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Our Last Road (A St. Skin Novel): a new adult second chance romance novel by London Casey, Jaxson Kidman, Karolyn James (27)




Tate was Jason’s father. Which meant Jed was completely out of all our lives for good. In fact, I didn’t even ask if anything happened with him coming to the shop and his parole and all that. As far as I was concerned, that part of my life was done and over with. I couldn’t bring my sister back. The decisions she made may have ultimately caused her life to be cut short, but at least we all had Jason.

“Okay, I think that’s it,” Sawyer said as he carried a box full of junk. “I don’t think there’s anything else that could possibly be hiding in this apartment.”

He put the box on the counter and wiped his forehead.

“What?” I asked.

“You’re a pack rat, darling.”

“No I’m not.”

“You have cable bills from five years ago.”

“For tax purposes.”


I laughed. “Did you pack the old cable bills?”

Sawyer flicked the cardboard box. “Yeah, I did.”

“Thank you.”

Sawyer kept to his word and sent me and Jason to find a new apartment. I really didn’t want to move for the sake of having Sawyer save me, but honestly, we needed to move. Jason deserved a better place to live. The apartment was good to us. It was the best I could provide for myself and him and I would never look back on the apartment and feel regret.

I found a little house right near the edge of Hundred Falls Valley to rent. Sawyer wanted to buy a house but I told him I didn’t want to do anything that big just yet. The house was a comfortable cape cod with a fenced in backyard and a swing set. The second Jason saw it he fell in love. I signed a one year lease… well, we signed a one year lease.

That was a first for us. Signing a legal document together. Talk about growing up a little, huh?

“I don’t think I ever want to move with you again,” Sawyer said.

“Oh, I’m sorry I’m not emotionally numb like you and don’t save anything.”

Sawyer grinned. “All I need to take with me is you.”

“Really? Are you trying to do the guilty romance thing to me?”

“Is it working?”

“Yeah, it is,” I admitted.

Sawyer walked toward me and took my hand. He backed up to the fridge and pulled me down to the floor. We sat there in silence for a few seconds, just holding hands.

“You okay?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said. “You?”

“Perfect.” I pointed and smiled. “That’s where Jason walked for the first time.”


“One day. I was carrying him and a bag of groceries. I was having a bad day. I got inside and bent over just a little and a carton of eggs fell. Hit the floor and half of the dozen broke. I burst into tears and wasn’t even thinking as I put Jason down. He stood and just started walking.” I laughed. “I put the groceries down and left the eggs smashed on the floor for the rest of the night.”

“That’s why you’re a great mother,” Sawyer said. “No matter what happens, you need to tell yourself that. You’re a great mother, Kate.”

I put my head to his shoulder. “I’m glad everything is moving forward. I hate to say goodbye to this place and the diner, but it’s time.”

“You and Maggie are going to do great things together,” Sawyer said. “And the one thing you never have to worry about anymore is Jason. He’s going to be taken care of. By everyone around him. That kid really is lucky.”

“He is,” I said. “But he’s most lucky because he has you.”

“I’m just the fun uncle now.”

“So he’s going to call you Uncle Saint and call me Mommy? How does that work?”

Sawyer looked at me. “I don’t have any of this figured out yet, darling. I’m confused half the time. But to end my day with you in my arms, it’s worth it.”

“Kiss me, Sawyer.”

We kissed and as his hands started to get a little playful, the door opened.

Jason came bursting into the apartment, looking for me. He had a bag in his hand and wanted to show me his new toys from Tate.


That’s what he called Tate. There was no Dad or Daddy yet.

I sat on the floor and watched Jason dump out a bag of new rubber animals while Sawyer stood up.

Tate stepped into the apartment and looked around. “Wow. I guess you’re all set.”

“I guess so,” Sawyer said. “How was your afternoon?”

“Great. I think we hit every park in town. Got something to eat. Hit the toy store.”

I kept a close watch on the two of them as they were still feeling the entire situation out. I knew it hurt Sawyer that he couldn’t be the ultimate father figure to Jason. And I knew it hurt Tate that he wasn’t there with Kira or fought harder for her. Or said something sooner. But when I looked at Jason I knew the past meant nothing. It was really about moving forward and the future was Jason. The future was our new little rental house. The future was finding the family balance.

“Heading to the shop?” Sawyer asked Tate.

“No. I closed it up for the day.”

“What? Why?”

Tate grinned. “Brother, you’ve got a lot of stuff to move. Everyone is meeting over at the new place to get you unpacked.”

“Kate’s a pack rat,” Sawyer said.

“Thanks for that,” I said.

“You really closed the shop?” Sawyer asked.

“Yeah,” Tate said. “We’re a family. We all stick together. Good times and bad.”

Tate looked from Sawyer to me. Then down to Jason. He swallowed.

Sawyer grabbed Tate by the shoulder.

I felt my heart skip a beat.

“You’re doing great, brother,” Sawyer said. “It’ll all work out. I promise you, Tate, if he ever asks anything, I’ll be honest.”

“I know,” Tate said. “Face it, Sawyer, you’re my best friend. And I’m yours. We can fight each other as much as we want, but this is it.”

“Don’t remind me,” Sawyer said. “Best friends… you going to buy us one of those necklaces that break in half so we each get a piece?”

“You already have that,” I said. “It’s called St. Skin.”

“That’s true,” Sawyer said. “Okay. How about we go to our new house now?”

“Yes!” Jason yelled. “I want to see my room and play with my toys!”

“You got it,” I said. “Why don’t you go with your…” I froze.

“Tate,” Tate said. “Why don’t you come with me, big guy?”

Tate winked at me.

We were slowly figuring out how to explain everything to Jason.

It was always about timing.

Time was a friend. Time was an enemy. Time was there. Time was gone.

Tate walked Jason out of the apartment.

Sawyer offered his hand and helped me to my feet. “Ready to say goodbye to the old place?”

“No,” I said. “I’m not going to say goodbye.”

“In case you decide to leave me and come back here?”

I laughed. “Sorry, Sawyer. If anything, I’ll kick you out and you can go have a playdate with your BFF.”

Sawyer pulled me close and put his nose to mine. “You’re my best friend, darling. You’re my everything.”

“Good. Now help me move all my pack rat stuff and don’t complain.”

“What do I get if I don’t complain?” Sawyer asked.

I put my lips to his ear and whispered something private and dirty. I kissed his ear and broke away from him.

For the first time ever, it looked like Sawyer was blushing.

And here he thought he was the one in control.