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Angel's Fantasy: A Box Set Of Greatest Romance Hits by Alexis Angel, Abby Angel, Dark Angel (107)


My office is quiet in the mid-morning light. Last night was just one of the many perks of being made partner and it's one hell of a perk. The view in this office isn’t too bad, either, though it isn’t about to make me walk around the office bowlegged like what Jason did last night. Still, different strokes... well, I can appreciate both. Our firm is high intensity and I knew I had to pack as much pleasure into last night, because today would bring the pain.

I mean, I enjoy the challenges of my work, so please don’t misunderstand me. You don’t become Head Bitch In Charge without loving the thrill of absolutely crushing it at work and I’m pretty sure that downtime is something low-performers just don’t know how to schedule.

I approach my large, glass desk and think how happy I am to have made partner and how everything that got me here is only going to take me further. All my hard work was so worth it and so incredibly fucking gratifying. Now, if I can prove to them that my ability extends into being a real HBIC as a boss, then all will flow well toward my continued upward mobility at Stone, Carvall, and Winters.

I check my Rolex and realize it’s time for my meeting. Some of the partners will be here in my office to see about a possible new recruit . . . Marcus something. Jason will be there and it makes me want to come in my panties all over again, thinking about what we did last night. He's so freaking hot! And now we’re on level playing field, so maybe I can start having some real fun at work. Though I’m not exactly sure I want to balance the demands of work and the demands of my pussy remembering how good his cock felt inside me; something tells me that’s something else I might enjoy juggling along with everything else.

Enough about Jason or how I might want to fuck him...I’m running late! So I grab my work jacket and fling it on just as the big guns start entering my office. Luckily it’s clean and tidy here and I don't need to do much to prepare, having only moved in yesterday.

The senior partners all file in and take a seat at the small table I have set up for meetings in the corner. My new digs are so huge. Jason says "hi" to me with a playful look in his eyes and I ignore him. What is he thinking? He better not give us away...even if we aren’t breaking any rules, it doesn’t mean he needs to walk around like "smell my finger." Or more appropriately for someone like Jason (who is not some shitty frat boy) smell my cock. Because there’s no way my scent isn’t still all over him after the way I shucked myself on him last night.

"Coffee?" I ask them. I take their orders and hand them their cups. I know, a girl handing out coffee when she’s a woman who just got a promotion to partner. But I’m still the subordinate in here because they are senior partners.

"Well," Mike begins after I hand him a three-raw-sugar coffee with a stirring stick. I’m not his mother, but I can hand him what he wants. "We’re here to talk about hiring a lawyer named Marcus. He’s got all the credentials. He went to Yale." He looks up at me over his glasses knowing it’s my alma mater. "I think he’s a good fit. A strong candidate on paper and he’s got a personality that could be a very good fit for this firm."

"Well, what else do we know about him?" I ask. "I mean, what’s this personality of his like?"

Jason pipes in. "He’s a cocky son-of-a-bitch. At least that’s what I heard."

I focus on Jason. "Cocky I can handle." I’m referring, of course, to him. He knows what I mean. I can see the grin on his face.

"And I heard he’s a bit of bad boy," Jason says pretending he didn’t notice. Two can play this game, huh? I’m already enjoying this on so many levels. I’m hot having this meeting with the senior partners, making decisions, showing off what I can do, and trading some slightly filthy thoughts with Jason through the airwaves.

"Yes," Mike says, interrupting the brief moment where I’m thinking about the flutter in my clit at all these thrilling things happening at once. "He got somewhat of a reputation around town. But when have we ever cared about that as long as he gets the job done?" Mike looks to Jason and some of the other partners, then back to me. "And, I think he can do this. He’s won a lot of cases in a short amount of time."

"So, do you want me to interrogate him Mike, or go gently? I can pull the truth out of him about who he is. Just give me the okay." I say with authority, a calm tone but laying it all out there. I can handle anything they have to offer.

Mike smiles at me. He knows I’m a wolf in sheep’s clothing; that’s why he gave me the job.

"You do you, Jacqueline." He says this with such a genuine smile.

I see Jason shift a little in his seat. Ladies, what do you think…does Jason perhaps wanna see me do me?

"Got it. I bite my lip for a moment, nodding. "If everyone’s on board with no additional questions, then I think we’ve summed this up. Thanks guys for being here," I say, happy it was a quick meeting.

They all shuffle out, most taking their coffee with them, and I’m thrilled that this non-billable little fifteen minutes went so damn well. I love the confidence they’ve placed in me here and I’m not letting it go to waste.

Jason makes sure he’s the last to leave. "You got this?" he says.

"Of course."

"I mean I could stay to protect you . . . if you want." He’s teasing me because like, please, we both know I have this.

"Out!" I say, but I’m smiling, too. This is fucking fun. I think I might want to hike up my skirt and sit right on that smug smile of his later.

He’s already on his way when I seize the opportunity to check out that fine ass in another perfect suit. I think Brioni must have him in mind for at least a quarter of their collection, and praise the fashion gods for that. Jason’s so fucking gorgeous. I wish his fucking dick was in my mouth right now if I’m being honest. But I restrain myself, naturally. I have things to do and I’m over here getting myself all keyed up.

I have this normal baseline amount of arousal at work, but I just love the high-intensity environment, right, but someone that I’ve wanted to fuck and have now actually fucked flirting with me? Well, it presents its own share of challenges for sure.

I shake my head and pull my focus to the task at hand. Who is this Marcus anyway? I’ve never heard of him. But he better good. No one who can’t keep up can handle it here. He better be really good. Because let’s face it. We all went to good schools. We’re all good lawyers.

Well, fuck that. We went to great schools. We’re great lawyers. But if you’re a fit for this firm? Well you’ve got even more than that. I hate when managers are all like, "oh I have something in my personality that makes me effective and I can’t teach it" because that’s not how you get results. I need to see tangible value he can add to this company or he’s not getting near my office, or these offices, ever again.

I pull his file from my inbox and start to go over it. His credentials are definitely up to par and everything is there on paper. He does have a solid background. But, that’s not all I need to know.

I’m more interested in why he’s considered a bad boy. This is where my research ability gets really good. I love to pull up dirt on people. Especially ones I’m about to interrogate. Ha! He hasn’t got a chance with me. I’m a very tough recruiter. I’m going to find out if he’s going to be an asset, or a total risk for Stone, Carvall, and Winters.

With that, I go to my computer for a little investigative research. Marcus . . . Marcus . . . Hmmm, where is he? I Google him and there he pops up . . . His chiselled face, shiny hair, and drop-dead gorgeous smile looks me right in the face. He’s on red carpets, at events, all over the place, always with a different girl.

Shit. I had no idea I’d be interviewing someone I already know I probably want to fuck. For all my bravado, I tend to lose myself when approached by a hot, alpha male. It’s my weakness. I mean I don’t have to show it. I face up against alphas plenty, and I fucking win. But I’m already horny and my mind is going to go into overdrive.

And Marcus is alpha for sure. He must be at least 6’4, and by the size of those hands, holding some girl’s waist in a picture, I can tell that he’s gonna be well hung.

I lick my lips and let myself fantasize about being with him while going over his social media accounts. It’s one of my favorite games to play when I see a hot guy. Marcus is beyond hot . . . he’s rugged. I can definitely see how he could get away with being a bad boy. He probably does it in his sleep.

I imagine that he is rough in bed, and that he’s used to getting what he wants. I picture him in our interview, taking me hard from behind. I imagine him squeezing my tits and then craving more. We go at it all night . . .

But, no. This is work. I can’t cross that line . . . again. It’s hard enough to handle Jason at the office without anyone knowing. Too bad Marcus and I'll have to be just friends.

I would say my panties are wet, but today I’m not wearing any, so the wetness slides down my leg and hits my skirt. God, if Jason sees that, he’ll think it’s for him. Nope, I’m into Marcus now. At least until I meet him. One thing’s for sure; this interview won’t be a bore.

Well, two things. I’m such a fucking slut for a good alpha male I’d like between my thighs. But can you blame me?