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Heat: Gay Love Stories (Romance Short Story Anthology Book 4) by Jerry Cole (64)

Chapter Six

The cushions creaked as Kaleb sank into them, waiting patiently for Glenn to take the spot next to him. He quietly drank in his surroundings—a wide TV sat on the opposite wall between two bookshelves teeming with various titles, a coffee table in front of it, and even more stacks of books sitting on that. Covering the rest of the table were multiple tubes of paint which were both acrylic and oil. Perched near them were varying sizes of cardboard and canvas, each one blank and ready to be decorated with fresh ideas.

“That's quite a collection you have,” Kaleb said as he pointed to the books. “I'm glad to see you read.”

“The descriptions in them lend me ideas for paintings.”

“I love that.”

Glenn chuckled. “Thank you.”

The couch shifted as he sat down, leaving a gap of a few inches between them. Kaleb eyed the gap and grinned as he scooted the slightest bit to be closer. He felt the warmth emanating from Glenn and felt assured by it. As Glenn turned on the TV, Kaleb snapped his fingers.

“I nearly forgot!” he exclaimed.

He fished into his pocket and pulled out a leather-bound notebook the size of a miniature planner. He held it up like newly discovered treasure.

“Your poems,” Glenn stated.

“These are my babies in here, so be gentle.”

Glenn accepted the notebook and carefully parted the pages, holding the tips of them delicately between two fingers. His eyes scanned the page, trailing all the way down to the bottom and to the next page. The sound of the pages swishing with every turn made Kaleb's stomach flip. He took a shaky breath as he anticipated a response.

“This is...”

Kaleb held his breath. His shoulders tensed as he leaned forward to see what Glenn was reading.

“Wow,” Glenn whispered. “This line is my favorite: May the wind carry me the rest of the way that you couldn't.

Kaleb exhaled. “Yeah? Really? You're not just saying that.”

“Yes, absolutely. It captures that feeling of losing a lover. Is that what it's about?”

“It is. I... well, that one is personal. I'll have to save the rest of the explanation for next time.” Kaleb collected the little book and clutched it to his leg.

“I respect that.” Glenn smiled.

“Thank you. So, on to the movies. What's on the menu tonight?”

“Our choices are Better Left Behind and Sally Sold Me Out. I thought maybe a romantic movie and a comedy were solid potentials.”

Kaleb nodded. “I like the way you think. Let's go with the comedy.”

Sally it is.”

Glenn turned on the TV and the screen sprang to life, blaring a cooking show with an accompanying visual of a pan sautéing green beans in a pan. The visual flipped to a DVD loading screen and the movie appeared shortly after. Glenn resumed his spot on the couch. He felt much closer, eliciting a sharp hiss from Kaleb as he stiffened.

The movie proceeded on the screen, filling the entirety of it with silly faces and different locations. Kaleb kept his eyes on the screen but watched Glenn out of his peripherals. He felt like he was being offered secret footage whenever Glenn reacted to the movie. He was smiling, full on smiling without bothering to cover it up with his hand. Two crooked teeth appeared on the right side of his mouth. It made Kaleb grin to see such a defining and imperfect feature, and it suddenly made sense why Glenn hid his face as often as he did.

It might have been rude for Kaleb to say something, so he redirected his gaze to the TV. His arm twitched as he grappled with his desire to wrap Glenn in a snug hug. Everything was about timing just as it was with his writing. Pace it out and keep the reader gripping the pages before delivering the incredible punch line was exactly what he was supposed to do, but it wasn't what he wanted to do right now.

Patience, that was what he needed. But he couldn't seem to keep a hold on it. He tapped his fingers rhythmically before lifting his arms to yawn. A phony choice that seemed to work for people in movies which, he noted, was not even real. This was real. This man beside him was tangible, not the fleeting images on the screen.

His yawn ended, and he let his arms rest at his sides. A little close to Glenn, but not enough to hold his hand. He laughed internally. I'm a trip. I should just do it. He had no issue kissing me yesterday, so he might appreciate me being forward.

No amount of prodding could work up his courage. He kept his eyes hooked to the screen, paying no mind to the plot or the words tumbling from the character's digital lips. He just wanted that warmth to be closer, and maybe even closer than that. Maybe even…

“I like this part,” Glenn mumbled as he sat forward.

So much for the arm thing.

Glenn erupted with laughter and fell forward. He caught himself on his knees, curled a bit as the chuckling subsided, and proceeded to lean back into the couch. He watched the screen, the corner of his lips still turned up as his smile lingered.

Kaleb repeated his false yawn and raised his arm over the back of the couch. Gently, he rested it on Glenn's shoulders, gauging his response before relaxing. To his delight, Glenn cuddled into him. A feeling of victory washed over his body as he tilted his head over Glenn's and sighed.

“You're comfy,” Glenn whispered.

“Am I?”


Oh, be still my heart. Kaleb ran his fingers over Glenn's arm, listening to the sound of Glenn's breathing labor slightly. He traced down to Glenn's elbow, circled it gently, then brought his fingers back up to Glenn's shoulder. Each inch he covered left a row of goosebumps and he smiled at the sight, completely hooked on watching Glenn's reaction with every little touch.

Glenn sighed as he rested his lips against Kaleb's chest, prompting a hum. His fingers searched Kaleb's thigh, running over the jean fabric to find a place to rest. It caused Kaleb to hum again, this time more audibly as Glenn discovered his budding erection.

“Could I?” Glenn barely whispered.

“Oh, yes. Please...”

Glenn's hand grazed over Kaleb's growing erection, pressing gently against his covered shaft. He hissed. It was all he could to do to prevent him from losing his grip on the armrest. Glenn's hand was moving again, to the waistband of his jeans, and he squeezed the covering of the couch between his fingers.

“Wow, you're sensitive,” Glenn sighed.

Zip. He had undone Kaleb's pants, tugging away the layers in order to reveal Kaleb's cock. It popped out from beneath the fabric and twitched as he traced the skin from the base all the way up to the head. Kaleb shivered underneath Glenn's touch, watching heatedly as Glenn's fingers circled around the head of his cock and back down again.

“Condom,” Kaleb suggested.

“Oh, of course! I'll be back.” Glenn hopped up from his position and sprinted into the room. A series of rummaging noises erupted before he reappeared with a gold wrapper between his fingers. As he opened it, Kaleb watched with delight as the condom rolled over his cock. “Better?”

Kaleb nodded excitedly. “Much.”

Within seconds, Glenn's plush tongue appeared and slid up Kaleb's shaft. Glenn circled the head of Kaleb's cock, slid down to Kaleb's balls, and lingered there for a moment as he sucked one of them into his mouth. Kaleb weakened under Glenn's touch, allowing each sensuous suck to transport him to a higher state.

A carnal growl escaped him as he allowed his head to ease back against the couch. “God, what are you doing?”

“Pleasing you.”

He simpered, letting his hand rest on the back of Glenn's head. He rustled Glenn's blond hair, tousling the messy strands around as Glenn glided down his cock. A faint tingling commenced in his thighs as Glenn's talented tongue scorched his cock. Though he wanted to watch, he could not will his head to move. He settled for watching through the slits of his eyes as Glenn's head bobbed up and down.

Awash with bliss, he moved his hand over Glenn's neck and massaged it, causing Glenn to slurp loudly and hum. Kaleb swore he was floating as his chest heaved, fighting the urge to erupt too soon. Glenn bathed Kaleb's cock with saliva, adding his hand to Kaleb's shaft as he sucked.

As he teased the head of Kaleb's cock with his tongue and stroked the shaft with his hand, Kaleb whimpered, “Oh, sit on me.”

Panting, Glenn rose from his position on the couch. He caressed Kaleb's cheek before planting his lips to it, allowing his hand to meander down Kaleb's chest to his still erect cock.

“Sit on me,” Kaleb begged.

Glenn bit his lower lip, grinning mischievously. “Only if you say 'please.'”

With a drunken gaze, Kaleb smiled. He grazed Glenn's neck and pulled Glenn close to his forehead.

“Please,” he whispered. “Sit on my cock.”

A flurry of motions broke out that he could hardly keep up with: Glenn's pants suddenly sliding off, Glenn's hands grabbing his shirt, Glenn pulling his shirt off, and Kaleb swelling with each inch of skin offered for him to see. His eyes glistened with wonder and desire as Glenn positioned himself over Kaleb's cock.

His hands removed Kaleb's shirt and discarded it with the rest of their clothes as he glimpsed down. He spat into his palm and applied the lubrication to Kaleb's cock, stroking liberally before placing Kaleb's cock to his entrance. His gaze met Kaleb's and he smirked.

“Ready?” he whispered.

Kaleb nodded. “Oh yes.”

Slowly, Glenn dropped. He eased Kaleb's cock inside of him inch by inch, his breathing hitching as he pressed his open mouth to Kaleb's cheek. Kaleb reeled at the feeling, clutching Glenn's back as he sank further. He was cushioned between Glenn and the couch, enraptured by the sensation of being totally taken over. The movement felt sluggish and drowsy as if they were both under a spell.

He gasped as Glenn's bottom met his hips. He was all the way inside just as he had wanted. He smoothed his hands down Glenn's back to Glenn's hips where he gripped the skin and coaxed Glenn to ride. With great care, Glenn rose and hooked his hands under Kaleb's shoulders. His fingers dug into Kaleb's skin, instigating a contented sigh.

The ache in Kaleb's gut grew as Glenn's entrance consumed him. His grip tightened on Glenn's hips, struggling to keep himself under control. The sensation was utter madness as well as complete bliss, forcing his lips to collide with Glenn's to silence his rapturous moans. Glenn bayed into him, filling him with the energy to start thrusting.

“You feel amazing,” Glenn groaned.

Smiling, Kaleb took Glenn's lips again. He sucked Glenn's tongue into his mouth, sucking on the soft muscle as he rocked against Glenn's bottom. Every thrust sent him into a frenzy, causing his stomach to tighten and his shoulders to tense. A surge of electricity trickled up into his solar plexus as he pumped, and he held it there for as long as possible, letting his lips drag over Glenn's cheek to his ear.

“No, you feel amazing,” he gasped.

The compliment signaled Glenn to bounce, letting his body rise and fall vigorously. Kaleb's hips crowned Glenn's bottom with every hurdle and inspired the two to moan in unison, the sound of their sizzling encounter filling the living room. The movie continued to play in the background, pronouncing unheard lines as Kaleb growled over the sound.

He felt as though he were on the brink of despair. Each achingly beautiful stroke of Glenn's opening prompted him to curl forward and hug Glenn closer. How could he possibly get any closer than this? The feeling was incomparable to anything else, completely beyond his own understanding of intimacy. As Glenn pounced harder, Kaleb found himself struggling to breathe.

A ragged pattern of breathing took over suddenly, causing Kaleb to bury his face in Glenn's neck. He clung to life as he hugged Glenn's shoulders, thrusting harder with each bounce. Goosebumps fluttered over his skin as he felt the electricity in his stomach thrive, widening into a ball of power. One more thrust threatened to burst that power ball and he held his breath as it festered.

“Oh, God...” he whispered.

“Stroke me,” Glenn begged.

Without hesitation, Kaleb grabbed Glenn's cock. He pumped it earnestly as Glenn began to wail, whispering incoherently with every stroke. Glenn's cock twitched in his grip and his hands sought a point of leverage behind Kaleb's head. Kaleb could hear Glenn scratching the fabric of the couch, utterly absorbed by the pulsing heat between them. The great collection of electricity tingled in his gut. He was about to burst.

The sheer overflow of energy prompted Kaleb to stroke Glenn harder, eliciting Glenn's breathing to labor. Each breath brought with it a word, inaudible at first, but then overwhelming apparent: “Kaleb!”

Fluid shot from Glenn's cock and landed on Kaleb's stomach, instantly inducing his own eruption. A muddled groan echoed from his lips as he forced his mouth against Glenn's neck, clinging hard to the pleasurable convulsions. He shook for a minute and promptly collapsed on the couch while panting.

Skin still prickling, he peeled open his eyelids to find Glenn tucked into his shoulder. He smiled and stroked Glenn's head.

“You all right?” he panted happily.

“Oh...” Glenn took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “I am more than all right.”

Kaleb chuckled. “Good.”

He went silent for a moment as he consumed the remaining sensation of lightning shooting through his limbs, captivating every inch of his sweating form. He pressed his nose gently to Glenn's hair-covered ear and inhaled the lingering scent of shampoo and body wash. The gesture alone caused Glenn to shiver, burying his face deeper into Kaleb's shoulder.

“Stay,” Glenn whispered.


Still panting, he wrapped his arms around Kaleb. “Stay with me.”

Kaleb nuzzled against Glenn. He buried his face deep into Glenn's sweaty skin, inhaling the sweet aroma of satisfaction. The odor alone was one he swore he could inhale forever as long as Glenn would have him. He felt his chest billow with potential, with emotions, and a grin crossed his lips as he withdrew his face from Glenn's skin.

“Yes,” he whispered. “I'll stay.”

A smile appeared: a wide and beautiful and revealing smile that spoke volumes to how grateful Glenn felt in that moment. Kaleb immediately took those happy lips, absorbing every bit of affection that he could possibly handle. He could have taken it all and filled himself to the brim, yet still feel inclined to take even more. Glenn gladly gave it up, connecting all parts of his body that he could possibly get within reach of Kaleb.

As Kaleb sat up, he reached for his phone.

“Kissing and telling, I see,” Glenn joked.

“I wouldn't dare.” Kaleb winked. “Unless you wanted me to.”

“Maybe after one more date.”

Still wearing a satisfied smile, Kaleb opened his phone. “I'm seeing if Grace can check on Eve.”

“Oh, damn. I feel awful for forgetting about Eve.”

Kaleb waved away the statement. “No, it's fine. She'll be all right for one night without me. Besides, Grace loves babysitting her.”

“Are you sure? I'd understand if you wanted to leave.”

“I'm sure,” Kaleb assured as he leaned in close to Glenn. “Trust me.”

After setting down his phone, he nuzzled his nose against Glenn's. Happy sighs erupted from him repeatedly as he rested his head against the couch. It cradled him just like Glenn's arms and lulled him into a restful state. It wasn't long before his eyelids drooped with the weight of satisfaction and a desire to sleep. Glenn tugged his arm.

“Hey, tiger, come to my bed,” he invited.

Kaleb couldn't possibly say no. His bones willingly moved without thought, propelling him from the couch and to the dark bedroom all while lead by Glenn's delicate hand. He squeezed Glenn's fingers lovingly as the darkness shrouded him in serenity. He removed the condom from his cock and stood awkwardly in the dark.

“Where should I toss this?” he asked.

“There's a trash bin next to the bed. Here.”

Glenn took the used condom and Kaleb heard it hit the plastic of the bin. As Glenn retreated to the bathroom for a moment, he listened to the sounds of water rushing briefly and then followed suit, taking a towel handed to him to wipe the mess from his stomach. He smiled at their reflection in the mirror. When they were finished, they returned to the room.

Warmth washed over his form as he crawled under the comforter, nestling comfortably right next to Glenn. His breathing slowed as he relaxed into the mattress.

After a few minutes, peace seeped into his muscles and tugged him down into the darkness of sleep where he happily remained with his hand still curled in Glenn's.




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