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Shock Jock by A.M. Madden (9)



Through my window, I watched as the big puffy flakes fell in slow motion on 64th Street. Not many were out for a snowy Saturday afternoon, but those who were braving the elements looked happy over the weather situation… why, I had no clue.

Winter sucked.

Not a fan of snow or ever one to embrace winter, the weather was the hardest part of living here. I missed running, and always favored running outdoors rather than on a treadmill. Since arriving in New York, I worked out in the gym in my building forced to stare at televisions mounted to the walls. I couldn’t wait for spring to arrive so I could get into Central Park.

In spite of the climate, Haven has been helping me appreciate some of the finer things found in this city—the history, the culture. She was right, none of that existed in L.A. With each day, my ire for Manhattan lessened just a tad. So the way I figured it, come April or May I’d be happy to be here.

Even I had to admit that the snow was pretty to look at as it majestically fell from the sky, but once it hit the ground it was nothing more than a fucking inconvenience. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough of it to shut things down… like the Galaxy Ball that I was scheduled to attend in a few hours.

I guess that would be too much to ask? A blizzard for the evening, and have it all melted away by morning? Nope. Mother Nature decided to fuck with us and drop just enough to cause annoying problems. The first being Joyce’s flight was canceled until tomorrow. Since she squeezed in a New York trip before needing to catch another flight tomorrow night for London, there was no reason for her to still come. That meant no “bootie call” for me, as Haven put it. That also meant my ever-so-efficient assistant earned the honor of being my date tonight.

Of course Haven argued, but after the torment she put me through last night with her little prank at Old Man Gaffney’s, I told her she would be attending the ball even if I had to drag her there on a sled. She relented, claiming the real reason she’d attend was because how much it benefited Turner House orphanage.

Then there was the reality of facing the elements in a tux and winged-tipped patent leather shoes. And the women had it even harder. I felt bad for all the ladies who would have to navigate poorly shoveled sidewalks while in heels.

Speaking of, I hadn’t heard from Haven all day, which caused even more concern. Normally, my friend would be freaking out over having to attend this ball because it required dressing up, makeup, and hairstyling. Throw in a snowstorm and that would cause her to break out in hives.

I gave her ample time this morning to digest her reality tonight. But her silence now made me nervous. When I dialed her cell, she picked up on the fourth ring.

“Yes?” she asked calmly.

“You okay?”

“Of course. Why?”

With my phone over my ear, I walked into my now very organized second bedroom to retrieve my tux from the closet. “Oh, I don’t know. The Haven I know and love would be trying to figure out how to make yoga pants and a Disney T-shirt work for tonight’s attire.”

“Haha, you’re funny. Nope, I was just about to do my makeup. All is good.”

“Okay. I got nervous when I hadn’t heard from you,” I admitted. “I need a favor.”

She huffed over the phone. “I’m kind of smack in the middle of the last favor you asked me.”

“Well, I need another. During the auction, if I scratch my eyebrow, bid your ass off to win me.” Her raspy laugh filtered over the phone. “What?”

“Win you?”

“You know what I mean. I’ll cover the cost. Just do it.”

“Fine. I’ll bid my ass off to win you, provided you take me snowboarding tomorrow.”

“Hell no!” Why do you hate me so much?”

“I don’t hate you. I’m trying to get you out of your shell. It’s a problem how much of a recluse you’ve become in New York.”

“I have plans tomorrow.”

“No you don’t. Joyce the Ho isn’t coming anymore. Your calendar is now free and clear. I found a resort close to the city. Just in case…”

“I hate your ‘just in case’ scenarios.”

Ignoring me, she repeated, “Just in case you were free, I have us signed up for lessons tomorrow morning.”

I grumbled over the phone, but knew I’d be going to make her happy. Once again, she did so much for me, and it was times like now when I could reciprocate. “I hate your bucket list, Perv.”

“Well, Mooner, I can’t wait to get to the next item on my list.”

“What the fuck do I have to do next? Bungee jump off the Empire State Building?”

“You’ll be happy to know the next item on my list is for Elliott.”

“Is that so?” I couldn’t hide the surprise in my voice. “And what will you and Elliott be engaging in? Scrabble tournament?”

“I’ll never tell.”

“One drink tonight and you’ll be singing like a canary.”

“You’re hilarious. I’ll see you at the ball, Cinderfella.”

“Haven, I don’t mind picking you up.”

“That’s ridiculous. You’re like ten minutes from The Plaza. I’ll meet you there.”

I knew better than to argue.

Arriving fashionably late, I checked my coat and immediately made my way into the ballroom. Waiters stood stiff in their tails and white gloves, offering champagne the moment guests walked through the door. With a tip of my head, I declined, instead heading toward one of the open bars to order something a bit stiffer to help me relax.

I recognized no one as my eyes scanned the few hundred guests already in attendance. Paul said five hundred were expected tonight, and I could imagine whom I’d be running into from my former life. This was the event of the year in our profession. To be at the Galaxy Ball meant you were important, or you were rich.

Galaxy spared no expense for the event that cost ten thousand a plate. For your money you would dine on four courses of the finest food The Plaza had to offer, drink top-shelf liquor, and receive a parting gift basket on your way out. Aside from it being for a great cause, being seen or better yet photographed while there, was worth more than the tax deduction.

A full orchestra played a Sinatra tune while quite a few guests already took to the dance floor. Others scattered around tables and the bars, mingling and schmoozing like professionals. After ordering a Belvedere for myself, and Haven’s favorite white wine, I went in search for my table.

Paul had all the Galaxy employees dead center facing the orchestra. I would be at table number two with my night crew and their dates. At the table, Natalie and her boyfriend, Justin, were chatting with Daryl and whom I assumed was his ex-now-on-again girlfriend, Carla.

“Evening, everyone,” I said, taking the chair beside Natalie.

“You clean up well,” she teased. “Vaughn, this is Justin, otherwise known on the show as Mr. C.”

Justin reached past Natalie offering his hand, which I accepted. “Nice to meet you, man. Feels like I know you already.”

“Same here.”

I then was introduced to Carla, as Daryl ribbed, “Mr. Romance is stag tonight?”

“No, my date is on her way.” Just as I said that, Daryl’s eyes landed over my shoulder and widened.

I twisted enough to see Haven standing behind me, looking amazing in a very form-fitted black gown that plunged in the front. She smiled and shrugged when I raised my brows while nodding my approval. Standing, I embraced her with affection and whispered, “Very nice, Perv.”

Her hair was straightened and swept to the side over one shoulder. Her makeup was flawless, and her perfume reminded me of the kind she wore in California, clean and beachy.

“Thank you.” She stepped out of my hold, and spun for me. “Not bad, huh. All thanks to your cousin, Lizzy. It’s her dress, her bag, and her shoes.” She leaned in, lowering her voice, to add, “The underwear is mine and you’ll be happy to know they are my favorite Hello Kitty panties.”

“Well, amazing transformation. You look gorgeous… unrecognizable, but gorgeous. In fact, you look nothing like you normally…”

“Okay, I get the point,” she interrupted, thrusting her palm in my face. “Sheesh.”

I chuckled as she accepted the chair I pulled out for her.

“Hi, everyone.” All eyes were on her when she waved in her goofy way to the rest of the table.

“Haven, you look beautiful,” Natalie said, appraising my best friend’s appearance. She introduced Justin while Daryl and Carla had a sidebar discussion that looked to be pretty heated.

“Hi, Daryl,” Haven said across the table.

“Hey. Haven, this is um…”

He looked at his date and hesitated just enough to cause her to say, “I’m Carla.”

“Carla,” Daryl repeated. His eyes cut to mine, and it took all I had not to call him a jackass. The man was making a fool out of himself, and this was the chick he wanted back. I shook my head as he looked back to Haven, fumbling with his words. “Carla and I are recently back together.”

Unfazed, Haven smiled at them both. “That’s great. Nice to meet you.”

The orchestra switched to an upbeat tempo, making it hard to hear. Our table broke out into smaller conversations. “Um, what’s with him?”

“No clue. I think he’s stunned it’s you, being you look nothing like your normal self.” I passed her the wine I had ordered, which she accepted with a frown.

“So you keep reminding me.” She scanned the room while sipping her wine. “Any sign of your Apple?”

“She’s not my Apple. And no.” Haven raised a brow with a smirk. “What? So, I already looked. I just don’t want to be blindsided.”

“Uh huh, that’s the reason. If she’s here, maybe she’ll bid on you.”

“I guess we’ll see.”

As our first course was served, Paul gave the most boring speech making me want to carve my ears off with my butter knife. I made a mental note to speak to him on how to help liven things up for next year.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you all for being here. We have some fantastic prizes for you all to bid on tonight… including a romantic evening with our newest addition to Galaxy Radio, Dr. Vaughn Lair.” Paul raised a hand in my direction. “Vaughn, please stand.”

The ballroom exploded with applause and whistles as I stood and gave a wave. I didn’t embarrass easily, but being singled out in a room full of strangers wasn’t my thing. I took my seat just as Paul closed things up by saying, “Now that you all know where your generous contributions will be going, it’s time to enjoy your evening. I encourage you all to dig deep to help Turner House.”

The orchestra resumed playing dinner music and conversations renewed.

“You’re a wanted man,” Haven said with humor. “Did you hear those whistles and catcalls?”

“Just remember to save me if I need you to. Otherwise, who knows who I’ll end up with.”

“About that. I want to contribute to your bid, even if I can help one kid connect with a good family like I was lucky to.”

My heart warmed at what a good person she was. “Okay.”

No sooner had I said the words than someone placed a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see an older woman smiling coyly. The skintight leopard-print gown she wore spoke volumes. Her ample breasts filled the space between the plunging neckline. Even with all that going on, my gaze landed on the mountain of teased ash blond hair that sat on her head in an intricate up-do. She had to be sixty plus years old.

Her hand traveled to the back of my neck and her grip tightened. I could feel her nails on my bare skin, and a shudder I couldn’t help traveled down my spine landing in my balls.

“May I have this dance?” she asked, poking her tongue out to run over her blood-red tinted lips.

At my hesitance, Haven glanced my way before turning toward her. “I’m so sorry, I just asked him to dance myself.”

Thank fuck, Haven was always one step ahead of me. She took my hand and stood, stretching my arm behind her. The claw gripping my neck forced me to remove it while uttering a pathetic apology that I didn’t mean.

With a sly wink, she said, “No problem. I’ll catch you later.” The woman seemed unfazed when we walked past her to head toward the dance floor.

“Thank you,” I said to Haven the moment we started swaying to the music.

“You’re welcome. I always have your back, Mooner. You know that.”

“I do know that. Just as you know if you needed me for any reason, I’d be there in a heartbeat.” I glanced at the cougar who stood staring at us with an amused smile on her face. “Although, I think you just gave her a goal tonight.” Haven followed my line of sight, and giggled. “What’s so funny?”

“I just had a visual of you on a snowboard tomorrow.”