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Show & Sell: A Dark MFMM Romance by Abby Angel (95)


I’m seated outside my home in the dusky light of twilight as the sun sets and into the darkness. I’m just waiting for the cops to arrive, terrified of what’s gone on. Thankfully Gerri convinced me to call them because somebody definitely broke into the garage. She’s on her way here too, and that makes me feel better, but I still wish I wasn't alone right now.

I'm so relieved to see the squad car pull up. The police linger in the car just a moment before a woman gets out, and then a man. He looks handsome in the distance. I'm so grateful they're finally here. When something like this happens, time seems to stretch and minutes feel like an eternity, waiting for help to arrive.

God, that male cop is really sexy. He must be six-feet-five with a strong stature and a chiseled face. My mind is definitely off the crime now, and I didn't think that was possible. The closer they get, however, the more surprised I become.

"Is that Leo?" I ask myself; it can’t be. I haven't seen him since the wedding. He came to support Barry, but they're in some kind of fight and Leo didn't stay long. He was fucking hot back then, and he still is hot now. Damn. Now he is the kind of man I could date. If only I had met him before Barry, maybe things would've turned out differently.

I feel anxious as they walk up my path. What am I going to say to Leo? I haven’t seen him in ages, and what if he doesn’t remember me? That would be so uncomfortable to have to tell him that, “Hi, I’m Elena, I used to be your sister-in-law but now I’m not, so...” What if he judges me? What if Barry’s told him everything and Leo is on his side, and he holds that against me? Not only has a crime happened here, but I have to talk to my ex-brother-in-law about it? Awkward.

"Hi, Elena," he greets as he walks up to me confidently. "It is you, isn't it?"

Okay, he definitely remembers me. I can hardly answer because I'm just gazing into his dreamy eyes. They are dark and full of mystery. I never realized he was so… what's the word? Handsome? Tall? Fuckable? Perfect? The hottest man I've ever seen? I was definitely not expecting this and it's hard to get words out. Leo and his partner are staring at me, waiting for an answer.

"Um, hi. Leo? I thought that was you. It’s been, like, forever since we saw each other; at my wedding, right?"

"Yeah. That was it. So how is Barry? And where is he?”

Doesn't he know? Why would Barry not even tell his own brother that we are splitting up? They really must hate each other.

"Didn't Barry tell you? We separated like six months ago. I moved out, and we're getting a divorce. This is just my place. I live alone."

Leo can't help but grin. “Wow, that’s too bad.” He says this with almost no sincerity in his voice, and it makes me think he’s happy that we broke up.

"Hi, I'm Bobbi, Leo's partner.” She diffuses the awkwardness and shakes my hand. “So, why don't you tell me what's happened here?"

Oh right, back to the crime.

“So, I was just on the phone with my friend, and I heard some noises coming from the garage. I haven't even gone in to check it out. It sounded like maybe somebody was trying to break in, or maybe they did. I just called you guys."

"I'm glad you did," Leo says. He looks right into my eyes, and it's kind of intimidating.

"Let's go check it out," Bobbi says calmly. "You lead the way."

I show them to the garage, and just walking next to Leo gives me butterflies. He uses his strong arms to open the garage door and there to my absolute horror are the words, "YOU'RE MINE," keyed into my car.

My body begins shaking out of fear as tears spring from my eyes.  I'm trying to process what's just happened. Someone is after me, and I feel so afraid. The cops are here, but basically it’s just me by myself. How can I stay here alone now? What is happening to my life?

Just then, thankfully, I see Gerri's car pull up. She's finally here. I'm so glad to have a friend. She comes into the horrifying scene, and she holds me as I sob into her shoulder. When I see her I just remember how scared I was and I totally fall apart for a second. She introduces herself to Leo and Bobbi while holding me.

"Hi, officers; I'm Gerri, Elena's friend and boss."

Leo has barely taken his eyes off of me. But he jumps into action, calling for backup. More cops arrive and they take the fingerprints off the car and collect evidence. Gerri meanwhile, takes me inside and puts the kettle on. I'm so worked up and worried.

"It's okay, Elena. See, I told you to call the cops."

"Yes, you were right. You were so right."

Leo comes into the house. "I need to ask you some questions, okay? Do you feel well enough to talk to me?"

Being near him gives me a strange sense of comfort, like I'm in the right hands. I'm glad I got him as an officer.

"Do you have any idea who this could be from? Have you had any bad dates or boyfriends lately that would want to do this?"

"No, none. I mean, there was this one bad Tinder date. But it was nothing; like, we barely even knew each other."

"Alright, what was his name?"

"It was Darius . . . Darius somebody."

"We'll find him. Anybody else?"

"No. Not that I know of. I’ve barely been out on a date since moving in here."

That statement seems to have pleased Leo, like he's happy to hear that I'm single and living alone.