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Tempting by Crystal Kaswell (28)

Chapter Twenty-Eight


My eyes stay glued to Kay.

She moves back to her seat. Crosses one leg over the other. Smooths her skirt.

Fuck, that blouse is cut low. It does things to me. Makes me forget every one of the reasons why this shouldn't happen.

I have more self-control than this.

In theory.

Now that I know Kay wants it hard and rough

Fuck, she owns my thoughts.

She leans in to whisper something in Em's ear.

Whatever Em whispers back gets Kay blushing.

I hate being away from her.

Hate being pissed at her.

Hate that I'm actually thinking about tossing aside every rational thought in my head.

I'm not that much of a caveman.

Even if my cock is making a hell of a compelling argument.

She could be pinned to the bathroom wall. Bound to my bed. Bent over my knee.

Dean kneels in front of Kay. He holds out his hand. "If you'll please, madame."

"I prefer Miss," she teases.

He chuckles. "I didn't know you were into this."

"Huh?" Kaylee places the mic in his hands.

"Men on their knees." He winks and he jumps—actually jumps—to his feet.

Kay blushes.

Ryan jumps in. "You didn't get the message the first time?"

Walker nods. "You repulse her."

Dean shakes his head. Motions to the screen. "We'll see."

A familiar melody flows from the speakers. Dean plants his feet on the ground. Holds up one arm.

Looks right at Kaylee.

Belts out the lyrics to S&M.

Winks at me.

Then all his attention is on Kay.

He shakes his hips.

Sucks on his index finger.

Stares at her with fuck me eyes.

And she's watching him.



Pressing her knees together.

He's doing it to fuck with me. I know that.

But it's fucking working.

When the song ends, Dean drops to his knees in front of Kaylee. He taps her thigh with the mic. "Offer stands."

"Oh... I... uh..." Kaylee takes the mic. Passes it to Em.

Em nudges her. Whispers something in her ear.

Ryan rolls his eyes. "Fuck, you're annoying."

"At least I'm entertaining," Dean says.

"I don't know. Ryan is pretty entertaining when he's threatening you," Leighton says.

Walker shrugs.

"And when you two start fighting," Leighton goes on. "That's gold."

Everyone nods. Except Kay and Em. They're too busy trading whispers.

Kaylee shakes her head. Stands. "Excuse me. I need to make a call." Her eyes catch mine as she makes her way to the door.

Walker chuckles. "You still repulse her."

"Nah. She just doesn't want you to know the truth," he says.

Ryan bursts into a fit of laughter.

Leighton too.

"You remember that guy who came in yesterday? The one who hadn't showered in weeks?" Walker asks.

"Yeah?" Dean arches a brow.

"You're more repulsive than he is."

"Wanna bet?"

"Fuck yeah. Find him."

"A hundred bucks says she'd rather fuck me."

"I'll take that," Leighton says.

Dean flips her off.

Fuck, these guys are assholes.

Kaylee's feelings are a joke to them.

It's not like I can talk. I'm the one that started this bullshit.

But I've had enough.

"I gotta piss." I push myself to my feet. Do my best not to storm out of the room.

Fucking Dean.

Bane of my fucking existence.

I try to shake it off. This shit isn't his fault. It's mine.

But that knowledge does nothing to untangle the knot in my gut.

Where the hell is she?

Nowhere in this hallway. Or the next.

I move through the lobby. Step outside.

She's not out front. Not anywhere outside the stores of this strip mall.

Fuck, I'm going to hit something. Or someone.

I find the nearest quiet spot. The alley next to the frozen yogurt place.


I step around the corner ready to deck the fucking wall.

But she's there.

God, the sight of her eases every ugly thought in my head.

The green eyes, the blue glasses, the short skirt—that's Kaylee.

My Kay.

"Brendon." Her voice is a whisper. A plea. A stop hurting me.

"Kay." I close the distance between us. Ten feet. Five. Two. One.

She looks up at me. "You know Dean is just messing with you."

"It's working." My body takes over. One palm plants on her hips. Presses hard enough to pin her to the wall.

Her breath catches in her throat. "Brendon... I... I'm sorry. Tell me what I can do. Please. Anything."

"You saw every single one of my drawings?"

She nods.

"And you're sure you want that?"

"Yes. I know what it means. I've read books. Fiction. And non-fiction. And I... it's all I've thought about."

It doesn't make sense. The Kaylee in my head is sweet. Soft. Innocent. This—this is dirty, depraved, fucked up shit.

But Kay isn't the sweet girl in my head.

She's a woman.

With desires. With demands.

That's what I want for her.

And this is certainly what I want for me.

"This is it, Kay. If you want to back out, you need to do it now. 'Cause once I start, I won't be able to stop myself." I cup the back of her head with my palm. "I haven't slept right in weeks. All I can think about is the taste of your lips. What you look like when you come"

"You haven't seen"

"But I imagine it every fucking night." I slide my hand over her hip. "I think about you coming on my hand. On my lips. On my cock."

"Brendon." She tugs at my t-shirt. Presses her palm against my stomach. Her eyes meet mine. She nods. Yes.

I study her expression as I shift my hips against hers.

Those green eyes are hazy with lust.

She's ready to let go.

To make me the center of her universe.

Kaylee trusts me. I need every fucking ounce of that trust. I need every fucking ounce of her.

Fuck, this is Kay, the sweet girl who mocks my love of action movies.

Who can't cook to save her life.

Who looks at me like I hang the moon.

And she's about to be mine.

My blood is pumping. My heart is pounding. My body is buzzing with the kind of energy that comes with getting new ink.

I bring one hand to her ass and pull her body against mine. So I can feel every soft inch of her.

She rises to her tiptoes.

Closes her eyes.

Presses her lips to mine.

It's different than our last kiss.

Softer. Deeper. More.

She's pouring into me.

And I'm pouring into her.

There's need and affection and months of unsaid shit pouring between us. Filling me from head to toe.

That's what she does—she fills this hole inside me. Nothing else does.

Her lips part to make way for my tongue.

She arches her back, melting into my touch, begging me to take her.

The rest of the world slips away. My universe is Kay. Her soft body. Her lush lips. Her palm against my stomach.

Her groan as she pulls back. "Please."

She stares at me with those doe eyes.

Begging me with those sweet eyes.

"Take off your panties." I step back enough to make it possible.

She looks around the alley. "Here?" It's empty, but we're sandwiched between a busy street and a parking lot.

My voice drops to a demanding tone. "Here."

Her lip quivers. Her brow knits. She's considering it.

Of course she is. Kay is cautious.

But if I'm going to teach her...

She isn't going to blink after an order.

She's going to trust me to lead her anywhere.

"Now." I drop another octave. Fuck, I'm impatient. I need her coming around my fingers. I need her groaning my name. I need her so wracked with pleasure she can't see straight.

She answers with a heavy nod.

Bends. Reaches under her skirt. Pushes her panties to her knees.

She shudders as I drop to one knee and peel her panties to her ankles.

I help her out of them, one foot at a time, then I slide them into my back pocket.

Her voice is soft. Uncertain. "I've never done this before."

"I know."

"Any of it." She clutches at my t-shirt like it's a lifeline. "No one's touched me but me. And I've never touched anyone."

There goes my last coherent thought. Being the first guy inside her, the first to make her come


"Trust me." I cup her cheek with my palm. "I've got you."

She nods.

"All you need to do is breathe."

"Just breathe?" Her thighs shake against my fingertips.

My hand goes to the hem of her skirt. I push it up an inch. Another. Another. Until it's as high as it can be without putting her on display.

Fuck, those soft thighs.

I need them wrapped around me.

I stroke her inner thigh until her eyelids flutter together. "Can you stay quiet?"

Her fingers dig into my t-shirt, pressing the cotton against my skin. "Yes. I... Please..."

"Look at me."

Her eyes glue to mine.

I've thought about her like this a thousand times. A million even.

But the real thing is so much fucking better.

I drag my fingertips higher.



She shakes against my skin.

Tugs at my t-shirt.

Pulls my body against hers.

"Arms over your head." I guide her motions. One arm. Then the other.

My palm closes around her wrists.

I pin her arms to the wall.

Her pupils dilate. Her hips rock against mine. Her tongue slides over her lips.

She likes being at my mercy.

Needs it even.

Fuck, I can't remember the last time I was this hard.

She's so fucking beautiful like this.

I stroke her inner thigh until her legs are shaking. Until she's staring at me with that plea in her eyes.

I'm the only thing in her universe.

This moment—her on the edge, desperate for my touch—it's the only thing in her universe.

Then it's rolling off her lips. "Please, Brendon. Please."

"Please what?"

Her thighs squeeze my hand. "Make me come."

Fuck, that sounds good on her lips.

My cock screams for attention. For every soft, sweet part of her.

Still, I torture her. Stroke her soft thigh until she's shaking with so much desire I can't take it.

I stare back at her as I bring my thumb to her clit.

"Fuck." Her eyelids press together. A groan rolls off her lips. Loud. Then softer. "Please."

I rub her with slow circles. Until she's squirming against my hand. Until her wrists are shaking.

Then I bring my index finger to her cunt.

And I tease her.

Her teeth sink into her lip.


Her hips buck against me.


Her groan vibrates down her chest.

I add another finger.

Go a little deeper.



I'm officially the first inside her.

Fuck, it does something to me.

Wakes up every nerve in my body.

Sends that last remaining bit of blood to my cock.

Fills my head with all sorts of caveman thoughts.

Her eyes burst open. Catch mine.

They're hazy with pleasure. Need. Lust.


I watch it spread across her face as I fuck her with my fingers.

Her lips part with a groan.

A sigh so heavy her entire body is shaking.

Fuck, she's close.

I pin her wrists to the wall.

Rub her harder.

Fuck her deeper.

Her eyelids flutter together.

Her fingers curl into themselves.

"Brendon. I... Fuck." She bucks against my hand. "Fuck."


Her hands go slack as she pulses around me.

God dammit, she's even more fucking beautiful coming on my hand.

I soak up every bit of her bliss. Every groan. Every shake. Every sigh.

Once she's come down, I drop her arms.

I bring my fingers to my lips and I taste every drop of her.

Then I wrap my arms around her and I pull her close.

And I soak up every ounce of her.

* * *

I let Kay go back first.

I even have the courtesy to wash my hands.

Okay, that's bullshit. It's not courtesy. It's more that I need an ocean of cold water to convince my cock to settle down.

Those groans, the need filling her eyes, the way her wrists flexed against my hand—she's burnt into my brain.

When I get back to the suite, Kaylee is already sitting next to Emma. Her knees are glued together. Her cheeks are flushed. Half I might accidentally flash the room. Half I can't believe I did that.

Her eyes catch mine.

Her lips curl into a smile.

That blush spreads all the way to her cheeks.

This is our secret.


Dean looks to me and cocks a brow.

I say nothing as I take my seat next to him.

"You did," he whispers.

I shrug. "Mind your own business."

Walker chuckles. "About time, Kane."