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Angel's Fantasy: A Box Set Of Greatest Romance Hits by Alexis Angel, Abby Angel, Dark Angel (288)


The town car weaves through the mid-afternoon traffic of downtown D.C., the carved faces of historic buildings flying by in a blur.

Another day well spent. Another successful meeting.

The rocket launch is no longer just a figment of my imagination.

It’s official.

In just over a month, my rocket will tear through the sky. The product of countless hours of grueling work. My vision, so long sought after, will actually be a reality.

Normal people with no special training whatsoever will be able to explore the galaxy as so few have before them. The final frontier, they call it, and I get to help people to explore it.

This really is my single greatest achievement. If I’m remembered for anything in this life, it’ll be this.

So why am I so fucking miserable?

I sink back in my seat, the soft leather enfolding me.

I know why. I’m just utterly loath to admit it.

The truth is, I can’t stop thinking about Gabrielle. As hard as I try to focus on business, I can’t get her out of my head.

It’s funny really, this fixation.

It was supposed to end with me taking her virginity, just like it always has. This time though, it only seems to get worse.

I picture her again as we make a turn, her naked body on my bed—and I can all but feel her.

“Change of plans, Eddie,” I say to my driver. “I’ve got a different address for you.”

Clearly, this fascination of mine isn’t going to up and disappear.

I need to address this situation head-on. I have to see her.

“Where to?” he asks.

I reach into my briefcase, removing the paperwork I received for our first arrangement.

Eddie gives me an obvious look of confusion as I read off the address. Me looking to go to Brentwood is something he wasn’t expecting at all. And rightfully so.

“You’re sure that’s the right address?” he asks.

He’s obviously hoping there’s been some mistake.

“Eddie, don’t question it. Just drive.”

His eyes meet mine in the rear-view, and I give him my signature Do we have a problem? look.

“Sure thing, boss,” he says, resigned.

I lay my head back on the rest. I settle in for the ride.

The smooth pavement disappears as we crawl our way into Brentwood. It’s swiftly replaced with cracked and uneven asphalt. More than once, Eddie curses as we hit a particularly deep pothole.

I tap my foot impatiently against the floor-mat. I’m anxious to see Gabrielle.

I miss all of her. Everything from her wondrous, icy blue eyes to her soft, pink lips and her soothing aroma.

I never thought I could ever end up like this. It feels as though I don’t have any control over myself.

It’s several more minutes before the car comes to a stop and eases alongside the curb—which is in no better shape than roads.

“Here we are, sir,” Eddie announces.

I glance out the window, taking in Gabrielle’s apartment building.

It’s even worse than I imagined.

The paint has long since lost its hold, huge chunks peeled away in long strips, some still hanging halfheartedly from the wood. The roof slants at an odd angle, clearly in desperate need of repair. The grass, what little of it there is, is brown and overgrown in places.

I climb from the car, smoothing the creases from my jacket as I go.

A man steps from the building, eyeing me with curiosity.

His pants hang too low, and he has a distinct unwashed look about him. He’s drenched in cheap body spray that makes me want to gag in disgust. Still, I put on my most professional smile.

“Excuse me.”

He looks at me—one eyebrow raised—as if I’m the shady character here. “Yeah?”

“Do you live here?”

He nods.

“Great, maybe you can help me then. I’m looking for someone. Gabrielle Bishop. Know her?”

“Sure do,” he smiles.

“Is she around?”

“Hell no,” he says, stepping towards me with a grin. “I kicked her to the curb days ago.”


“Sure. Didn’t pay her rent. She owe you money, too?”

I shake my head. Money? No.

Answers? Yes.

“No, just need to talk to her. Did she leave a forwarding address?”

He scratches his head like a cartoon character asked to solve a math problem.


“Could you check?” I ask.

“How much is it worth to ya?” His lips curl into a sneer, and the faint yellow stain of his teeth peek through the small gap in his lips.

I reach into my wallet and pull out a couple hundred bills.

“Alright, hang on.”

I stay put. I’m certainly not going to follow after.

I have no desire to see—or smell—what this particular man’s apartment looks like. If his personal hygiene is any indication, I’d probably need a hazmat suit.

He reemerges moments later, stained paper clutched in one hand.

“Here you go,” he says, passing it to me.

I take it from him, and he snatches the money from my grasp.

“Pleasure doing business with you.”

I hear his subtle grunt of a reply, followed immediately by mumbling. I couldn’t care less what it’s about.

I climb back into the car. I have no want to stick around longer than needed.

This new address of Gabrielle’s is a relief.

Uptown, nice area. I’m glad she got the hell out of this place. I give Eddie the new address of our new destination.

Leaning back into the seat again, I smile at the thought of seeing Gabrielle soon. Traffic has thinned out somehow, taking us significantly less time to cross town.

This new building is a serious upgrade—classy and refined.

I can’t say I’m surprised. She’s a woman with taste.

I waste no time climbing from the car and walking eagerly inside. I find her door easily.

My mind is racing now that I’m actually in front of it. After all the effort to get her out of my head, the idea of actually seeing her again is like a weight being lifted.

I ring the bell. A smile is already pulling at my mouth.

Footfalls sound from inside—soft and confident.

“Just a second!” she calls.

I wait for a minute that feels much longer.

The door pulls back slowly, unveiling her in glimpses. Her legs, her dress, the curves of her body. I feel myself hardening immediately.

That is, of course, until my gaze lands on her lips.

She scowls at me, eyes simultaneously widening in confusion.

“What are you doing here?” she asks, clearly unhappy.

I’m momentarily stunned into silence. This was the part I wasn’t prepared for.

“I wanted to see you.”

“Why?” she asks bluntly.

That’s the hundred million dollar question, isn’t it?

She glances around, as if looking for answers.

“Look, Gabrielle, I know you weren’t expecting me

“Um…ya think?” she exclaims. “Our transaction was completed. What else could you possibly want?”

It really never so much as occurred to me that I would be unwelcome here.

I had been so wrapped up in this image in my head of seeing her and holding her that I didn’t see this going another way. After a lifetime of adamantly avoiding connection, I’ve now become the pursuer.

This shift in the status quo has thrown me about.

Now, I’m the conquered virgin hoping to linger and explore these newfound feelings.

And it was Gabrielle who left in the morning, of her own accord. It was her who did what I always do.

Fuck them, leave them wanting more, and send them out the door.

I didn’t want her to be different from the others. I just wanted my fucking permits.

But she is different from the others.

I laugh at the absurdity at it all. She raises an eyebrow in question.

“Look, all I want to do is talk. If you don’t like what I have to say, then you can throw me out.”

I search her face for any reaction that would go in my favor, but I’m unsure if there are any. Gabrielle has a solid poker face.

Admittedly, I’m angry at myself right now.

Angry and frustrated.

I never wanted to end up in this situation. I never once wanted to be that guy who goes to the woman and desperately tries to win her over. I never wanted to feel this kind of fucking desperation and need for someone.

I’m fucking Case Sterling. I’m one of the richest and sexiest men on the fucking planet.

Why would I ever need to chase a woman I want?

Now, I may have been the one to initiate the agreement as pure business. But it wasn’t business in the end. It becomes something more—for the both of us.

I know she felt it too that night.

It was electric between us. There was fire and passion that could ignite a dying sun.

“Alright, fine, but only to talk. That’s it.”




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