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When We Fall by Sloane Murphy (14)

“Get it down. Take chances.

It might be bad, but it’s the only way you can do anything

really good.”

~ William Faulkner


Three days in Nashville just wasn’t enough, and I can’t believe we’ve been gone from home almost a week already. It feels like almost no time has passed at all, but today… Today we head to New York and I am so excited. It’s one of those places I’ve always wanted to go but never thought I would. The drive has been epically long, but so worth it. I guess, I’m not driving, so I can say that, but this time with Mason, has been everything. If I didn’t know already how much I loved him, I now know beyond a doubt. He is my world.

“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Mason asks, lifting my hand to his lips.

“Just thinking about life – about us and our future?”

“Oh yeah, darlin’, what about it?”

“Just that I have never been happier than I am right now. This moment, this trip. You. Me. Us. It’s just… everything.”

“No sweetheart, you are everything, and you make me feel like the luckiest man alive.”

I lean over and kiss his neck. “I love you, Mason Knight. Forever.”

“And I love you, Erin Michaels. Always.”

We drive on in comfortable silence, today’s playlist filling the quiet as we come to the outer city limits.

“Oh wow,” I gasp. Its dark outside now, the thirteen-hour drive has made me so stiff, but I forget about it all as I look around at the city.

“You okay darlin’?”

“I am more than okay, look at this! This is beautiful. We only have two nights here before we’re off again. Promise me we’ll come back here someday?”

“For you? Anything,” he smiles, and I know he means it. I feel like such a sap – being this in love; being here. There’s a little voice inside my head, that’s whispering this can’t all last forever: waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I quieten that spiteful little bitch and just enjoy these moments. Experiencing all these new things, these new places, with Mason.




“Are you ready for today?” He asks me as I finish my pancakes.

“What exactly do you have planned?” I ask skeptically.

He demanded he got to plan at least part of our trip, and he chose New York City. Of course, he did.

“You will find out as we go. Where’s the fun of it if I just tell you?” He laughs, shaking his head at me.

“Now, come on, room service breakfast was just the start of our day. Get dressed!” He says.

Part of me wants to disobey him, just a really small part, because the rest of me is just ridiculously excited to find out what he has planned.

“What am I dressing for?” I ask.



I get dressed, and am whisked away down to the front of the hotel where a car is waiting for us. Our first stop is New York Public Library. Some people might wonder why the hell this is our first stop, but I just squeal and hug Mason, peppering him in kisses.

“You brought me to a library?” I laugh.

“Well, yeah. I know that inside that hard exterior of yours is a book nerd, happiest in a library, but mainly, it’s because this is where you let me in. Well, not here, but at the library back home. This is the beginning of our story, Erin – when you, oh-so-reluctantly, agreed to tutor me; that was the first crack in that wall you keep around you. So, we start at the library.”

I could literally swoon. He opens the car door, climbing out and holding out his hand to help me out. The heat of the city hits me, even this early in the day. The sounds, the lights, the people. The city is alive, and you can almost feel the thrum of it.

He leads me through the entrance, and I’m hit by the smell! That amazing smell of paper and ink. All those books. We explore every single level, including the children’s library, because obviously, Winnie the Pooh was a childhood hero of mine. Then we hit the Reading Room. This might not be amazing for everyone, but for me, it couldn’t be a more perfect start to the day.

“Thank you, Mason. This place is incredible. You are incredible.”

“Oh darlin’, this is just the beginning, you haven’t seen anything yet,” he says with a cheeky smile before pulling me close and kissing me with so much passion, so much heat, that I think my panties just caught fire.

“And that is just a prelude of what’s to come later,” he says to me quietly, his voice hoarse with desire. The knowledge that he can’t get enough of me is intoxicating. I’m speechless; he stole all of my breath. I touch my lips as he pulls away from me, clasping my other hand.

“Come on, darlin’, we’ve got so much more to explore.”




We spend the day exploring New York; From the Empire State building, where we feel on top of the world, to ground zero, where we feel so small.

I have no idea where we’re heading next, but I’ve loved ditching the car and taking the subway with everyone else. We catch the 4, when Mason announces our next stop is The Statue of Liberty. I squeal, and then hide my face in his shoulder when I see how many people are looking at us. Oops.

“There’s no need to hide, Tiger. I love your fire,” he chuckles quietly.

We’re watching the people come and go as we travel to our stop, when a group of young men get on our train. They’re covered in tattoos and they’re terrifying. I can’t put my finger on exactly why, but they scream danger. They look over at us, eyeing Mason up and I feel him go rigid beside me.

“Are you okay?” I ask softly.

“We need to get off at the next stop,” he tells me, his words clipped.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, the cold feeling creeping over my skin picks up pace when I look into his eyes; they’ve gone flat, totally void of emotion. I’ve never seen him like this before – except for that time down at the beach, when Joey and his thugs turned up. But this is different – worse.

“Not right now, Erin,” he says and I shut up.

He’s never taken that tone with me before and I’m shocked into silence. He takes my hand and leads me off of the train and up to ground level of the city. It’s not until we walk a few blocks and sit down in a coffee shop that he starts to relax.

“What the hell was that?” I ask. My worry has transformed into anger. I’m not some puppet he can drag around with no explanation.

“I’m sorry, Erin.”

“That’s not quite going to cut it, Mason. What is going on? Who were those people?”

“There are some things about my past I sort of iced over, Erin. Stuff I’m not proud of. I tried to tell you before, but you said you didn’t need to know. But now, well now, I have to tell you. When I said I ran with a bad crowd before Grams moved us, what I didn’t say was, that that crowd was a gang. A big one. Not just like Joey and his idiots playing at it. This is serious stuff. This gang has factions across States. I’ve met those guys before, and I recognized their colors. I’m not sure they would recognize me, but, well, it isn’t a chance I want to take. They’re bad news – seriously, bad news.”

“You were in a gang?” I ask, reeling. I mean, I guess it’s not that shocking, especially considering Joey, but for it to reach us here – that’s crazy.

“Yes – kind of. I was never fully inducted. Grams got me out before it got that far, but I was in enough to have crossed paths with other gangs; to end up in a street war that wasn’t mine. That’s where I recognized those guys from. They were part of the crew who went up against mine.”

“That’s how you knew about Josh’s gun,” I say, taking it all in and putting it together.

“I understand if this changes things,” he says, his shoulders slumped.

“What on earth are you on about?”

“My past: this. It could follow us anywhere. Everywhere. I did some bad stuff before I met you, Erin. I was not exactly good guy, not always. Some of what I did, I’ll carry with me for my entire life.”

He sees the look on my face. I want to ask but I don’t.

“I mean, don’t get me wrong, I never… I never killed anyone, and I didn’t hurt anyone, not anyone innocent. It was more a case of what I didn’t do – of standing by and…”

I grab his hand across the table, putting my finger on his lip and sshing him. “Mason, stop it. You’re a good man. No matter what you did before, that was exactly that - before. It doesn’t change who you are now. Who you are to me. Does it make you imperfect? Yes, but show me a person in the world who is perfect; who doesn’t have flaws. You’re human, Mason. I don’t expect you to be superman.”

“You don’t look at me differently?” he asks warily.

“Mason, I love you. Good and bad. All of you. I always knew there was something; I’m not an idiot. No one transfers high school in their last year without a reason. And you cruising in with your leather and crusade attitude – well, it wasn’t exactly subtle.  I’m just thankful you trust me enough to be honest with me. I’m not going anywhere – always and forever, remember?” I say with a smile, kissing his knuckles.

“I don’t deserve you, Erin Michaels. You are all that is good about this world.”

“Enough of that. Now then, I believe I was on my way to see the big lady!”

He laughs at me and standing pulls me close.“I mean it, I don’t ever want to lose you, Erin.”

“Well then it’s a good thing I’m not going anywhere,” I say, rising on my tiptoes to kiss him. “Now, take me to the big lady!”


The Statue of Liberty was amazing; being up so high, acting like a goon with Mason, especially after what he told me before we went, was therapeutic. We got back to being us. I’m shattered, this whole day has been a rollercoaster. I’m in the back of a cab, snuggled into Mason, content and happy.

“You can’t sleep yet, tiger,” he tells me and I open my eyes to see that we’re pulling into what looks like an air field.

“What else could you possibly have planned for us?” I ask, surprised. I thought we were going back to the hotel.

“Well, you see, you told me once, that you felt small, like the whole world was closing in on you. When I was lying there on the floor that day, bleeding all over you, as you tried to save me, I swore that you would never feel that way again. So tonight, I’m making the world yours. We’re going to fly above this beautiful city, and make it look so small that you could cup it in your hands.”

“Mason… I don’t even know what to say,” I say as we climb out of the car.

I walk towards the helicopter in front of us.

“You could say, yes.”

I turn to see him down on one knee with a small black box in hand. “You could make me the happiest man on earth. On that day, in that moment, I knew there was nobody else in the world for me. You are my world. My one. My forever and always. You are everything, Erin Michaels, and I would love nothing more than for you to be my wife.”

My brain is having a hard time accepting the events unfolding. I never expected this from him. I love him and I know he loves me, but…

He sees my moment of hesitation and says, “I know we’re young, and I know you have college – and I’m so excited and proud of you. I want you to stretch your wings and fulfil your dreams, but I want you to make me your home.”

It’s crazy. We’re barely out of high school; I was never going to be one of those girls, the kind that got married and threw away their dreams, their potential – but with Mason, it’s not like that; I hear his words and I believe them. I know I can do everything in the world I ever dreamt of, and he would simply be by my side, giving me strength, shoring me up. Home? The word sounds so beautiful falling from his lips. So right. tear runs down my cheek as I try to say yes, but the words don’t come – instead, I nod and run to him. He stands and catches me in his arms, kissing me like I’m the only air he needs.

“Yes,” I murmur as he pulls back.

“You’re sure?” He whispers into my hair.

“Never more sure of anything.”

He slips the ring onto my finger, and it’s as beautiful as he is. The band is woven vine of leaves, which sparkle with the diamonds knotted into them.

“Mason… how?”

“Monica,” he says with a smile. “We have a plan; don’t you worry about it.”

“She knew about this?”

“Of course she did; I did it all properly. I asked her permission the day I got out of the hospital.”

“Of course, you did, but this must have cost so much money,” I laugh, nervous about the crazy cost.

“You’d think so, right. Erin, let me introduce you to Rico’s dad,” he says as he waves over to our pilot. “We all just call him Papa J.”

“No way!” I squeal. “What? How?”

“Mason, hijo, you were right, this chica is beautiful,” Papa J laughs, hugging him tight before looking me over again.

“Nice to meet you,” I say shyly, holding out my hand.

“Oh now then, none of that! It seems like you’re family now if I just saw right,” he says before wrapping me in a huge hug.

“The bird is ready as soon as you guys are,” he tells Mason before leaving us alone again.

“I can see the resemblance,” I laugh.

“Yeah, Rico’s dad is a good guy.”

“You’re sure this is okay?”

“I promise. This is our wedding gift from their family,” he tells me with a smile. “I can’t honestly say this was all my idea. Rico has always been one smooth bastard.”

“Takes after his papa!” Papa J shouts out over the sound of the blades.

I laugh. “Yeah, tell Charli about it; I think it’s love.”

The knot in my stomach begins to ease.

“Now let’s go make this world yours,” he says, before whisking me away.

And that’s exactly what he did. Last night was more than anything I could have ever imagined. It wasn’t perfect, but it was perfect for us and that is what counts. I wait as my phone video calls Monica, trying not to grin like an idiot.

“Hey sweet girl!” She answers, a smile on her face. “You okay?”

“I am, are you? You look a little pale.”

“Oh, I’m fine honey. Just got some stupid sickness thing. I’ll be fine. How is New York?”

“Oh, it’s amazing, Monica. It’s everything I hope it would be. It’s also the place I agree to be Mrs. Mason Knight,” I say, and show her my ring.

“Oh, Erin. I am so, so happy for you, congratulations,” she says, wiping away a tear as she laughs.

“Thank you, but I mean, you kind of already knew anyway,” I tease.

“I did, but I didn’t know when. I can’t believe my little girl is all grown up, is going to get married. You are going to have such a beautiful life, Erin. I hope he makes you happier than you’ve ever been.”

“He really does,” I say with a sigh. “I know we’ll be home tomorrow, but I wanted to tell you first. Thank you, for everything, Monica.”

“I’d do anything for you my sweet girl. Now go, go enjoy your last day away with that incredible fiancé of yours.”

“My fiancé…” I laugh. “Well shit. That makes me sound like a grown up,”

“You’re young yet my love, you have your whole world ahead of you. I’ll see you soon, okay? I love you.”

“I love you too, Mom.”

“Oh, Erin…”

“It seems right, ya know. If it wasn’t for you, this wouldn’t be my life. You’ve been my mom in every sense of the word my entire life. I want my kids to call you Nana, not Monica. So, if it’s okay with you, I think it’s going to stick.”

“I would be so honored, Erin. You have no idea what this means to me. I love you.”

“I love you too. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I blow her a kiss through the screen and end the call, laughing as I wipe away the tears running down my cheeks. My emotions are running riot, but they’re all happy tears.

“You okay darlin’?” Mason asks as he comes out from the bathroom, wrapped in nothing but a towel.

“I am the happiest I could possibly be. Monica said congratulations.” I smile. He walks towards me, beads of water running down his torso, and all other thoughts are forgotten as he kisses me.

“I was thinking…” he tells me quietly, in between kisses.

“Oh no,” I laugh.

“Don’t you sass me woman,” he says, pushing me backwards on the bed, crawling on top on me.

“Anyway, as I was saying. I was thinking. What about if we don’t go home just yet? I don’t want to wait to make you Mrs. Erin Knight. We could hop on a plane, get my car shipped home, and get married in Vegas before we even go home. We were meant to be gone all summer anyway. What’s a few more days?”

“Yes,” I breathe, kissing him again. “I can’t think of anything I want more.”

“Anything?” He asks as he pushes my robe open.

“I’ll always want you, Mason Knight.”

“I love you, Erin Michaels.”




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