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Muse by Nina Auril (4)




Who prefers the name Brant when they have something like Coyer Alexander Marshall III?

It’s like a count’s name. And Coyer sounds so much more serious and regal than Brant. It gives the impression that he has his life together, but maybe that’s the reason he doesn’t use it. He doesn’t seem like he has anything in order.

Before letting the guy inside, I check him out. Black boots, dark skinny ripped jeans, white t-shirt, beanie, and tattoos. He looks… sexy.


I shake my head, I don’t find guys sexy. Especially not someone like him. A proper guy should wear a suit and an expensive watch as he goes to his important and serious job. Only those kind of guys can give someone the stability they need. Coyer here looks like the total opposite of that guy.

“Come in, Coyer,” I say. He murmurs something under his breath, but I don’t have time for small talk.

“Okay, this will be your room. This is kitchen and living room area. That room over there is mine, totally off limits to you,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest and I give him a look to show that I’m serious about my privacy.

He nods as he studies the place, a frown is on his face. If he doesn’t like it then he should be quick about making up his mind.

“If you don’t like you can say so,” I snap, not liking the uncertainty on his features.

“No, no. That’s not it. Just this place is so… white and empty,” he says slowly. Like the emptiness is offensive to him on some profound personal level.

Looking around my place I smile. Yeah, everything is white and I have as few things cluttering up the space as possible. “Yes, I don’t like distractions.”

“I think the place can use some color,” he suggests.

Well, no, thank you. I glare at him. I don’t like when people try to change my routines or my habits. “You can decorate your room, but the common area will stay the way it is.”

He shrugs. I don’t like people who shrug, I mean what does that even mean?

“I have rules,” I say, counting on my fingers as I list my rules. “No hitting on me. No parties. No mess. I don’t want to see strangers in my apartment,”

“Our apartment,” he interrupts me and he looks me up and down with a smirk on his face. I try to ignore the fluttering in my tummy that smirk is causing. Ugh.

“Whatever. You can invite your guests when I’m not here and you need to leave the place free of any mess before I come in. Okay?”

“No problem,” he says, even though he still has that annoying smirk on his face and it doesn’t instill a sense of trust in me at all.

Sighing I ask, “So you’re moving in?”

He nods. “I’ll bring my things today. Is that okay?”

“I can’t wait for you to bring your stuff. I have class.”

“What are you studying?”

“I’m a pre-med student and I can’t be late. I don’t like being late.”

He bites his lip and raises and eyebrow. “Is there anything you do like?”

Is he making fun of me? I glare at him. “Yes, order.”

“I figured. Okay, how about you give me the keys so I’ll be moved in before you come back.You won’t have to deal with any of the mess.”

“How can I trust you not to touch my things?”

He places his hands into his jeans pockets and shrugs again. “I don’t know, but you should find a way to trust me since you’ll be living with me.”

I open my mouth but close it when I have nothing to say in response. So instead I throw the key for him to catch. Grabbing my purse and textbook I look at him over my shoulder. “Pay the rent to the landlord in the first floor, apartment 1. And since you live here you better do the grocery shopping too.”

He chuckles behind me as I leave the apartment. “Whatever you want, wifey.”

Ha ha. How mature. I shake my head.

I hope sharing the apartment with him isn’t a bad decision.


“Now, take a deep breath and name the emotions you’re feeling. Are you happy, nervous, sad? And write that down,” Professor Todd starts her lecture in her usual unique way, like a psychologist instead of a biochemist.

I try to focus on what I’m feeling instead of her small figure. She’s a middle aged, short and chubby woman in traditional hispanic clothes. She looks like a philosophy professor instead of a medical science lecturer. Miss Todd doesn’t have that cold and professional look to her, she’s all friendly and always smiling.

It makes me nervous. Like she’s seeing right through us and laughing at an inside joke. I mean, no one can be that happy all the time, right?

Anyway, focus. How am I feeling?

Nervous. Uneasy.

I frown at the answer I get from myself. The emotions I pull through me surprise me.

Why am I uneasy? I feel like I’m missing something.

Getting out my notepad I check my to-do list.




Find yourself a roommate.

Pay the rent.

Do shopping.


Do yoga.


Go to library.

Tutor Levi.







Well, there’s nothing I missed.

My thoughts go to my new roommate, Coyer Brant. There’s something unsettling about him. He’s so much different than me and has that arrogant, flirtatious streak in him. I don’t like it. The uneasiness comes from that, I believe. He’s an unknown factor in my life scheme. He can change the result and I don’t know him well enough to decide if the result will be what I expect.

I like certainties and he is not one.

I like knowledge and I have none about him.

Why did I agree to share my place with someone like him?

Because you need money and he’ll provide it, my subconscious sneers at me.


“Whatever you’re feeling, it’s serotonin that affects your mood. It’s one of the strongest chemicals our body synthesis because of magical thing called serotonin decides your mood, your decisions, your appetite, and even your sex drive. When the level of serotonin increases you’re happier, you eat more but that’s not a problem because your metabolism will work faster,” she keeps explaining the serotonin effect with her bright smile, bringing me back from my reverie, “You’ll smile and you’ll want to have sex. So, yay for serotonin, right?” She adds and giggles like a schoolgirl.

“When the serotonin level is low, you don’t want to go outside or spend time with your friends. And for the important part you want to know: Yes, when the level is low your libido goes down too,” she giggles again. She’s trying to get students’ attention by using sexual information and to my surprise, it’s working. I don’t know why people are so hooked on sex. I’ve been there, done that, and gotten my t-shirt. The whole thing is totally overrated.

I shake my head. Either my serotonin level is low or I just don’t like happy people.

“And this whole situation is what we call depression. And that’s where Serotonin Reuptakes Inhibitors play a roll in treating depression.”

Well, nope. I’m not depressed.

Instead of focusing on Miss Todd’s interesting way of talking, I try to focus on her lecture and take notes. But my leg is bouncing again. My mind is in my apartment. I’m trying to stay calm and get rid of the anxiety that is threatening to overwhelm me.

What if he steals from my house?

What if he changes the order of my books on the shelves?

What if he puts the toilet paper over instead of under?

What if his coffee mugs don’t go well with mine?

Oh no, what if he puts booze everywhere in my house or changes the design of my apartment and breaks the flow of my Feng Shui?

I shouldn’t have agreed to get another roommate. What was I thinking?


My phone vibrates on my desk with an incoming text. I frown, hasn’t he paid the rent yet? Because only the landlord texts me.

*What do you like to eat?*


*Who is this?*

*Your roommate. ;) *

*Why are you asking this?* I don’t give people info about myself that easily. You can’t know what they will do with that information. Kind of paranoid I know, but better be paranoid than being sorry. I’ve learned that lesson the hard way.

*Because I’m going shopping and it would be rude of me to buy things that only I like.*

Oh, makes sense. I’ve never thought about that when I did the shopping. He is… thoughtful, I think.

*Healthy and low calorie things, please*

*Low calorie? Why?*

I frown. What’s it to him? *Because I’m on a diet*

*On a diet?! What for? You’re already in fucking fantastic shape!*

I gasp. I’ve never gasped before. Looking down I check myself out. I’m in my yoga pants and a loose t-shirt because I don’t have time to change before going to my yoga classes. Nothing fantastic about that. I bite my lip.

Is he hitting on me?

Another text comes before I can decide. *It’s a compliment and the truth, Abby. You should say thank you*

*Okay. Thank you. And I like eating healthy*

*Healthy boring stuff. Got it. Your wish is my command. See you at home.*

I want to smile.

Why do I want to smile?

He’s ridiculous. And already feeling at home it seems.


“Okay, that’s enough for today. The weather is great so go and have some fun outside kids,” Miss Todd says, clapping her chubby hands together. And I’m glad for the distraction she gives me from my thoughts.

Gathering my things, I walk fast toward my yoga class. My mind feels full of thoughts and I can’t seem to focus as much as I used to. I need to relax and find my calm, peaceful silence so my thoughts can be in order in my mind like they always are.

It feels like something is shifting in my life and I don’t like it.