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Preach to me Baby by Hazel Parker, Sinfully Sweet Books (56)

What He Didn’t Know


Brandon sat at his kitchen table staring at his young daughter, who sat across the table from him. He picked up his coffee cup, stirred it for a second, and took a sip. He placed it back down on the table and grabbed his spoon, taking in another mouthful of plain cereal. Ever since his wife had passed, he felt like it was his responsibility to set a good example. Even if that meant that he could no longer eat his sugar-infused cereals.


It was also a strange change for him because, as he was running for mayor, every choice that he made was scrutinized. Even in his small town, he would find out on the evening news what he had purchased hours earlier from the grocery store. His daughter didn’t seem to mind the attention, but he struggled with the concept of living in a fishbowl.


His daughter, Suzy, sat reading the Sunday comics from the local newspaper: the same ones he had read as a child. And as he occasionally glanced over her shoulder at their TV, he couldn’t help but keep looking at the paper. There was something that jumped out at him on this particular morning, and it wasn’t the Garfield. It was a bright, full color ad with a logo that seemed so familiar to him. He could vaguely read “Quick’s Circus Company” along the top.

“Hey, honey. Let me see that page really quick.” He reached across the table as his daughter looked up from the paper. He quickly slid it out of her hands before she could grab a firm hold of it. She objected loudly, but picked up her spoon to continue eating her cereal, which had gotten a bit soggy from sitting.


“Fine, but I get it back as soon you’re done,” she said through a mouthful of milk and cereal. She turned and watched the television as he agreed absently. He read the ad to himself under his breath:


This weekend only, on its last tour across the continental United States, Quick’s Circus Company! Come out for a fun-filled weekend that will transport you back to your childhood and to yesteryear, when all you needed for fun was wonder!


He folded up the paper and handed it back to his daughter, who quickly opened it back up to the comic she had been reading. Brandon sat back in his seat and thought carefully, staring at the TV set. He hadn’t been to the circus in years, and even though he had despised them as a child, he couldn’t wait to go back.


“Suzy, what do you say about going to check out that circus next week?” His daughter flipped over the paper and quickly read through the advertisement herself. She looked back up at him confused and took a sip of her orange juice.


“I thought you hated clowns.” Brandon laughed and stood up, collecting the dirty dishes that were on the table. It was true though, he had grown up fearing clowns and people on stilts. His older brother had let him watch Stephen King’s IT when he was babysitting him and it scarred him for life. He assumed that the only thing circuses had to offer were clowns that could transform into giant insects. That is, until he was home from college and went to this particular circus with some friends.


“This isn’t that kind of circus,” he said, placing the dishes in the sink across the room. “This is a traditional circus, more of a carnival. It’s got high wire acts, strongmen, bearded ladies, and magicians.” He leaned up against the counter and looked at his daughter, who sat silently staring at him. “So?” She looked away and focused back on the newspaper.


“Sure, if seeing ladies with beards and people walk on ropes is that important to you.”




It had been the summer between his junior and senior years of college when Quick’s Circus Company had come through town. He and a few of his childhood friends from the neighborhood had decided that they would buy some weed off their local drug dealer and head into the circus to see the magic shows. They thought that maybe if they were high, the show would be more interesting.


It was up to Brandon to buy the weed, so he planned on meeting the dealer at the circus. Kill two birds with one stone, he thought. Until, after buying his weed, he got lost and realized he and his friends hadn’t figured out a meeting place. So, after wandering around for about an hour, he decided that he would check out a few booths for himself. That was when he met Ashley.


He had found his way into a side tent where girls were dancing in Arabic skirts, coins clinking together, their stomachs moving in ways he had never seen. His eyes were drawn, as if by some other-worldly force, to Ashley. She was in the back of the group, not belly dancing, but twirling a hula hoop around her body, contorting and sliding. It was as if the hula hoop was staying in one place and her body had become a fluid that moved around it.


He found a seat and watched in admiration for the entirety of the show, transfixed on her. They had made eye contact a number of times and he noticed how she would blush and look away, but he couldn’t look away even if he tried.


The show came to an end and all of the ladies bowed to the crowd, which stood and applauded their performance. Brandon stood up as well, but instead of clapping, he made his way towards the exit. He wanted to make sure that he could catch this mystery dancer before she slipped away. So, he ran towards the back of the tent and nearly collided with the dancers as they filed out from beneath the tent curtain. He slipped between them and caught up to the young girl carrying the hula hoop.


“Excuse me,” he stuttered out. Ashley turned around to face him and Brandon froze. She was strikingly beautiful. Her hair was two-toned; the crown of her head was blonde and underneath, her longer hairs were a mix of brown and black. It was something that he had never seen done in his small town. She wore a small shirt, cut off to expose her toned midriff. Tattoos could be seen poking out from her waistline and he noticed another tattoo that traveled from her back up to her shoulder.


“Can I help you?” she asked with a smile. Her smile warmed him like no alcoholic beverage ever had. Whiskey burned his chest, but the smile from this woman made him feel happy. Her blue eyes were soft and gentle, but they twisted into confusion after a moment.


“Oh, I’m sorry, that never happens,” he stammered. He realized that he was literally awe struck and had stood, mouth agape, staring at her. She laughed as he tried to formulate words. “My name is Brandon; can I take you out for a drink or something?” She looked around the circus grounds and back at him.


“I have another show in an hour; can you settle on a few beers in my dressing room?”




Brandon followed Ashley as she walked back towards her dressing room. He was transfixed by the way she moved her hips when she walked because of the way it made her ass shake. She had a large butt, one of the largest he had seen, but it was firm and perky in a way that he just wanted to reach out and grab it. However, for all of his gusto to follow her out of the tent and introduce himself, it abandoned him when he was actually face to face with her now.


So he walked the entire way back, following her in a trance, and as they neared the trailer, she turned and caught him staring down, obviously watching her ass as she walked. His eyes darted back up in horror, realizing she had turned around, but his gaze wasn’t met with anger or disgust; he was met by a smile.


She had clearly liked the attention, which he would be happy to give her all night. She turned back around and opened the door to the dressing room and she peeked inside quickly, without letting him see.


“Sorry, just want to make sure I didn’t leave anything out that I don’t want you to see.” Her voice trailed off, but he heard her whisper under her breath: “Yet.” She quickly did a once over of the room and seemed satisfied, so she held the door open for Brandon, who made his way inside after her. Considering how small the trailer looked from the outside, he was shocked at the size.


Upon stepping inside, he was greeted by a small kitten. Ashley apologized quickly, but Brandon just bent down and scooped the kitten up into his arms. The cat immediately began to purr as Brandon used his free hand to scratch the kitten under the chin. He looked up at Ashley who took a step back in surprise and folded her arms, almost in irritation.


“He’s never that nice to anyone,” she said incredulously. “You’re something special, that’s for sure.” She walked across the room to a small fridge that sat in the corner and cracked the door open. She paused and looked back at him, “Or are you part cat?” She peered back inside the fridge for a few moments and finally leaned in and pulled out two dark beers. “Wanna see a trick?” Brandon looked up and saw Ashley twist the two caps off using only her forearm. Brandon set the cat down and clapped.


“That’s very impressive. And you, out there, doing the thing with the hoop, was incredible.” She handed him a beer and sat down on the couch that was on the other side of the trailer. She patted the seat next to her and he walked over and sat beside her. The couch was surprisingly comfy considering it looked so worn out and beaten up.


“Do you have any tricks, Brandon?” She looked at him intently, not in a frightening way, but rather as if she was genuinely interested in what he had to say. Brandon appreciated that for a moment and answered.


“I know it’s hard to believe, but I’m a fantastic public speaker.” She laughed and took a sip of her beer. Brandon noted that he had made her laugh, so he was making progress. “People always tell me I’m destined for politics, but we’ll see. I’d love to get out of this town, honestly.” Ashley nodded and Brandon took a long sip of beer, checking his watch stealthily. He wanted to know how much time he had before she would kick him out.


“I’m honestly the opposite way,” Ashley said, looking off into the distance. “I’ve never really had a place to call home. I’ve always been on the road for one reason or another.” They each took a moment of silence and drank their beer. “I guess that’s why the circus life comes easy for me.” Brandon nodded and thought about what to say. He wanted to ask about her parents or siblings, but felt like that may be too personal a topic for a first “date.”


“So, how did you get into the circus, anyway?” Ashley shifted in her seat so that she was fully facing Brandon and placed the beer between her legs as she sat. Brandon couldn’t help but focus on how the condensation from the bottle of beer began to bead up slightly on her thighs. He could tell that she had strong thighs, and he wanted to reach out and grab them. Or at least to see what those thighs would look like wet.


“Do you really want to know?” Her question snapped him out of his fantasy of kissing her thighs while they both sat in a pool together. He shook his head slightly to get it on straight again. He looked her in the eyes and nodded, prompting her to gush and continue. “Well, it’s kind of long, so prepare yourself.”


The next hour flew by and just as Ashley finished her story, she turned and looked at the clock that hung from the wall above the fridge. She swore under her breath and jumped up off the couch and stood up, frantically sprinting around the room, and grabbed her hula hoop from in front of the door. She checked herself in the floor to ceiling mirror then looked at the door and back at Brandon and quickly ran back over to him.


“Stay here; I’ll be right back.” She leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. Her kiss tasted like strawberries and dark beer and he wanted nothing more than to follow her out and continue tasting her lips. He could feel the color rising in his face and Ashley giggled to herself and ran out of the door. Brandon watched as the door closed and leaned back into the couch. The kitten jumped up onto the couch next to him and he absentmindedly petted it while he finished his beer and waited for her return.




It wasn’t long until Ashley returned, and this time she must have done a more intense set because Brandon noticed a thin layer of sweat was covering her body. She came into the trailer and tossed the hula hoop across the room and went towards the fridge again and pulled out another two beers.


She cracked them open, using the bottle opener this time, and handed Brandon one as she flopped down onto the couch beside him. She draped her legs over his and lounged back into the seat. He felt his breath escape his lungs as her legs gracefully touched down on his.


“Sorry that took so long; I had to help with another group and we lost track of time.” She took a long sip of beer and sighed. She flipped her hair slightly and fanned herself with a fan that had been sitting on a table. “Hope you don’t mind the light sweat.” Brandon didn’t mind, and even rested one hand on her leg, allowing it to caress slowly along her thigh. She didn’t seem to notice, so he continued.


“No problem. Your cat and I have been getting better acquainted. I wasn’t sure of his name, so I named him Sir Sammy.” He snapped his fingers and the cat came running over and he bent down to pet him. Ashley leaned over and joined in petting him.


“Just another thing that he never does for me. His name is Patches, but I like that name.” She leaned back and watched as the cat scampered away across the room. “Maybe that can be his official title from now on.” Brandon laughed and took a sip of beer.


“Sounds good, sounds good.” He looked around the trailer and noticed that through the window it had gotten quite dark. “Oh man, I didn’t realize how late it had gotten. I can head out if you need me to.” Brandon made the move to stand up, but Ashley’s legs held him down in his seat so he couldn’t stand up.


“Please, don’t. You’ve already had a few beers; you couldn’t possibly drive at this point.” Brandon looked down at the two empty beers and went to argue that he could obviously still drive home, but she winked at him and shushed him. “Just stay the night, Brandon.” He relaxed into the couch and finished his beer, setting the empty bottle next to the others on the floor. He noticed Ashley tip hers back as well and she tossed it across the room into the trashcan.


“Oh, let me throw mine away too.” Brandon shifted Ashley’s legs and stood up, collecting his bottles from the floor. He took the few steps to cross the room and dropped them into the bin. He turned around to return to his seat and looked back to see a topless Ashley laying on the couch, posing like a model. “Oh, my. I wasn’t expecting that.”


“Draw me like one of your French girls.” She rolled over onto her back and laughed to herself and motioned for Brandon to come over. He slowly walked back across the room and looked down at her as she laid on her back. He studied her body and could feel himself getting aroused just by looking at her.


Her tits were larger than Brandon was used to and he leaned down towards them. He reached out and grabbed one, his fingers fondling and squeezing it. Ashley let out a small giggle as he did this and lifted herself off the couch slightly so that she could kiss him. Their lips connected and Brandon felt as if a spark traveled throughout his body, igniting some kind of fire in his loins.


Brandon kneeled next to the couch and began to kiss her fiercely. One hand continued to cup and fondle her tit, and the other was behind her head, holding her in close for the kiss, their tongues locking and tips flicking against the other. He began to pinch at her nipple and tease her tits and he felt that she was slowly shifting in the seat. He followed her movements patiently.


Ashley sat up on the couch and pulled Brandon up to meet her lips again. He admired her tits as they hung on her chest, both hands now fully engaged in grabbing and playing with them. Every few seconds, he would flick or pinch the nipple and he would feel her squeal into their kiss. He never wanted to let them go, but quickly he did.


Without thinking, his hands travelled down to her pants and he was unfastening them, pulling them off. She lifted herself off the couch slightly, and her pants got caught as he pulled them over her ass. They both laughed when he finally got them off, her butt jiggled as they did. She reached down and cupped her own ass, getting her cheek to jiggle again.


They continued to make out for a few more minutes while Brandon played with her tits, but then Ashley reached down and pulled off his shirt. She pulled it up and over his face. He stood up when she did this and began to unbuckle his belt and pants. Ashley reached up and took over as soon as his shirt was off and she pulled his pants and boxers down together, revealing his dick. It sprang back up once she pulled the boxers down and they both laughed at the audacity of it all.


She immediately leaned forward and fit her lips around the tip. Brandon let his head roll back as he let out a long moan. With one hand, he reached down and held her hair out the way; with the other, he braced himself against the nearby table, his legs already shaking from the way she was licking and rubbing the tip with her fingers. It had been a long time since he had been with anyone, and this was the best he had ever gotten.


She reached down and started to work the shaft of his dick with her hand and looked up at him, his cock in her mouth. Brandon looked down and instantly felt the urge to cum, her piercing eyes almost willing him to. He held back the sensation and continued to moan as her lips moved effortlessly over his dick. She began to deepthroat him and he listened as she allowed herself to gag slightly on his cock. After two pumps and her slightly gagging, he pulled himself out and lifted her to her feet.


She allowed him to turn her around so she was facing the couch and leaned her forward. Her knees braced on the edge of the couch and her face and arms dangled over the back. He stepped back and took a second to take her in. Her ass hung in the air as if it defied gravity and he reached forward and spanked her once. Ashley moaned gently and awaited him as her ass shook.


Brandon, instead of sticking it inside of her, actually got onto his knees and with both hands spread her ass so that he could see her pussy. He then dove in, his tongue leading the charge. He took long strokes with his tongue and spent a few seconds flicking her clit with his finger. He felt that her body was shaking under his tongue so he continued, with more vigor. His tongue spread her lips and he licked and kissed her pussy until she was moaning loudly and begging for more.


He was happy to grant her that wish and he sped up and slowed down with the rhythm of her body. He made circles with his tongue and rubbed and flicked her clit with more force. He even took a moment and sucked on her clit. He watched as goosebumps sprang up all over her body. He stepped back once again and wiped his face off on his loose shirt that sat on the floor and began to stroke himself again to make sure he was completely hard for her before inserting.


She looked back over her shoulder just as Brandon took the step forward and slid inside her. She gasped when he inserted himself into her and yelped slightly for the first few thrusts. Brandon reached forward with one hand and grabbed her breast as it bounced with each move. His fingers formed around it and she moaned loudly the more he fondled and played with it.


He felt that she was getting close because with each move, she was getting higher and higher pitched. With his other hand, he reached forward and grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled it back, causing her to moan even louder.


He took the opportunity to spank her. So he let go of her hair and with his now-free hand he slapped her across the ass and watched as she threw her head back and moaned. He slapped her again and she moaned loudly. Once more and she screamed out for him to hit her harder. He released the tit and leaned back so that he had a better angle and began to spank her hard, his dick still thrusting inside her. She screamed out his name and they both shuddered as they came in unison.


Brandon pulled out and sat on the floor next to the couch as Ashley laid down and stretched out on the couch. She let her hand hang over the side and Brandon reached up and grabbed it. They both fell asleep like that, fingers intertwined.




For the next week while the circus was in town, Brandon spent all of his time in or around the circus fairgrounds with Ashley. He was introduced to the other women in her troupe, all of whom seemed to have either heard first hand or through the grapevine that the two of them were creating a ruckus in Ashley’s trailer when she didn’t need to be somewhere with other people from the circus. They were all nice though, and seemed to act like mothers to Ashley.


Brandon even met other members of the circus, from the strongman to the clowns. Ashley insisted that he meet the clowns, even after he explained his fear of them. She assured him that they were nice guys, but as soon as he got there, his fears were only confirmed. Ashley had warned them that Brandon scared easily and they took full advantage of that knowledge and teased him ruthlessly. However, Brandon knew that it was all in good fun and he moved on.


But, as the end of the week approached, Brandon and Ashley very clearly avoided talking about what would happen when the circus would move on to the next town. Brandon had thought about it on his own and considered how his parents would respond if he decided to drop out of college at this point and join the circus. He had always played by the rules and maybe this was his chance to break out.


However, he didn’t have any special skills and couldn’t see where he would fit in with a circus. He had grown up in an incredibly white-collar family, and like everyone said, he was destined for politics. There is no way his personality could fit within that environment. So, on the last night of the circus being in town, Brandon decided to bring up their future over dinner.


The two of them sat atop a hill that overlooked the circus and then ate sandwiches they had bought from the store and shared a bottle of white wine. They didn’t have the budget for glasses, so they just passed the bottle back and forth between the two of them. The sun was setting and Brandon knew that it was now or never.


“So, what are we and where do we go from here?” Ashley looked at him and sighed heavily. She passed him the bottle of wine and laid back, resting her sandwich on her chest. She stared off into the distance for a while and finally she responded as Brandon waited.


“I don’t know, Brandon. I really like you, but I don’t belong here in this city and you don’t belong in a circus.” She took a bite of the sandwich and reached for the wine. “It’s what made this so fun and adventurous. This would never happen in any other time or place. We both knew that, didn’t we?” She took a pull from the wine bottle and handed it back. He took a swig and set it down in the basket.


“So you just want to cut it off? Once you leave, you’re gone and I never see or hear from you again?” Brandon stood up and started to pull the leaves off of a nearby tree. Ashley didn’t stand up, but she sat and watched him tear at the leaves. She found it almost endearing that he was getting so worked up over a romance that only lasted a few days.


“I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know how well it would work if we tried to stay in contact. I mean, I’m constantly moving and don’t have the money to keep a cellphone.” Brandon tossed the bits of the leaf up into the passing breeze and watched as they fluttered away down the hillside.


“I suppose that’s true. And I’ll go off to college again and who knows, maybe I’ll meet somebody. I wouldn’t want to hurt you by doing anything stupid.” Ashley laughed and sat back up, grabbing the wine out of the basket where Brandon had left it.


“You’re never going to find a girl like me, Brandon.” He turned around and walked back towards her. He grabbed the bottle out of her hand and pushed her over with his foot. She fell onto her side and he began to roll her down the hill; they both laughed the entire way down. Once they reached the bottom, one of the other dancers ran up to Ashley and told her they had to start tearing down to leave. She apologized to Brandon and left to go help. Ashley stood up and looked at Brandon, who was beginning to walk back up the hill to collect the picnic, his head low.


She chased after him and embraced him from behind, wrapping her arms all the way around him. He could feel tears beginning to dampen his back and he could hear her slightly crying. He held back his own tears and turned around, hugging her in return. It was muffled through the clothes and the sobs, but he thought he heard her say, “I love you.” He kissed her head and let her go. She slowly walked away and he waved at her as she turned. He couldn’t help but feel like there was more he should do.




After driving home that evening, Brandon couldn’t shake the feeling that he had made a terrible mistake in letting her leave without nailing down some way of staying in touch. He got back to his room, finished the wine, and felt himself beginning to fall asleep. But as his eyes closed, he couldn’t help but see her face. He would wake up every time to find that nearly no time had passed, and he tried countless times to get her out of his head.


At about 4am, he decided that he needed to go and make an appeal to her, that he had to convince her to give them a chance. He would get there before they left and make a big, dramatic scene in front of everyone. If he didn’t, then he knew that he, and possibly she, would live in regret, always wondering, “What If?” So, he threw on the first pair of pants and shirt he could find and ran out of his house to his car.


The streets were empty at this point so he sped through the side streets of the small town towards the park where the circus was. It took him roughly fifteen minutes to get there and as he pulled up, he noticed the distinct lack of cars or trucks. He pulled through the empty parking lot and looked over the field, which just hours ago was full of life and hope. But now, it was an empty, grass-trampled wasteland.


He got out of his car and walked toward the board where there was still a sign for the circus pinned to it. Brandon walked up and unfastened the pins, folded it, and put it into his back pocket. There had to be something he could do. Anything.




After Ashley left with the circus, he did everything he could to make sure that for the rest of the summer, there was a letter that would be waiting for her at each of the stops. However, his prediction had been right, and when he left and went back to school, while out with friends at a local bar, he met a girl. Ashley was right: she was no Ashley, but she was exactly what Brandon needed and Brandon was exactly what she needed.


They fell in love and Brandon followed the path that was written for him. He attended law school in New York City, and five years later found himself in his old home town, married to a pregnant wife, living in his childhood home that he bought from his parents when they retired to Florida. However, not everything went as planned.


Two weeks shy of her due date, his wife began to have complications and the doctor pushed for them to induce early. Brandon didn’t like to think about this time in his life very frequently, because his wife died tragically in childbirth. For the next few years, he lived off of the nest egg that his parents and he had built and he raised his daughter. When she was seven, he decided to return to politics.


Which is how Brandon found himself a widowed father, running for governor, walking through the same circus he had spent one week at back in his childhood, with his seven-year-old daughter. He walked her through all of the tents that he remembered and searched for faces that he could recognize, but nearly every face seemed too young to be people that he would remember.


They finally happened upon a tent in which a young boy, who was probably in his early teens, was performing acrobatics. He was incredibly talented and the crowd watched intently as he vaulted from pole to pole and balanced objects as he bent over backwards and contorted his body. However, there was something about the boy that threw him off. He recognized him, but couldn’t decide how he knew him. That was when his daughter began to see the resemblance and looked back and forth between the boy and her father.


“Daddy, that looks like you from when you were little.”  Brandon froze and felt the color drain from his face as all of the sexual climaxes came rushing back to him. For the entirety of the time they were there, he realized that he never wore protection and never pulled out. They were always so wrapped up, pun intended, in emotions, that it never got brought up. Every time they had fucked, he came inside her. He stared at the boy, eyes wide in panic. He looked over at his daughter, who sat, looking confused.


“He does, doesn’t he?” He could feel a cold sweat break out on his forehead. “He’s a handsome kid, huh?” The little girl glanced over and smiled. “No, no. He’s not handsome; he’s gross.” He shook his head and stuck out his tongue, making a “bleh” noise. His daughter looked confused, but laughed. A few minutes passed in silence and the young boy’s routine finished. While the rest of the audience applauded, Brandon stood up and ushered his daughter out of the tent. He realized that he was following the exact same motions he had taken all those years before. Except this time when he turned, looking for the boy, he didn’t run into dancers: he ran into Ashley.


“Brandon?” She lunged at him, embracing him forcefully. Suzy took a step back, once again thrown for a loop and just then the young acrobat ducked underneath the tent and stumbled upon the same scene. The two children looked at each and back at their parents. Suzy stepped forward and held out her hand.


“Great performance; my dad really liked it. So did I.” The little boy took her hand and they shook. With her words though, Brandon and Ashley broke away from their embrace. Fifteen years had passed and yet it felt as if it were yesterday for the both of them. They stared longingly into each other’s eyes and the little boy spoke up.


“Mom, care to introduce me?” Ashley broke eye contact and awkwardly tried to introduce Brandon. Brandon had pieced it together by this point and was perplexed as to how she was going to proceed. He watched her struggle for a moment, and his politician self jumped in to save the day. He kneeled so that he was level with him and held out his hand, just like Suzy.


“Hello, my name is Brandon. I’m an old... friend of your mother. And this is my daughter, Suzy.” He accepted the handshake and Brandon was pleased to see that the handshake was firm.


“My name is Sammy; nice to meet you both.” Brandon’s jaw clenched and he stood back up. He looked towards Ashley, who stood with a smile on her face. Brandon smiled back at her and reached out to her once more. He stood, with his arm around her waist for a moment and turned his attention to his daughter.


“Suzy, this is my good friend Ashley. I haven’t seen her in a very long time.” He looked up at Ashley, who still had a smile planted on her face. “I missed her very much though, and I’m glad she’s back.”




The two families, Brandon with Suzy and Ashley with Sammy, went out to grab lunch together and spent the rest of the day hanging out around the circus. As the night neared to an end, Brandon spoke up and surprised both himself and everyone else.


“Why sleep in that cramped trailer tonight? Why not come back and sleep at our house? We have spare rooms for you both.” Both Sammy and Suzy looked at their respective parents with contempt, but Ashley responded before looking at Sammy.


“We would love to; that’s so kind.” Ashley and Brandon both smiled and laughed at one another while their children looked at each other. Suzy stared at Sammy intently and contemplated what was going on. Sammy, though, seemed to have an idea of what was happening.


“Hey, mom, when was the last time you were here?” Sammy looked up at her while they all began to walk towards Brandon’s car and she absentmindedly answered without thinking.


“Fifteen years ago at this point. I still remember,” her voice trailed off and she quickly looked at Brandon, who was trying not to look suspicious. “Now that I think about it, closer to twenty. Definitely twenty years.” Sammy nodded his head skeptically and the four of them walk to the car.




After arriving at the house late, Brandon went and helped Suzy get ready for bed, and Ashley got Sammy set up in the guest room. He asked if she would be sleeping in the guest room with him, and she replied that she may decide to sleep in the other room. She would need to see the couch.


By the time she came downstairs, Brandon was already waiting for her with a bottle of wine and two glasses in hand. She took the bottle from him and looked at the label. She didn’t know how he had even remembered, but he had gotten the same bottle of wine that they had shared the last time they were together.


“I hope this isn’t a sign of what we’re going to discuss,” she said jokingly. He laughed and handed her a glass. She took it and looked at it. “We didn’t use glasses then; why use them now?” Brandon laughed again and took it back, placing it on the counter. He motioned for her to make her way to the couch.


“I can’t tell you how fantastic it is to see you.” He sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to him. She giggled and sat down, but tossed her legs over his own. He once again, just like when they first met, began to massage and caress her legs. “It’s been too long. But not long enough for the feelings I have for you, to fade.”


“Brandon, you have a child. Where is your wife?” Brandon held up his hand and revealed there was no ring. She apologized and grabbed the bottle of wine, taking a swig. She handed it back to him.


“We’re here to celebrate; there’s no need to talk about the past.” Ashley leaned forward and kissed him.


“But that doesn’t mean we can’t remember the past fondly.”




The night was a blur, but from what Brandon could remember, Ashley’s ass had somehow become better with age. They sat on the couch and watched television, and finished the bottle of wine together. After their bottle of wine, they barely made their way back to the bedroom before Ashley found herself naked and sitting on his face.


Her pussy was perfect and tasted as fantastic as Brandon remembered. She rubbed her clit on his chin as his tongue penetrated her. Every time she would begin to moan, Brandon would hold his hands up for her to bite down on. Her lips sucked on his fingers until she couldn’t bear it. His tongue flicked inside of her and with his free hand that wasn’t being nibbled on, he reached up and grabbed ahold of her tit.


When she couldn’t stand being quiet, she allowed herself to fall and they 69’d, her mouth forming perfectly around his dick. It was almost as if no time had passed for the two of them as they made love like they were 21 again. She took his dick deep into her throat and Brandon continued to eat her out, now sliding his fingers inside her as he licked and lapped at her pussy.


After a few minutes of eating each other out, Ashley’s head bobbing on Brandon’s dick, he rolled her over onto her back and mounted her. Her breasts seemed almost more youthful than they had back when they were together for those fateful few days and he leaned down to suckle at them. His tongue teased at her nipples and she grabbed his hair, her fingers getting tangled in the curls.


He sat up and slowly slid her legs apart so that he could have a better angle. He held her legs up, near his shoulders and, with a free hand, slid his dick inside her. Fifteen years had passed, and like a fine wine, it only made the sex better. He slowly thrusted inside her until she was moaning quietly and he grunted with each stroke. He utilized the entirety of his dick and even reached down with his free hand to rub her clit while he slid further and further inside her.


His dick began to throb inside her and he leaned down, bending her legs down with him, and kissed her. He felt her body quivering beneath him and both of them laughed at how quickly they had cum. Ashley reached up and grabbed his face, pulling him down onto the bed. She positioned herself so that she was resting inside his arms, and just like before, they fell asleep, hands intertwined.




However, as the morning sun shone through the blinds into Brandon’s bedroom, his arms still wrapped around Ashley, his hands cupping her breasts, reality slowly began to creep back into their perfect dream world. It began with a knock that came on the door and two voices peeped out from under it. The first was easily recognizable as Suzy and Brandon clenched up as she spoke.


“Dad, they ran a story about you and Mrs. Ashley; it’s not looking great for you.” Brandon’s eyes shot open as his mind raced to all the different possibilities of what they potentially could have said about the two of them. He realized that he did not do a very good job of hiding his affection during the last day and that it would take a lot of work to get ahead of this problem. Although, he already had plan in place to handle this. He just wasn’t expecting to have to utilize the plan so early. The next voice was obviously Sammy’s, as it was slightly lower.


“Mom, we’re going to be late for the main stage. It’s our turn to go before the main show. We can’t miss this; it’s the last one.” Ashley’s eyes snapped open with this comment and both Brandon and Ashley snapped out of bed and sprang to their feet, frantically searching for their clothes as the two voices behind the door knocked and called for them repeatedly.


“Just a minute,” they yelled in unison. Brandon and Ashley paused for a moment and shared a laugh at the timing, but immediately started to get dressed again because they had no time to waste. Thankfully, the children seemed to leave them alone and left the door for a moment. Brandon strode across the room and kissed Ashley, pressing her back and bending her over. She giggled and stood back up and bent over to put her shoes on.


However, even with all the playfulness, they still felt like they had to discuss the future. They had no time though and both rushed to wrap everything up. Brandon wouldn’t let the past repeat itself.




Brandon drove Ashley and Sammy back to the circus while Suzy waited at home and watched the news, taking notes of the things they said about him and Ashley, and on his drive home, he listened to the local radio station while they did a report on him. He admitted that he had made a mistake by being so obvious, but he was pleased that people noticed that he was happy with another adult for the first time in nearly seven years.


Upon arriving home, Suzy was waiting for him at the kitchen table. She motioned for him to sit down, which he found adorable considering she was barely tall enough to reach things on the top of the refrigerator. However, at seven, she was more knowledgeable about social media than he ever would be, which frightened him.


“Dad, I’ll be honest. It’s not good, it’s not bad. People are impressed someone so attractive likes you, which you can take how you’d like. But it’s not important what they think.” Brandon stared at his daughter, who now appeared to be 27, not 7. “It’s what you think.” She walked over to the table and pulled out her seat. She hopped up and sat across from him. “Do you like her?” Brandon sat back in his seat and thought for a moment before he answered.


“I do. I really do. She was my first love.” Suzy held her hand up to stop him from saying any more. He didn’t know if it was because she didn’t want to know or if she already knew.


“Then you know what you have to do.” Brandon stared at her, shocked. How could a girl so young know so much?


“And how do you feel about that?” Suzy thought about it for a moment, mimicking her father, her finger tapping on her chin, and she responded.


“I’d like to have a real family, even if it’s one I just met.”




Ashley and Sammy finished their routine and, for the first time, Brandon stood and applauded with everyone else in the crowd. However, as usual, he was out of his seat before everyone else and was making his way towards the front of the stage. As Ashley and Sammy began to leave the stage, Brandon yelled for them to stay. Confused, they both stood off to the side as the next performers began to prepare.


The Ring Leader made his entrance onto center stage and Brandon stepped forward and politely asked for the microphone. Fifteen years ago, he had met this man when he was much younger. Now, with greying hair and a slight limp, Brandon almost felt bad for him. However, the man clearly remembered him and, looking across at Ashley, he handed over the microphone. Brandon turned to the audience, which now sat in silence as he spoke.


“As many of you have heard, through either the television, radio, or newspaper, I am running for governor. And this morning a story broke about me and my life, both past and present.” He began to pace back and forth and Ashley smiled at how he absentmindedly played with the microphone while he spoke. “The story said that I was having a one-night stand with a girl from the circus, and that she meant nothing to me.” People in the audience began to laugh as Ashley blushed. “But that isn’t the case. They are very wrong.”


“Fifteen years ago, this circus visited this town when I was only a young man, still in college. I met this woman,” he pointed at Ashley, “and I fell madly in love.” A few people in the audience let out an “aww.” “But, as fate would have it, she was taken from me, by the very circus that brought her back into my life.” He began to walk towards Ashley, her eyes welling up with tears as he spoke.


“So now that this circus has run its course, I have to ask a simple question.” The crowd held their collective breath in anticipation as Brandon lowered himself to one knee. However, before asking his question and away from the microphone he turned to Sammy, who stood close by. “Can I learn how to be your father, Sammy?” Tears welled up in Sammy’s eyes and he nodded, just like his mother, so he turned his attention back to Ashley.


“Will you marry me, and allow me to become a part of your world?”


Ashley, tears now streaming down her face, nodded profusely and mumbled out the word, “Yes.”









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