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In Your Eyes (Let It Be Book 3) by Barbara Speak (7)

Chapter Seven

The next morning, I woke up and realized it wasn't morning after all. It was two o'clock in the afternoon and I couldn't believe I slept in that late. My mother had been religious about setting an alarm to make sure I stayed on top of my pain medicine throughout the night which was wonderful; that woman would do anything for me and had proven it time and time again. 

I grabbed my phone and saw that I had missed several calls from friends, but the most important was Izzy. I had promised her I wouldn't let a day go by without us talking and the first day that I was home I reneged. She had been out to the house several times over our years at college, so she knew about my riding, but I was not looking forward to explaining to her what had happened the night before. Looking up the contact and hitting the call button, I waited impatiently for her to answer. When she did, she frantically screamed at me for the seven missed calls.

"I'm sorry I worried you. I had an accident with Nyah and spent the night having surgery on my foot."

"What? You better start going into details right now, Shelby McCormick, because I'm freaking out."

I was forced to pull the phone away from my ear from the volume she was shouting through it but it was nothing I wasn't expecting. After going through every single fine detail with her, I was forced to sit through silence as she processed it all. 

"I have never understood your mad obsession with those horses. It just seems crazy that you would risk your damn life on the back of one of those things. I can't stop shaking!  And what the hell is up with the asshole saying shit like that? You don't believe him, do you? What grown man still picks on the girl he has a crush on? That's elementary level crap right there. Even if he did mean it, you can't be attracted to someone like that. He's a freak."

I didn't have an answer for her. Hell, I didn't have an answer for myself. Was I attracted to Jase? Never. Well, I mean yes, if you count the fact that he had beautiful eyes, a great body that he had been showing off an awful lot, and a smile— What the hell is wrong with me?

"No! The answer is, there is no way I would ever be attracted to Jase."

"Good. Because you got quiet there for a little bit, and I was getting concerned I might need to fly there this weekend and slap some sense into you."

I didn't care what reason she needed, the only thing I focused on was her coming to see me.

"Would you?"

"Would I slap you if you fell for that boy? Absolutely, yes."

"No, I mean, come this weekend?"

"You miss me that much already?"

"You bet I do. Come on. Make it happen."

"You know I would love to, but you are all gimpy now. We wouldn't have any fun."

"I am always fun. Besides, I need you here."

"What you need is to get out of there."

"I'm working on that too."

"Do you really want me? Because you know if you say yes, I can't turn you down."


"Then I will book my flight now."

We hung up after idle chit-chat about the apartment I was going to love, the neighborhood of bars and gyms to frequent, and the lifestyle I couldn't wait to live. Just talking to her about it made getting out of Montana that much more of a need than a want.

Grabbing my crutches, I made my way to the bathroom and the kitchen before I wanted to throw them out a window and never see them again. My mother had left me a note saying that she was sorry she couldn't be home but work called and needed her to come in. She had started working at the bank in town a couple weeks after moving back and had worked her way up to supervisor in under a year. If there was any type of crisis, she was the only one they counted on. Which meant I was on my own.

One can only sit and do nothing for so long before claustrophobia begins to set in. I have never been lazy in my life. I don't understand those that enjoy doing nothing. Needless to say, I was dressed and heading over to my sister's within an hour. The distance grew by miles with crutches. My armpits hurt, and the pain meds didn't touch them. It was like the drugs knew they were for my leg alone. By the time I reached the far corner of their front yard, I had them both under one arm and was hopping my way through the grass to the front door. Turning the handle, I found it locked, but that wasn't surprising at all. No one came through the front door. I knocked, but no one answered. Knocking again, I knew in my gut that it wouldn't help. They wouldn't be in the house anyway unless they were in the kitchen which was too far from the front door to hear me.


Grabbing onto the house for leverage, I took a deep breath and told myself, "You can do this." Halfway around the back, I realized just how stupid I was for even trying. I pulled the crutches back out, but as soon as they made contact with the skin under my arms the pain was back. 

Dealing with the annoyance, I forged on, knowing once I reached the back porch I could sit, but have company to enjoy versus being at home staring at a television. 

I rounded the back corner with a forced smile on my face, seeing the kids were laughing while playing tag. What I didn’t take notice of was the dog that came out of nowhere and jumped up on me, knocking what little balance I had off kilter. 

"Maggie, no."

As I fell, I heard Arianna scream at the dog, but it was pointless. She had done her job, and I was exactly where she wanted me—on the ground and easier to lick. Too busy worrying about her accidentally stepping on my leg, I didn’t take notice of the sound of the screen door being thrown open, or his heavy footsteps running down the stairs, but when he lifted me off the ground, I had never been happier to see my brother-in-law.

"What have you done now? Gone and lost your mind? I'm pretty sure we paid more than enough money for that education, little one, for you to know better. Why didn't you call me? I would have drove there and picked you up."

He berated me across the lawn and up the stairs until I was sat down in a chair, but his smile never left his face. 

"Because I'm stubborn, clearly, and wanted to do this by myself."

"Stupid goes beyond stubborn, and this fits the bill." He tapped my good leg to confirm his teasing was just that before he brought over another chair to rest my foot on. "You want something to drink? I just made tea."

"I would love some."

Seconds later, Jase came from the house with a glass in hand. He didn't make eye contact with me as he handed me the drink and I was slightly grateful. Having the conversation that was needed in front of Canyon was a disaster in the making. So instead, I simply said, "Thanks" and then looked out over the property. He stood over me long enough that it became awkward, but eventually, he gave up and went out to the barn.

I spent the better part of the afternoon watching everyone work and have fun together. Their lives were exactly the way they dreamed them to be and seeing it play out first-hand was better than any TV show. Occasionally, one of them would feel bad for me and come sit on the porch for a few minutes, but I made sure to let them know I was okay and to go have fun. At one point, Jase chased Amelia out of the barn. She was screaming her head off and running as fast as her little legs could carry her, but she was no match for the man set to torture her. When he caught up, she was over his shoulder in seconds being spun around until he himself was so dizzy he was forced to stop. The two laughed as they laid on the ground aiming to get their sorts back. I hadn't realized I was smiling until he looked up at me wearing a matching one. Why I didn't look away made no sense to me, but he didn't, either. It was as if we both were trapped in some parallel universe where we weren't sworn enemies and could actually get along.

Amelia started pulling on his shoulders as he attempted to stand, but he instead flipped her over on her back and tickled her until she screamed she had to pee and was up and running into the house in no time. I continued to watch as Jase stood up and brushed the dirt off himself. He really was attractive whether I wanted to accept it or not, but what emotion took over as he made his way toward me, rubbing his hand through his hair, was pure panic. I couldn't pretend I was doing something because there was nothing for me to do. So, I was forced to wiggle in my chair hoping to find some comfort in the most uncomfortable situation ever as he made his way to me.

At first, he said nothing. He simply sat down in a chair and put the ball cap he was carrying on his head backward, only intensifying those eyes that could trap any soul that dared to stare too long.

"How are you feeling?"

"Did you end up getting any sleep?

Both of us asked questions at the same time. He laughed, but I just couldn't. I was too nervous, so I figured answering him was easier than anything else.

"I'm feeling okay. I am going to need to take another pill soon, but other than that, I'm good."

"I heard you walked here. That wasn't very bright."

"Always one to go for the slam versus charm, aren’t you?"

He took his hat off and tapped it a few times against his leg before he put it back on.

"Did you bring your meds with you?"

"I didn't really think too much about that when I left."

"So that's a no?"

"Yes, that's what I meant to say."

"When are you supposed to take them?"

I hadn't been keeping track of time, but I knew the throbbing pain was beginning to tell me the answer was soon.

"I'm supposed to take it at four o'clock."

He stood up abruptly and looked down at me disappointed. 

"It's five thirty, Red."

No wonder I was beginning to feel a heartbeat in my leg.

"Well, crap, then I guess I better head back."

"Are you crazy? Like I would let you walk back."

He picked me up with one hand, holding my crutches in the other.

"Put me down. I'm not an invalid, you know."

"Closest thing to it in these parts. Now shut your trap, woman."

As we passed the kitchen door, Amelia was standing there snickering. 

"You find this funny, do you?"

"Uh huh," was all she said as she continued giggling, I'm sure long after I was out of sight. 

When we got to his truck, Jase set me in the seat before he turned and yelled out to the barn, "I'm taking Red for her medicine. I'll be right back to finish up."

Canyon walked out looking as confused as I felt.

"I can take her."

He started walking toward us when Jase responded, "I got her." Then he closed my door, walked around, and got in. To say it was uncomfortable would be the understatement of the year. 

We sat silently all the way to my house, and then Jase looked at me and asked, "Do you want to stay here or come back?"

I hadn't thought about that option. I was just ready to jump from the truck as soon as it slowed to a stop. Looking around, I noticed my mother's car was still missing. "I guess I will go back, if you don't mind."

"Where are the pills?"


"Where did you leave your meds? It's easier for me to go grab them than it is for you to get out, right? So where are they?"

Instead of arguing over something he was right about, I simply said, "On the kitchen counter next to the stove."

"I'll be right back."

He got out and left his door open causing his truck to ding the entire time until I leaned over and pulled the keys from the ignition. Just as he said, he was closing the door and on his way back to the truck, holding the bottle up for me to see with a smile that couldn't be painted more perfect. God, was I confused.

"Sorry about the door. I'm not used to having someone with me to annoy."

He closed the door but didn't grab the keys from my outstretched finger. Instead, he turned in his seat to face me.

"About last night—"


"Red, please let me talk for once without you cutting me off."

He waited to make sure my lips were sealed before he began again. 

"I have been thinking about you since the second I left that hospital last night, and I want to say I'm sorry."

"For what? Leaving without answering me, or for torturing me for the last thirteen years?"

"Seriously? I tortured you? You are the one who took away the only kid willing to play with me on my first day here. You, not me, you, decided it would be funny to have Melody Anderson pretend to like me in seventh grade only to dump me in front of everyone at lunch the same day—"

"That was after you wouldn't let me play kickball because you said I was a prissy girl who couldn't kick."

"What about when you put a frog in my drink?"

"You pulled my hair."

"You ruined science fair project!"

"You put red punch in my chair at junior prom and made everyone think I started my damn period. Nothing is worse than that, Jase, so just stop."

"No. It took me weeks to gather up the nerve to ask you to that prom and you said yes. You made me believe I had a shot with you, and then when I showed up to pick you up, you had already left with Dax Hartman. Do you have any idea what that did to me? I saved up for months and spent it all renting a damn tux to wear for only your mother to see. The flowers, the dinner reservations …. You left me to feel like a fool, Red!"

I was shocked still. The last few sentences were hard to process. I was sure when he asked me back then it was a prank he was pulling to make me look stupid. I had no idea he was serious, and the way the veins were popping out of his neck as he screamed the truth to me only made me sink lower in my seat. I honestly had no idea, and it broke my heart that I did that to anyone. No wonder he was hell-bent on making that night miserable for me; I had destroyed his.

I softly whispered, "I'm so sorry, Jase." But it did nothing. He was fuming mad. I scooted closer to him never leaving his eyes before I grabbed his face in my hands, and brought mine inches from his.

"I'm not that girl anymore, and I'm sorry that I hurt you."

I could feel his breath on my lips as he said, "I'm not that boy anymore, either, Red, and if you don't move back away from me, I'm going to prove it to you."

I knew I needed to move, but something inside me burned to find out what he would do if I didn’t. It was as if I was still that little girl that would call his bluff even though I swore I had changed. So, instead of backing away, I moved even closer until our lips were separated by nothing but a simple movement. Feeling the goosebumps prickling against my skin, I was seconds from breaking when he pulled back, allowing me to let out the breath I was holding. 

"Screw it," he said, and then slammed his lips against mine. My body answered his need before my head could talk me out of it. He was hot, sexy, and my God could that man kiss. Every time a thought would attempt to process, he would swipe his tongue across mine or bite my bottom lip. I was completely lost in Jase Jergensmeyer. 

That was, until the horn of my mother's car blared causing both of us to jump to opposite sides of the truck while simultaneously saying, "Shit."