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Angel's Fantasy: A Box Set Of Greatest Romance Hits by Alexis Angel, Abby Angel, Dark Angel (280)


Gabrielle is fast asleep on my bed naked, a sea of flawlessly smooth skin. The white sheet barely covers her as it’s pulled up over her ass and hip and across her chest. The rest of her is on display.

She lets out slow, steady breaths that cause her tits to gently rise and fall like the tide.

I stand at the end of the bed. I keep my eyes glued to her as I undress.

My tie and suit jacket come off as I take in every detail of her relaxed face surrounded by a halo of her blonde hair.

My fingers clench my jacket for a moment as I dwell on the thought of my fingers running through her hair and pulling on it.

Don’t go there, Case. You’re just going to further torment yourself.

As much as I tell myself that—I can’t.

I toss my jacket across the back of the chair. I sit to remove my shoes and socks—if only to block her from my sight—but when I stand back up, my eyes zero in on the expanse of her back.

I start to imagine slowly running kisses down her back all the way to her perfect ass.

Jesus Christ, Case! Get a grip, man.

With each dirty thought running through my head, I become more and more tense. The collar of my shirt is starting to feel tight. I pop the button at the base of my throat so I can breathe a little better.

This woman has me all tied up in knots and I can’t touch her in all the sensual ways I had planned.

Eyes closed, I inhale a deep breath and let it out slowly.

It’s a vain attempt to get myself under control.

When I open my eyes, I make sure they’re averted from the enticing scenery displayed on the bed.

I turn away from her and face the wall of the hotel room.

Tugging the shirt loose from my pants, I finish undoing the remaining buttons that run down the length of my tense frame. I toss the shirt over the jacket on the back of the chair.

Reaching for my belt next, the buckle clicks and snaps as the leather is worked through it.

I drop the pants last. They fall down to the floor to rest around my ankles and join the rest of my tux.

From behind me, Gabrielle lets a moan loose in her sleep.

I wonder if her dreams are filled with the same thoughts that currently fill mine.

It’s obvious that she wants me just as much as I want her, but then that was what she was here for.

I spin around and dare to let my eyes fall upon her once more without a second thought to the temptation I’m currently at war with.

Gabrielle’s legs wriggle around the mattress as she readjusts back into a comfortable position.

This is going to be a long night.

I take a step closer to the bed.

Her legs slide against one another, and a smile forms on her lips. A breathy moan escapes from her lips.

The sound has my cock throbbing with intensity and desire.

Whatever she’s dreaming of is making her a bit excited.

I can’t help looking at her legs. How perfect they would be wrapped around my shoulders and my hips...

I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. A low growl rumbles in my throat.

It’s hard to adhere to the obvious logic of my situation with the way that my body longs for her.

As soon as we have sex, I’ll get bored. It happens every time. I know this.

Once that virginity is gone, she will lose all appeal.

The thrill and anticipation of finding a virgin and blowing her mind during her first sexual experience is my thing. And I’m fucking good at it.

And, come sunrise, I send them on their way home.

I can’t do this with Gabrielle. She’s far too important to me with her virginity intact.

I literally cannot afford to get bored with her. The Senator will see right through us otherwise.

Our interactions need to feel authentic. The sexual attraction has to feel genuine and unforced. We’re to put forth an image of a newly married couple who can’t keep their eyes and hands off each other.

We can’t get too handsy in front of the overly conservative politician, but a few well timed—and well-placed—caresses here and a kiss there is more than acceptable. Necessary even.

Plus, I don’t want to get bored of Gabrielle just yet.

It’s an oddity for me to have such feelings, but our playful banter has been fun. She’s been as amusing—as she is intriguing—to say the least.

Her smart mouth and spunky attitude make her different from any of the other women I’ve been with. She can hold her own and then some.

My mouth quirks into a slight smile as I think of the smartass shit she has tossed my way. She’s definitely going to be able to hold her own with the politician.

I just have to keep it straight in my head, which—given her astounding beauty—is no easy task. Even for one as disciplined as myself.

I just have to remember that Gabrielle is vital to my launch.

Eventually, it’ll happen. There’s no doubt about that. It’s just that timing is everything here.

My internal debate has cooled me down somewhat now.

I look at the alarm clock next to the bed. It’s late. I need to get some sleep.

I don’t move toward the bed though. I just stand there.

Just get in the damn bed, Case.

I tell myself I can sleep in the bed with a gorgeous naked woman without touching her.

Fingers tuck into the band of my boxers, and I slip them off. I walk to the opposite side of the bed from Gabrielle.

Lifting the sheet on my side of the bed, my ass gently hits the mattress, and I crawl in under it. I’m careful not to jostle the bed too much because I don’t want to wake her.

I arrange myself on my side, facing away from her enticing body, my back to her.

I was able to resist her when she was awake and trying to kiss me. I sure as hell can resist her while she’s asleep and not actively trying to put a move on me.

It’s why I didn’t have her sleep in the spare room.

There was no way I was going to sleep in the spare room. This is my fucking hotel suite and my bed after all.

The room is silent except for her breathing.

Eyes wide open, I stare at the wall. I need to get some sleep, but my body is wound up tight—literally. Every muscle in my body feels as though it’s ready to pop from the strain and tension.

A slow, deep breath escapes me, and I close my eyes.

I let my thoughts fill of Price and the permits I need for the rocket launch in an attempt to keep myself from being consumed by thoughts of Gabrielle instead.

Big picture, Case. Remember what’s at stake. You didn’t get here by being an impulsive dumbass.

It’s going to be a long night.

And the days to come will be even longer with a woman like Gabrielle Bishop tempting me at every turn.