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Preach to me Baby by Hazel Parker, Sinfully Sweet Books (85)

Sacked Secretary


Chapter 1

Madison Amor was a beautiful woman with high aspirations.  She had recently graduated, top of her class, with an MBA in business management and financing.  She loved the world of business and she dreamed of one day being a successful businesswoman.  However, she was also a realist and realized that fighting for top positions right out of college would be a waste of time, especially in today’s male-dominated society.  She had decided that her best move would be to climb the social ladder until she reached the top.  Some experiences with drudge work would be good for her anyway. 


With this thought in mind, Madison was dedicated to finding secretarial positions in start-up companies.  She realized the potential a secretary had for pulling strings.  They could get close to owners and eventually force their way into business dynamics, sometimes through skill alone, sometimes by flashing some cleavage.  Either method would work for Madison.


She also realized that a start-up company would leave her with a bigger opportunity to find herself a well-paying niche, maybe even a partnership. With her degrees, she had no doubt that someone would recognize her level of expertise and value her as much or more than just some secretary. 


Madison, as a resident of Maine, decided to start her search there.  Eventually, by scourging various newspapers she found Woodman and Hardwood Company.  The description of the company, through online research, said that they were a newly formed company, specializing in the manufacture of hardwood floors.  Madison smiled, looking at her computer screen. 


They were perfect.  Maine, famous for its lumber industry, would theoretically be the perfect location for a hardwood company.  Madison jumped at the opportunity, sending in her application, as well as a very impressive resume.


Then she waited.  Madison hoped for a quick response time because for some reason she had her heart set on this company.  In the meantime, however, she did the practical thing and continued her search as her mind lingered on Woodman and Hardwood.




To Madison’s surprise, Woodman and Hardwood had an impressive return time.  Two days after sending in her application, Madison received a letter from them.  She opened it with bated breath, only to find a piece of paper, empty except for a local number printed on it, along with the words, “Please call us.”  Madison was confused.  Nonetheless, she didn’t see any other option.  She called the number.  It rang for a while.  She was about to hang up and try again when someone finally answered the phone. 


Madison was surprised by the voice on the other end of the phone, “Hello!  You must be Ms. Amor!  May I call you Madison?  Great! We are glad you called us, Madison!  Here at Woodman and Hardwood, we appreciate all of the applications we receive.  When we looked at your application, we were sincerely impressed.  You are quite an accomplished young lady.”  The woman, sounding like an old woman with a history of smoking, from the scratchy, hoarse voice that chimed out, took a break now.  Madison could hear her labored breathing through the line as if winded. 


Madison didn’t know whether to respond or stay quiet.  She was usually so quick on her feet, as any good business person should be, but for some reason, this whole situation had thrown her off her game.  Madison took a deep breath, refocusing herself.  She had to get back into the game. 


“Uh… thank you.  May I ask who I am speaking with?” 


Madison’s head was finally cleared as she got back into a business mindset. She had to make a good impression with this company if she ever wanted to work for them, and that meant not sounding like an idiot over the phone.


“Of course!  My name’s Katherine!  I am the temporary secretary for Woodman and Hardwood.  You, my young Miss Madison would be taking on my responsibilities, as well as a few others, if you decide to join our team.”


Madison’s heart raced.  Did this mean they were interested in her after all?  Would it really be this easy to get a job?  Madison smirked, gaining confidence in herself. “And what would these responsibilities entail?”  Madison asked seriously, displaying a sense of curiosity and interest in the company, a basic trick for any business transaction.  Always act interested, even if you aren’t.  By the end of the phone conversation, Madison had an interview set up with the co-founders of the company: Lance Hardwood and Sebastian Woodman.  Madison grinned at how appropriate their names were for the business they owned. 


Madison was feeling confident now, as she thought about her future.  Hanging up, she immediately started to plan for her interview, knowing she only had one shot to impress the company.