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Daddy's Girls by Stella Andrews (43)


Chapter Four.


By the time he returns I have gathered myself together and even managed to grab some lunch with Didi. I envy her. She is married to her childhood sweetheart; a mechanic at the local garage. They live in a pretty house in the suburbs and she is pregnant with their first child. She is happy and fulfilled and I crave any information she gives me about her life. Many would say ordinary, I say she is living the dream.

He’s soon back and my heart twists in my chest as he strides past us, barking,

“Amelia, my office—now.”

Didi raises her eyes and looks at me sympathetically. I push back my chair and roll my eyes at her as the phone rings. Turning to answer it she leaves me to follow him inside.

As I stand in the doorway, he says harshly.

“Close the door.”

My heart thumping, I do as he says and stand nervously in front of him.

He looks at me for a minute and I see the muscle in his neck throbbing, which always happens when he’s angry or upset. He says in a low, angry voice.

“Come here.”

I will my feet to carry me the short distance and move to his side. He grabs my wrist and says darkly.

“I haven’t forgotten your punishment young lady. Now it has doubled. I saw the look in your eyes earlier when Shelby was here. You looked down on her and I will not tolerate it.”

I shake my head vigorously.

“No… I don’t… that wasn’t what I….”

He says forcefully.

“Enough! I know what I saw. You want what she has and you feel superior to her because of what we share. Well, let me remind you what happens when you displease me.”

Roughly, with one flick of the wrist, he pulls me across his lap. He pushes my skirt up roughly and pulls my pants down. Then he proceeds to punish my ass by raining blows down on it with no regard for me at all. The tears sting my eyes as he releases his pent-up rage on my ass. The force is hard and unyielding and he doesn’t stop. On and on he goes and I bite my lip to stop from crying out. I hear his breath becoming more and more labored and feel his dick hard against my stomach as he carries on the attack. Just as I think I can bear no more he pushes me to the floor and looks at me with derision.

“Now tidy yourself up and get me a coffee. I haven’t finished with you yet. I have plans for us this evening little slave which is long overdue. Don’t think that just because I’m getting married you are off the hook. I may be otherwise occupied for the next two weeks but so will you. I will still control that sweet little ass of yours and you will long for my return. When I do, nothing will change.”

His eyes flash and he smiles in a sinister way. Lowering his voice, he whispers.

“And you will love every minute of it.”

Quickly, I get to my feet and straighten my clothes. Brushing the tears away I take a minute to compose myself. When I head back outside the mask is in place.

Didi looks up and I swear she can see my heart thumping from here. She smiles and raises her eyes, whispering.

“Are you ok, Amelia?”

I smile shakily.

“Yes, he just tore me off a strip about my lateness.”

She looks annoyed.

“Bullshit. You were five minutes late, and he was five minutes early. I’m betting he’s taking out his frustration on you because of having to put up with that vacuous vessel he is doomed to marry.”

She grins. I laugh and her eyes soften.

“That’s better. You should laugh more, Amelia. It suits you. You know, maybe in the next two weeks you should take the time to relax a bit and maybe head out to find a good guy to hold. You need a man in your life my girl.”

I just smile ruefully.

“I wish. The trouble is I work all the time and have no room in my life for love.”

She smiles sadly.

“Then you need to re-adjust your priorities. Work is a means to an end. The real riches in life are to love and be loved. You really have nothing without it.”

I nod and head off to get the coffee. She’s right, I have nothing and yet I have everything I think I want. The thought of loving another fills me with fear. I need to find Amelia James before I go looking for love. I lost her a long time ago, and she is sorely missed. Maybe when I find the girl I used to be I will look for love. For now, I need to concentrate on survival.


3pm comes along with Grady Vincent. He strides into the office like he owns it and barks.

“Tell the Senator I’m here.”

As I reach for the phone, I feel his eyes boring into me. Looking up, I am slightly taken aback as I see the greed in his eyes. He is a large man who is a powerful force around here. Like Scott, he sits with the President and controls the world outside. He holds immense power and fills the staff with fear. He must be in his late forties and by all accounts is married to another daughter of the Washington Elite. Unlike Shelby, his wife is as powerful as him. She’s a Judge and feared in the courts. No nonsense and driven by success. Where Shelby is polished and beautiful, Judge Vincent is plain and hard.

As I look into the eyes of her husband I shiver inside. I don’t like the look he’s shooting me. He licks his lips, and I feel stripped bare. The door opens and breaks the spell and Scott greets him like a long-lost friend. They slap each other on the back and head towards his office. Looking back Scott barks, “Amelia, coffee!”

My heart sinks. Two more days and desperately counting.


My heart thumps as I enter the office, balancing the tray of coffee and biscuits and willing my shaking hands not to spill a drop.

The two men are deep in conversation but stop as I enter.

I feel nervous as they both watch me silently and set the tray down on the desk.

Nervously, I look at Scott.

“Can I get you anything else, Sir?”

He smirks and looks at his friend.

“What do you say, Grady? Would you like anything else from Amelia?”

My heart freezes as Grady runs his hand up my leg and under my skirt. Scott just looks at him with interest and I shudder as I feel his fingers slip inside my panties. I look at Scott in shock and he glares at me icily, forbidding me to move with just that one look.

The fingers dip inside me and Grady laughs softly.

“Mm. Your assistant is every bit as amenable as you told me she was. I will look forward to working her hard in your absence.”

I look up in shock and move away. I don’t care that it causes a frown to cross the face of the man opposite me. I stutter. “I’m sorry, Sir; what did you say?”

Scott glares at me angrily.

“I told you, Amelia. Whilst I’m away you will not be complacent. Grady has a project that he could use some help with and I have offered your services. You will report to him on Monday morning and do whatever he tells you.”

I look at Grady with shock and feel sick as I see the lust in his eyes. He raises his finger to his lips and licks it pointedly. Then he growls.

“You will find me a hard task master, Amelia. I expect my staff to give me their all. You will be no exception.”

My legs start to shake and I look at Scott in despair.

“But I have booked leave.”

He shakes his head. “You had booked leave, but I canceled it. Your work is more important. The country needs to be able to count on its workers. Just because I will be away it doesn’t stop working. Do as I say, Amelia, if you value your job.”

I blink to keep the tears from falling. My head is buzzing and I can’t focus on anything but my need to run.

Scott leans on his desk and says darkly.

“I will be checking up on you. If I hear that Grady is displeased with your services then I will not hold back on my return. You must afford him everything you do me and don’t hold back. I will be disappointed in you if you do and you know what I do when I am disappointed.”

I nod miserably. “Of course, Sir. You can count on me.”

He settles back in his chair and smiles at Grady.

“See. I told you Amelia was good. She won’t disappoint you.”

Grady nods and looks at me hungrily. “I sure hope so, for her sake.”

As I turn to leave, I take the sound of their laughter ringing in my ears. Biting my lip, I try to keep the tears from falling. It feels as if a prison door has slammed shut behind me. I need to think about this and fast.