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Twist of Fate (Kings of Chaos Book 6) by Shyla Colt (14)

Chapter Thirteen


“This week we’ll be embracing the season. Halloween is upon us, and we want to see a cohesive Halloween menu.”

I’ve got this. A look comes over Sunny Side Eggery, and I feel like a shark who smells blood in the water. I live for this. I have a number of themes running through my head. My truck isn’t called Mythical Munchies for no reason. I had plans already written up for theme days. My mind instantly goes to wizards and magic. Fall screams Harry Potter, and while I don’t have the rights to make butter beer, there are ways around it. Grinning, I turn to Jas.

‘We got this,’ she mouths. I nod my head. It’ll take hard work, but the tricks we’ll pull will entertain. I’m making a mental list in my head.

“This is the last week, so we’ll give you all of today to prepare yourself for Tuesday.” We’ll bring out Twilight the Unicorn once more, along with swag. I want to get my brothers in on this. They’re creative. I’m itching to hit the stores and start texting. When Josh gives us the go ahead, Jas whips out her phone.

“Are we activating the wizards plan?” Jas asks.

“Oh, we have to.”

“Wait, is someone going to clue me in?” Shayne asks.

I snicker. “Potter head that I am, I dreamed up a mock-up menu, including smoking drinks for the world of Harry Potter that wasn’t copyright infringement heavy.”

“Which means all we have to do is execute it,” Jas says.

He peers over at the other team. “They don’t look like they’ve got an ace up their sleeve, huh?”

“Not at all. Hashtag Sorry, Not Sorry,” I murmur.

“Ruthless,” Shayne whispers. I laugh at our ridiculousness as we return to the truck.

“It pays to be a geek these days,” I say.

It’s a flurry of activity as we make a list and call in favors.

My feet ache, my fingers are swollen, and my favors list is exhausted as the day comes to a close and we finish our prep for the next day. The unicorn will come out to mingle sporadically, the drinks will smoke or light up, and our menu is solid.

“Pizza in front of the television?” Shayne asks.

“You read my mind.”

“Want me to drive?”

“Please, my head feels like it’s going to explode.” Closing my eyes, I massage my temple for a moment before we walk to the car.

I fade in and out of consciousness as he makes the drive back to my apartment. The pressure to succeed is intense and necessary. Going back to my brothers’ truck after this isn’t an option, and I haven’t come into any new collateral to make a loan request go differently. It’s only in my sleeping hours where I can turn off my head. Drifting in the space between I’m at peace and still cognizant of the man steering.

His hand rests on my thigh, and his warmth seeps into my leg and winds its way throughout my body. He’s my rock. The trip cleared out the blockage between us. We’re seeing eye to eye, and I’m happy with the direction we’re headed in. The car comes to a stop, and I swim to the surface, stirring in my seat. I pry my heavy lids open and yawn, stretching my arms above my head.

Stepping out of the car, I groan at the sight of my father walking toward me.

“Dad, I have my final week starting tomorrow, could we please not do this?” I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

“No, this is important. We need to talk.” He stares at Shayne. “Alone.”

I sigh. My shoulders slump. It’s like he waited to approach me at my weakest.

“Fine. Shayne, I’ll meet you upstairs.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I’m positive. I won’t be long.”

He runs his hand down my arm, and I give him a small smile.

“Walk with me?” my father asks.

There’s something different about his approach. He lacks his usual arrogance. It has me nervous.

“I owe you an apology.”

I stumble. “What?”

He clears his throat as we continue to walk the small courtyard in front of my apartment. “I’m sorry. I was wrong. I thought you were meek and soft. Which isn’t a bad thing to be. I didn’t want to see you crushed. This is a cutthroat business in a lot of ways. I didn’t want you to have to battle those lows. I honestly felt you weren’t suited to it.”


He holds up his hand, and I swallow down my arguments. “I can see for myself I was wrong, and I’m ashamed that you felt you had to change yourself and hide so much away. I’ve become my father. The person I rebelled against. It didn’t sit right with me. You opened my eyes to a lot of things. I’m not a perfect man. I have flaws, and this highlighted a huge one. I like to control everything because then I feel like I can make sure things go my way. I should have listened. You made me see while I did an excellent job providing for you, I wasn’t always there for you emotionally. I don’t want to ruin any chance we have of reconciling and moving forward with a stronger bond and better understanding. The family is my life. Being at odds with you has been hell. I want to be there for you through this incredible experience.”

I can’t speak for fear that I’ll wake up from the dream I’m clearly in.

“I want you to know I’m behind you and whatever decisions you make I’ll support you. I lost sight of things. Families don’t run like a business. You can’t decide on one set of things and stick to it. I’ve spent enough time running my empire. I want more family time.”

“Dad. We’re all pretty old.”

“I know. I wanted to tell you first. Your mother’s pregnant. We’re going to do this again, and I plan on being up front and center for it. I’ll be cutting back my hours at the restaurant and handing over my duties to your brothers and a select few who’ve proven themselves.”

My jaw drops. “Mom’s pregnant?”

He nods. The joy dancing in his eyes steals my breath. “I have you to thank for everything. Your reaction to my pigheaded ways directed me toward the areas in my life that were lacking.”

I press my hand to my mouth. Happiness, excitement, and shock swirl together, leaving me mute. He holds out his arms, and I go to him like a homing pigeon. Resting my head on his chest, I inhale his scent. I could continue to be angry, but it’d be a waste of time. Life is short, and all I ever wanted was for my father to see the real me and accept it.

I’m a daddy’s girl, and right now, he’s apologizing and extending a hand to start a reconciliation. I can’t turn him away.

“I’m sorry, pumpkin. I can admit when I’ve screwed up. Please don’t hold it against your old man.”

“You really hurt me, Daddy.”

“I know, and I can’t go back, but I can be behind you one-hundred percent. I’ve been following along with the contest and rallying everyone at work for votes. You’re doing an amazing job, and I’m proud of you.”

The cracks in my heart enter the beginning stages of mending.

I feel alive and eager to celebrate as I make my way up to the apartment. The conversation with my father has renewed me. Rushing inside, I shed my clothing as I follow the sound of running water to the bathroom. I slip into the bathroom and admire his frame through the frosted shower door. Lean and chiseled in all the right places, he’s a temptation I can’t resist.

“Are you going to stare at me all day, or are you going to join me?”

He washes the shampoo from his hair, turning his head to face me.

“How did you know I was here?”

“I could feel your eyes on me. I think you should step inside and reenact those thoughts with me.”

When he opens the door, I step inside. “You good?”

“Yeah. He apologized and told me he was proud of me.”

He cups the side of my face. “No shit?”

“I swear. He thanked me for opening his eyes to personal flaws he needed to attend to. And get this! Mom’s pregnant again.”

He chuckles. “Damn.”

“I know. My brain is full, but my heart doesn’t ache the way it did before.”

“Sounds like we have a lot to celebrate.” Wrapping his arm around my waist, he pulls me to stand in front of the warm spray. I groan as the water beats against my skin, relaxing me and loosening stiff muscles. I tip my head back, and he captures my lips with his clever tongue. He’s a drug I can get high off with one hit. I wrap my arms around his neck as I lose myself in the taste of him. He stretches up against my belly long and hard but never hurried.

We tilt our heads this way and that as we feed on each other—replenishing our souls and renewing our bond. I pull back breathing heavily as he grabs my soap wash. “Have to get you clean.” He pours a dollop into his hand and rubs up a lather before he covers my body with slow circles. Despite the steamy shower stall, goose bumps break out over my flesh.

He nips at my neck. His chest brushes against mine, and my nipples harden. My swollen breasts ache, and I grow wet. The light teasing touches are a torture of all their own. I trail my nails down his back, and he growls. You’re not the only one who can play this game. I wiggle my hips.

“Careful, it might go off,” he says, referring to his hard-on.

A wicked laughter bubbles out of me. “Don’t tempt me.”

“Evil. Turn.”

By the time he finishes cleaning me, I’m a needy, throbbing mess. I reach between us and grip his base, slowly stroking up and down. He shudders, and I grin as I latch onto his neck, sucking and nipping in that way I know he loves. Increasing my speed, I tighten my hold. He grows harder, and I get high off the power he’s allowing me to exude over him. His hips rock, and he attacks my mouth. Teeth, tongue, and lips turn me into goo. My legs shake.

“Turn around and grab the handle,” he says gravelly. He helps me position myself and pushes a finger inside, circling my walls. “Jesus, you are so wet.” He pulls out and thrusts home. I cry out, arching my back. He grips my hips, and we find a steady rhythm. My heart races and I match him thrust for thrust as we barrel toward completion. He wraps an arm around me, anchoring me to his body as he goes even deeper.

My eyes roll into the back of my head while my orgasm crashes over me, stealing my breath. I convulse as my muscles lock and the blood sweeps through me heating my body and clouding my head. He pumps a few more times before he floods me.

Spent and boneless, I lean my weight back on him as we wash again. In the moments before I fall into an exhausted sleep, I grab his hand.

“I love you.”

“Love you. too,” I murmur.

It’s been one hell of a year, but thing are starting to fall into place in a way I couldn’t have imagined.



Clearly, my woman is a genius. With a lengthy, carefully budgeted shopping trip to Target and some crafty thinking, she’s transformed the truck into a mythical playground. The wand stir sticks accompanying the drinks that smoke thanks to dry ice are brilliant and kid friendly. The themed menu is straight out of something in a book, and the truck screams Halloween. From the banner-like decorations I’ve learned is bunting, to smoking cauldrons and fake flickering candles, our truck is hands down the most atheistically pleasing for the season.

The line hasn’t stopped since we opened. Toad in a hole and ham with a little green food dye while delicious, is kind of creepy, but the customers love it. It’s been our number one seller all week long. We can barely keep up with the demand. Eggery is nipping at our heels. They’ve rallied whatever supporters they’ve had, and I feel like it’s neck and neck.

As we shift into lunch mode, Twilight is unleashed, and the lines grow longer when Twitter and Facebook catch fire. I never knew a unicorn could make people go nuts. I chuckle as Twilight poses for photos and works his way through the crowd, distracting them from their wait time as he hands out swag. I give up trying to keep track of what the other truck is doing as we kick into high gear. Sweat rolls down between my shoulder blades, and I wipe my forehead with my forearm to keep the beads from reaching into my eyes.

We’re all running back and forth, filling in the gaps and working together to get things out in a timely manner. There are no lulls as we continue to push. I can’t help but wonder what the hell she did with marketing to reach this level of business. Time blurs, and the menu switches out for dinner.

“I can’t believe he did this.” The wavering voice draws my attention. Turning, I find her father with a group of staff from Fresco.

“Looks like they wanted to show their love for you,” Jas says.

She swipes at her eyes with her sleeve and my disdain for the man begins to fade. He’s manned up in a big way. All of us make mistakes, and he’s going the extra mile to remedy his. It’s more than my old man ever did.

“The old man was serious when he said he was sorry last night,” I whisper into her ear low enough for the camera to not pick up.

“Yeah. He was.” She nods her head and grins. Seeing her happy is everything. It’s been a long, painful year for both of us. It seems like we’re finally emerging from the dark into the light. I kiss her temple and return to prepping food as we push out orders.

The pride on her face as she serves her father is a thing of beauty. The hundreds he pushes in the tip jar have her tearing up and her mother beaming. I know the glow has to do with more than pride and happiness. Pregnancy suits her.

Seeing her brothers bringing up the rear drives the familial support home. I don’t know how her mother got him to listen, but it made all the difference. I think of her current condition. Maybe I do know how she got him to listen. They move away, and the reprieve is gone.

“Fifteen minutes until the end,” Josh calls.

“Crap,” Jas mumbles.

“Last push you guys. You’ve been amazing, and I’m proud to have had you by my side for this crazy ride. Let’s put everything we have into this last fifteen and try to sell out,” Xia says.

“It won’t be that hard to do,” Jas replies.

“I know, that’s the best part. I think it’s time we bring Twilight back.”

With a quick text, the unicorn is back, and the food is flying. We’re selling our final plate and drinks when Josh calls time. I walk over to Xia, lift her into the air, and meet her lips. I’m starved for the taste of her. Everyone else stops existing as she wraps her arms around my neck and returns my kiss.

Breathing hard, I set her down, and we engulf Jas in a group hug as cheers go up around us. I’m soaked with sweat, exhausted, exuberant, and in awe of the powerhouse standing beside me. We climb out of the truck, and it’s like being the Grand Marshall of a parade.

The crowd engulfs us, and I feel the same rush I receive when we’re coming home after being on the road for a while and the family is waiting at the clubhouse. With the money box surrendered the only thing left to do is wait.

The radio station is interviewing both team leaders and amping up the crowd. There’s a different feel when you add hometown pride into the mix. These are people and companies they’ve watched grow from the ground up. Especially Xia. I want it to work in her favor.

“The count is complete!” Josh yells.

Xia grabs my hand, and both teams gather on opposites sides of Josh.

“It was a close race. I mean, we’re talking hundreds of dollars apart. Sunny Side Eggery made eight thousand, five hundred sixty-three dollars and fifty-five cents. While Magical Munchies made eight thousand, eight-hundred and thirty-five hundred dollars and fifteen cents.

There’s a moment of silence as he lets this sink in. Then, he yells, “Magical Munchies! You’re the winners!”

“Wait. We won?” Xia whispers. She covers her mouth, shaking as it all sinks in. The radio station rushes forward with a microphone and a camera, and she struggles to answer their rapid fire questions. It’s a huge victory and the start of a new career on her own. Where does this leave us? My time here is coming to a close, and she’s just getting started.

Ending the brooding, I allow myself to get caught up in the celebration.


“I hear congratulations are in order,” Stone says.

I laugh. “Yeah. It’s been an insane couple of weeks, getting the truck up, hiring help, and training them.”

“You feel ready to do that back here?”

He didn’t waste time getting to the point. “Yeah,” I say glumly. Life was starting to make sense, and now things are about to go ass over kettle again.

“You don’t sound pleased.”

“I don’t want to leave her. I’ll come back home and get the truck up and running, but then I want to transfer down to the L.A. chapter.”

He chuckles.


“I told Knuckles he’d probably be seeing more of you. Even a blind man can see you’re in love with this girl, and I’ve heard nothing but good things from the brothers and old ladies about her. You think she’s down to be a part of this life?”

“I do. If she can handle my past, everything else is nothing.”

“How would you feel about staying down there, opening your own truck, and acting as a training facility for our guys up this way?”

“Are you serious?” I ask, stunned that he’s bending to help me out.

“I know you’ve been a little lost since everything went down with Mouth. I should’ve stepped in sooner and changed things, so part of that was on me. I think going down there gave you a new start you should hang on to. I want all my members happy, Charm.”

“Thank you, Stone.”

“Don’t thank me yet. I want a healthy chunk of that profit you’ll pull in, and you won’t be able to work with Xia because you’ll be setting up your own gig.”

“Might not be a bad thing. Working together may get old.”

Freed from a long trip up north, I’m allowed to think about the future. I have to plan this right. As soon as I hang up with Stone, I call Andy.

“Hey, brother, you got time for me right now?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“I need your help. Jas’s too if she can keep a secret.” I wait as he relays the information.

“Okay, we got you on speaker phone.”

“I need you to help me plan something very Xia specific.”

“And I’m sworn to secrecy?” Jas whispers.


“Oh my God. Are you going to propose?”

I chuckle. “Well, I’m trying to.”

I hold the phone away from my ear as she screams.

“Whatever you need, we’re in,” Andy replies.

“Distraction and advice.”

“We got plenty of both to go around,” Jas says.

Her singsong voice makes me laugh. I can’t accuse her of being unenthusiastic. I might be insane by the time it’s all said and done, but it’ll be perfect for Xia. Which is all I care about.