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Daddy's Girls by Stella Andrews (16)



As I turn the corner I see Brewer splitting logs and grin. He’s like my brother and the only one I can really talk to.

As he sees me coming he growls, “You just gonna stand there gawping or lend a hand?”

Grinning, I grab a nearby ax and take a large log in my hand. Setting up next to him I look at him with interest.

“You ok?”

He nods.

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

I fix him with a hard look. “That was pretty heavy back there. I’m just checking you were ok with it.”

I don’t miss the irritation in his eyes as he growls angrily. “I’ll be fine. You just worry about the mess you’ve got yourself into here and leave worrying about me to Lou.”

We get back to the logs and fall silent. A few months back we went on a job that went crazy. Brewer got shot and spent a few days battling for his life in hospital. It shocked us all, and it was a dark time. He pulled through, but it left scars, both physically and mentally.

He interrupts my thoughts.

“How’s it going with your new wife?”

I grin as I think about my new hot, sexy wife currently nearby in that cock busting dress.

“It’s going fine. Cassie loved her as soon as she saw her and Ashton is proving to be everything I knew she would be.”

Brewer stares at me - hard.

“Word is, she’s damaged.”

I shrug. “Who isn’t? When they come knocking here, it’s their last resort. This is the perfect place for her to heal.”

He looks thoughtful. “What’s the plan?”

I feel the anger building as I think of the men who sent her here in the first place.

“Kitty’s in place and we wait. As soon as the plan is successful, we move in. It may take weeks, months or even years, but it will happen.”

He grins. “You sure Kitty can handle this?”

I grin. “She will enjoy every minute. Kitty is more Reaper than whore. She won’t let us down.”

Brewer snorts. “What, like you let her down when you took a newbie as your old lady as soon as you saw her. The guys are pretty pissed.”

I laugh. “I’m sure they are. You saw her though, she wouldn’t last five minutes without me to keep the wolves away.”

Brewer laughs softly. “Keep telling yourself that. I saw your face when she walked in. That little lady got to you before she even opened that pretty little mouth of hers. Maybe you’re about to get a little of what you’ve dished out over the years and I can’t wait to see her fuck with your mind.”

I laugh and look at him smugly. “It’s not her mind I’m fucking.”

Shaking his head, Brewer throws the ax down as Snake comes around the corner. Immediately, I see something isn’t right and harden my heart for what he’s about to tell us.

He looks worried and looks around before he speaks in a low voice.

“You seen the news?”

I shake my head. “No, what’s up?”

“Your new wife’s picture is all over it. She’s been reported missing and her daddy’s going all out to find her. Apparently, he’s some rich Texan oil baron and is stopping at nothing to find his baby girl.”

I see their concerned looks and just shrug. “Then let him come. We have nothing to hide – unlike him. If he comes knocking, he’ll regret it.”

Snake grins, as Brewer says with interest, “What you got?”

I smile wickedly. “Enough to bury him for good. That evil bastard is about to learn a very hard lesson.”

The guys look at me with excitement and I nod towards the house. “I’ll fill her in on it later. Now, we should get back to work. There’s a shit load of problems waiting to deal with after this morning.”

The guys fall in behind me as we head back to the compound. They may question me sometimes but they always follow my orders. We’re a team of brothers who would give our lives for the other. Nothing gets past us and this will be no exception.

I think about Ashton’s daddy and once again the anger takes hold. He has damaged my beautiful Angel in a much more sinister way than the five men who ripped her innocence from her body so brutally. No, her daddy has damaged her mind and now I’ll damage him where it will hit him the hardest. By the time I’ve finished with him he will have lost everything.