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Tempting by Crystal Kaswell (40)

Chapter Forty


Brendon's hands go to my hips. Then his body is against mine and he's pinning me to the passenger side door.

"Fuck, Kay." His voice is breathy, heavy. "You wear that to torture me?"

I nod.

"I'm gonna have to punish you for that."

This time, I only barely manage to nod.

He rocks his hips against mine as he kisses me. It's hard. Deep. Hungry.

"Brendon. We shouldn't. Em..." I can't finish my sentence. I'm too busy sliding my hands into his hair and pressing my lips to his.

He tastes so good.

Like he's mine.

I never get enough of it.

He traces the hem of my skirt. Then his hands are sliding beneath it. And he's pressing his palm against me, over my panties.

His tongue slides around mine.

His hand knots in my hair.

He pulls back with a heavy sigh.

My glasses are titled. My lipstick is smeared all over his face.

"Here." I wipe his lips with my thumb. But the feel of those soft lips against the pad of my digit only makes me more desperate to have him. "Is it too late to ditch this concert?"

He nods.

"To—" I nod to the backseat.

"We'd get arrested even if it weren't."

"Worth it."

He nods. "For me, yeah. But for you—" He steps backward.

My body cries for his. My heart is singing from the whole him protecting me from my raging libido thing. But my body is having none of it.

"Come on." He motions to the door. "Get in. Let's pick up Em."

"Okay." I slide into my seat. Click my seatbelt. Fix my smeared makeup in the mirror.

We're quiet as he turns the car on and pulls onto the street. We don't have to say anything. That I want to fuck you tension is hanging heavy in the air. It's all I can think.

Brendon pulls into the parking garage and stops by the elevators.

Emma bounces to the car. She's wearing skinny jeans and a ripped up, cropped shirt adorned with the logo of her second favorite band. Darkest Days. Its red logo matches her hair. And her lipstick.

She slides into the backseat. "Hey."

"Hey." That I need to fuck you tone seeps into my voice.

Emma shoots me a what's up with you look.

I shrug.

"Earth to Brendon?" She clicks her seatbelt. When he doesn't respond, she presses on. "You two get into a fight or something?"

Or something, yeah. "You know your brother and his music taste."

"Yeah." She looks to him. Examines him the way she examined me. "You can drop us at the show if you prefer that."

He doesn't say anything.

"Brendon? Hello." Emma taps him on the shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." His voice still has that breathy edge. He shakes it off. "Why are you wearing another band's shirt?"

"Duh. Everyone knows it's lame to wear the same band's t-shirt to a concert," she says.

"Do they?" His voice is almost back to normal.

"Everyone cool," I say. "That must not include you."

He chuckles. It's too rich. Too hearty. Too full of affection.

Emma shakes her head. "I swear, if I didn't know better..." I'd swear you're fucking.

Something flares in her eyes.

Like she's considering the possibility of us fucking.

Like it's the only reasonable explanation for our behavior the last month and change.

* * *

Damn, this is one packed club.

There must be two thousand people crammed into a space that usually holds far less. Everything is black—the floor, the walls, the stage, the attire of most of the patrons.

The opening band is playing. I recognize the song from the radio, but I can't put a name to it.

The lead singer has his hand around the mic. He's pouring his heart into his performance. And he's cute. He has the rocker hottie thing going in spades. Skinny jeans. Black t-shirt. Leather jacket. Spikey hair. Facial piercings.

"Think he's got the tongue too?" Emma asks.

"What is that like?" I ask.

"Are you calling me a slut, babe? Because I take that as a compliment." She laughs.

"You wish you were a slut," I say.

"You know I'm right here," Brendon chimes in.

She shrugs. "And a shining example of slut." She turns to her brother with a coy smile. "I'll never live up to your standards."

He rolls his eyes.

"You had a long dry streak there." She folds her arms over her chest. "Who finally broke it?"

Brendon arches a brow. What are you talking about?

"There were condom wrappers in your bathroom trash can." She shrugs like this is a normal thing to notice.

"You have your own bathroom," he says.

"Kay was using it."

"There's one downstairs."

"She was using the shower." Emma's eyes narrow as she stares at her brother. "It's not like I opened your drawers or something. They were right there in the open. That's um... in plain sight. It's legal."

"You been watching Law and Order?" he asks.

She nods. "That's also legal." Her eyes go to me then back to him. "Just kinda funny. The two of you getting laid at the same time."

"Hilarious." Unease seeps into his voice.

Emma turns toward the stage. Watches as the guitarist steps forward to shred through his solo. He's also cute. Tall. Broad. Stoic in that Brendon kind of way.

Emma tilts her head to one side. "Maybe I should get an eyebrow piercing."

"Cute." I nod.

She lets her voice get loud. "Or maybe my nipples."

"You trying to piss me off?" Brendon asks.

"No. I'm trying to talk to my best friend. No one invited you to eavesdrop." She does nothing to hide the irritation in her voice.

But it's not the eavesdropping.

It's the suspicion.

She knows.

Or she's going to know soon.

This isn't good.

I squeeze Emma's arm. "Shh. I love this song."

She play swats me.

I play swat her back.

Her smile is normal. Like she's not trying to figure out if I'm sleeping with her brother.

I do love this song.

I focus on the guys on stage. On the music flowing into my ears. On the sway of my hips.

Then on belting out the chorus. The one I've heard a million times.

Emma sings with me.

And everything is normal.

All the way through the end of the song.

The singer smiles. "We've got a few more. You guys excited to hear Dangerous Noise?"

The crowd cheers.

Emma too.

"We've had a blast this tour. We want to thank them for inviting us. And to thank all of you for showing up tonight." He turns back to his band and shoots them a thumbs up.

Then the bassline is kicking in.

And the drums are pounding.

A guitar riff fills the air.

Then this low roar of a verse.

Emma turns back to Brendon. "Are you sticking around?"

"How else can I ruin your good time," he teases.

"Oh." Her eyes light up. "We're on the list. Why are we here. We could be backstage."

"Because here is fun?" I offer.

"And backstage isn't?" She motions to the hall where we came in. "Only a few songs left. Now is our chance."

He looks to me for permission.

I nod. This will be fun. And it won't advance Emma's suspicion. I think.

He nods back. "Follow me."

Emma steps forward. "No, follow me."

She cuts through the crowd expertly. I follow just as swiftly. We've got a lot of experience weaving through crowded venues.

The lighting dims as we step into the hallway. There's a security guy guarding a door at the other end of the hall. The one opposite where we came in. He has an earpiece and a clipboard. A this is the list kind of clipboard.

Emma squeals. "Oh my God, this is… oh my God. They're all so hot. I can't even. What am I going to say?"

"Fuck me please." I laugh.

"No, they're all taken." She pouts. "What would possess a smoking hot rock god to settle down?"

"The right woman," Brendon offers.

That shakes her out of her starstruck daze. She turns back to Brendon. Examines his expression. "You have a secret girlfriend I should know about?"

He shoots her a really look.

She returns it.

Uh uh. My night is not heading down this path. Not when everything is perfect.

This is my chance to be happy before everything goes to shit tomorrow.

I'm not losing that.

I move toward clipboard guy. "Excuse me. Um. I'm Kaylee Hart and this is my friend Brendon Kane. We're on the list."

He looks to Em. "And you, sweetheart?"

"Emma Kane." Her smile is equally parts sexy and sweet.

He glances at the clipboard. "Looks like you are." He moves aside from the door. "Head in. But stay out of the way."

I nod as I step through the door. "Thank you."

Emma and Brendon follow.

We're actually backstage.

It's a lot more crowded than I'd expect. There are roadies and other crew type people milling around.

And there's the opening band's dressing room on our right.

And just beyond it, a sign taped to a door reads Dangerous Noise.

Emma squeezes my hand. "That's it." She skips forward.

I follow her into the room.

Oh my God.

That's actually Joel Young, Brendon's supposed client.

And he's actually looking at Brendon like he recognizes him.

And at me like he

He has this knowing smile. This mischief in his green eyes. Like Brendon did fill him in on all sorts of dirty details about me.

"Didn't think you'd show." He moves forward. Nods hello to Brendon then looks to me and Emma. "I'm Joel."

"I know." My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth.

Emma nods.

"You must be Kaylee," he says.

"Yeah." It's all I can say. He knows my name. A famous rock star knows my name.

"I dig the glasses." He holds up his left hand and wiggles his adorned ring finger. "If only you'd found me before Bella did."

"Huh." I giggle. If only I'd met him before he was married, then he would have slept with me.

With the way he's smiling in Brendon's direction, I'm pretty sure this is for my not exactly a boyfriend's benefit.

But still...

A rock star is flirting with me.

"This is Emma." I nod to my best friend. "She's a big fan. We both are."

"Thanks." He offers me a hug.

I take it.

I'm hugging Joel Young.

This is so weird.

Then he's hugging Emma.

He opens his arms to Brendon. Chuckles when Brendon shakes his head. "It's been what, six years now? Still can't get any affection from the guy. Must be hard living with a brother like that."

"You have no idea," Emma says.

"Nah, I do. My older sister is a tough cookie. And she's a shrink. Count your blessings," he says.

Emma laughs.

"He doesn't talk much, does he?" Joel asks.

Emma shakes her head. "Not usually."

"So sometimes?" Joel cocks a brow. "Go on. But only if it gets juicy."

"There's someone he talks about a lot." Emma presses her lips together. "A girl."

A voice echoes through the room. "Five minutes."

"Damn." Joel shakes his head. "They really gotta warn us about this shit. Pretty sure Ethan is still fingering Vi off some place."

"Oh... Uh..." My mouth gets sticky. How can he be so casual with that information? It's just... Umm... Uh...

"It was nice to meet you, Kaylee. Emma." He winks. "Give your brother a hard time, for me."

She laughs. "Will do."

The three of us make our way back to the main room. We cut through the crowd just in time for the lights to go down and the band to step on stage.

Emma and I get lost in the music for the entire set. Even Brendon seems to enjoy it.

Everything is perfect.

Until we're on our way out.

And Emma is dragging me into the bathroom. "Come on, Kay. We need to talk."