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Lucky Charm: A St. Patrick's Day Irish Billionaire Fake Fiance Romance by Eva Luxe (164)

Chapter 24 – Lacey



“This isn’t something we can’t handle,” I said to Thompson. “It’s not nearly as serious as the DUI, for instance.”

I sat in the Sharks’ Coach’s office at the training facility at Nova Southeastern University, trying to do damage control after Hanson had decided not to train at the facility but in a standard gym. It was like he was looking for trouble.

Coach Rudi Thompson rolled his eyes. He wasn’t in the mood to listen to me, and I didn’t blame him. I wasn’t exactly in the mood to stick up for Hanson, either, but it was my job.

After all the publicity Hanson had been getting, and none of the good kind, Coach Thompson was considering kicking him off the team for good. Seeing as how he’d already been suspended for six games, that wouldn’t look very good for Hanson. It could potentially ruin his career.

“What am I supposed to do with him, then?” Thompson asked. “You can’t tell me you don’t know what he’s like. What’s stopping him from doing it again?”

I nodded. “I hear what you’re saying. And I can’t tell what the future holds for him. But he’s been trying to change his image. The donation was a big one, and he’s helping with the city’s homeless committee after he visits the hospital. Those all count.”

“Not for much, if videos like these keep getting released,” the coach said. “Have you seen how many views he’s gotten? You would swear football has become a new reality show.”

Coach Thompson leaned forward, and his windbreaker rustled. He was dressed in what I saw as standard coaching attire, sweats and a windbreaker, with a cap that was pulled low over his eyes when he was outside.

“For what it’s worth, he says he didn’t do it,” I told him. “I know…”

“…he said that the last time,” we said in unison.

Coach rolled his eyes, and I didn’t blame him. It was taking all the willpower I had not to roll mine too.

“But I just wanted to give his side of the story, since he’s my client and all,” I told Coach, clearing my throat at the “client” part. “He says the girl started everything, and then got mad at him, which doesn’t make a lot of sense, I know. But it’s his story.”

I had been able to talk to Hanson a bit more about the incident. I wanted his story to be true, but I was no fool. I wouldn’t let myself be hoodwinked by a player like Hanson Bell. I had stupidly thought that maybe we had something important going on, but clearly I was just a piece of meat, which was fine with me.

Wasn’t it?

My phone rang.

“Let me take this,” I said. “Excuse me.”

I stepped out of the office and answered. “Tell me you have good news, Conrad.”

“I do,” he said over the phone. “I did some digging. The girl is a model. She’s on all the major runways.”

“So, this can be a publicity thing?” I asked. “She kicked up a fuss on purpose, to get her name in the spotlight?”

“I wouldn’t go around telling everyone that without a statement from her of some kind, but yes.”

“I don’t need more than speculation to make this go away for now. I’m not going public with it.”

“Great,” Conrad said.

“You’re a lifesaver,” I said.

“Remember that when you’re out with the rich and famous, doing rich and famous things,” Conrad said, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

He loved that I’d needed to turn to him for help on this. I hung up. I would deal with my own damage control later. It would be a lot easier than what Hanson was throwing at me.

I couldn’t help but admit, though, how glad I was that Conrad said the evidence could match Hanson’s story. I was probably a fool not to give up hope, but at least there was some support to back up my foolishness.

I opened the door to the office and stepped back inside.

“My sources just confirmed it,” I said. “The woman, Kelsey Dean, is a model. She’s been hitting it big on the runway, and she’s been seen around town with other athletes. Chances are, it was just a publicity stunt.”

Coach Thompson regarded me for a moment. “You think so?”

I had him. He was considering it, and that was all I needed.

I nodded. “What better way to get into the limelight than by being scorned by Hanson Bell? He already has a record. You, of all people, know how tough the guys can have it in this world.”

Thompson nodded. He was close enough to the players to get a taste of the spotlight without really being in it himself.

“I’m not sure if Hanson did anything to cause her to go off,” I admitted to him. “I’ve watched several different videos and they all started filming after the girl flew off the handle. So, it could be that he is completely innocent, or it could be that he was giving her a hard time about something, but in any event, there isn’t enough evidence to condemn him. And she definitely seemed to be quite loony tunes in that video. I’m not sure it’s enough to make people believe her over him.”

My heart pounded, as I allowed myself to believe my own words. Perhaps this was all a complete set up against Hanson. But I couldn’t allow myself to believe what I wanted to believe. I had to remain objective and professional— advocate for my client instead of getting caught up in his web of drama.

Damn myself for sleeping with him!

“So, you don’t think I should extend his suspension?” he asked.

I shook my head. “Let him carry on with his public services like we’d planned, and let him play in the meantime. If he’s on the field, his actions off the field will be noticed that much more.”

“That’s what I’m worried about,” Thompson said.

“I understand your concern. But he is trying. And this incident was out of his control. Yes, we don’t know exactly what he said and he probably should have just stuck to the team gym for working out because he knows how important this time period is in terms of public image and avoiding any kind of drama at all, but we can’t exactly expect to keep him locked up 24/7. And that girl got exactly what she wanted. It sounded a lot like she was setting him up.”

I was going to force myself to believe that. The video had been posted less than four hours after I’d left his place. It was a slap in the face to think that he wanted any of this to happen, that he would have taken her home.

Coach Thompson rubbed his palms on his knees.

“Okay, Miss Townsend,” he said, finally. “I’ll let him play. But if any of this goes wrong, I’m not just going to blame him.”

“Of course not,” I said, getting up. “I’m his PR Manager. You hired me to do a job, and if I’m not doing it, I’m equally to blame for his actions.”

I didn’t like saying the words, but they were the truth. Thompson shook my hand, and I left the office. When I’d come to the coach, he had been so angry, it had taken me half the morning just to calm him down. At least, Hanson wasn’t off the field. Not yet. If he kept it up, I couldn’t promise that would be the case for much longer.