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The Best Of LK Vol. 1 by LK Collins (222)

Chapter 16


“Are you sure your grandma is going to like me?” Abel asks me nervously.

I stop putting on my mascara and look out to him as he is dressing in my room. “Yes, she is going to love you. Don’t be nervous, okay?”

He nods his head and pulls on a t-shirt. I look down at his jeans and I know that his outfit is not going to work. “You need to change,” I yell as I flip on the blow dryer.

He comes into the bathroom and unplugs it, interrupting my routine. Flipping my hair up, I smirk at him and he is glaring at me. “Why do I need to change?”

“Clearly, you haven’t checked the weather today, babe,” I say walking over to him and then pulling his t-shirt above his head. “It’s going to be a hundred and three degrees and the party will be outside for the most part. My Nana loves the sun; she can’t get enough of it. Plus, I was hoping we could sneak away for a hike later.”

“How does Nana feel about tattoos?”

“Baby, stop! Why are you so worried? You weren’t this worried when you met my mom.”

“I just know how close the two of you are and her opinion of me is important.”

I place my arms around his neck and look into his bright hazel eyes, smelling his sexy, clean scent. It’s indescribable and makes me go absolutely mad. “I’m happy that her opinion means so much to you, I really am. But there’s nothing she could say to sway the way I feel for you. I couldn’t imagine not being with you -- we have both come so far from the individuals we used to be, to now being an irrepressible twosome. I feel so lucky that we are on this journey together.”

His hands remove my towel and roam up my body. Reaching my face he holds both sides and stares at me, “There’s not a day that goes by where you don’t inspire me. You’ve made me this way; you make me want to be a better person. I can’t even remember who I was before I met you and quite frankly, I don’t want to.” Before I can respond he is kissing me and not being gentle. Reaching for his jeans I undo the button and search for the zipper. Once I have him in my hand, I get to work on the warm, silken skin of his shaft, stroking and tugging, imagining him deep inside of my wet core. He grabs my hips, lifting me onto the counter and setting me on the cool surface. Desire burns in his eyes as he looks at me. I’m naked and spread open for him, at his mercy to do what he pleases with.

He closes the bathroom door and clicks the lock. I watch him open me wide, wrapping his glorious mouth around my throbbing clit. Fuck, he’s amazing with his tongue. My body shudders and it takes everything I have to stay quiet while he moves his tongue. My back is pressed against the mirror, and he has me pinned, legs open and held in his control.

I’m so close to coming, and suddenly he slows almost to a stop. Kissing and flicking my clit with his tongue, he dips two fingers inside of me. His shoulders flex with the movements and we both watch as he penetrates me, slowly moving. My breathing is heavy, and my body is squirming beneath his hold.

Placing his lips to my throat, he speaks into my skin, “Does it feel good when I touch you here?” as he rubs my clit.

“Uh huh.”

“What about here?” he asks, moving his fingers to an unfamiliar spot low and deep inside of me.

Whatever he is doing sends me over, and I let go in the most intense orgasm I’ve ever felt. Gripping onto the counter, I hang on and let him take me to this place of pleasure. His hand is barely moving out of me and he is not touching my clit. He is only moving inside of me. I’m about to scream when I move my mouth to his shoulder to muffle my sounds. Once body starts to settle and stops convulsing, I lean back into the mirror. Abel’s eyes are shining and a sexy grin is plastered on his face.

“What was that?” I ask breathlessly.

“That was your G-spot, baby.”

“Holy hell, Abel that was…”



“Just wait ‘til I am in your ass and get you off with your G-spot all at the same time.”

I smile and close my eyes. This man is a sex god. I’m completely exhausted from that orgasm, that is until he fills my pussy with his hot, rock hard dick. I look down and watch as he slowly moves in and out of me. “Fuck, Cara, your pussy is tight.”

Bracing my weight on my hands, I wrap my legs around his waist.

“Cara?” My sister knocks on the door and jiggles the door handle.

Abel and I freeze, looking at the door. “Yup, what’s up?” I yell.

“Are you done with my blow dryer yet?”

“Almost.” I say and reach for the plug, pushing it back in. It turns right back on and Abel starts to move.

I hear her say something through the door, but I can’t comprehend it. I wrap my arms around Abel’s neck and he holds me to him, walking us away from the door and over to one of the walls. The blow dryer is still buzzing in the sink and we get to moving again. He’s standing with my body pressed against the wall, pounding me. I hope my sounds are muffled, but I really don’t care. It feels so damn good. Abel is strong, and as I brace his forearms and lean back, every muscle within him tightens and flexes.

His mouth claims mine and takes control, aggressively parting my lips with his tongue and caressing every part of me. As we work together, I can’t help how complete I feel at this moment. He is perfect for me in every way and shows me every day. He is my future, my light, and my sanity. I wonder what the future will hold for us. Then Abel comes inside of me, filling me with his warmth, while making his sexy noises. Tears fill my eyes with gratitude and I hold my body to his. I want everything there is to have with this man and I’ll give him all of me in return.

He presses his soft lips behind my ear and sets me on my own two feet. “I think you just hit my G-spot, baby.”

I smile and blink the tears away. “Good.” I watch as he tucks himself back into his pants, turns the hair dryer off, and pulls his shirt on.

“Do you want me to return this to Amber?”

“Please,” I say and wrap my towel back around me.

Looking at the clock on my cell phone, I realize we are running late and I now have to rush. I rummage through my suitcase and pull out a half black and half teal dress. I slide it on with a matching pair of teal heals and head back into the bathroom. My hair is a mess, so I twist it into a low bun and finish up my makeup. I hear Abel come back in and get changed. When I step out of the bathroom, his jaw drops.

“You’re wearing that?”

“Yup,” I say and spin around for him.

“Man, I feel totally underdressed,” he says, looking down at his black Hurley shorts with his red tank top and flip-flops.

“Stop, you look hot as hell. And just so you know, I’m not wearing any underwear. So if we can sneak away and find a wall, you can fuck me like you just did.”

“Damn, you’re really satisfying my dick this weekend.”

“Good,” I say and kiss him, “because you always satisfy me.”

We head downstairs to find my mom and Amber waiting for us in the sitting room.

“You can follow us there,” my mom says in a sharp tone. She turns to walk off and Abel speaks, surprisingly, she stops.

“I can drive us all,” Abel says. “My truck has a lot of room, and that way you ladies can all drink and I’ll be the responsible driver.

“Cara, he’s a keeper,” Amber says shooting up from the couch and heading towards the door.

I know Abel is trying to earn brownie points with my mom and I give him credit for it. She nods her head and we all head outside, Abel helping each of us climb into his monster of a truck. “Sorry the truck’s so tall,” he says.

“Don’t be sorry,” Amber says. “This thing is bad ass.”

Pulling away from the house, I program where we’re headed into the GPS. The ride is eerily quiet minus the voice of the navigation as she says, ‘Left turn ahead.’

Thankfully, it’s a quick drive, and Amber has helped by making some small talk asking about our life at home in Colorado.

Arriving at my aunt’s house for the party, I’m struck again by its beauty. The house is a long, sprawling ranch with a tile roof and walls of signature Arizona stucco, and surrounded by the typical rocks and cacti. My little cousin, Zane, runs out and greets us, slamming into my legs. It makes me a little wobbly because of the heels I’m wearing, and Abel steadies me as I look down at the six-year-old who is grinning at me with his missing front teeth. He is my Aunt Chanel’s youngest son and she is the youngest of my dad’s siblings. Zane removes himself from my legs and grabs my hand, dragging me inside the house.

“How are you, buddy?” I ask.

“Good. I miss you, Care-bear.”

“I miss you too, buddy.”

“Are you going to come and stay with us again?”

“I’m afraid not, little man. I have a job now and a lot of people depending on me back home in Colorado.”

“Ahhh, okay.”

“Is that my Care-bear?” my Aunt Chanel asks from another room. Zane gets distracted and runs off with some of the other kids, and I grab Abel’s hand giving him a reassuring squeeze. My mom and sister separate from us and go into the living room. I don’t follow them because I have to see Chanel. She is so much like my dad and we’ve always been close. Abel kisses my shoulder just as we walk in and she sees him do so.

His actions don’t faze her one bit as she moves to hug both of us. That’s just how she is, plus I have gushed over the phone about Abel, so she knows how happy he makes me. Pulling away from us she looks between Abel and I. “Abel, I hope you don’t mind the hug, I’m just overjoyed for my Care-bear.”

“Geez, will you stop calling me that? I’m not a kid anymore,” I say.

Laughing, she says, “You’re right, you’re not. You are a gorgeous young woman. It’s been far too long since I’ve seen you.”

“Thanks,” I respond. “I miss you too.”

“Thank you for having us today,” Abel says. “And I don’t mind the hug.”

“Oh, it’s my pleasure. Now you two better head out back. Nana is dying to see you and to meet Abel. We’ll catch up in a bit.”

Heading outside there are crowds of people and we are constantly stopped, greeted, hugged, and chatted up. There are so many people I haven’t seen in years. It seems to take forever until we finally reach my Nana. She is sitting with her back to us on a wooden bench that Chanel put here in my dad’s memory. It overlooks the red rocks, which is quite a stunning view.

She is knitting, and you’d be hard-pressed to find a time when she isn’t. “Nana,” I say as we step around the bench.

“Oh darling, you made it. You look lovely,” she says embracing me in a tight hug.

Letting go of Abel’s hand, I wrap both of my arms around her. She means the world to me. This woman has been there for me through every experience in my life whether it was good or bad. I can’t think of a time when she couldn’t make me smile; there is just something about her that makes everything better. Being in her arms makes everything right, regardless of the issues with my mom.

When we break our hug, I can’t wait to introduce her to Abel. “Nana, this is my boyfriend, Abel.”

She hugs him too. “So this is the one, Cara?” I feel embarrassed that he hears her question. I told her the other day that I felt like he was the one for me. “Yup, this is him.” She grabs his hand guiding him to sit down next to her. As their conversation begins to flow, I sneak away. I know she is harmless and only wants to get to know him better. She’s a little kooky in her old age, but in a good way. She’s funny as hell, so I know they’ll enjoy their time together. I look back over my shoulder as I wander off and she has her hand on his cheek. I can tell she instantly loves him, just like I do. Do I love him? Honestly I can say that I do. I can’t believe I’ve fallen in love, and with no one other than Abel. Glowing inside with this realization, I flutter among the guests and enjoy myself while my Nana spends time with Abel. I steer clear of my mother as I notice she is drinking heavily. It feels like we just got here when the sun starts to set. Most everyone has left, and it has been so great to see all of my family members. The day passed with record speed and now we have to say goodbye. This is always the hardest part.

Hugging my Nana, tears fill my eyes. Every time I leave her, I feel like it may be for the last time, and the older she gets, the stronger that feeling is.

Scanning over my face she says, “Don’t cry, honey. We’ll see each other soon. I know there’s a wedding in your future with the strapping, young fellow you’ve snagged. He may not want kids, but keep working on him. I told your mother the same.”

“Nana,” I snap. She smiles at my tone, I’ve never yelled at her and she knows I don’t mean anything by it.

“Yes, dear, do you have something to add?”

Shaking my head, I’m unclear what to say to her. “Did he really say he wants to marry me?” I whisper.

She squeezes my hand and ushers me off of the front porch towards the truck where everyone is waiting. “You’ll have to wait and see. But you’re right, he is the one for you.”

Walking away I give one last wave to my family and climb into the truck. Amber and my mom are laughing when I get in, enjoying their own conversation. I stay quiet as Abel grabs my hand and I let my mind drift to thoughts of a future with him.

Does he really want to marry me? I mean, did he really say that? We’ve never talked about those sorts of things, so I’m kind of shocked to think that’s where his head is. Do I want to get married, and even more -- would I be any good at being a wife? I honestly feel dumbfounded, and then there’s the comment my Nana made about how Abel doesn’t want kids. I’ve always hoped for them one day. But honestly, I guess I could go either way. I’m not the warmest person and don’t know how that would be perceived by a child.

If one were to ask, I would say that’s part of the reason why I’ve always fallen fast and fallen hard, deep down I’m searching for the affection my mom never gave me. I wonder what Abel’s reason for not wanting kids is. I’m sure it’s legit, but I’m not about to go and ask him what it is just yet. He squeezes my hand and I look at him.

“You okay?” he asks.

“Yeah. Thank you for going today. I hope it wasn’t too much for you to handle?”

“It was great. I really liked your Nana. She reminds me a lot of my mom.”


“Uh huh. It was nice to visit with her and get that vibe.”

I smile at him and shake my head knowing exactly what he means. “What are you two cackling about back there?” I ask, looking back at my mom and sister as they are laughing uncontrollably. My mom is clearly tipsy, as is my sister. They both continue to giggle, not paying attention to me or my question.

“Mom, did you hear me? What’s so funny?” I ask.

She glares at me and waves me off. “I heard you, Cara. I chose to ignore you. Why doesn’t Abel tell me why he doesn’t want to have kids with you?”

“Oh my God, Mom. You can’t ask people questions like that.”

She has an evil glow in her eyes and I don’t like it. “Abel, don’t answer her.” I forgot how crazy she could be, especially when she is drunk.

“Well, Abel?” she slurs. “Is Cara not good enough for you?”

“Okay. That’s way out of line. I’m not sticking around for anymore of this. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend, because we’re leaving,” I say with authority in my tone to show her that I’m not only pissed, but I’m dead serious. I just don’t get where her hateful attitude comes from sometimes. Once we get back to her house, we are packing and driving back. I’m not about to watch her down another bottle of wine before she calls it a night and becomes more belligerent.




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