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Show & Sell: A Dark MFMM Romance by Abby Angel (11)

Chapter 11


My entire body’s trembling as we leave the restaurant.

Finn wraps a protective arm around my shoulders, but it does nothing to quell my nerves.

This is the most important night of my life, and I can’t believe it’s happening right now. I certainly never expected it to go down like this.

I can’t say I’m disappointed in these men. In fact, I feel anything but.

They’re kind and generous, and they evoke a certain amount of power that I feel drawn to. In their presence, I’m like a moth to a flame, and I can’t explain these unwanted feelings.

Normally, guys fail to turn me on, and that’s why it’s been so easy to keep my virginity untarnished for all these years.

But these guys are different.

I know in the back of my mind that they must be playboys. Anybody who would attend a virgin billionaires auction is definitely that.

So I know I’m not gonna be anything special to them—but still, they’re special to me. They’re the ones that are going to take this most personal part of me.

A strange sense of warmth is overtaking my body as Finn leads me out of the restaurant and into the waiting limousine. I’m feeling aroused—but it’s an arousal that’s more intense than ever.

These are definitely the most handsome guys I’ve ever seen. They’re triplets, and they look exactly alike—save for their eyes. And even though they all look similar, their personalities are very different. That’s what I learned over dinner and drinks.

I’m dealing with three very different men, and that intimidates me.

Once we get inside the limousine, Jasper makes sure he’s sitting nice and close. He puts his arm around me and offers me a drink.

“Declan, why don’t you open up the bottle of champagne that’s chilling in the fridge?”

Declan shoots daggers at him with his eyes, but he does get the bottle. He pops it open and says, “To Aurora, the woman we’re here to celebrate.”

I smile at his praise, and despite myself, I can’t help but feel like I’m deeply desired by each of these men. And I revel in it.

I’m not dumb. I know that I won’t become a common fixture in their lives, but for this moment at least, I’m at the very center of their attention. It’s nice to feel admired in this way.

I feel good—but a steady stream of nerves is going on inside of my body, too.

We drink the champagne directly out of the bottle, and Jasper’s moving in close. I feel his hot breath on my neck as he whispers things.

“Are you ready for us, baby?” he asks.

I nod my head in a simple gesture of acquiescence, and he smiles wickedly.

“It’s going to be okay, I promise.”

There’s definitely a competitive vibe going on in the limousine. The guys fight for my attention, and it’s obvious that they have some kind of internal war going on between each other. I thought triplets were supposed to always get along.

Guess not.

Declan sits on the other side of me and says, “Open up.”

I do as he says, and he slowly pours champagne down my throat. The alcohol helps to offset my nerves.

I look into his eyes, and a fire burns between us. It’s obvious and perceptible to everyone in the limo.

This fans the flames of jealousy that burns between the men, and I wonder how I’m going to handle being at the center of their affections for the night.

We drive through the city, and I savor the feeling of being surrounded by hot guys. All too soon, we pull up to the Julien, and I feel afraid. It’s a luxury hotel that I’ve never been inside of.

They’re helping me out of the limo, and I attempt to straighten my outfit and look okay. I also attempt to cover up my trembling hands that threaten to give away my position as a woman who doesn’t know what the fuck she’s doing.

I follow them past the lobby and into a private VIP service elevator. Once we’re inside, the fun begins.

They start to kiss my neck, my breasts, my arms.

The elevator opens, and we walk out into the sumptuous hallway. At the end of the hall is the penthouse hotel suite.

I look around and admire the gorgeous suite. It’s huge and has several rooms.

“Wow.” I look around me. “This is so pretty.”

And yet I’m feeling timid as ever. I excuse myself to go to the powder room. The guys have hungry expressions on their faces, and I know they’re ready for this, but I’m not.

“I’ll be just a minute,” I assure them.

“Take your time,” Jasper says. “We have all the time in the world.”

Once I’m out of sight, I quickly run my hands under cool water and splash some of it on the back of my neck. My heated desire needs to calm down. I’ve never felt this enthralled by a man before—let alone three.

I look at myself in the mirror and note that every hair’s in place and that my makeup has survived, flawless, throughout dinner.

I think of how I got to this place

Anders. My parents dying. The business.

And yet all of that seems to not matter because passion and nerves are intermingling inside of me. I can’t tell if I want this or if I’m scared, or both.

I give myself a little pep talk in the mirror.

Aurora, you got this. It’s gonna be fine. Just act like you know what you’re doing.

Despite what I say to myself, I know ultimately that after tonight, I’ll be changed forever. I won’t be a virgin anymore, and I don’t know how that will feel.

I use some of the hotel’s lotion. It’s a luxury brand. And then I pull some perfume out of my small purse and put a little on my neck and my décolletage.

I want to look perfect. I want to be perfect. Something about these guys makes me feel like I want to impress them.

What will happen when they discover that I don’t know what I’m doing? Will they laugh me out of the room?

I feel utterly out of my element. But I can’t hide in here forever.

I bravely open the door and face my three men.

Declan brings me over a drink. I’ve already had so much alcohol tonight, but it’s done nothing to calm my nerves.

All at once, they seem to envelop me. They’re dragging me over to the bed and stripping me down as they do so.

“You’re gorgeous,” breathes Declan.

“Is this new lingerie?” Finn says as he tries to unhook it.

“Don’t worry, baby,” Jasper says. “All you have to do is relax and let us take control.”

Is it really that simple? Will they handle everything for me?

And before I can think of any more questions, they have me lying down on the bed, kissing every part of my body.