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Angel's Fantasy: A Box Set Of Greatest Romance Hits by Alexis Angel, Abby Angel, Dark Angel (279)


I could fucking murder the man.

It was like I was within an arm’s length of reaching the peak of Mount Everest only to have him kick me from the summit before I could claim the peak.

It’s infuriating.

And sexy.

But it’s sexy because it’s infuriating.

I feel as though we’re locked into this game of chess now. It’s all move and counter move until—finally—checkmate.

Neither of us has made it to that point in the game quite yet, but I’m willing to admit that he won that particular encounter.

Admittedly, he has far more experience at this game than I do.

But, fortunately for me, I’m a fast learner.

And I hate to fucking lose.

He’s sitting in his chair looking at me as if he knows my next move before I do.

He fucking wishes.

“Come here, Gabrielle. Sit with me.” He beckons me with a knowing smirk and pats his thigh.

I’m tempted to sprawl out on the couch behind me and make myself comfortable—if only to throw him off his game—but I also want to feel the bulge of his cock, too.

I want to know if it is as big as I think it is.

And it’ll give me an opportunity to distract him and make him melt in my hands this time.

I sit down on his lap and immediately feel his rigid shaft against my thigh.

He’s as big as I thought and then some. That excites me as much as it scares me.

“Tell me the truth. You knew exactly who I was the moment I stepped into that room, didn’t you?”

There’s this spark that dances in his pale green eyes as he looks up at me.

He’s better at reading people—reading me—than I thought.

“I did.”

Of course I fucking knew who Case Sterling was.

The man is one of the richest people on the fucking planet and has ties to all the country’s most powerful politicians.

What kind of fucking PolSci major would I be if I didn’t know who the fuck he was?

“Good,” he says softly with a small chuckle.

Case rests his hand against my thigh and I can feel my stomach clench at his touch. His fingers gently caress the inside of my thigh between my knee and ever-moistening pussy.

It’s those fucking eyes. Even when they’re locked on my own, it still feels as though he can see all of me. It’s intense.

And then, there’re those lips. I’ve never seen a man with lips so perfectly plump and expressive. It’s like they’re just as important as the words he uses when he speaks.

Fuck, Case’s whole face is just fucking perfect.

If only his personality was as appealing as the rest of him.

But I don’t have to like him to fuck him.

Or to take his money.

“So, you know my current situation then?”

“Yes, I do. You’re currently involved in the great commercial space travel race with the likes of Elon Musk and Richard Branson. Among others, of course.”

He looks impressed.

It’s not like it’s a big fucking secret. As busy as I am, I can still pay attention to the fucking news.

But he should be fucking impressed anyway.

I’m the best Political Science major to come out of Yale since—ever.

“You’re right. And I’m in the perfect position to beat all of them. Years ahead of their own projected schedules. However, there is a problem that I’ve encountered.”

I was curious before, but now I feel invested.

“And you want my help with this encounter. Which is why you haven’t closed the deal.”

His lips twist into a half smile and he nods. “You’re right.”

Of course I’m fucking right.

It’s hard not to burst with excitement.

The chance to aid him in this space race could be a huge boon to getting my career back on track. Instead of my name being associated with Senator Warren, it’ll be associated with the billionaire, Case Sterling. And since Case is a media darling, my name will be cleared from the toxicity of the former senator.

And I get to fuck him, too.

“Alright then. Consider me intrigued, Mr. Sterling.”

“Are you familiar with Senator Gregory Price?”

I nod.

Price is the Republican senator from Florida and head of several House committees.

He’s a devout family man and an old school conservative.

There have been talks that Price might be the next presidential candidate for the Republican party next election.

It makes sense that Price would be a problem for Case.

Case—though loved by the media and public—is a playboy who’s known for his womanizing and partying ways.

That kind of public image isn’t one that conservatives are apt to get into bed with. Especially a man like Senator Price.

“There are permits I need. Permits that I can only get from Price. And he isn’t budging. He’s not a fan of my playboy lifestyle.”

Case’s lips turn into a smug grin. His eyes seem to dance with memories from his previous conquests.

He’s a man who enjoys his lifestyle—relishes it even—but now it’s come back to bite him in the ass for his big project.

“So, how can I help you?”

“Well we both know that Senator Price is a man who’s a firm believer in conservative values. He’s a family man. He’s a man who would much rather work with another married man who has a loving wife. A married man who happens to be wed to a woman every bit as witty and intelligent as she is beautiful.”

“So, you think I’m witty and intelligent, too?” I give him a smug grin of my own.

“Don’t push it.”

“So, not only do you want to take my virginity, you also want to marry me.”

I admit I’m a bit in over my head.

Selling my virginity is one thing, but marrying the man is another.

I have no illusions that this is anything more than a business arrangement.

He needs to win Price over.

I can help him do it—easily—given my background and knowledge of the political landscape of Washington.

More importantly, he needs me far more than I need him now.


And mate.

“If you marry me, then Price will see me as someone trustworthy enough to sign the permits for. And once I have the permits, we can annul the marriage and go our separate ways. You’ll be handsomely compensated for your time, of course.”

“Of course,” I echo.

“And by helping me, you help the planet. This isn’t just some race to be first. This isn’t something to stroke my ego. This project is the first step to helping mankind blossom. It’s the first step in all of us becoming more than what we are. Maybe even uniting as one people as we turn our attention to the stars.”

I’m taken aback by the passion in his voice—which I can also feel as he grips my thigh.

It’s a rousing purpose that speaks to my core.

I don’t know how much of it is true, but I admire the ambition and passion that I see in his eyes.

This truly is important to him.

Which means I can charge him far more than I expected.

“Alright then, Case. I will help you. But I want one hundred million dollars to do it.”

It’s a nice round number.

And it’s one that will see me and my family never wanting for anything ever again. It will also give me the financial support to fulfill some of my dreams outside of politics, too.

Like opening a homeless shelter and soup kitchen, for starters.

And getting the fuck away from my disgusting landlord Charlie for another.

I’ll even be able to give some away to Maria so that she and her children have a home of their own. I’d hate to leave her in the building with Charlie looking over her shoulder every chance he got. They deserve better.


He says it quickly and simply.

A hundred million for him would be a single drop in the bucket given how much he’s worth.

“Then we have a deal.”


I feel as though I’m on Cloud Nine right now.

I just went from not being able to afford my rent to making a hundred million in one night.

No more slutty waitress outfits.

No more pervy customers grabbing my ass and trying to take me home.

I get to make a difference in the world in my way.

On my own terms.

At this point, I’d fuck Case for free.

“How about we seal the deal? With a kiss?”

My hands grab the collar of his jacket. I lean down toward his lips.

I can’t wait to feel them—to taste them.

I swear I can smell me on his breath as I draw closer.

His body shifts.

I’m lifted off his lap and onto the arm of the chair.

“Perhaps later. I have some important calls to make.”