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Big Bad Daddies: A MFM Romance by J.L. Beck, Stacey Lewis (121)

Jack must have been born in a barn, the old, stupid proverb went.

He didn't close my room's door all the way.

Then he proceeded to have a long discussion with Julian which I could easily overhear.

One in which my birth control was shredded in a garbage disposal.

One that was really scaring the crap out of me.

They had some pathological attraction to me. Some need for me. It was way beyond just sex.

If it was over the top just wanting to fuck me, I could almost understand that.

They were completely and utterly determined to knock me up, though, make me have their children.

I couldn't wrap my head around it.

It wasn't that I thought they would be a bad set of guys to have a child with. They were speaking about all this biological drive, and God, it applied to all of them.

Hot, sexy, rich, yet still kind enough to their mother and sister.

There was more to it than that. We weren't just genes and hormones, and we weren't just guided by those alone.

I wanted love. Stability. A career. I didn’t know.

Yet I didn't want to lose them either.

God, my head was hurting again.

I was supposed to be taking a nap, not listening in on a conversation not meant for me. Yet I continued to lie there, staring at a wall clock, knowing that the time for me to pick Tiff up from school was drawing nearer.

All I could think was for time to hurry up. If I was doing things with their little sister, they weren't going to do anything seriously adult to me. She was my shield and how I was going to buy time.

The time drew near to actually do my job. I tried to keep my mind blank as I got ready, running myself through the shower again. As I ran a rag across my belly, I was hit with the thought that they might have already succeeded. I did some period math in my head and realized that yes, it was well within possibility.


Again, I pushed the negativity out of my mind. I put on clothes and realized I had chosen to dress more conservatively than I usually did. A long-sleeve shirt and pants, showing off as little skin as possible.

It was probably for the best.

As I exited the bedroom, I passed Julian sitting at the kitchen table with his laptop open.

"Hey there, beautiful."

"Um, uh, I gotta go get Tiff," I said as a completely asinine response to his greeting.

"All right, then, go ahead and do that. We have to talk about something, you know. About you. About me. About Jack."

He leaned forward, looking at me with longing. I knew that if it was practical, he would have gotten up and rushed me right then and there, tore those clothes off and deposited another hot load inside me.

I wouldn't stop him. I wouldn't even try.

That's what terrified me. My reactions.

Pushing it away again, I nodded and headed for the door.

My mind was taxed. Why couldn't this be a normal job? Tiff seemed like a good girl and wouldn't be nightmare to take care of. If Julian and Jack didn't have raging boners for me on sight, they seem as if they would be fine employers, too.

It wasn't that they were bad people. Far from it. God, finding a man who actually cared if I came was amazing, yet finding two? I’d won the damn lottery.

Picking Tiff up was pretty easy. They had already cleared all the red tape of allowing me to do so. "Hi, Cassie!" she was so happy to declare. She really was a happy-go-lucky kid—nice until you gave her reason not to be.

"You have a good day at school?"

"Yeah! I drew a dinosaur. Wanna see?"

She didn't give me a choice in the matter, fishing out the art before I could say a word. Luckily, I hadn't started the car yet, so I wasn't dealing with having to appreciate an elementary school kid's art while driving.

It was pretty good work for an eight year old. "This is pretty good. Did you want to be an artist when you grow up?"

"Maybe. I don't know. I want to do lots of things. Maybe art. Maybe astronauts. I don't know. Can't I just do everything?"

"It's not that simple, little girl."

With Julian and Jack looking out for her, she didn't have to worry about career viability. She was free to grow and do what she pleased. She’d lucked out; the world truly was her oyster.

I sort of wanted to watch her grow into it. Be supportive. I hated when a parent was so crushing on their child, and I had to just stand by and be told not to contradict them, no matter how much I disagreed.

Taking her up to the penthouse, I continued to use her presence as a shield—playing board games with her, then some video games. I even tried to teach her some card games. She was a quick learner, but anything above blackjack seemed beyond her grasp.

All the while? Jack and Julian came and went, eyeballing me as if I were prey, ready to leap on me as soon as I was alone and they wouldn't have to expose little sister to something very much too adult for her.

The night continued to pass. She ate dinner. I looked at the clock. Eight-twenty-five.

She was already yawning. Damn, she really was punctual in passing out so early.

When she was asleep, she wouldn't be there to protect me from her horny brothers, and it definitely seemed that they were both in for the night.

I knew from what they said I could wave them off. I could put a stop to all of this.

There was just the problem of not knowing if I wanted to. It was a problem I didn't want to face, didn't want to answer, and kicking the can down the road and maintaining the status quo was the best I could hope for.

Little Tiff yawned. I picked her up and carried her to bed, tucking her in. A deep breath. I knew the brothers would be waiting for me, desperate to leap on me and strike. Daunting as hell, I felt as if I was on a funeral march as I walked out of that little girl's room.

Which was odd since I knew I would absolutely enjoy the fate I was walking into. It was only like walking to the gallows if the hangman fucked you into the best orgasm of your life instead of executing you.

Closing the little girl's door, I hoped I wouldn't wake her with what was inevitably due to happen.

I dragged my lead-like feet out of the room. They were there, sitting in the living room, Julian in a fancy arm chair and Jack sprawling out on a fancy sofa. God, they were looking at me, the desire so strong in their eyes.

"Well, the children are asleep now, Cassie," Julian said, bearing a sick and twisted smile.

"Yeah, she sleeps well," I replied, desperate to keep it innocent.

"Now the adults can play."

I swallowed.

"What's the matter, Cassie?" Jack piped up, standing from the sofa.

"You don't like playing with us?"


"Do you think we play too rough?"

"No, it's not that..."

"Too messy for you?"

"I don't know, maybe."

Julian leaned back, interlocking his fingers. "You know how it is by now, don't you? We don't need to be so coy."

"I really do, and that's what worries me."

"How so? Speak to us. You're sexy as fuck, Cassie. You’re our obsession, but you're also a human being and should be able to be heard."

I swallowed. They were pretty much asking for a decision—bluntly—and wanting me to voice my concerns. If I had any. I couldn't tell you if I did, honestly.

They approached me, dwarfing me with their stature as they stood over me.

"What's the matter? Talk to us," Julian insisted.

"Well...I...don't know. I heard everything earlier, and I don't know."

Julian flashed a glare back at Jack. "You talk too loud, brother."

Jack shrugged. "What?"

Julian returned his gaze to me. "Then you know what we want. What we want of you, and that I'm completely honest that we'll respect your decision from here on out. My thoughts have been wholly consumed by you, Cassie. I can't close my eyes with wanting to see your naked body again. It's only been a day, and it feels like it's been too long."

"Fuck, I'm already hard and I had you, what, twelve hours ago?" Jack nicely added.

"Tell us. What are your feelings? What do you want from us?"

I audibly swallowed, still so intimidated by all of this.

"I want....uh... I want..."

My mind was just in chaos.

I had what I wanted. My life goals. My dreams. What my long-term plan was: to do well in high school. Go to college. Get the degrees. Go out, get the experience working. Then pursue a higher career. Love wasn't on the agenda because I wasn't foolish enough to think I could plan it happening.

Yet what they were proposing? It was taking that plan and smashing into it with a whole new plan. I didn't know what to think.

I barely knew them. I knew on any rational level it was insane, but there was something there, something in my heart and in my sex telling me to go for them.

To enjoy the plan that life is throwing my way, even if it was something I never would have planned myself. It was something Jack said, wasn't it? Nothing ever went according to plan. You just rolled with it and made the best of what was coming your way.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to resist either of them—not after what they had done to me. To go without that for the rest of my days seemed a special kind of insane.


"She's confused as fuck, Jules."

"Yeah, I'm getting that."

"How about we help her decide?"

Julian shot Jack a glare. Then it was replaced with a twisted smile.

"All right. Tell us you want us to stop at any moment, and we'll stop dead in our tracks."

"Our?" I mouthed.

"Well, yeah. We both want you. Mom always told us that we should share our toys."

I blinked, more surprised than ever, and wondered just where the hell something like this was going.

Julian fired first.

He took me by the shoulder, running his hand up through my hair, and guided my lips to his. A deep, passionate kiss. Something powerful, yet passionate, his desires all too clear for me.

Tongue against tongue, he was about to make up my mind with that alone. Fuck, just kissing me was making me powerless before them.

Jack snuck up behind me and grabbed the bottom of that long-sleeved shirt, rolling it up by body, Julian only stopping to let him strip me of it. Jack wasted no time unhooking my bra and freeing me from its constraints as well.

With my breasts free, Jack took two handfuls of them, massaging them, tweaking them a bit. Julian continued to kiss me, only stopping to let his brother sneak in a peck here and there. Hands were all over me, creating an endless trail of gooseflesh where ever they went. My whole body was being consumed with need for them.

If this was how they were going to argue their case to me, damn, they were doing a good job of it.

At their mercy, there were massages everywhere. My breath was already growing ragged, the anticipation of it all so great, so intense.

Julian shot his hand down between my legs, rubbing me through my jeans. Even with such a thick barrier, I could feel his strength, his drive to please me. I knew I was already getting wet down there; there was absolutely no doubt in my mind.

Jack, too, was there, running his hand down my ass, prodding me, running his hand there. It was definitely building some anticipation of what was to come. If they were here trying to take me, what terrible yet wonderful thing did they have in store for me?

They worked together so well. Julian undid the button of my pants, and Jack was quick to begin pulling them down my legs, taking care of all the hassles that would be in my way. Soon I was standing completely naked in front of them, clad in nothing more than a pair of panties.

With less of a defense against him, Julian was quick to take full advantage, his hands rubbing me outside my panties, making me feel the weight of his fingers against me, pressing against my nub. Jack too was busy on the other end. He was running a hand down my ass cheeks...and poking at my hole? I gasped as he ran a finger around it. What on earth was that guy up to, and why wasn't I as terrified as I should be?

The kisses still came for my face, them trading off, enjoying my charms to the absolute best of their ability, and doing their mother proud by properly sharing my attention.

Me? I was just trying to manage it. Having two guys want to take you was a common fantasy for sure, but I was quickly learning that it was a challenge all in its own. I was mostly relying on them to strip themselves so I could run my hand over those firm chests, enjoying those pecs and abs that they had for me to enjoy.

Soon, though, my fascination with the two of them was abruptly interrupted.

They picked me up—one half of me being carried by each of them—and started to haul me off.

"Wait, what—what are you doing?" I asked breathlessly and very much confused.

"This is our first time as three, babe," Jack said. "We're not going to take you on a sofa. We’re going to fuck you on a proper bed."

Sure enough, I was dragged into Julian's room and planted on a massive, king-sized bed, soft and super comfortable to lay on. Yeah, this would definitely beat a couch.

The two of them were back on top of me, ravenous with need. Each had a hand going down my panties, rubbing my nub, sliding fingers into me, making me gasp with need. The panties were soon nothing more than a hassle, and those, too, were being thrust down my legs and thrown away. I wouldn't be needing them for the rest of the night.

Julian's hand slid down my midsection, his lips leaving mine and raining an endless barrage of kisses down my body. My legs spread for him, and his lips drifted in the direction that I had hoped they would.

I gasped as he laid that kiss on my nub, a blissful bolt firing through me oh so suddenly.

He started to get to work, licking and sucking my folds, all to get me really burning for him.

Jack, though, was going to be a little bit more selfish, but I really wasn't going to complain one bit. He stripped himself down, dropping his pants, quickly making himself buck naked and showing me just how hard I was making him. Throbbing and hard, that hunk of meat loomed near my face, and I reached out to take hold of it playfully.

Stroking him, bringing him closer, I was more than ready to please him as his brother pleased me. Down to Jack's balls, cradling them ever so slightly, thinking about the seed he wanted to inject me with. Did I really want to go that far with them?

No, I wasn't going to screw with this moment by thinking too much about that.

Playfully, I brought his cock to my lips, teasing the head with my tongue before running it up and down his rod. It shouldn't have been so alluring to me, but it was. I wanted to give these guys every bit of delight they had given me, and I hoped they would repay that favor tenfold.

An endless chain of making one another come hard and come often.

Julian wouldn't let himself be ignored, though, his tongue thrusting through my cunt, sending that blissful jolt of delight right through me. Fuck, I had to break from Jack just to moan out a blissful praise of Julian's hard work.

Then right back to my diligence. Another lick of cock, then I took Jack into my mouth, inch by inch, swallowing him whole. It was growing so hard with what Julian was doing to me, but I wouldn't let myself be distracted too much. I was going to make him come, then Julian right after. If I could get them to bust their nuts elsewhere, I could enjoy the uncertain status quo for just a little longer.

Slathering myself over Jack, I urged him deeper, sucked him harder, pulling him down. Massaging his balls, I wanted to get all that seed nice and flowing so I could enjoy it somewhere far safer than he had deposited it before. Even as I tensed up from Julian's tongue inside my pussy, I remained determined and driven, bobbing my head up and down Jack's cock, finding my own rhythm that somehow let me cope with the wonderful job one brother was doing as I sucked the other.

Jack grunted as I took him, jerking him, pleasing him with a determined ferocity.

Julian, though, saw right through my plan. He was right there with me, letting his tongue lash at me, slathering me with his special brand of love, spiking my orgasm through my body higher and higher by the moment.

It was becoming a race. A sweet, twisted, yet delectable race—Julian trying to make me come, and me trying to make Jack come. Jack, to his credit, held me steady, a playful grin on his face, more than happy to participate in our twisted games.

Unfortunately, I was having to break to moan out for Julian more than I would have liked. The pressure was becoming too much, the power inside me becoming so strong, so abrupt, I knew I would soon be trembling and on my way to becoming a useless heap of woman who, undoubtedly, these twins would use well.

Trembling beneath them, I struggled to jerk and suck, struggled with one last Hail Mary to “win” this battle. It was too late, though. The pressure, the desire, the pleasure all became too much for me, and I had to abandon my quest, screaming out louder, harder, stronger for Julian. He was just too damn good at eating me out for me to have stood a chance.

I grabbed him by the hair and held on tight as my body dealt with the overpowering shockwaves pulsing through my body. Fuck, how was he so good at this?

Breathing hard, I laid there flat, both of the twin brothers still lurking over me with clear, predatory intent.

"Shall we?" Julian suggested.

"You think she's ready for that?"

"She seems ready for anything, bro. She's that sort of girl. She can take anything we throw at her."

"True, she is fucking sexy like that."

I swallowed audibly. Just what the hell were these guys up to?

Luckily, or unluckily, I didn't have to wait long.

The shuffling of a drawer and Jack was right on top of me. A kiss, then turning me on my side, running his finger down my body. Curving around me, squeezing my ass cheeks, he then zeroed in on his target.

My dainty little pucker.

I gasped, but he kept prodding, kept poking.

He only stopped ever so briefly to coat his finger with a cool oil then slather it back there. Oh God. I gasped, trying to cope with the strange invasion of his fingers as he applied copious amounts of that lube all over me. He was going to take me back there.

On one hand, he definitely couldn't get me pregnant back there.

On the other, I was still of a bit of a virgin when it came to that sort of sexual endeavor.

Yet it felt overblown. With how these two had treated me so far, I had doubts that having one of them back there would be anything short of absolutely wonderful.

Gasping, I just coped with the invasion of a finger, and coped more as he kicked it up to two. I wondered how many fingers he would shove back there to get me ready for him, because honestly, it seemed that he needed a whole lot more than two to get me properly prepared.

"Think she's ready for me, bro?" Jack asked.

"She seems like she's ready for anything."

Jack followed this up by bringing some of that cool lube to my hand, putting it there, and bringing my hand to his cock. I knew instinctively what he wanted, slathering it on him nice and hard, definitely curious to where this was going to go.

What I expected? For him to bend me over the bed doggy style and take my ass from there.

I didn't get that typical thing, though. No, pretty far from it.

What I got was Jack lying on the bed, urging me to climb on top of him, cowgirl style.

I was confused, but I wasn't going to fight him on it. He had clearly done stuff like this before, where I had most definitely had not.

He wrapped his arms around my body from behind, and I craned my neck to greet him with another kiss. He guided his cock around my ass, spreading that lube around, clearly doing his part to make sure that there would be no pain involved in this.

Soon, that cockhead was pressing at my backdoor, tickling me. Anticipation and dread competed in my mind, and he didn't waste an entirely huge amount of time pressing himself inward.

I gasped, this cock so huge and immense invading my ass.

Most definitely, it felt like something that should not be. Not painful, mind you, but something that I had never experienced before this point. Throbbing within, it took me some time to get used to something so strange, so unusual back there, but to Jack's credit, he wasn't rushing me. I knew all too many guys who, once you gave them permission to shove themselves back there and start hammering, they thought it was as easy as taking a girl from the front.

You know, where I had natural ways of helping things along.

This? Most definitely unnatural.

Breathing steadily, I held on as my muscles got used to Jack's invasion. I was most definitely curious about where this was going. Slowly, he began to move back there, but not too fast to suddenly hurt me. A steady and strong thrust, sliding in and out of me.

I was panting from it, it was so intense, so strong. I don’t know what I had been expecting, but it wasn’t this. It wasn't as if I regularly touched myself back there, so he was opening me up to a whole new world.

Jack kept a finger on my clit as he penetrated me, which most definitely helped matters. Keeping me relaxed, keeping me pleased was all part of the bigger plan.

"You liking that, babe?"

I nodded and whimpered my affirmation.

"Good, good, because this is just the beginning. You ain't seen nothing yet, Cassie."

All the while Jack was prepping my asshole and getting me used to the idea, Julian was finishing stripping down.

He was standing tall at the side of the bed, his cock throbbing and most definitely ready for its fire to be quenched inside of me. Stroking himself, it looked as if he was more than ready for his turn, and I guess hoping Jack would hurry up and get done.

Or so I thought anyway.

Apparently, when I thought I was a one-player game for them to share, I was wrong. I was totally a two-player game, and they were about to show me how.

Julian planted a kiss on me, his hot body pressing against my own, the sweat and friction something fierce between us. His throbbing erection was tickling right outside of my slit, and his eyes locked with mine, clearly communicating the devious ideas these two had.

They weren't going to... Fuck, they were, weren't they?

I gulped. They were expanding my horizons, fast, and showing me just how to cope with two men who wanted to fuck me.

"Going to fill you to the fucking brim, Cassie," Julian whispered in my ear. "You're going to love what we're going to do to you."

Oddly, I nodded, more or less automatically. Stupid instincts and horniness were about to literally get me torn apart.

Thankfully, Jack slowed down as Julian approached. They were going to be nice with me, at least, and not just wantonly thrust things into me.

A deep breath, Julian massaged my clit, making me anticipate the end result as he brought himself to my entrance and slowly yet surely…well, entered.

God, immense was a word I would use for it, and yet it felt like an understatement. I really was being torn apart by them, both of the twins’ cocks inside me, feeling as if they could rip me apart.

I truly was completely at their mercy.

Bracing myself, I nodded again, but I didn’t know why. Stupid monkey brain was taking over and just wanted satisfaction, no matter what the risk.

"Fuck, she's crushing me. I like it," Julian said.

All Jack could do was gasp and agree wholeheartedly with enthusiastic nods.

The fucking would soon begin. Jack would slide out as Julian slid in. The friction, the pressure between them was so great. Usually, when I was fucked by one of them, it was a tidal wave rolling in and out, my body being the beach, a brief reprieve between each impact.

Now? I didn't even get that break. It was an endless tsunami crashing into me, defying physics and just overwhelming me with sheer, raw power. I was shaking, screaming for them, and tears were in my eyes. I couldn't move, just endure this bliss and not one thing more when sandwiched between the two hunky twins.

I could barely hear their own grunts, what all of this was doing to them, far beyond what a normal girl would be giving them. That I was able to take this without erupting into a bloody mess, well, I suddenly felt a whole lot more special, as if I was some sort of sexual super-heroine.

In and out, pumping from both sides. I was losing it so damn fast. I fought it, wanting to be aware of everything that was happening and being overpowered with orgasms was not how that was done.

They were pushing me closer and closer to the edge, essentially just dangling me off the cliff at this point.

"Say it," Julian whispered into my ear. "Tell us you want it."

"Want—want what?" I somehow managed to spit out.

"You want us to fill you with cum. Fill you from both sides with our seed. You don't care about the risks. You want to have our child, Cassie. You want all of us."

I was shaking in place, my mind a fog. I didn't want to think about the present, the problems, my anxieties, or anything like that.

Julian and Jack had slowed to a point, though, where I wouldn't be coming unless I gave them an answer. Unless I told them what they wanted.

Unless I accepted my fate as their slut, as the mother of their children.

In the state I was in, I didn't have the brainpower to overanalyze things. All I could do was say what I wanted at the basest part of my being.

"Yes, please, fuck me, please, fill me up, give me it all!" I screamed out, the torture of being right on the edge too much to cope with any longer.

They had permission. They had my wishes.

They took full advantage.

Faster than ever before, they went back to pushing me to my absolute limits as a woman, pumping in and out of me, sending me screaming past what I would have once called a climax.

I was lost, plunging into the sea of ecstatic orgasm.

My entire body was pulsating with it, every little nerve there was writing with need and desire. I was screaming for them, but I couldn't hear my voice. I was just far too overloaded to properly comprehend it.

Even in that over-stimulated haze, though, I could feel them quivering inside me. Their cocks pulsing, the cum rushing through them and exploding out and into me.

Into my ass, where it felt so weird yet so wonderful. The warmth back there? It was wrong, but it was the right kind of wrong, if such a thing could be said.

Then Julian unleashed himself as well. Blast after blast of his cum running into where nature intended it. This just felt the right kind of right. Warmth emanating from deep within my core. It was spreading through my entire body, so blissful, so great.

"Fuck, she's just too good to be true, man," Jack said, his breath ragged and rough.

"She is true. She's good. She's ours, brother."

They both let me go, freeing my body from the blissful tyranny of their cocks and letting me rest in between them, feeling copious amounts of seed leak out of both of my holes.

Disgusting yet wonderful.

They held me close between them. God, this was perfect.

I had finally made my decision, and I doubted I could have possibly made a better one.