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Free to Breathe by Tracey Jerald (42)


Night Five before surgery

I never expected Cori to do what she did tonight. She let go of her shield, openly exposed who she is. With each moment that passed, she didn’t shatter; she soared. Tonight cemented in my mind what I’ve somehow known on a molecular level since I first saw her. She’s it for me. If the worst happens and we only have these few days, I’ll live off the memories for the rest of my life. There will be no other who could replace her.

We’ve had more than most will ever experience in their lifetime. A love so brilliant, it pumps blood into the hardest of hearts. A love so self-sacrificing, she would have let herself drown before bringing others her pain. A love so forgiving, she accepted the apology, the truth, me, without reservation. Her heart is so fucking loyal to the people she loves, and she has this inherent need to make the people she loves happy.

Unfortunately, the envy and hatred of those who just can’t understand that kind of beauty has left her open to a predator. But not for much longer.

Which is where my grandfather comes in.

I never expected him to be a part of my life again, not after I left. I didn’t understand then, but I completely understand now.

“Are you okay, my love?” Corinna comes up behind me. We’re back at her home. Lost in my thoughts, I’ve been staring out the long set of windows as the sun starts to come down over the wildflower meadow, saying nothing.

Turning, I see a new Corinna: peaceful, stronger, self-confident. She looks like she can take on the world, but it’s my job to make sure she’s protected from it. Holding out an arm, she curls beneath it. “Beyond being captivated by you, what you did tonight has me in awe. I love you, Corinna. I’m proud of who you are. You know that, right?”

She blushes. “It was just hair, Colby.”

I shake my head. “It was more than that. It was a gift of strength you infused in those who so desperately needed it. You did that. You always do that.” I brush my lips against hers for what was intended to be a brief kiss. Moments later, I pull away, and her eyes flutter open slowly. “You gave me that tonight, Cori.”

Her shy smile never fails to kick me in the gut. Each time it’s like the first time all over again. Every goddamned time.

I stroke the side of her cheek and take a deep breath. “I’ve never told you about my grandfather.”

Shaking her head slowly, she merely says, “I knew you would when you were ready.”

Pulling her close, I breathe her in. “My grandfather is a royal pain in the ass to everyone, friends and enemies alike.”

Corinna’s wry expression doesn’t surprise me. “So, you’re saying it’s a family trait?”

I can’t help but laugh. “Brat. And then after everything with my father, he was just gone. Gone, Cori. How could he take my father’s side after I’d been hurt?” Mentally berating myself, I hiss out, “Damn, that was insensitive.”

“Now I want to FaceTime him just so I can verbally kick his ass.”

My lips kick up in a small smile. I can’t help it. “He’s a curmudgeon. He’s lost even the smallest shred of decency. Even Keene’s called him a sanctimonious prick more than once.”

“Are you’re saying I’ll have a punching bag for all my frustrations? Excellent.”

I can’t control the laughter that wells up inside of me. Only Corinna can find that one pinprick of light and explode it into a starburst. I pull her head down on my chest. I need to purge myself of this burden.

“After I disowned my father, I never intended for it to include the rest of my family. Since I never heard from any of them ever again, I assumed they were more interested in money than anything else.” I take a ragged breath. “None of them, not one, ever came to find me. Not even after I was shot.”

Corinna’s arms tighten around me. “Let it go.” She’s encouraging me to lay my burdens on her, but how much more can she take?

How selfish am I that I need this?

“I can’t even tell you where I was, only to say it was unexpected.” I take in a gulp of air. “When it was reported it the media, it wasn’t even close to the truth.”

In the silence that cloaks us, I explain the horror of the secretary of defense screaming under me as I covered her body with my own, crying in my ear after I took a hit meant for her. We were never supposed to be on the special op we were assisting with. Yet, when the accusations started flying, it was my chain of command undermining my decisions. I describe the bitterness in my soul as I sat in a hospital in Germany wondering about my future. Then the profuse apologies later as the traitor among us was revealed. Finally, my shock when Ali reached out and told me to come home.

Corinna sits quietly while I talk about Keene’s jaw tightening to the point it was ready to snap, and Caleb quietly getting up and punching a hole in the wall when I revealed everything during my interview at Hudson. After all, it’s not good for the Army when a traitor is found to be having an illicit affair with the secretary of defense and then sells her out for an incomprehensible amount of money while leaving his brothers-in-arms to die.

I might have come home to heal my body and my mind, but in truth, it was my heart that needed saving. And it’s the woman I’m holding close who did that.

Now, my past is threatening the peace of mind I’d finally attained. My family, my father, Jack.

Hudson Investigations has dug deep into Jack in the last few weeks without opening up the wounds I’ve been slowly closing regarding the events overseas. Unfortunately, it required opening up my connection to my family. I had to call my grandfather to use his influence to find out the truth.

After all, keeping this under wraps is as critical to him as it is to me.

As I’m relaying this to Corinna in a flat, controlled voice, her arms continue to get tighter and tighter around me. I’m sure pretty soon I’ll have no air.

“I’m going to say this once, and I need you to believe it before I lose my shit.” Corinna’s voice is suppressed fury.


“This isn’t your fault.”

“How can you say that? Jack was my—” I start to protest.

“Colby,” she interrupts me. “Yes, he was your ‘best friend’”—she air quotes—“but he preyed upon you. You didn’t know the one person you trusted implicitly was setting you up to such an extent. As for your grandfather, it sounds like he’s the one who needs to grovel. I’m pretty certain he knew how to get a hold of you before now. Did you ever think about that?”

My mind blanks. “No,” I whisper. She’s right. The man has connections he could have used to contact me at any time.

She runs her hands up my chest to cup my face. I don’t even realize I’m crying until I feel her wiping away my tears. “I don’t know his motives, but I know you. Listen to me.” She pulls my head around to make sure my eyes are locked on hers. “I know you, down to the bottom of my soul. You weren’t wrong, not with your family. Not with the secretary. And damn sure not with the decisions you made to live. Do I love every one of them? No. I do not, but that’s because some of these decisions would never have happened if the betrayals of your so-called brother hadn’t been done to us. As for your grandfather, maybe he’s getting old and realizes his mistakes. I just don’t know.”

“I’m going out on a limb to say there are probably only two things he loves enough to wade into this—his job and his reputation,” I say bitterly.

Brushing her lips against my chin, she shakes me to my core. “Maybe so. But I’m going to say no, based on the amount of texts he’s sending to you in the middle of the night.”

I’m floored. “You knew?”

Smiling, she pulls me close. “I don’t sleep much lately. I don’t want to miss a minute with my eyes closed when I have you near me.”

Dropping my head into her neck, I let loose the emotions that have been tangled up inside of me for the last few weeks. Harsh sobs come out until I sound like a wounded animal. Corinna holds me through it all. “Get it out, babe. I’ve got you.”

But when do you let it out? I wonder. How is Corinna holding all of this together so beautifully? Before I can pursue that train of thought, my cell rings.

“Is that him?” Corinna dabs at her eyes. “How do I look?” She gives me a dazzling smile that’s full of determined pride. And love. So much damned love.

I tug at her hand to lead her to the sofa, even as I connect FaceTime. “Grandfather. You just couldn’t hold off for me to call, could you?”

“My grandson casually mentions he’s fallen in love and you think I’m waiting to meet her? Not a chance. Hand her the phone.”

I scrub my face with my spare hand.

Corinna arches her eyebrow, the light of battle firmly in her eyes. “Give me the phone, Colby.”

“Suddenly, I’m not so sure about this,” I mutter.

“Now,” she demands. I reluctantly hand over my phone.

“Senator Hunt.” Corinna greets my grandfather coolly in her beautiful Southern drawl. “Let me just lay all my cards out on the table. When I started things up with your grandson officially a few weeks ago, I never thought there would be a member of his family I’d want to meet, considering I figured they’d all look down on me for being a piece of white trash with a family of assholes that tried to sell ne into slavery.” Corinna shrugs.

Watching my grandfather’s face over her shoulder, he is openly gaping at my girlfriend. Corinna continues on blithely. “Now, it’s my understanding you didn’t give a shit after he was beaten by his father. That alone could make me hate you. Frankly, I could give two rats’ behinds whether or not you like me, let alone accept me. Are we clear enough on where you stand?”

My grandfather’s face is jerking on the other end of the line. He keeps opening and closing his mouth like a fish. I’m almost afraid of what’s going to come out. Corinna just keeps on going, seemingly not paying any attention.

“I have to have this little thing done to my head this week. Whatever. We’ll deal with it.” She gives him a menacing glare. Her chest begins heaving. “Your job is to deal with Jack. The lack of support in your family disgusts me.”

“Now, just a damned minute, young lady…” my grandfather sputters. Corinna smoothly cuts him off.

“I’m fairly certain anyone who knows me will assure you I’m never going to be a lady. I’m a woman. And as your grandson’s woman, it’s my job to protect his heart the same way he protects mine—ceaselessly.” I brush a kiss on the top of her hair before plucking the phone out of her hand.

“And now that you’ve met the woman I love, do you have an update for me?” I ask dryly.

“Impatient thing. I was having fun with her. Let me talk with her again,” the old man demands. There’s a twinkle in his eye I haven’t seen in far too long. My lips twitch before I can stop myself.

“Grandfather…” I warn. He waves his hand in front of the camera.

“That boy is a menace. Your father and that woman did a shit job raising him.”

“Tell me something we don’t already know.”

I watch as the old man lights a cigar before continuing. “I did a much better job with you. Awfully proud of the way you turned out.”

I choke. “Proud of me? You didn’t bother to contact me for ten years.”

“That was the way you wanted it, boy. You should have always known I loved you. You should have known to come to me after what your father did. It was just damn wrong.”

I feel Corinna’s hand as she squeezes my thigh tightly. If it wasn’t for her calming presence, I might have exploded. As it is, I can’t help but rail at him. “If I meant so damn much to you, if you were so traumatized by what happened to me, Grandfather, how could you allow him to keep living his perfect life? How could my father keep everything you gave to him while I fought to keep everything he almost took from me?”

My grandfather shakes his head. “I didn’t, son. Not long after you left, I demanded a board meeting. He was voted out. Your uncles Gregory and Thomas took over. The majority of their children work in the firm now, but that’s neither here nor there.” My grandfather waves his hand in frustration. “Your father retained what shares he could, but he lost a large portion of his inheritance when I cut off his trust fund and cut him out of my will.”

My eyes bug out. “What?”

His eyes harden. “No one hurts my family, even if they’re family. I wasn’t happy about your decision, Colby, but that’s because I knew about the areas you’d be deployed to. I was scared. I couldn’t have been prouder of what you wanted to do though. I was going to see if you were still willing to go Ivy and join ROTC.”

“Jesus.” This is freaking unbelievable.

“Senator,” Corinna interjects next to me. I turn the phone so it’s facing her. “What happened to Colby’s father then?”

“Apparently after he ran out of money, he went to go live with his mistress and Jack in Groton.”

A horrified look comes over Corinna’s face. Mine must mirror it.

“That asshole fucked with my life because he didn’t get Daddy’s attention? Jesus, he can have it,” I rail. “I just don’t want him to keep popping in and out of our lives, Cori.”

She shrugs. “So don’t let him. Have your grandfather’s fancy lawyers draw up some papers to that effect, baby. I think it’s the least he would do for you.”

My grandfather pipes up. “Pretty and smart. Not a bad choice, son.”

I ignore the old man. “What do you think he’ll want for that assurance?”

Cori smirks. “If Jack was smart, assurance you won’t kill him.”

“He should be so lucky.”

“Then tell your grandfather a list of things you can live with, and put something you can’t as last.”

I brush my lips against hers. “I hate to agree with him, but he’s right. You’re so damn smart.”

She laughs. “Hardly. Ali’s just been hanging around a lot.”

“No, it’s your ability to read people with that enormous heart I fell in love with.” I kiss her one more time before taking the phone back. “Is this doable?” I ask my grandfather.

“I’ll call my lawyers tomorrow on one condition.”

Warily, I ask, “What’s that?”

His face suddenly looks old. “I’d like to see you again, Colby. I know I should wait to be asked, but I…” He doesn’t get a chance to continue before Corinna yanks the phone from my hand.

“I agree. You should come by while I’m recovering. You can meet my family. I’m so sure they’ll want to meet you.” She turns to me and asks, “Do you think he’ll be the catalyst for Keene and Phil to get along finally? I mean, it would just take one nasty comment and the two of them would be like the Wonder Twins, being all protective and whatnot.”

If I hadn’t seen what happens next with my own two eyes, I would never have believed it.

My grandfather is clutching his stomach while he’s doubled over with laughter. His dove-gray eyes are crinkled at the corners, and the smile on his face sends a million wrinkles twitching. “Corinna, I should have known he’d have fallen in love with someone who’s nuts.”

Corinna shrugs. “Listen, he’s his own brand of special. I’m not getting any sort of bargain here.”

And my grandfather is laughing again.

My angel. My wonder. My love.

Uncaring if my grandfather sees, I trace her lips with my finger. “I love you so damn much.”

Her eyes are shining, and she smiles at me before returning her focus back to the phone.

* * *

Later that night, Corinna and I are in bed. I turn off the bedside lights and in the dim light from the overhead strands find her staring at me, her hands tucked under her cheek. “What is it?”

“Had Caleb not brought up your grandfather tonight, were you going to?” she asks bluntly.

I get comfortable next to her. Corinna immediately gets settled with her head on my chest. I stroke the skin of her tattoo, made more easily accessible now that her hair’s been cut so short.

By her choice. Her need for a clear conscience.

It’s time to give her mine.

“I’d hoped to get us past the next few days, Cori. I don’t want to burden your mind with more than it can handle,” I tell her honestly. I wait for the explosion.

It doesn’t come. Instead, what she says is worse.

Much, much worse.

“What if we don’t have tomorrow? What if the only time we’re guaranteed is each second we breathe?” she whispers. I tense beneath her head and wandering hand. “Then tonight would never have happened. And would you know your true grandfather is inside that man he presents to the world?” As I contemplate those words, the next ones knock me over. “How would I know I could rise above my own preconceptions about you? About love? How would I know the darkness no longer is something to fear? It’s just dark, but you’re waiting on the other side when I come out of it?”

Bracing up on my chest, Corinna looks down at me. “The time we have is often a curse but more often a blessing. Isn’t it time we stop counting our curses?”

“I know one blessing I count every day,” I say hoarsely.

“Don’t tell me.” She slides her body on top of mine sinuously. “Show me.”

And for the next several hours, I do.

I show the woman I love that she’s the answer to every wish, every prayer, and every dream. I just want to know I can keep her.

Later, as Corinna sleeps curled next to me, I lie awake, held hostage by the fears that assail me, knowing I may only have a few more nights like this before I return to a landfall of days that blur together because there’s nothing left in my heart to distinguish them from one another.

* * *

The next morning, I get another call from my grandfather. It’s over. Jack was dealt with swiftly by my grandfather’s attorneys when they showed up en masse at his practice in Darien.

After his initial demand they come back at a better time, their threats of their next stop being with the Attorney General scared him enough to cancel the remainder of his appointments.

As Cori predicted, Jack wanted everything he thought was due to him as the son of Brett Hunt. He asked for everything he thought was his birthright, including a stake in Hunt Enterprises. He was denied everything but his right to walk out of his office with the ability to keep his medical license, the money he would earn from selling his part in his practice, and the money from selling his house to move somewhere far away from the East Coast after he signed a document never to bother Corinna, my grandfather, me, or any of my relatives, save our father ever again.

Shaken, he realized the lawyers had him on several counts of mail fraud, where the statute of limitations was five years for withholding my letters to Cori. Cori also could have pushed a HIPAA case against his practice, which would have made his future earnings next to impossible, but all she cared about was eradicating him from our lives.

The loss of Jack in my life is like walking out of a bad movie. There are horrible images burned in my mind and a foul stench in my nose. Corinna assures me that eventually, these feelings will pass as new memories are made with people who truly love me. Apparently, these are going to include my grandfather, who is so enamored of my girlfriend he’s already making plans to come up and visit during her recovery.

Seems we were all wrong. I look forward to forging new bonds back into my family fold, but the only person I plan on bringing with me is Corinna.

Not the brother I never knew I had.




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