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My One Regret by Burgoa, Claudia (21)



Sadie never responded my texts. I called her daily, but I only got her voicemail. She never returned my calls as I requested. After seven days of not seeing her, I couldn’t wait any longer. Breaking my routine, I flew back home. That woman thought we were through, and I had just started. Armed with what I hoped was the most powerful weapon to break through to her, I drove to her shop as soon as I landed.

“Where is she?” I looked around the shop.

“I knew you wouldn’t fail me.” Raven grinned.

“What are you talking about?”

“You don’t know, do you?”

“Know what?

“Why are you here?’

“Because she’s not returning my fucking calls or my texts,” I explained, running a hand through my hair as I tried to push away my frustration. “I miss her, and she thinks we’re over. But she’s wrong.”

“Good enough reason.”

“Is there another one?”

“Yours is better. Sadie went home to avoid her mother.”

“Then that’s where I’m heading. Thank you, Rae.”

I snatched a daisy from the bunch she had on the working table. Instead of driving to her place, I left my car where I parked it, close to the shop, and walked toward Sadie’s house. As I approached her apartment building, the light rain that began when I left the shop became a downpour. The droplets were the size of almonds, they smashed their way down my body. I ran fast to reach my destination. Thankfully someone was coming out of the building when I arrived.

“Where are you going?”

“To visit Sadie Bell.”

“The girl from 4C? She’s a sweetheart,” the woman said walking away but leaving the door open for me.

I took the stairs, but the weight of the wet denim slowed me down. Once I reached her floor, I spotted Sadie. Her back facing the stairs. She was wearing a pair of colorful leggings and a long blouse. Her feet were bare, and her hair was tied into a braid.

“Just the woman I wanted to see.”

She turned around and smiled at me. Her gaze took hold of me. She searched my body up and down like I’d just appeared out of nowhere, like a dream or a mirage.

“Hades,” she whispered.

“Hi, Little Minx. You seem a bit preoccupied.”

“Something tells me you are the mastermind behind these boxes.” Sadie stared at the soaking flower I brought. Her eyes widen, and her mouth opened. “What did she do to you?”

“I didn’t think about the rain when I decided to run with it.”

“You don’t run with flowers,” she bickered, placing her hands on her waist. “Have I taught you nothing?”

“I don’t recall having a lesson on what not to do when you’re in a hurry.”

“Poor thing, you annihilated it,” her eyes moved from the flower I held, traveling slowly along my body until they found my own. “You’re soaking wet. Why are you here?”

“Where’s your phone?” I replied taking a step closer to her.

“In my pocket …,” she answered cautiously, turning to the carrier I had with me. “You came all the way from New York to check on my phone?”

“I called you several times.”

“I noticed.”

“You didn’t answer.”

“The messages said, ‘Call me when you can.’ That gives me leeway.”

“You’re mad at me.”

“Why would I be mad at you?” She turned to the boxes. “Well, other than havingx all these packages outside my house for no reason.”

Her back tensed, and slowly she veered, looking back at me. “Why is your bag squeaking?”

“Invite me in, and you’ll see.”

“Nah, I have some stuff to do.”

“Like go back inside and watch Netflix?”

“Eat popcorn with carobs.”

“How can I forget the ritual?” I slammed the heel of my palm on my forehead.

“What’s in that bag,” she insisted and walked toward me.

“You have a cat in there? I’m allergic.” She scrunched her nose staring at the carrier. “Come back when you don’t have a weapon to kill me.”

“Aren’t we exaggerating a little?” I followed behind her.

“Here, take this.” I handed her the carrier. “Don’t open it until I get all the boxes inside.”

She stepped into her apartment, opening the door wider for me. It didn’t take me long to pull the boxes in and open them. Food, a bed, a tree, litter, and the litter box had arrived earlier as I requested.

I marched toward her, kissed her cheek.

“Hey,” I whispered and nuzzled her hair, putting my arms around her while I took in her sweet aroma of jasmine, gardenia, and peach. Home. “I missed you.”

“You shouldn’t,” she mumbled, her hands wrapped around my neck. “We need some time apart.”

“After seven days without you, I’d have to disagree.” I pressed her closer. “You were right from the beginning. We can’t be just friends. And I’ve discovered that I can’t be without you.”

Our eyes locked. She could deny that there was something between us, but the desire burning in her gaze disagreed with her words. Something was growing between us, I dared to call it love. The kind that I wrote about but never dreamt that I could feel myself.


Sadie moved her gaze toward the carrier, releasing my neck.

“Why do you have a cat in that bag?”

“Because you need a furry friend.” Hesitantly, I released her body feeling empty when I lost her warmth.

“She’s a demanding girl.”

He is vocal,” I corrected her and opened the bag taking out a small furball.

“Oh my God, he’s adorable,” she clapped lightly, leaning in closer. “You’re precious, handsome boy.”

“He’s a Bengal cat,” I explained. “Hypoallergenic, active, and he’s only ten weeks old.”

“A kitty?” she switched her attention from the cat to me several times.

“He’s ready to be loved and to take over your apartment.”

“You’re making this hard.”

“What’s this?”

“Keeping my distance from you.”

“Why do you fight what’s happening between us?”

“Because it doesn’t feel safe for my heart. You’re a great friend, but …”

“But I’m a famous asshole, a playboy with a failed marriage, and incapable of love. You believe that if you take the leap, I’ll hurt you when we’re done.” I shrugged.

“You can love.” She stared at the little cat and bit her lip. “Though, you’re confirming my point. You don’t want to be with someone for the long haul. To fall so deeply that you don’t know where you end or begin.”

“Weeks ago, I’d have said you were right, that there was no way I could fall in love. However, you’ve proved me wrong. I accepted your challenge, and we’re friends—but there’s something about you that I never even knew I wanted or needed. If you give me more time to figure it out, we can discover more—together.”

“You make it sound like an experiment. Do you want me to put myself on the line while you research? As if I were the guinea pig?”

“You’re a tiny little bird, not a rodent,” I corrected her. “Maybe a kitten … like this one.”

I changed the subject because I wasn’t ready to disclose more. I needed more time to understand what we had and make sure I didn’t fuck it up.

“He’s handsome. Thank you so much for the gift.” She hugged him against her chest.

“But he needs a name.” She sat on the couch, setting him on her lap.

“It’s your job to name him.”

“The blue-eyed guy reminds me of …” she turned to look at me and smiled.

“Hmm.” She tapped her chin. “Frank Sinatra.”

“I thought you’d go for something like Snowball.”

“That’s perfect. Sinatra Snowball Bell”

“No, he should be Hades. Frank Sinatra Snowball Killian Hades.”

“Killian Hades sounds great. Like your band.” She twisted her mouth to the side. “You should save that one for a human child, not a furry child.”

“I already have my quota of children.”

“That’s right, you have two beautiful girls. But I didn’t know there was a quota.”

“It is two too many. I’m not the best person to be having children. Look at me. I suck as a parent. The wisest thing to do is quit while I’m ahead.”

“You’re a great father. Tess and Hannah are lucky to have you.”

“Every day I feel like a failure,” I confessed. “I wished I could be around them a lot more. That I’d done more when they were babies.”

“The fact that every day you try to be a better man says a lot about you,” she reached for my hand and squeezed it. “You are a wonderful father. I’ve seen you. Never doubt that, but you can keep improving.”

“Then we put Killian Hades away from the cat list.”

“Up to you.”

“Wait, we can’t name a kid Killian. The nickname would be Kill.” I snickered. “Kill Hades”

“That didn’t occur to me. But I’m sure there’s another name out there that would go great with Hades.”

“Do you realize that my children are doomed?”

“Nah, it’s a cool last name. But you have to create a good list of names for children before you have any more.”

“You think I should have a list of names before I meet my son?”

“Well, yeah. The name needs to match the last name and his personality. What if you name him Cameron and he looks like a George?”

“I hate those names.”

“Calm down, it’s just an example,” she said, hiding a smirk. “You can buy a book or browse baby names online.”

“We buy a book then,” I suggested, caressing the kitten’s chin.

“To name the cat, Snooker Boo?” She whipped her head around.

“No, I’m talking about our children, Puddin’ Knickers.”

“I have to stop you right at Puddin’ Knickers, Pookie Bear. That’s the worst nickname,” she protested. “Now, let’s go back to children. There are no children on my horizon.”

“Not in the immediate future,” I corrected. “But there’s always the possibility.”

“Well, first, I’d need a boyfriend. I think we’d need a couple of years to get to know each other. Maybe move in together. He could propose, and by the third year, we’d get married. We’d have two kids or three, and when they were older, we could also become foster parents.”

“Slow down, Hummingbird.”

“What did you call me?”

“Hummingbird,” I repeated.

“Hmm,” she closed her eyes for a second and when she opened them she granted me a bright smile. “I actually like that one.”

“I figured, but let’s get back to the fostering more children. We’d need a big house.”

“Well, by the time I’m ready for that step, I hope that my shops are bringing in enough revenue for a big house, and to support them.”


“I'm planning to open at least two more flower shops, but they’ll be in the suburbs.” She grinned.

“That’ll happen. I have faith in you. But if your husband has the money to afford a big house and support a lot of kids, why do you have to work?”

“For me, because I won’t lose my identity or myself. I’m not going to be only mom or wife. I’ll be Sadie Bell. The husband and I are supposed to complement each other, to make each other succeed, not lose who I am because I decide to marry.”

“Who’s going to take care of the kids?

“Both of us. Feedings, diapers, waking up late is for both, not just me. Same when it comes to work.”

“But just two children?”

“Three if possible with a two to three-year age difference in between. Growing up as an only child isn’t fun.”

“Having siblings doesn’t guarantee closeness. Look at my girls.”

“That’s a unique case.” She shut her mouth fast, opening her eyes wide.

“What are you not saying?”

“Nothing,” she mumbled, moving her gaze to the cat.

“I think I’m starting to learn your subtle gestures. That little eyebrow-lift you do along with the clamped mouth.” I traced her eyebrow with my index finger. “It means that you’re hiding something, Sweet Cheeks. What are you not telling me?”

She shrugged.

“Spill the beans. You don’t like my girls or something.”

“Tess and Hannah are adorable,” she said genuinely.

“But?” I arched an eyebrow.

“In my opinion, being close to your sibling depends on the parents.”

“How so?”

I couldn’t understand what she meant. Was she calling me a bad parent?

“You teach your children to love their siblings, to respect them, to be friends. To count on each other,” she stated. “You set the foundation of their relationship where they build a bond between them, make them partners in crime. Them against the world—even against the parents.”

“I can’t imagine Tess and Hannah being that close,” I declared and thought about my children. “They are so different. I always tell Tess to be nice to her sister.”

“There’s be good to your sister and teaching her that they can be friends. You teach them that from a young age.”

“If that’s scientifically proven, we can try with the next generation. But does it work?”

“Actually, I helped a mom and her girls get out of a bad situation. They stayed with me for a week while I found a safe place for them.”

Leave it to Sadie to harbor people in danger and put herself at risk in the process.

“Where are they now?”

“They live in South Carolina. The mom hit the restart button and started over from zero, but they made it. I receive a Christmas card every year with an update. But we’re getting off track, Mushy Gushy Tushy. Frank Sinatra Kieran Snowflake Bell doesn’t need another name.”

“Frank Sinatra Benjamin Snowflake Hades-Bell”

“Nope, we don’t hyphenate.”

“Then Frank Sinatra Benjamin Snowflake Hades.”

“Frank Sinatra Kieran Bell Hades, we call him Sinatra. Sin when he’s not behaving,” she offered.

“Bell as a middle name?”

“Yeah. I’m compromising for the sake of the kid, but don’t expect this from me ever again.”

“But Kieran Hades could be a good name for our boy,” I suggested.

“And Grady Hades sounds cool,” she proposed. “Greyson Hades if he has your eyes.”

“Angus Hades.”

“Sounds like meat approval. Angus Beef Hades, USDA Choice. Nope.” She frowned.


“Maybe. There are Atlas and Rocco. If you have another girl, you should think about Isabella.”

“Belle Hades?”

“No, Isabella, don’t shorten her name.”

“Gail Hades?

“Aubrey or Blossom.”


“For a man who doesn’t plan on having more children you’re too excited about naming them.”

“What did you say the other day?”

“I say too many things every single day, Licky Sticky Poo.”

“About nothing being permanent and finding my own shit.”

“I’m sure that’s not what I said.”

“The gist of it.”

“Nothing is guaranteed or permanent. Life is ever changing, nothing set in stone or promised to us. The world doesn’t owe you anything, nor you to the world. To receive, you have to give, but yet never expect. You have to find your own path and change it as many times as needed. Adapting, accepting, and learning that you aren’t guaranteed happiness or love. But the more love and happiness you give, the more will come back to you. Trust the journey. Always trust your heart.”

“What if I find love, and I want what she wants?”

“Who is she?”

“The woman I fall in love with.”

“Then go for it.”

“Just like that. I go for it.”

“Somehow, I’m lost in this conversation,” Sadie said with an uncertain tone. “We were talking about my cat’s name.”

“Our kitten has a name,” I corrected her. “He’s our furry kid. And haven’t you paid attention? His name is Sinatra?”

“Frank Sinatra Snowflake Kieran Bell Hades?” She tilts her head to one side and presses her lips together.

“Leave Kieran for our boy.”

“What boy?” She touches the base of her neck. “I’m lost.”


“Sadie, open the door.” A female voice came from the other side of the door and knocked.

Sadie’s eyes opened wide.

She’s here, she mouthed.

“Come on birthday girl, I want to see you.” The slurred, choppy words were barely understandable.

Sadie jetted out of the living room, holding the kitten.

“Who is that?”

“My mom,” she whispered. “Let’s hope she can’t find her keys. I don’t want to see her today.”

“It’s your birthday?”

She shrugged, disregarding that it was the most important day of the year.

“Communication, love. You need to tell me when your fucking birthday is. I can’t guess shit like that.”

“What?” she squeaked.

“I almost missed your birthday. Is that why you were upset with me?”

“Slow down. Keep your anger at bay.” She whisper-yelled. “What are you talking about? I’m not upset with you.”

“Last weekend, when I told you I wasn’t going to be here,” I explained. She was just like Alicia, playing games and making me feel edgy because I couldn’t guess what they wanted. “That’s why you didn’t answer my calls.”

She chuckled. “My birthday was the last thing I had on my mind.”

“Then why did you pull away from me?”

“I … I already explained that to you.”

“Sadie, open the door. I didn’t bring my keys.” The voice became louder, desperate.

“What’s the deal with your mom?”

“It’s what Mom does every year.” She sighed.

“She’s here to invite me to dinner. She probably made reservations at some fancy restaurant. Mom will order a salad and some juice mixed with the best vodka they have. After several drinks and criticizing that I don’t have a life, she’ll leave me with the check.”

My gut churned as I stared at those brown eyes filled with sadness. No wonder she avoided her mother.

“What do you want to do today, love?” I moved a strand of hair away from her face, caressing her jaw with the back of my index finger.

“Nothing. I usually spend it alone.”

“That’s before me. Today, I want it to be the best day of your life.”

“He’s the best present I’ve ever received on my birthday,” she smiled at me.

Sadie marched right in front of me and kissed me on the corner of my mouth. Her lips were so close to mine that I was tempted to move and capture them. But I behaved.

“Thank you for the kitty and for being here. Your presence is more than enough,” she breathed.

My heart hammered hard and fast against my chest. I held my breath while reading her posture. Those sweet loving eyes filled with hesitation. As much as I wanted to kiss her, I wanted to do it when she was ready.

Give me a sign.


“Are you going to open for your mother?” I asked, trying my best to remain civil.

We were in her room. There was a bed only feet away, and I was hungry for her.

“Nope,” she said sounding genuine.

Sadie placed her index finger on her lips. “If we stay here really, really quiet, she’ll leave soon.”

“Sometimes I worry that my girls are going to end up like you, avoiding their parents.”

“Just keep building a relationship with them.” She lifted one shoulder and shrugged. “I can’t talk about your ex-wife, but if you keep doing what you’ve done so far, I guarantee that they’ll be happy when you call them or invite them to dinner.”

“Will they be okay with the babies?”

“That depends on how you and your new wife handle things.”

“I trust you,” I said, leaning forward and capturing her lips.




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