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Lucky Charm: A St. Patrick's Day Irish Billionaire Fake Fiance Romance by Eva Luxe (130)



He took out an envelope and handed it to me. It was one of those big tan ones. “What’s this? The contract?”


I took it out and looked at it. I was expecting a novel’s worth of paperwork, but instead it was only two sheets long.

The sex was only when both parties were willing.

No physical violence allowed, and I was to be taken care of by him when the pregnancy was confirmed. There were a few other things that were not out of the normal.

All except one.

He wanted sole custody of the kid once born and I was to disappear.

Not that I had been under any delusion that this was going to be a love child, but it panged at my gut to read that. I sighed.

Sacrifices weren’t easy. And if I didn’t let Grant raise the kid, I’d only end up losing things my own family needed due to lack of money.

Hopefully Grant knew how to love and raise a child.

“Fine. I agree.”

“Nothing about the custody agreement concerns you?” he double checked.

“Not at all. I’m only twenty. Too young to be a legit mom, you know? Plus, you can afford a nanny and all that good stuff. Just be sure to look after your kid and love them, alright?”

Grant lifted an eyebrow. “Of course…”

“Good. Got a pen?”

I didn’t want to discuss this any further. I didn’t want to get attached.

I had already made up my mind that I was going to go through with this agreement, or I never would have called Grant in the first place. But that didn’t make it easy.

He handed me a heavy golden pen that was probably pure gold and I signed the contract.

“I was already on my way over here when you called,” he said. “I had set my office phone to patch any calls through to my cell phone. I was hoping you would contact me. I was already going to offer you more money. I really appreciate what you’re doing for me.”

“There you go,” I said, handing him the pen and contract back in its envelope, and cutting him off without a response. I really, really didn’t want to talk about this any further. “How soon do I get paid again?”

“You get paid only after your pregnancy is confirmed. It was in the contract.”

I lowered my eyes, feeling foolish. I guess I had just been thrown off about the custody thing, because I had read that part. That figures, though, that payment depended on verification of pregnancy. Luckily, someone as young as me should get pregnant very quickly.

Grant bent over a little to get another good look at my eyes.

“Are you alright?” he asked, concerned.

“I’m good. Besides, where are we going?” I stretched out more in the limo, trying to calm myself down. This was a big responsibility, big money.

“My home. It’s in the agreement.”

“Oh yeah, I do remember that.”

We stopped at a red light and a car pulled up next to us. I didn’t even realize we were in the West Golden wing of the city, but the golden Ferrari next to us jogged my memory. This part of town was aptly named. And of course Grant would live here.

“Wow, a golden Enzo Ferrari. Geez, the specs on that car are wild.”

I plastered my face to the window to look at the car. The windows were as black as ink, not that it mattered. I wasn’t concerned about the driver.

The car was a beauty, a walking piece of history.

“You’re a car person?”

“Yes!” I exclaimed.

I went on to explain about the inner workings of a Ferrari and many other super cars alike. Price be damned, there was a lot more to those cars than just price.

We shared one thing in common, cars. He was fond of them too, and since he was rich, I knew he had to own them as well.

“I’m impressed; you like these cars regardless of the price. People shape the car up because of the price tag, but you look further than that.”

“Well, some people do that.”

I was sitting on the other side of the limo, giving Grant his room. Reaching over, he placed his hand on my knee and pulled me over. My ass slid over the leather seats as the heat from his hand lit my body up.

That was a possessive move.

“Hey, what’re you—” I sucked in a sharp breath when he slid his hand up my thighs.

I suppose I should shut up. After all, baby making did involve sex.

But this soon?

Leaning in, he whispered into my ear, “I’d like to start making our baby as soon as possible.”

The growl in his voice made me feel as mushy as kinetic sand.

His hand paused around my thigh and went up further.

Sweet God, I had to wear a thong today.

Grant nestled himself on the crook of my neck, inhaling in my scent. His fingers brushed the base of my thong, making my thighs clamp in on him.

“No, no, keep your legs open,” he growled.

Reluctantly I pried them open and his fingers slipped inside my thong, teasing my wetness. This man made me too horny all too easily.

I looked down at his arm snaked between my legs. Grant tilted my chin so I could focus on his eyes instead.

What beautiful gray eyes and that stubble along such a strong angular jaw. He even had that slight dimple on his chin.

Perhaps I was going to enjoy this new “job” of mine.

His fingers went deeper inside me, causing me to jerk and squeeze my pussy around him.

“G-Grant, here in the limo?” I asked. “Maybe not here in the limo, right?”

I tried to change my question into a statement but it ended up coming back out as another question. He made my body and my mind feel like putty. I couldn’t get out a decisive word around him and that was not like me at all.

My body was acting all out of sorts now. My nipples were hardening against the fabric of my dress, and my skin begged to be let out of it.

Another finger dipped into my folds and I bit back a small yelp.

“You’re sensitive, Stacy. Tell me, are you a virgin?”

Oh shit. He had to bring that up so quickly.

I winced at his expert hands working at my dampness. “W-why?”

“Because,” he pushed his fingers in further and a small bleating yell escaped my lips, “I need to know how rough I can take you.”

My cheeks heated up like an oven, matching the temperature of the rest of my body, which was swooning by now.

Grant took advantage of the room in his limo and crawled over me.

The swollen bump of his crotch brushed against my leg. Damn, he had to be big— a huge cock to match the size of his ego.

I still hadn’t answered his question, and he didn’t seem to be in a big rush to hear my answer— or at all, for that matter. I liked how slow he was taking things. It built anticipation. Grant began to work down the sides of my dress so he could expose them, and just as he had the outer ring of my areolas showing, the limo screeched to a halt.

At first, I was a bit excited at the thought that we could be caught like this, and that surprised me. But not as much as what actually happened.

We fell off the seat and Grant grunted, irritated that the snack he had just embarked upon eating had been interrupted. And I was too, to be honest.

He pushed a button to talk to his driver. “Mr. Winston, what on earth?”

“Sorry sir,” the old man spoke, “There was a car that nearly side swiped us. Are you and your guest okay?”

Grant sighed. “Yes. Thank you, Mr. Winston. Continue on.”

I suppose we had no other choice. After all, we had already come this far. And I was enjoying it even more than I thought I would.