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Angel's Fantasy: A Box Set Of Greatest Romance Hits by Alexis Angel, Abby Angel, Dark Angel (205)


There's nothing sweeter than the feeling of victory … going after something—especially something where the stakes are raised and you know you have to succeed. That's the kind of victory I'm talking about, and right now, I'm basking in the glow of that.

Well, I take back the part about victory being the sweetest thing in the world. There is one thing sweeter—I'll admit that nothing tops Ashley.

I'm sitting in the Oval Office with Tracy and Ashley, and Tracy's giving me the details of Bob Walker's sentencing for illegal wiretapping. I'm leaning into my leather chair, my arms folded behind my head and my feet resting on top of the desk.

"Consider it an early wedding gift," Tracy smiles.

"I still think you should've let me get married in Vegas, like I wanted to," I say.

She playfully slaps the palm of her hand to her forehead. "Are you kidding me, Austin? A public proposal demands a public wedding. Vegas would never work."

Ashley chimes in, "And you can't get any more public than proposing to me in from of the entire world during a televised press conference. And there's no way I'm getting married in Vegas! I don't even know why you think that's a good idea."

She laughs and leans over, planting a quick, playful kiss on my lips.

"Besides," Ashley continues, "with the economy on the upswing, people want a little glamour."

"She has a point," Tracy says. "I have to say that I agree with Ashley."

"Oh great—so now you're both ganging up on me?" I laugh. "Two against one. That doesn't feel very fair to me."

"Just because you've gotten the country back on track in just 100 days," Ashley says, "Doesn't mean that we can go and plan a wedding that fast. These things take time, and lots of planning."

"And why is that? Who says we can't move quickly?" I ask. "Everyone knows that there's nothing slow about Austin Bain."

"Is that so?" Ashley says, a devilish smile spreading across her lips. Her smile alone makes my cock fucking hard. "And tell me, just how fast does Mr. Austin Bain move?" I watch as her eyes travel to my lap.

"What do you say I show you just how fast I am?" I grin. I'd like nothing more than to lift up the tight skirt she's wearing and bend her right over this desk.

Ashley walks over and sits in my lap, raking her fingers through my hair. Her touch sends an electric thrill down my spine.

"We can arrange that," she purrs.

I look down and notice that my zipper is somehow halfway unzipped, even though I haven't touched it, and I joke with her, "See? You're so hot, even my zipper is falling for you."

I watch as Tracy gets up from her chair. I almost forgot that she was still in the room; I've been so magnetized by Ashley.

"Okay, okay, I think that's my cue to leave," Tracy says, waving one hand through the air dismissively, as if she's trying to shoo us out of her line of sight like annoying little house flies. "I'll leave you two alone. But do me a favor and stay off the desk, will you? It's a historical relic."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I smile. "Do you Ashley?"

Ashley plays along with my game. "Nope. Can't say that I do. Now, why would we even want to be on this desk?"

"Very funny you two," Tracy says, smiling. "Play innocent all you want, but I'm not falling for it. I'm not that gullible; I wasn't born yesterday."

All three of us share a laugh at that.

Then Tracy walks out of the office, and as she leaves, we hear her lock the door behind her.

As she closes the door, I realize that I really don't know what I'd do without Tracy. She's been such a huge part of my success. I make a mental reminder to myself that I need to get her something incredible as a thank you gift for everything she's done for me.

And you want to know what the most important thing is?

Without her, I wouldn't have Ashley in my life.

It's her that I have to thank for that.

"What are you thinking?" Ashley asks, wrapping her arms around my neck, and breaking through my thoughts.

"I thought you always knew what I was thinking?" I reply.

"Well, you're usually thinking about fucking me," she smiles. "So, I'll play the odds and guess that's exactly what's going through that head of yours."

She rakes her hands through my hair again, and this time grabs a handful of hair and gives it a playful tug.

I laugh, wrapping my arms around her waist. I then close the little remaining distance between us, and press my lips to hers. "I love you," I whisper, my mouth resting on her ear.

"I love you more," she purrs, and then playfully adds for emphasis, "Mr. President."