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Show & Sell: A Dark MFMM Romance by Abby Angel (100)


Leo and I are in one of my favorite upscale restaurants down the street from my work. We’ve had the nicest lunch even though Leo has me feeling hot and heavy; it’s probably time to take my leave.

Staring at him from across the table, I idly imagine where this thing could go. He’s so fucking hot. I never expected to meet a guy like him, much less in the middle of all my stalking troubles. He has come to my aid in so many ways already, and I’m stoked to get to know him on a deeper level.

“So, you need to keep me informed just in case there are any more phone calls, okay? I’m going to have my guys tap your phones so that we can find out who is harassing you, so expect them to come over.”

“Alright, Leo, thank you so much.” He’s giving me the final rundown on how to protect myself while he’s not with me.

I wonder if Leo is the kind of guy that you fuck or the kind of guy that you marry? I mean, I know there are men out there who are only looking for one thing… sex. There are players, and Leo seems like he might be one. I’m not sure. I know he’s taken a protective stance over me, but I’m not sure how he feels. I’m not into having a quickie. But with Leo, I could make one single exception. He makes me want to bend all my rules. He brings out this feisty side of me that I never knew was there.

He also quiets the part of me that says you had one totally fucked up marriage and now you want to bang the brother-in-law cop who’s trying to protect you. You know, the little voice in my head that’s spelling out S-L-U-T, but I can’t hear that voice over my thoughts about how the muscles in Leo’s arms moves; it’s so sexy. Or how when Leo smiles or looks at me…

Yeah, I’m a little too distracted by how badly I want him.

I’m sure he’s not the kind of guy who’s just in it for his own reasons, at least not with me I hope. I imagine him wanting to make me come and actually enjoying that. It’s not like any other guy has cared about my orgasm. Usually it’s just wham, bam, and it’s over. Maybe a little foreplay is tossed in, but it’s nothing that makes me want to reach my ultimate climax. Leo makes me want to touch myself just looking at him. And with him so close, I kinda want him to touch my instead. If the idea of him is so hot, I wonder how hot the sex with him will be. He’s hot enough to make me forget my own name when he makes me come… I let that thought linger.

Looking across the table at him, I wonder these things, trying to act nonchalant. I don’t want him to know that I’ve already had him on my mind. I don’t want to give away too much just yet. But it’s really hard to just sit here and not touch him or let my feelings be known, when I’m imagining his hands all over my body. He’s all I’ve been able to think about.

He stares at me like he already knows what I’m thinking. There’s the beginning of a connection here, where no words need to be spoken and we both just feel it. I hope it can be deeper than just lust, because I’m starting to care for him, and I feel so safe with him, like I can be myself. But it’s just the beginning, and who knows if what I feel is reciprocated or not?

“So, you know how to check your windows at night, right? And you probably won’t want to be in the garage after dark.” He’s still drilling me.

“Okay—” I stare at him and tighten my legs because I’m getting so wet. I know, I’m terrible. I want to be safe, and I’m listening. But Leo makes me feel safe…and so aroused. So I figure, why not let the sexy detective take care of my safety and my arousal?

It feels like we have sexual chemistry, but I want more than that from him, I realize. I want him to hold me in his strong arms and to tell me that everything is going to be all right and that he will be there anytime I need him. I need him to know how I’ve been dreaming of him, but it’s still too early. I can’t reveal my feelings just yet…and I know I shouldn’t act on them. I thought I could have a safe life with Barry. In a totally different way, but I just don’t know that I should be jumping into anything.

Still, I want to spread my legs and beg Leo to touch me right now. That’s how horny he makes me. No one has ever turned me on so much!

My body is about to explode. Honestly, I can barely eat or sleep since I met him. He’s all I ever think about. It would be so embarrassing if after having these feelings that he thought I was just a piece of ass. I’m not a one-time fling. I desire him so much, but my body is arguing with my mind at this point, saying, no, you don’t even know this guy.

Leo eyes me cautiously. There’s always a certain sense of authority there that turns me on. It’s not like Barry, who was just a child about wanting to control me. Plus, Barry never touched me…why did I ever marry him? There was no abiding love that made us not being physically intimate okay. There was just…nothing good there.

Anyway, back to Leo. I don’t want to waste any more time thinking about my crappy ex-husband. Especially since it makes me think about how Leo is my brother-in-law in that situation. But Leo’s hard to resist. He’s sincere and yet domineering in a sexy kind of way. He’s possessive over me already, and I can tell that he really wants to protect me. That gets me hot because it means he’s passionate but not controlling. I can still live my life and be independent, but give him authority over my body in a way that he would respect. I know he respects me. I wonder if I could trust him. Trust him to touch me and give me every drop of pleasure my body thirsts for.

My thoughts have been wandering now for so long, and I really need to make my exit. Leo’s acting like he doesn’t want to end our lunch date, but I’ve gotta go back to work. Plus, he’s making me so nervous. I can’t tell what he wants from me. He’s zeroed in on my eyes and has been throughout lunch. I love the attention, but I’m really hot for him and we’re at a restaurant, so it’s super awkward.

“You know,” I say, “this has been really great. Just great. But I guess it’s time for me to head out.”

“You’ve got work to do?” he asks, but that sexy smile on his face, that look in his eyes, tells me that he’s saying one thing and means entirely another. He knows I don’t want to leave, but I can’t exactly give myself permission to do the thing that’s on both our minds.

“Yeah, I should probably head back to work. I have a lot to catch up on,” I say, swallowing and eyeballing the massive erection tenting his pants.

“Really?” His eyes are questioning. “You’re just gonna take off, huh?” His eyes narrow, and he cocks his head to the side with a grin.

“Um . . . yeah.” I gulp. “It’s been real, Leo, thanks for lunch.” I wink at him as I leave. I just stiffed him with the bill, but I think it’s funny and I’m sure it doesn’t cost much; I just wanna see how he reacts. I have this incorrigible need to tease him, to test him. It’s because I can’t muster up the courage to run off to some hotel or something with him and get what I really want. I could take a longer lunch break if I wanted to. I’m just too nervous to act on the lust searing my bloodstream right now.

I saunter away and don’t even look back. I can feel his shocked reaction. That’ll leave him wondering about me, I hope. As I head off, I pop into the powder room to freshen up my appearance. I love to apply new lipstick and pop a mint in after I eat.

The powder room is gorgeous. This restaurant is artsy, and they’ve included that element in here. There’s a big mural painted on the wall, and lots of other nice art that sets the air perfectly. There’s a spacious ottoman so I sit and check my phone before I head out.

As I scroll through my texts and email, the door is shoved open and guess who walks right in?

“Leo!? God, what are you doing in here? Did I forget something? You could’ve just waited for me. You shouldn’t be in here. Hey, how’d you know I was in here?” I ramble incessantly. And then I consider, thinking aloud, “Are you mad at me about the check? I was just playing. Please don’t be mad.” Maybe I took that joke too far. My face heats up at the sight of him, as he closes the door and slides the lock into place.

“That’s not why I’m here.” He laughs, closing the distance between us.  “I know you were pushing me for a reaction, and I wanted to give it to you.”

I  look up into his eyes and imagine what his strong chest must feel like. This is my reflex to Leo all the time, and it’s crazy. He just makes me want to think about sex. Maybe because it’s been so long since I’ve had sex. That must be what this is. I’m probably all pent up with sexual energy.

“Well, give it to me. What have you got for my little joke?”

He steps toward me and takes my face in his hands, kissing me. My fantasy is coming true. The thing I’ve wanted most in the world is happening, and I’m so happy and thrilled that I kiss him right back.

“Well, I’m honored you found the time to tell me that, thanks,” I say, breathlessly.

He brushes his lips upon mine, then says, “I’m not done. I want to take you right here in this restaurant.”

To my total shock and consternation, I think he’s serious.

“Um, in a public place? You’re a cop? Ring any bells? That would be illegal.” I think I’ve talked some sense into him and I turn to get my purse, but he’s still standing there, blocking the door.

“Leo, we can’t! You can’t be serious.”

“I am serious. I’ve wanted you since the first moment I saw you. You’re all I can think about, Elena. And it’s time to make you all mine. Happily, you’re not taken. I think you’ve fallen back into my life for a reason, and I know you also feel it.”

Oh my God, he feels it too. Fuck. What am I supposed to do? I gaze into his eyes and realize this might be happening. At least he’s definitely into me now. I know it for sure. He thinks about me too. I’m not alone in this.

But one thing’s still on the table, I could never have sex in public. It’s illegal for one thing and it’s just not who I am. On the other hand, is it illegal when it’s with a cop? Haha, of course it is, and I’m going hysterical over here because I want exactly what he’s offering.

Of course, that doesn’t stop me from stammering. “Leo, we can’t do it here, obviously. I mean, even your car would be better… or my place, in a bed?”

“You mean you’ve never had sex in a public restroom?” Leo grins widely and steps closer to me, and I can barely breathe. “Well, that’s something you’ve been missing out on. I can show you how it’s done.” He smiles like this is funny and winks at me.

I definitely want him too. And staring at him now is making me heated. The fact that he’s stormed in here and made his intentions known is hot.

I’m actually considering his proposition even though I can barely work up the nerve to imagine doing this. But before I can make a move or a comment, his lips are upon mine and the taste of him is everything and more than I imagined it to be.

I don’t pull away, and he takes that as my answer. He holds my head gingerly in his hands, as though he’s going to take his time with this and extend it out. His soft lips force me to surrender to his every whim. He’s got this, I can tell. I submit, and slowly he makes his way under my shirt to find my black bra. His hands shred the lace until it falls to tatters on the floor and my breasts are exposed.

Leo lips finally break from our kiss and his eyes go to my breasts. He looks at them in a hungry way and I know he is pleased by what he sees. My large breasts are firm at the thought of him and my nipples are already hard before he takes them in his fingers and twists and squeezes them. Emotion and energy surge right into my g-spot, and I can’t resist him any longer. He can take me here, right in public.

"Elena, I know you want this as much as I do," Leo says, his voice like a hot knife through butter, melting all my thoughts. I inhale and run my tongue over my lips, tasting the essence of him that lingers there.

There's something with that protective aura he has that has a wicked, delicious element. One that I want to taste much more of. "I, I do," I say, trying to breathe as the words fall from my trembling lips. A surge of excitement shoots through me, and I feel exhilarated. I can only imagine the lust is radiating from my eyes like it is burning in my body.

He lifts me up so my legs are wrapped tightly around his hips. His strength carries my light body easily, and his lips claim mine in a passionate first kiss. I can only imagine what the sex will be like. He's a good kisser, with full lips teasing mine, exploring my mouth, and expressing so much emotion. I feel like I have this unspoken connection with him. It's passion but something beyond that too. We've been looking for each other on some level, and our souls were destined to meet this way. He’s strong hand roams my back and sides and my breasts press tighter to his strong chest as I cling to him.

He gently lays me down across the oversized ottoman that's in the room. My phone and purse fall to the floor as I forget everything that I had previously been doing. I forget time and space, and all that matters is my connection with Leo in this moment. This is already more than I've ever had with any other guy. My body is vibrating and aching, and I want him inside of me.

I try to unzip his pants but he does it himself, and before I know it my fantasy is extended and I’m not disappointed by what I see. A twelve-inch cock is staring me right in the face, and I lick my lips before digging in. I suck and taste it like it’s a popsicle. I imagine it in me a thousand different ways, but I don't have to imagine for long because for the moment, at least, I have ownership over this cock. He slams it down my throat, fucking my mouth, just like I fantasized about in my office. Except, it's even better. The taste and size of him is even better than anything my mind could have come up with. He's so well hung and that makes me want to come right here. I'm so excited that his cock does not disappoint. It makes me horny for more and I think of all the days and nights I could spend fucking him. He lets me blow him for a quite a while, but he never comes despite using my best moves on him. He lets me taste and lick his giant dick for as long as I want to.

Finally, he undresses himself before getting down on his knees. He pushes my back down into the ottoman and pulls my pencil skirt off, revealing only my garter belt and other lingerie. He likes what he sees, and he takes the garter by his teeth and snatches it off. He pushes aside my thong and goes down on me. He tongues the inside of my pussy and rotates his thumb over my clit, almost bringing me to orgasm. He slides two fingers inside of me and expertly goes to my g-spot as if he's knows about the deep desire there this entire time. He continues this while putting his lips around my clit, sucking all the juices out, and the thought of his face and mouth down there makes me climax hard around his fingers.

Leo smiles at me, having made sure I received pleasure before he did. He's definitely a man who's aware of a woman's needs, and he places that before his own. Before I know it, I have to catch my breath quickly because soon his mouth is upon mine, and he kisses me like it's all he wants to do in the whole world.

"You’re mine now. I've wanted you since I saw you, I will never let you get away."

What? The admittance leaves me wondering at how much this means to him. Is he telling the truth? Has he wanted me for all these years and he's only now just revealing it? If it's true then I'm surprised but happy to know that this could be it. Maybe he's my dream come true and maybe I can have him forever.

He stands to his full height and pulls me up on shaky legs. His mouth crashes against mine, and I savor the taste of my juices mixed with his. Slowly, he turns me then bends me over the ottoman, pushing his hand between my legs.

His fingers slide between my lips, making sure I’m wet and ready for his length. I keep my gaze trained on his as he slowly thrusts his cock into my wet pussy. I bite back an unexpected groan as I try to spread myself wide to receive him, but he’s so big that it’s intense to take him. He spreads my legs wider and rotates his hips, allowing my body time to adjust to his length and girth. There’s no way that’s fitting. I roll my finger over my clit to lube myself to make the sensations even more intense.

"Are you ready?" he growls, his voice low and gravelly.

I nod and squeeze my eyes shut as I allow him to slam his giant cock into my little pussy that is just stretching to contain all of his giant cock. It hurts from this angle, but I see the passion in Leo's eyes and just take it, wanting him to come soon.

He glides his length in and out of my pussy in short and restrained thrusts, building his climax slowly. Claiming his release, his body stills and tenses, his eyes pinching closed, as his cum spills inside of me.

He cages me inside his arms and lets himself down on top of me, his forehead pressed between my shoulder blades as we catch our breaths. His strong and heavy weight relaxes me in his hold, though I can still feel his cock twitching inside me.

I want to come again, but I don't move; I savor this experience. Leo has turned out to be everything and more. Now I know for sure that he's good at sex, and he seems to really care about me. I want more of him, more of this. But also I want to spend more time with him so I can get to the heart of this man. I wish everyday could be like today. I'd be happy. I certainly never thought I’d end up having sex in public. It's so against my rules, but gosh was it amazing, and that was probably Leo's intention the entire time we were at lunch. Now it makes perfect sense. His eyes were on me throughout the entire meal. And all the flirting! I wonder if this was his intention the entire time, to take me here like this?

He pulls back so that I can breathe better then closes his lips over mine for a sweet kiss.  I’m enchanted by this man, by his touch.

"Did you mean all those things you said?" I ask on a shaky breath.  "Have you really imagined being with me for this long? The entire time I was with Barry?"

"Yes," he finally answers, "I've wanted you for that long, but I never thought it could be. I never understood why you married him. But I've never forgotten about you. Now that I have you here, I can’t let you go. I want to be with you, Elena. You’re everything I’m looking for in a woman."

"Me too, Leo. Me too. I haven't been able to get you out of my mind for the past several days. In fact, I can't eat or sleep either. You're the only thing I’m able to think about.” He smiles, a pink tint raising on his cheeks, and I can tell he’s glad to know my true feelings.

He rolls off me and we lay side by side across the ottoman, our bodies barely fitting next to each other. I start to get up and to find my clothes, but he pulls me back down and says, "I've been dreaming of you for so long. I want this first time to be special, and so far, it hasn't been special enough."

"What do you mean? It was amazing. And it was in a public place… a first for me."

"I know, but I'm not done with you yet. Sex with me, Elena, is different. It takes a lot for me to be fulfilled, and I'm not quite there yet."

God, his testosterone is in overdrive. I wonder what he wants to do, and I’m surprised he can go again so quickly. Most guys come once and that's it. Not Leo. It’s another thing to be happy about. I can actually come several times with him.

He pulls me on top of him and kisses me. I'm happy to go down on him again to make his cock nice and hard. I trail kisses down his body until my knees hit the floor then I pull his cock between my lips and go to work. He sighs and pants, his moans encouraging a job well done. I hope I'm blowing him away, literally, and giving him a run for his money. I hope he thinks I'm the best he's ever had. I’m trying to suck the life out of his giant cock, and it doesn't take long for it to become a full erection. A part of me wants more of it, more of him. So, I climb on top him and gently sit down on his dick. It hurts still, but it's better than before with me on top. I can kind of be in control up here, plus I think he's enjoying the view of my tits.

"I want to come all over your tits," he says.

"I want you to. God, Leo, your cock is so hard. I want your whole cock inside me."

I continue to gently coax it in, and from this position it's hitting my g-spot more perfectly. I swivel my hips around it and the motion makes me extremely wet. I raise my hips up to the head of his cock then down to the hilt. I'm trying to amp up his sensation to the point that he's never experienced ecstasy like this before. I'm definitely better able to handle the size of his cock from up here, and I move my hips around before finally finding a rhythmic motion that makes me want to come from my clit and g-spot all at once. I grind down hard on Leo, and he fingers my clit. Thinking of his giant dick in me and the sensation of it, makes me come hard around him and he feels the wetness and my muscles gripping down upon him.

This is the best sex I've ever had in my life. This is the stuff of fantasies, and thank God mine are coming true. Leo is such a man and I feel lucky to have him, even if only for this moment. I grind down once more and shatter, coming around his shaft. I try to steady the harsh breaths wracking through my chest, but Leo isn't done yet.

He rolls my body onto the ottoman then stands before me with his nakedness. "Put my cock in your mouth and taste yourself on it, before I make you orgasm harder than you ever have before. Then I'm going to come into you harder than I ever have before. Understand?"

"Yes." I fall to my knees start sucking away, and I taste myself as he said I would. I could suck on his cock all day. It's every woman's fantasy.

He’s still so hard, and I wonder how he can last this long, and on his second round. No matter what the deal is, I'm turned on immensely. He has my hips in his hands now and forcefully pushes his hips toward me so that I can take in the length of him. He slows his motion and then smoothly flips me over so that I'm leaning over the ottoman. I see what's going on. He's going to take me from behind. And he drives his cock into my sopping wet pussy. The wetness is enough to take the edge off this time. Each time he enters me it gets a little easier, and I'm able to take more of him in without it being painful.

He thrusts gently, and then harder, until he's slamming into me from behind. There's a wildness in my eyes, I know it. Leo makes me feel this way. He makes me feel like a sexual ingénue, like he worships me. He makes me feel like my body is the only thing that will curb his wanton desire. I know how bad he wants me. I can tell by the passionate way he's fucking me now. I know now that he's wanted this for years, and I'm happy to give it to him. His rock hard cock is hitting my g-spot.

"Get ready to come, okay? I’m going to tell you when to come."

"God, fuck me harder!" I moan now for more as my pain turns to pleasure. He fucks me harder and demands, "Finger yourself."

I do what he wants, panting and moaning. "Oh, Leo, I want you so bad, I'm gonna come. Fuck. Leo. I'm gonna come."

"No! Just wait until I tell you." He wants to force all the pleasure out of every area of my body and he's doing a good job. He wants me to remember this forever, our first time together. And I will remember it because I've already come several times, and he's got me nice and ready to come hard now.

He continues to slam into me from behind, rotating his cock inside of me so that I feel it in every area. I turn my head and see the image of us fucking in the mirror; he looks so hot and my tits are bouncing everywhere. We catch each other's gaze in the mirror. With one final dark look into my eyes, he fucks me harder than I've ever had it before.

"Come!" he says. "Come now!"

I release upon his command, and as soon as I do he reaches his ecstasy. He's right because it's the best I've ever had. I didn't know I could feel pleasure like this. It's enough to make me want to pass out. My head is swirling. He pumps the last of his essence into me and I'm just spent, so tired and in ecstasy that all I can do is lie there across the ottoman.

He leans over me for a kiss and says, "You will never forget that, right? Now you're mine. I consider this a testimony to us and to how good we could be together. I want to be the only guy you fuck. No one besides me, okay?"

"Leo, I don't want anyone else." My breathing slows. “That was fucking amazing.” I can’t believe how possessive he’s being…or how much it turns me on.

“See, I told you sex in a public place was fun.”

“It was definitely that.”

“So, now we’ve had our first time . . . I wanted it to be memorable.”

“I’m glad it was. I can’t believe I did that, but I’m glad it was memorable with you.”

He stares at me intently while we both get dressed, and it seems like there’s more to say, but I don’t know how to fill the gap without giving away too much about my emotion toward him. After this, I realize that this is something I really want. I could fall for this guy; I just hope I don’t get hurt.

Because that's the truth. I already know Leo could hurt me. Barry messed up my life, but I figured out how to clean up that mess. No, Leo wouldn't mess up my life. It would truly, genuinely hurt to not have him be even an ounce of what I want him to be.

It’s hard to trust what I feel. When I met Barry, there was a sort of air of it was supposed to fit? I mean, it never actually felt like Barry and I did fit. I certainly never felt chemistry, and I just...well, I wasn't that sexually attracted to him. I mean, I would have had sex with him, but he never wanted to.

And now...the explosive sex with Leo. In a damn bathroom.

Okay, so how out of line would it be for me to call Gerri about this? I so have to avoid talking to my boss about this. Thank goodness I can tell you, because holy crap, that was like nothing I've ever felt before.

I mean, I know I'm still coming off my sex high. But that was so incredible. I mean, I hope that Leo felt what I did. I mean more than the cock-squeezing, thigh shaking, massive cum erupting from my body orgasm. I feel something for Leo. I really think it’s more than just lust. Though, oh boy, that lust is really something. I think I need to crack open some of that liquid courage that I keep in my desk for occasions like this, but I generally reserve for the tougher days.

Before you get too judgmental, you should know that the bottle of Johnnie Walker in my desk was a promotion gift from Gerri.

She's the one who told me longer lunch breaks are sometimes necessary. I kinda think that she would agree with me if she had any idea of what I was up to.




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