feet.

"You startled me, princess."

He immediately started down the stairs to meet me, while Arianna stood from her chair.

"How did you get here?"

"I drove my car. Canyon, I need you to tell me what happened with Jase over there."

"Over where? Where is he, by the way? I thought you were with him today."

"I was but I mean in Afghanistan. What happened?"

His eyes met with the ground before he lifted them to look at me again.

"Why are you searching for answers? This is his past, his story to tell, not mine."

"Mr. Jenkins said some pretty harsh stuff at Mario’s tonight when we went there to eat, and I just want to know if Jase will be all right. Please tell me."

I was willing to beg. Answers were needed and whatever length I had to go to get them was a moot point.

"That son of a bitch!"

"What's going on?"

I hadn't noticed Arianna come off the porch since I was so focused on Canyon, but she was next to him attempting to calm him down by placing her hand in his.

"Jenkins was running his mouth to Jase tonight. I'll be back later, darlin’, I need to go check on the boy."

"I can do that."

Both of them looked at me like I had grown two heads.

"What? I was there and I know what happened. It would only make sense if it was me. Can you at least tell me if he still lives with his grandma? Or is that classified also?"

"Don't get snotty, young lady. I didn't mean to piss you off, I just don't know what he wants public information and I'm not going to step on the toes of my best worker. If you think you are better suited than me to check on him, by all means, have at it."

"I don't want him to know I told you is all. If this is such a secret, he may be angrier knowing I came and told you."

"She has a point, Canyon. Let her go and handle this." She turned to me for the first time. "His grandmother passed away two years ago but she left the house to him. You remember how to get there?"

"Thank you," was all I said before I turned around and headed to my car.

"Shelby, wait!" 

Looking back over my shoulder, I saw Arianna running toward me.

"You shouldn't be driving. Let me take you."

As much as I appreciated her offer, I needed to do it alone.

"Thank you but I got here just fine. If it were my right foot, I would be in a different place, but it's my left. I got this."

"If you're sure, I just want you to be careful."

"I will."

I started to walk away when her voice came again. "He got to you, didn't he?"

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind, just be careful with all of it, okay?"

"Don't worry. I got it all under control."

"Haha, you think so, huh?"

When I got to my car, she was walking back to Canyon still laughing. 

I had no idea what could be funny, and in that moment, laughing was the last of the possible emotions to run through me. I was on my way to face Jase. It would be the first time I sought him out and the scariest of times as well.

Pulling into his driveway was a chore. Driving wasn't the issue, it was my damn nerves. After shutting the car off, I slid out of my seat and stood there with my hand on the door, staring at a house I would never have dared to enter a week before.

I had always admired the farm house. It was a white two-story, completed with a full wraparound porch. His grandfather built it with his own hands and was admired by the entire community for his hard work. That didn't make me want to enter, though. I was about to try to open a padlocked door and the sleeping dragon I was going to attempt to wake brought on cold-blooded fear.

Just as I was about to get back in the car, giving up the notion I would do anything but make things worse, the front door swung open and Jase was standing there. In only a pair of jeans, there was no wondering anymore if I was welcome. He was furious.