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Muse by Nina Auril (22)




“Bed?” I whisper. I can’t believe the excitement that rises inside me.

He smirks at me. “Yes, Abby. Bed. Separately, in case you had anything else in mind.”

I feel the blush creep up from my neck until the roots of my hair. The disappointment I feel is ridiculous, but I really, really want him to kiss me. I’ve been wanting it since I saw the dress, since I saw the way he prepared our living room, and since I saw him in that suit.

“I… of course I didn’t have anything else in mind. I’ll… I’ll go to bed,” I mutter, hurrying to my feet. “Thank you,” I tell him over my shoulder before entering my room.

Covering my mouth I growl into my hands. I wanted him to kiss me so much.

What if I wasn’t good at kissing? What if he decided he didn’t like kissing me after he kissed me last night?

I groan in frustration.

It used to be easy before. I didn’t have this kind of need toward anyone. I just used my vibrator from time to time and there would be no more distracting thoughts in my mind. But since last night, there’s nothing else I can think of. I’m being stupid.

With the mixture of frustration and disappointment I tug at my zipper harshly, but it doesn’t open. I try again, harder this time and I hear a snapping sound.

Perfect. I’ve snapped the zipper.

Feeling even more irritated I try to open it enough to get it off, but it needs two hands and I can only use one with the side zipper.

I bite my lip. I don’t want to ask him for help. I don’t want to be alone with him in my room because I really can’t even recognize myself right now, but I have no other choice.

“Brant,” I call out.

A few seconds pass, but there is no reply from him. I open my door, peeking my head out. “Brant,” I try again.

He walks out of his room in only a pair of grey sweatpants and my mouth dries. I swallow as my eyes roam over his chest, his abdominal muscles are pronounced and I find myself so fond of his tattoos. I used to think inking your body was a stupid idea, but every time I look at him my thoughts change and I like his body art more and more.

My breathing gets faster as he strides toward me. “You shouldn’t look at me like that. It’ll get you in trouble.”

I clear my throat, trying to get my mind to work. When did I turn into a girl who drools over a guy?

“My dress is stuck. I think I broke the zipper. Can you help me out of it?”

His eyes shine with fire the moment the words leave my mouth.

“With pleasure.” He smirks, following me into the room.

The weight of his gaze is too much, my breath hitches in my throat as I stand in front of my mirror and lift my arm so he can study the zipper.

“Yes, you broke it. I wonder how that happened,” he murmurs with amusement dripping from his voice.

I blush when I remember how frustrated I was with the want to kiss him, and I notice with astonishment I’m still as frustrated… maybe even more.

I keep my eyes on the mirror, but the way his knuckles caress my side as he tries to move the stuck zipper down makes me clench my thighs together.

“It would be easier if you didn’t fidget so much, Abby,” he whispers like he’s talking about something else, something more carnal instead of what this is all about.               His breath tickles my neck. I’m afraid he’ll hear the way my heart beats.

“Lift your arms all the way up,” he says, grabbing my forearms to guide my arms into position.

Can a voice be an aphrodisiac? Because I’m sure his is.

I do what he says and I’m scared I’ll do whatever he tells me to do at that second. I’m under a spell, the connection between my body and my mind is broken. He moves his hands down from my forearms, making his way down to my armpits and all the way to my sides. A little whimper escapes from my throat when his fingers dig into my hipbone and he continues his way down to my thighs until he can reach the hem of my dress. I’m beguiled, lost in his eyes as those blue pools keep me captive in the mirror. With one swift move my dress is pulled over and off my body, my hair hits my back as it falls over my shoulders.

“Fuck.” I hear Brant breath out.

“Fuck me,” he says and if his voice is a little louder I would think he was saying that to me, but I decide it’s just a shocked expression.

I’m standing in my grey lace lingerie with my eyes locked on his face as his eyes roam over my body. Lingerie is my secret pleasure, just like the erotica books I read more than I’d like to admit. My underwear drawer is full of those sexy bras and panties and now, Brant knows about them too. I don’t know if I’m turned on or embarrassed, probably both, but because of the way his eyes burn bright with raw lust I don’t care he’s found out.

He takes a step closer to me, pushing me toward my wardrobe. “You’re too much, Abby,” he whispers. With another step, my front is pushed against the hard wooden. His naked chest behind my back, I can feel every perfectly cut muscle of his chest behind me. And he pushes his hips against my butt. I can’t help the moan that escapes from my throat when I feel how hard he is. “You’re too perfect, too tempting… even to a priest,” he whispers, rolling his hips, letting me feel him everywhere. “And I’m not one,” he growls. His one arm circles my waist, his hand splayed open on my stomach and I shiver with the contact. “But I’m not gonna kiss you again, Abby,” he whispers, nuzzling into my neck.

His warmth does amazing things to my body, things I can’t even begin to understand or describe and I can’t help but push my hips back on his. I’m so needy, so horny and I want some kind of friction between us, enough to give me the relief my body craves so much.

He groans. “You’re a siren. You don’t even know you are and it just makes you even more dangerous. But I’m not gonna kiss you, no matter how tempting you are,” he says, even though he doesn’t do anything to move away from me.

“What if I kiss you?” I blurt out. I can’t even recognize my own voice. It’s dripping with a rawness I’ve never heard before. It’s almost slutty, but I’m too wired up to care or be ashamed of it.

He wraps my hair around his hand, slowly pulling my head back enough to look at him. “Then I’d rip this stupid lace off of your body and trust my achingly hard cock into your hot, wet cunt, Abby,” he growls into my ear. Biting my earlobe, he adds, “I wouldn’t be gentle. I’d fuck you so hard you’d scream my name.” He pulls back my hair a little more, my neck exposed to him, giving his lips easy access as he licks and nibbles the side of my neck. I moan with the pain that makes my body throb everywhere. I can feel how wet I am. Even my thighs are slick with my arousal, but I still push back on him. “I’d fuck you so hard you can’t walk straight for a week,” he groans and he moves away so fast I’m almost about to fall to my knees when his body is too far away to balance mine.

“We wouldn’t want that to happen, would we Abby?” he asks, smirking.

I’m too distracted to reply or give any kind of reaction. I can’t take my eyes off the bulge in his sweatpants and I lick my lips.

“That’s not how your homecoming to sex should be,” he says and leaves my room with a wink. “And it shouldn’t be with me.”

I stay in my room, alone with my embarrassment and my frustration. My body is too wired up to sleep. Lying down on my bed, I watch the ceiling and think of the release I so want to have. All I can think of is him… him and the big bulge in his sweatpants.



“What?” I snap when he knocks my door.

He peeks his head into my room. His darn smirk is in place. “Are you awake?”

I glare at him. “I didn’t sleep.”

He bits his lip, probably to stop his laughter. “Great. Me neither. Get up, take a shower. We’re leaving in twenty,” he says and closes the door before I can say a word.

Ahh, right. Camping.

I get up. I’m tense and grumpy. I want to break something or yell or fight or do all three as I make my way to bathroom.

When I get out of bathroom, Brant whistles. “Nice legs.”

I blush, looking down at my outfit. I’m wearing my only pair of jean shorts. I bought it when I first moved here for college and have never worn it because it’s too short for my preference. The shorts barely cover my butt cheeks and I don’t even know why I decided to wear it today. My t-shirt choice isn’t any different. The grey tank top I wear shows a lot of cleavage, it almost shows the bra I put on underneath it.

I frown. “I should change,” I murmur.

“Hell no, you shouldn’t. You look good enough to eat,” he says and grabs my backpack, heading out of the apartment.

I bite my bottom lip, suddenly feeling giddy as I follow him out of the apartment.


“What’s this camp for?” I ask when the road turns into a gravel road.

“It’s an artsy type camp. I’m a member of a club in college, it’s not a big club nor a cool one, but I like how laidback those people are. Also, they just care about their art so there won’t be any ridiculous shit like in those frat parties. It’ll be like it’s just the two of us, even though there will be other people around. You know artsy kids, they’re kinda weird.”

I’m not sure if I like the idea of being around other people, but for once I just want to give it a try, just like I did with the art class and that turned out to be fun.

“So you’re telling me you’re weird?”  I ask, smiling at him so he knows I’m teasing.

“Of course I’m weird.”

I turn toward him slightly so I can look at him. “How so?”

“Hmm, you want an example? Okay… for example, nature always makes me want to do something crazy like driving to the waterfall.” He grins.

Frowning, I ask. “What’s weird about that?”

“It’s weird, because I’m thinking of kissing every inch of you, in the woods, where someone can walk in on us just as my head is between those gorgeous legs that have tempted me since the moment you stepped out of the bathroom.” His voice suddenly drops a few octaves, becoming huskier.

I’m looking at him like a deer caught in headlights. I’ve lost my ability to talk. My tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth. My heart is running a marathon. And my imagination is running wild with the picture he drew with his words. I clench my thighs to stop the throbbing between my legs, but it only intensifies my need.

I jump when he grabs my hand. “Come with me,” he whispers.

I’m ready to come just from your words, I think, but no words get past my lips. I only nod.

He grins like he won the lottery and turns left on the mountain road. All I can do is trying to calm myself, but nothing is working. I’m hyperventilating when he stops the truck and comes to my side to open my door.

After gathering some stuff from the back of the car, he grabs my hand and guides me on the rocky ground, leaves crunching beneath our feet. The wind is blowing, whistling around us… or is it just my wheezing breath?

Please, goodness. Don’t let me die before he puts it in.

And please, let it be pleasurable instead of painful.

The view in front of me interrupts my thoughts, giving me a peaceful feeling as I just adore the beauty of nature instead of thinking of every inappropriate thing I’ve never thought of before.

He then lets go of my hand and I hold my breath as he takes off his t-shirt.

Oh my god. Are we just doing it?

Should I take my clothes off, too?

Or maybe he’d like to do it… isn’t that how it happens in my books?

His jeans fall to the ground next and he heads toward the water in his black briefs.

Hmm, he has a really good butt.

And when I start to think he’ll get in the water with his briefs, he takes those off as well, leaving me with the image of his strong, round, biteable, naked butt.

Biteable? Seriously, Abby?

Wait… aren’t we going to have sex? Why is he swimming?

“Are you just going to stand there, Abby?” he hollers from the water.

I’m confused and my mind is still in that short circuit situation. “What? What should I do?”

“Take of your clothes and get in the water, baby.”

“What? Like… naked?”

He swims toward me. “You can get in with your underwear, even though I’d prefer you naked.”

I swallow and gather my courage. Focusing my eyes above his head, I take off my tank top and unbutton my shorts.

I hear him murmur fuck again and it reminds me of last night. I’m as nervous and aroused as then.

“Is it cold?” I ask.

“Don’t worry. I’ll keep you warm,” he says, outstretching his arms for me.

Taking a deep breath, I step into the water.

“It’s cold. Shizzle. It’s so cold,” I shriek. He laughs at me, walking toward me to pull me inside. He’s still waist deep in the water, but I fight with my eyes as they try to peek in to get a view of him. Oh my… I’m turning into such a pervert.

“Are there any fish in here?”

He shrugs. “Probably,” he says, tugging me to him slowly. “But nothing is going to bite you harder than I will.”

My breath hitches and I whimper when our bodies make contact.

“I’ll protect you,” he whispers, but fish are the last thing that concerns me right now. All I can focus on is his body… his naked body… his naked body that touches everywhere it shouldn’t touch.

“You’re naked,” I whisper.

“I’m very aware of that, baby.”

Two parts in me are fighting. A part of me wants to get closer to him while another part of me wants to push him away, put some distance between us. But he pulls me closer, making the decision for me and I just sigh as his warmth radiates from him and seeps into me. His hands move down to grab my thighs and he picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist.

Our lips are just breaths away and his are caressing mine as he talks. “You’re dangerous, Abby.”

“Wh-what?” I murmur, trying to contemplate his words. But instead of repeating what he said he pulls me under the water with him. I quickly hold my breath, my eyes widen in panic. I’m not prepared to dive in and my breath won’t last me long.

Before I can push him to go up, his lips crash on mine. As we exchange the air, his hands move over my body, feeling my breasts and my butt. He pulls me closer to his crotch, rubbing his hardness over me. My arms move involuntarily and grab his neck to pull him closer to me. I don’t know if sex would feel good, but the way his penis is rubbing my labia over my panties, the way his crown hits my clitoris each time he pushes feels incredible. I don’t even have a word to describe the pleasure running through my spine.

Soft wind blows around us when he pushes us back to the surface, but we are still kissing. I don’t need air, I just need him. On me, in me, all over me…

He bites my bottom lip before our lips separate. I’m panting, but also clinging to him like a koala. He slowly pushes me off him. “You need to eat,” he says.

My lips part. I don’t know if I want to laugh or cry.

Eating? That’s the last thing I want right now.

“Your blood sugar will fall if you don’t eat soon,” he adds, standing up to get out of the water. I can’t believe how comfortable he is with his nakedness, but I can’t say I’m complaining as his hard penis points at me before it’s covered by his briefs.

“C’mon, you’ll get cold,” he says, lifting a  blanket he got from his truck.

Sighing I get out of the water and let him wrap me in the blanket. The gesture warms my heart before my body.

“You sit here, I’ll start the fire.”