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Free to Breathe by Tracey Jerald (31)


“They’re going to roast me on a spit, Corinna,” Colby says as we make our way up to the main farm building holding hands.

Is it wrong I want to walk in and raise our joined hands before shaking my hips in a victory dance? In the midst of one of the most heinously emotional weeks in a long time, I’m secure about one thing. Colby’s got a hold on me. He wants to hold me. And that’s mighty fine by me.

We’d been secluded all day when my phone pinged with a text from Cassidy. Family dinner at the barn at eight. I can only assume the lack of movement from Colby’s Jeep started the family rumor mill flying. I’m actually more impressed that Ali and Keene stayed away from the house. Unless Keene thought I was systematically chopping Colby to bits with a meat cleaver, and was just waiting for the high sign to come dispose of the body.

I shrug. It makes no never mind to me. I’ve always been an ask for forgiveness later person, which is why my news sent the family into a tailspin this week. After dealing with the blow of being sold into a sex trafficking ring, then the death of my parents, finding the brain tumor, and losing Colby so close together, I threw life the middle finger and began dancing on my own grave. Who was there to stop me but me? Suddenly I realize I no longer want that kind of life. I want the long game. And maybe, just maybe, I want it with this man.

Colby swings me around in a circle. “Where did you go?”

“Just daydreaming,” I answer honestly. I’m dizzy from the speed of the spin, but I don’t tell him that. I want the freedom to just be for a little while longer before the reality of my situation intrudes back in.

“Am I starring in them?”

I can’t help but smile. “If I decide to share them, I’ll let you know,” I sass.

He drops his lips to mine. Holding me steady, his fingers tangle in mine. In my mind’s eye, I’m capturing this summer moment for exactly what it is: perfection. When you realize life may cheat you out of forever, you savor each flavor of happy it blesses you with.

Our kiss is interrupted by clapping. As our lips separate, I turn my head to the side to see Ali applauding. “Damn, I’ve only wanted this for how many years? Keene, I told you they were working it out, didn’t I?”

“He’d better treat her right, or I’ll be kicking his ass,” Keene threatens.

I’m oddly touched. Pulling away from Colby, I rush Keene and launch myself at him. “You were such a prick, damn you. How am I supposed to deal with all this sweet?”

Keene’s arms clasp me tightly as he lifts me off my feet. “Just by being you, Cori. By loving my sister, my woman, and my daughter as much as you do. You’d better be as much of a fighter as the rest of them. I’m too damn fond of your throwing arm to let you go.” Keene’s alluding to my throwing a pie of whipped cream in his face for being a dick when he was courting Ali. The memory has me tossing my head back with laughter. “Now, let me off the hook to give Hunt grief.”

I clasp his scowling face in my hands. “Not a chance.”

He drops me to my feet. “He hurt you.”

“He made it better.”

“You were sobbing last night,” Keene semi-roars.

“He kissed it better today,” I tell him smugly.

“I’ll never understand you Freeman women.” Keene lets me go to take his daughter from Ali’s arms. “I’m taking Kalie, baby. This way, I’ll have less of an urge to punch Hunt on my way in.”

“I heard that,” Colby calls out. He’s standing back, giving us our moment with a huge smile.

Yeah, I can see it all in those gray eyes. The long game. The question is, will I make it? Shaking my head, I turn to my sister. Ali’s thoughtful expression ping-pongs back and forth between Colby and me. “How much did you really talk about?”

“Everything, Ali.” I lay heavy emphasis on the first word.

“Wow. So, you talked about what hurt you so badly?”

I nod. I laid into him about that the other day.

“You talked about pasts?”

“I forced him to. I held up Cass’s and your relationship as such sterling examples,” I deadpan.

Ali punches me in the arm. “You’re such a snot, but well done. Future?”

I get serious quickly. “Can we see if I have one first?”

Ali winces. “Right. I’m going to go remind Phil of what questions he shouldn’t ask when he starts on his big-brother spiel tonight.”

I roll my eyes. “Phil likes Colby.”

“Baby, haven’t you realized no man is good enough for us once we become emotionally involved? It’s why he still gives Keene shit.” Ali pauses. “That, and Keene makes it easy.”

Remembering what Ali said the other day, I pale. “Tell me Phil doesn’t plan on…”

“I have no idea what goes through big brother’s head, Cori. I go with the flow, just like you should.” She runs her hand over the crown of my head. “I love him for you. I always did.” Her eyes don’t stray to Colby. “I was so pissed to know my thoughts of hooking the two of you up were going awry when you told me what you did last summer.”

“It worked out the way it was supposed to,” I say diplomatically.

“It worked out when it was supposed to,” she corrects me, hooking her arm in mine. Guiding me back over to Colby, she asks him, “Are you ready for the spotlight?”

Colby slides an arm over my shoulders. “I’m just grateful I keep a go bag in the trunk of my Jeep. Otherwise, I’d be borrowing clothes since I wasn’t leaving her all day. Now wouldn’t that have gone over well?

Ali shoots us both her dazzling smile. “True, because I really couldn’t have controlled Keene’s sterling commentary then.” The three of us make our way inside, still laughing.

As always, riotous chaos is the best way to describe our family dinners. I immediately start dancing as one of my favorite songs is playing. “Someone start this from the beginning!” I call out. Phil is dancing with Cassidy’s daughter, Laura, and Holly is holding Cassidy’s little Jonathan. Cassidy is wrapped up in Caleb’s arms. Jason, who is dancing with Em, reaches into his pocket for the remote.

I grab Colby’s hand and drag him into the center of the floor as Delta Rae’s “A Long and Happy Life” starts again. As he swings me out and back, I start singing along with the lyrics that echo the music bursting in my heart. I deserve this life, this love, this family. And I’m going to fight to keep them.

Whatever it takes.

* * *

I’m feeling deliciously stuffed and wonderfully pampered. Grilled shrimp and steak with bell pepper and radish salad. Perfect with the blackberry-lime margarita I’ve been nursing for most of the night. There’s a huge bowl of fresh fruit and a pan of Holly’s banana pudding in the center of the table.

And I didn’t have to cook a thing.

“Dare I ask what prompted this family dinner?” I drawl from the shelter of Colby’s arm. He squeezes my shoulder.

“Going on the offense? Brave soul.” Cassidy grins. She just settled her twins in their Pack-N-Play to calm down.

“It’s better than waiting for his lordship to strike first. Remember how I handled that issue about blow jobs?” I wink at my oldest sister, who merely shakes her head in reply.

“What’s this?” Colby shifts in his chair, angling toward me.

“Oh, Phil has a ritual when it comes to teaching the women of this family about how to give blow jobs. I just refused to participate. I went straight for on-the-job training.” Ignoring Colby’s growl, I decide to harass others instead. “You think he’ll have fine-tuned his techniques in about twenty years?”

There’s a pause in the conversation before my sisters catch on, realizing I’m talking about the next generation of women in our family. All the women start laughing while Keene starts sputtering. He just glares at me and says, “No. Fuck no. I’ll send Kalie to a convent first.”

That sets us off even harder.

“Lighten up, Keene,” Phil drawls from where he’s holding a sleeping Kalie across his lap. “That baton has been passed from me to your wife. It’s her job to educate your daughter on how to break all the boys’ hearts. I can tell you this though. You’ve got trouble here. She’s got a bit of both her mother and her aunt in her.”

Keene shoves his plate forward and begins banging his dark head on the table hard enough to make the rest of the dishes jump. “I’m so completely screwed,” he declares.

All of us are laughing, but none so hard as Ali and Cassidy, who are wiping tears from their eyes.

Keene’s eyes shoot daggers at me. “You. This is your fault.”

I feign an innocent look. “Moi?”

“Yes. If you’d just let me tear into Hunt like I’m supposed to as your older and wiser brother…”

Phil coughs loudly.

Keene acquiesces. “Fine. As one of your older and wiser brothers, I would not be tormented thinking of Uncle Kama Sutra teaching my child everything she needs to know about men before she hits preschool.”

Even Jason can’t keep a straight face. “I love watching Keene get tortured by what flies out of your mouth, babe.”

Phil leans over and kisses his husband. “I know. It adds a certain je ne sais quoi to dinner. Don’t you think?”

“I think you’re a pain in my ass,” Keene retorts. He slides his arms around Ali from behind. She leans back into him, tipping her head back to receive his kiss.

“You wouldn’t have it any other way,” Phil says. We’re interrupted by a loud banging at the front door. Kalie, who had been sleeping through the banter in Phil’s arms, squirms anxiously. He begins rocking her immediately. “Shh, precious. I’ve got you. Nothing’s ever going to hurt you. Colby, can you see who’s at the door?”

“Of course,” Colby looks around the room. “Are we expecting anyone?”

“No.” Keene pushes back from his chair. “I’ll come with you.”

Figuring Keene’s going to use this chance to get in his licks against Colby, I get up as well. “Since the two of you may not know everyone local, I’ll come with you.”

“You’re no fun, Corinna.” Keene’s dark scowl tells me I was right.

“I’m just the right amount of fun, Keene.” I stick out my tongue. Colby reaches over and snags it between his fingers. “Heeyyy!” I exclaim.

“Put that back until I can play with it later,” he jokes.

“Sweet Jesus.” Keene rolls his eyes while the rest of us laugh. We’re interrupted again by the pounding at the door. All of our heads turn. Keene’s face takes on a hard cast as Kalie starts crying. Phil starts walking back and forth to calm her down.

Colby looks ready to attack.

Caleb stands as well. “Corinna, stay here. We’ll be right back with whomever it is.”

I sink back into my chair. “Yeah, right. Just don’t shoot anyone we can’t justify it against.”

Colby’s not smiling. His eyes are more glittery than soft gray. Without having ever seen him in his uniform, I can tell he’s ready for battle. “Go, before whoever it is knocks again and wakes Laura and Jonathan,” I urge him.

The three men head off toward the door. Holly leans over Colby’s seat and says, “So, spill it. We don’t have much time.”

All of my sisters and Jason lean in. Phil conveniently stops nearby.

“What? I told Ali outside. We talked things through.”

“Bet that’s not all you did,” Em singsongs.

I shrug. “It’s not like he bent me over the kitchen counter.”

“Damn,” Ali says. Reaching into her shorts pocket, she pulls out a twenty and slaps it into Cassidy’s hands.

“Seriously? Y’all were betting on how far we got?” Yet even as the words come out, I realize I’m not close to being surprised by my family’s audacity.

“You two have been setting off sparks for over a decade. Once the fighting gloves were off, we figured the clothes would be too,” Holly explains.

While I’m slightly less offended, I wait for Em to take a drink. “I thought you, Holly, and I got married last night, Em. Sister wives and all that? How could I break my vow with y’all so quickly?”

As always, her target when she blows manages to be Phil. Since he’s still carrying Kalie as he passes by, the blackberry margarita ends up dripping down his back. “Shit, that’s ice-cold, Em.” He squirms as the icy drink slides down his back. “Crap, I think it just went between my ass cheeks.”

“He’s not used to cold down there,” Jason pipes in.

And we’re a heaping mess of laughter. That is until the guys come back in with an addition.

“Corinna, you have a guest,” Colby says tightly. “He demands to talk to you as soon as possible.” His hand is cuffed behind the neck of Dr. Bryan Moser. “He was recently told by your primary care office you were no longer a patient. Since you haven’t returned his messages, Dr. Moser interpreted that to mean he thought you had…” Colby doesn’t finish his sentence. After shoving Bryan forward, Colby moves next to me. “Trust me, princess. There is nothing you can say that’s going to prevent me from beating the shit out of Jack the first minute I get the chance.”

As Bryan tries to get his bearings from the overwhelming greeting, I reply faintly, “I’m not sure I’m going to want you to.”

Colby’s face marginally relaxes, and he says, “Good.” He presses a hard kiss to my lips.

Standing, I face my neurosurgeon and feel the flicker of anger nip at me. “Dr. Moser, before I introduce you to my family, I’d like to apologize to my siblings for your unexpected presence. In addition to interrupting a family dinner and waking their children with your dramatic entry, this isn’t quite the professional setting they should be meeting you in.”

“Oh, shove it, Corinna. For the last twelve hours, I’ve thought you were dead.” As Bryan wraps his arms around me, I’m helpless to the torment in his voice. Catching Colby’s eye, I mouth, “What the hell?”

He shakes his head, but I can tell he’s pissed. There’s more to the story he found out in the hall.


I pull away from Bryan to see he’s visibly distressed. “I’m okay.”

He mutters, “And we’re going to make sure you stay that way.”

“Hear, hear,” Jason calls.

“Listen,” I say gently, “let’s get you something to eat and drink, and I’ll introduce you to everyone.”

“I owe you an apology for being an ass.”

“Yeah, but we’re pretty famous for that in this family,” I quip . His answering smile is shaky, but it’s there. Colby slips his arm around me. “First, this is Colby Hunt. He’s…” I stumble. What is Colby to me?

“Hers. I’m Corinna’s,” Colby interjects smoothly.

Bryan blinks a few times. “Wow, finally got your shit sorted, huh, Cori?”

I punch him in the arm. “Shut it, Bryan.”

“Good. Because you’re going to need a great support system for surgery.”

I suck in a huge breath. “Bryan, I’m still not sure…”

“I am. That’s why I was calling to notify your primary care physician to get everything scheduled. Forty-five days max.” The collective inhale in the room sucks out all of the oxygen. I’m so glad Colby’s holding me up because I feel my legs give out. “It’s time to get that thing out of you once and for all.”