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Show & Sell: A Dark MFMM Romance by Abby Angel (92)


I'm sitting in Gerri's office trying to pull my head together. It's been a rough couple days. The cool green lines and modern architecture of her office inspires me. I'm so glad I work here. I've got to put my game face on and not disappoint Gerri today, but I just don't know how. If I could’ve only convinced Barry, my lame soon to be ex-husband, not to be such a jerk then maybe my spirits this afternoon would be higher. Or if I'd been a little luckier in love and my date last night hadn't been a total disappointment then this morning would be a different story. I love my job, but I'm just not feeling up to it now. I hope Gerri doesn't even notice. I put on my poker face . . .

"Hi, Gerri, I'm here, finally. Sorry I'm a little late, crazy morning."

"Oh, Elena! There you are. Just the person I was looking for," she says, all bright and charming as usual.

"We can get started right away. I have this new building project for us that I'm really excited about. Lots of opportunity to go green and change the world," she says.

At the mention of a new project I do feel excited, but my emotions are troubling me inside. I wish I could tell her why and just lay it all out on the table, but that would be so unprofessional. She is my friend and I can tell her anything but most of all I look up to her, and I wouldn't want any part of my personal life to sway her opinion.

"You know, Gerri, that sounds fantastic. I can't wait," I lie through my teeth.

"Alright, well let me pull out the building plans that the architect left this morning. I think you're really gonna like them. There will be lots of opportunity to prove yourself as project manager."

Oh great, I think at the mention of my promotion. Don't get me wrong, this is my dream job. But with so much to prove, I just wish I had less on my mind. I mean, who can forget the morning I just had? And what about that date last night? It was hands-down horrible. Is this really who's out there for me to date? Is this what I have to look forward to? Endless nights with mediocre men who I could never really love. I mean, I knew dating would be hard, but this is just depressing. I wish I had never gone out. I wish I had stayed snuggled in bed and binged on Netflix or something. It would've been a better idea than wasting my time going out with a creep. What was I even thinking? Couldn't I have been able to tell by his picture? Normally I have such a good read on people. Well, I guess that isn't true of my ex either. What a jerk he's turned out to be. I feel totally blindsided. And the more I think of it, this must mean I have rotten taste in men. I’m so sad.

"So, the entrance will go there and it will be a giant statement piece. And you saw the other floors I mentioned, right?"

Oh shit. Gerri's been talking about the new project, and I haven't even lent her an ear. I've been so consumed in my own personal world that I completely zoned her out.

"Um, yeah, yes. I mean, could you show me those floors again?"

"Elena, what's wrong? Have you even heard a word I've been saying?"

Oh man, I've been caught. This is so unlike me not to pay attention. I better just come clean if I still want my new role as project manager.

"Well, the truth is, I had a terrible night and an even worse morning. I don't know what to say. I dropped the ball. I'm sorry, Gerri; you know this isn’t who I am."

"What's going on, honey," she asks. "Is it your ex-husband? Is he trying to drag more money out of you? Is that what it is? He knows you got promoted, right?"

"Yes. Yes to all of it," I sigh. "He's trying to ruin my reputation, and he's just spreading lies."

"Oh no," she says. "Well, I think he's just trying to prolong the divorce. He knows you've got money now. You have to be strong. And you can’t let him win. Take it from me, your freedom is worth fighting for. You deserve to be happy, and the sooner you realize that the better. Don't waste your time on someone who isn’t even close to worth it."

Her statements make me feel better. She's really got her life together. She owns this beautiful company, and she's got a mission and a purpose. I want to be like her, but my life is just so messed up right now. I should probably just take her advice, but she doesn't know the half of it. I decide to tell her about my date.

"Thank you for the advice. But that's not the only reason my head's in the clouds. I had a terrible date last night. I mean, it was bad. I thought I was ready to enter the dating game, but not if it's going to be like this. This guy was so rude and condescending that it really left a mark on me. I can't seem to forget what happened."

"You know what? You seem to have had a tough time of it.” Gerri gives me a warm smile and places her hand on my shoulder for a moment. “Why don't you take the rest of the day off? Go relax, spoil yourself. You deserve it, and I can handle things here. I want you back when you're fresh."

"Wow, thanks for that.” I release a breath that I didn’t even realize I was holding. “I hate to take you up on your offer, but I think it would do me some good."

"Listen, sweetie, it's all gonna work out in the end. It always does."

If only I could know that she were right.