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Show & Sell: A Dark MFMM Romance by Abby Angel (10)

Chapter 10


Two versions of my own face stare back at me.

Why did we have to be born triplets? Nothing about us screams family besides our matching looks. Until my father died, I never had to see my brothers, and now, we’re back together, entrenched in a competition for a woman.

It’s something I vowed never to do again, but here I am.

But fuck. She’s worth it.

Being here at The Winery helps, but I have to make awkward conversation with my so-called family.

I’ve nothing to say to my brothers. We have nothing in common anymore. So sitting here is uncomfortable, to say the least.

The lounge is steeped in dark, seductive colors. It’s one of my favorite haunts for its exclusivity and privacy. The place screams money, and that’s what I like—to be among my own people.

“What’s taking her so long?” Declan asks, impatiently checking his Rolex.

“The limo just picked her up,” I say, checking my phone for an update. “She lives on Park Avenue. Not far from here.”

“She lives on Park?” he asks. “If she can afford that kind of apartment, then why is she selling her virginity?”

He’s right. Most of the virgins at the auction were likely desperate for money. Aurora’s so not why was she there?

“I don’t know,” Jasper says, taking a long drink of his whiskey. “And I don’t care.”

Classic Jasper.

He’s the wild one of the bunch. He’s always been the one to live life on the edge. And he doesn’t let us forget that for a second with his lazy attitude.

He thinks he’s too cool for everything, but I can verify that he’s not.

“If you don’t care, then why are you here?” I ask him pointedly.

“You’ve seen her,” he says. “She’s stunning.”

One thing’s true about the Grayson brothers—we all have fine taste. We wouldn’t be here otherwise. A virgin this gorgeous is worth being in the same vicinity as the brothers I hate.

“Too bad she’ll have to choose only one of us in the end,” Declan says. “And it’s going to be me.”

“Whatever, man,” Jasper blows him off.

I ignore them both and look out the window. The sky is bleak to match my attitude. I want Aurora, yes, but she better be worth all this goddamn trouble.

Idly, I remember the sight of her up onstage. She was so vulnerable and yet so strong in that moment. I don’t think she has any idea just how gorgeous she is.

Thinking of it makes my cock hard. I take a swig of my drink, feeling impatient.

“Just remember,” I say. “She’s a virgin. Take it easy on her.”

“Speak for yourself,” Jasper says easily.

“I’m serious. She’s going to be nervous,” I say, feeling protective over her already.

“And where is this devirginization going to happen?” Jasper asks.

“I’ve made reservations at the Julien,” Declan says. “So we can have her on neutral ground. You remember what happened the last time we shared a woman, right?”

I laugh despite myself.

“Yes, in college, in Jasper’s house. She ran out crying because we were too much for her.”

“Aww, the old days,” Jasper muses.

“Let’s not have a repeat performance,” I say. “We’re a lot for any woman to handle at once, especially one so unaccustomed to the ways of...”

“Sex?” Jasper butts in.

“Exactly,” I say, not enjoying his attitude, as usual.

Just then the hostess walks our way, and I’m relieved of my frustration by the beauty behind her. It’s the girl, and she’s ravishing.

We all get up to greet her.

Her eyes are wide and contain a mix of anticipation and pleasure. She’s obviously nervous, and while I like that, I also want to make her feel comfortable. This is a big night for her.

“Hi,” I say taking her hand and kissing it. “I’m Finn. This is my brother Declan. And this is Jasper.”

Jasper beats me to the punch, and he pulls the chair out for her, which she gratefully takes. All of us are thinking the same thing: she’s more stunning than ever.

“Hi, my name is Aurora. I’m not sure if you knew that. Anyway, thanks for having me.”

“What’ll you drink?” I say, offering her the drink menu.

“Oh,” she says, anxiously looking it over. “I’ll just have what you’re having.”

I order her a whiskey and make sure it’s the best. I can hardly tear my eyes away from her. I’m hungry for this girl, and I feel the passion arising deep within the pit of my stomach.

I’m rock hard—only she doesn’t know it yet. Soon enough, she will.

“We’re so glad that you could meet us,” Declan says.

He’s looking at her like she’s one of his models. Declan’s all about beauty, and Aurora certainly has that.

“You look absolutely gorgeous,” Declan says, taking note of her outfit.

Her skin, her hair, her’s all so fucking good.

Her eyes are shining as she says, “Thank you. I actually just bought this outfit today…for you guys.”

Her sweet nature has us all on the edge of our seats. For once, I know that the Grayson brothers can agree on one thing…this girl is something special.

“You bought it for us?” I say, gazing at her beautiful body. “That’s nice.”

For a second, her eyes flash up and meet my own. There’s a moment of electricity between us that’s undeniable. She may be nervous about losing her virginity, but I can tell she wants me.

She’s innocent, like a little lamb being brought to slaughter. And yet, at the same time, there’s something untamed and wild within her that I’m dying to know.

I have a feeling she doesn’t even know herself yet, and I want to be the one to help her find it. I can show her depths of desire she didn’t know were possible, and I fully intend to.

Jasper, sensing the connection between Aurora and myself, cuts in, “Aurora, may I ask how you found yourself at the billionaire’s auction?”

I feel angry at him for putting her on the spot. She doesn’t have to tell us why.

But I’m interested, so I let her answer.

Her whiskey arrives, and she takes a sip of it before saying, “Well, it’s kind of a long story. But my parents died about five years ago, and their company is in dire need of some funds.”

She seems so sweet, with that undertone of sadness, talking about her parents like that. I want to help her, and I’m glad that we’re the ones to give her some profit, even if it’s in exchange for her body.

“That’s horrible,” Declan says. “I’m so sorry to hear that about your family.”

She looks at him gratefully and says a simple, “Thank you.”

“You know,” I continue. “We understand your pain because our father died recently. He’s the only family we’ve got besides each other.”

She looks around the table at each of us and processes what’s just been said.

“Oh, you guys lost your dad? I’m so sorry to hear that.”

I love the fact that she doesn’t seem to know who we are. In a town where my brothers and I are famous, this girl is in the dark about us. Something about that is nice.

We’ve got a clean slate with her.

“It’s okay,” I say. “We know your pain, and you know ours. I think this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful…friendship.”

After that, the conversation moves to lighter topics. We find out that she was educated at Harvard. She has a brother, and she’s managing her parent’s company.

She likes yoga, and I imagine her flexible body bent over, taking in my giant cock. I imagine so many things, and they all involve her and I alone, absent any of my brothers.

As the evening goes on and we get more drinks in her, she starts to loosen up. I can tell she’s nervous, and I love that. This girl’s about to lose her virginity, and it’s gonna be memorable, especially because it’ll be with me.

I zero in on her and make sure she understands the difference between myself and the other guys—I’m the one she wants.

“Aurora, why don’t we take you somewhere more comfortable?” I offer, thinking of the Julien.

She knows the moment of reckoning is upon her. This is what we paid for, and I find myself so hard and ready to claim this beautiful virgin.

“Yes, sure. I’m ready,” she says, voice timid, eyes large with wonderment.

“It’s okay, baby,” I take her hand. “It’s gonna be the best night of your life.”