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Preach to me Baby by Hazel Parker, Sinfully Sweet Books (34)

Chapter 4


The next day, the trio had a very busy day at work. It was Monday and patients loved to show up complaining about various ailments that had suddenly showed up during the weekend.


The three of them worked hard to make sure that every patient was satisfied with their quality of care and by the end of the day, they were all pretty exhausted.


Even so, Marshall looked just as put together as he always did, much to Allen’s irritation. He wished he could go through a hectic day and look just as good by the end of it. As he thought about this, Hazel looked at him, biting the corner of her lip, trying to keep her thoughts in line. She was contemplating whether to make a move.


Before she could, however, Marshall stepped up to her as he tossed on his jacket. “Are you free this evening, Hazel?” he asked, playing the show of a gentleman.


She looked up at him for a moment, trying to figure out what the meaning of his façade was. It took her a moment, but she eventually nodded. Her plans were simply to go home, order take-out, and watch a movie. Nothing exciting.


“Well if you are not doing anything, Allen and I would love to have you over.” He leaned forward as he said this, getting dangerously close to the girl. Before she could react, he grabbed her and pulled her into his body.


Allen flushed as he saw this exchange, his fears coming into realization. The giggle that escaped Hazel’s lips pierced through him. Why would anyone like him when Marshall always stole the spotlight?


As this self-doubt spread through his body, Hazel’s eyes darted quickly toward him. While Marshall was incredibly attractive, a part of her was also lured in by Allen’s mysteriousness. She wanted to learn more about him.


“Do you live together?” she finally asked. Marshall nodded. Hazel smiled in response, thinking that her dirty fantasies were potentially one step closer to becoming reality. “I would love to.”


Allen was surprised that she had agreed so eagerly. He had assumed that she would reject Marshall’s request. Even though he was sure she was saying yes because of his roommate, a part of him enjoyed the idea of her being in the house.


“Great,” Marshall said, kissing her cheek and grabbing her hand. With that, he pulled her along to their car. Allen sighed, jealousy bubbling within him as he saw Marshall woo the girl.


He grabbed the car keys and stepped outside after locking the clinic for the night. He walked to the car slowly. To his relief, Hazel was sitting in the passenger seat. This detail made him a bit more confident.


He got into the driver’s seat, a little excited now. The drive home was a short one, but even so, he was surprised to find Hazel’s hand slowly creep onto his as he was changing gears.


She offered him a slight smile as she interlaced their fingers. Allen wasn’t sure what this meant, but a spark of excitement rushed through his body as he felt her small hand cradle his own.


This intimacy was quickly broken, however, as he pulled into the driveway. Hazel shyly let go of his hand as her door opened up. Marshall was standing there, a sensual smile on his lips as he held out his hand. She took it in hers and got out, much to Allen’s dismay.


Soon they were inside. The men were great hosts and eventually started to cook together. Hazel watched their harmony in the kitchen and smiled.


However, as the fragrance of the food filled the kitchen, a problematic thought crossed her mind. What if they were lovers? Hazel felt disappointment overcome her as she thought about this.


“I hope you like stir fry!” Marshall exclaimed as a burst of fire emerged from his skillet. Allen stirred something in a nearby pot, looking serious as he tried to get everything perfect. He didn’t want to disappoint her. Hazel smiled, once again intrigued by his quiet nature. While she yearned for both men, Marshall was a little too easy for her taste.


“It’s one of my favorites,” she answered finally, realizing she had been addressed.


“Great! Allen and I make some of the best stir fry you will ever try!” Marshall boasted, looking smug. After some time, the two men were setting the table for three. It wasn’t very often that they had company.


“Wow, this looks fantastic,” Hazel whispered as she approached the table. Marshall pulled out a chair for her as Allen looked at her a moment. There was a look of nervousness on his face and Hazel tried to figure out what it could mean as she sat down. As they began to eat a gentle silence settled between them.


“So, Miss Klien, what do you think?” Allen finally spoke up, surprising both Hazel and Marshall. The young girl looked up, her eyes locking with Allen’s.


She had never really noticed how beautiful his eyes were, but as she gazed at them now, she admired their jade-like quality. She smiled in response, almost forgetting the question he had presented her.


Before she could be considered rude, she answered. “It’s amazing!” she chimed, her face contorting with a bright smile. Allen could feel his heart racing as this exchange occurred. He felt a sort of chemistry between them. Could it be that she was attracted to him?


“Hazel,” Marshall’s voice suddenly broke the intimate moment between Allen and her. She turned her head, looking at the darker skinned doctor. She offered a polite smile, encouraging him to continue.


“It is no secret that my colleague here likes you. It is also no secret that I also like you. So you can either choose one, or if you so desire, you can have us both.” Marshall’s words didn’t even seem real.