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Daddy's Girls by Stella Andrews (19)



I feel the anger growing in the pit of my stomach and I clench my fists. I look at the man responsible for destroying Ashton’s life as he pleads for her return. Ashton’s daddy and now my personal enemy. To the world, he’s a grieving father doing everything in his power to find his daughter. His face stares out at me from the screen and I long to drive my fist through it. I sense the guy’s unease as Snake says in a low voice.

“What’s the plan?”

Flicking the set off, I look at them and shrug. “We wait. I’ve no doubt he’ll find her and we’ll be ready. Tyler has returned home and should be putting the plan into action. Until then we carry on as usual.”

Brewer looks concerned. “What about Ashton? She’ll see these bulletins and it’ll worry her. What about when she takes Cassie to school? Someone there is bound to recognize her and report it. You could be putting her in danger by sending her out every day.”

Snake watches for my reaction and I lean back in my chair and stare at them both with a hard expression.

“Nothing changes. Ashton will be fine. I will prepare her and when they do come, nothing will change. It won’t be long before her problem is solved and we can get on with our lives.”

Brewer gins. “I’m guessing that little ladies’ problems are just beginning. It’s gonna be tough on her dealing with Cassie and her bastard of an old man.”

Stretching out, I pretend to frown. “She’ll be fine. When I’ve finished with her, she will thank the gods for bringing her to me. She’ll want for nothing and neither will Cassie. Nothing will ruin what I’ve started, and that includes this horny pack of bastards I live with.”

Snake laughs. “Well, if you’re sure, who are we to question it? Now, what are we gonna do about clearing up the mess we left at the Senator’s home this morning?”

Switching my mind away from my family, I set about doing the second thing I do best. Solving messy problems.


The day drags and by the time I’m ready to call it quits I feel a burning need to get home to my girls. This time I feel different as I close the door to my office and take the short walk to the house. It’s not just my baby I can’t wait to see. It’s the thought of that sexy woman waiting for me that puts power in my step and purpose in my heart. She’s been on my mind all day and I can’t shake off the image of her ass waving at me from across the yard. That dress is something else and I’m guessing what lies beneath is my dream come true.

I feel my cock hardening as I quicken my pace.

I hear Cassie’s screams of laughter as I push open the door and smile. I love it when she’s happy. It feeds my soul and gives me energy. I hear Ashton laughing and it’s like an Angel has come to stay. I feel my heart quicken as I head towards the laughter and lean against the kitchen door and watch the scene in front of me.

The two of them are covered head to toe in flour and attacking a big bowl of what looks like cookie dough. Cassie is eating more than she mixes and Ashton is laughing.

“Leave some for the rest of us, Cassie. You won’t eat your tea and there’ll be none left for your daddy.”

Pushing my way in, I say with amusement. “What won’t be left for me?”

Two pairs of eyes swing towards me and Cassie shrieks and jumps down from the step she is using. She flings her flour encased hands around my legs and shouts, “Daddy, I’m making cookies for you. Ashton knows how and we’ve made enough for everyone.”

Laughing, I look around at the piles of cookies dotting every work surface and then at the woman who has consumed my thoughts all day.

She’s looking anxious and just a little guilty. “I’m sorry, I hope we haven’t gone too crazy. It was such fun and I think we got a bit carried away.”

Lifting Cassie into my arms I set her down on the work surface and grab one of the finished cookies.

“Hm, I don’t mind at all. These are seriously good.”

I feed one to Cassie who looks at me with sparkling eyes. “Daddy, thank you for finding my mommy. I always knew you would.”

I see Ashton’s eyes fill up and feel the lump in my throat, as I look at the happiness in my daughter’s eyes. I smile gently.

“Anything for you, Princess.”

Dropping a kiss on the top of her head I notice that Ashton turns away. She appears to take a few deep breaths and then says lightly. “Anyway, we should finish up. Your daddy must be hungry and we have a nice meal waiting in the oven. Cassie, wash your hands and set the table like I showed you. You can pick us a nice flower for the table from the yard while I clear this mess up.”

Cassie laughs and rushes over to the sink to do as she’s told. I wait until she races off into the yard before I move closer to the woman who pulls me to her like gravity.

I notice her eyes darken with desire as I stand before her and feel the excitement growing as I recognize the effect I have on her. Reaching out, I wipe the flour from her cheek and run my finger gently over her lips. “Have you found everything you need?”


She just nods, her eyes staring deeply into mine. I shift closer and tilt her face to mine. I feel her trembling under my touch and it blows my mind. She wets her lips with her tongue and then bites her bottom lip and I feel my cock hardening. For some reason, I can’t move away although I know I should. She isn’t ready yet and I’m a selfish bastard for hoping to move this on quicker than I should. It’s like she’s a drug that I will stop at nothing to take. All reasoning and common sense go out of the window where she’s concerned. I need to taste this woman in every way and claim her once and for all.

Then Cassie runs in and the moment is gone. Ashton pulls away quickly and smiles at the flower Cassie is offering her.

“Mommy, I picked a pretty pink one for you.”

Ashton inhales the sweet scent with delight.

“This is beautiful, Cassie, just like you. You’ve chosen well.”

As she puts the flower in water, I echo her thoughts. Yes, I chose well too. Don’t ask me how I knew, I just did. The path that brought Ashton here was always meant to. I was keeping myself for her and when she entered the club, it sparked my soul into life.

Over dinner, Cassie chats excitedly about her day. Ashton laughs with her and I feel a peace that I’ve never felt before. What happened this morning with the Senator is forgotten as I settle into family life.

As the meal progresses I can tell that Ashton is anxious. She looks as if she needs to say something but doesn’t know how. After a while she says nervously, “Um. Lou and Lily mentioned earlier that we should meet up later and they’ll introduce me to the other ladies. They said that someone called Flo could watch Cassie, but of course, I said I needed to check with you first. It’s our first night and you may not want me to leave her.”

Cassie screams with excitement. “I love Flo. Will she bring candy? She makes the most scrummy candy, Ashton and we watch Disney movies. Please, can she come, daddy?”

I smile and fix my eyes on Ashton who looks worried.

“Of course, she can. I think it’s a good idea to show your mummy off to the club. We’ll head off after you’re washed and ready for bed.”

Cassie laughs and Ashton looks worried. “Are you sure it’s ok?”

“Listen, Cassie is used to spending time with the other old ladies. They love her and she adores them. You could use the time to get to know who lives here and it would be good for everyone to see the new wife of their president.”

She nods but I see the anxiety in her eyes. Me, on the other hand - I think it’s a great idea. I get to spend the evening cozying up to my wife to keep up the pretense in front of the club.

Tonight, I fully intend on making the most of it. Once again, my cock stands to attention and I almost groan out loud with frustration. I need to step up my game to get what I want most. When I return tonight, the couch is the furthest thing from my mind. Tonight, I sleep with the first woman I have ever allowed into my bed and she better be ready for me.