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Shifters of Anubis: The Complete Series (5 Books) by Sabrina Hunt (129)




When I walked into class on Monday, I had to work hard to keep from showing my surprise that Soraya was sitting there, demure and smiling. If I hadn’t known better, I would have thought nothing out of the ordinary was amiss.

But the look in her eyes was frantic.

What happened? I wondered, with a sinking feeling in my gut. Why is she still here?

Unable to shake that question or feeling, I taught the class in a daze. By the end of it, I couldn’t remember one word I’d spoken and I tried not to jump as Soraya sat there while the rest of the class filed out. She still didn’t move as I slowly pulled on my jacket and slung my bag over my shoulder.

“Soraya?” I asked, coming to stand in front of her.

She jumped and gave me a startled look, then eyed the classroom. “Wow, I zoned out.”

“You okay? Tired?” I asked, trying not to betray my jumping nerves. Why are you in Boston and not LA? What the hell is going on? Do you not realize how important that flash-drive is?

But these were questions King could ask Soraya, not me. In that moment, I was about to confess everything and to hell with the consequences. I was dead tired of this dual-life.

“I’m sleepy, I guess,” Soraya said, slowly standing and picking up her bag. She hadn’t even taken off her jacket and she followed me out the door. “Are you going to Warimber?”

I nodded and that was the extent of our conversation until we got to the office.

Soraya went up the stairs first and I followed her, trying to think of something to say. But my mind was a scrambled mess and I didn’t notice we’d reached the door to Beni’s office until we were standing right in front of it.

She froze, staring at it and then threw a hand out. “Dez, stay back.”

For a moment, I stared at her and almost started laughing. Do you know who I am?

But she didn’t. Not at all.

Edging the door open, Soraya peered in and looked around. Feigning ignorance, I asked, “What’s wrong?”

She shushed me and whispered, “The door was open. Let me check it out.”

Soraya vanished inside and after a moment, I did as well. Walking in, my skin prickled, but I didn’t see anything. She came back around the corner, scowling, and then we both jumped when the door shut.

“Looking for me?” asked an unfamiliar voice, with a Russian drawl to it.

I turned around as Soraya came to stand next to me. Standing behind the door, his posture almost military in how straight he was standing, was a man about my age. He had dark, wavy hair, a faint beard, and dark green eyes. Something about his face was familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. And he was clearly from the Order, from his gear to his physique to his stealth.

I couldn’t believe I hadn’t heard him.

“Zima,” Soraya said in a voice of disbelief. “You, they sent you?”

“Yes,” he grinned at her. “Aren’t you lucky?”

“Zima?” I asked. “Like Roy?”

"Oh, you've met my cousin, yes?" The man grinned. "He's the only one I like besides my sister. A good kid. Cares far too much and hides it so, so terribly." His eyes glinted over at Soraya and he said in a clearly teasing tone, “Must be the Weslark.”

I sensed Soraya stiffening next to me and she bit out, “Go to hell, Andrei.”

“Relax, Cloud, I’m here to help,” Andrei said. “You contacted your brother, who went to Mirois, who went to me. This is something that requires absolute secrecy.” He tapped his chest. “Who else were they going to go to? Piper just had twins.”

Soraya set her jaw and took a deep breath. “Right. Desmond Devoy, this is Andrei Zima. I–”

Andrei cut her off and I glanced over to see Soraya tense. “Ah, Desmond! You are good friends with that little doctor my cousin is smitten with. She is a handful, but I’m happy they’re so happy. Roy, he is a romantic, though I know this must surprise you.” He barked out a laugh.

I found myself wanting to laugh, too. But Soraya was looking at him with utmost loathing.

“Soraya, she holds grudges,” Andrei said in a side whisper to me. “One time I forgot about her and a few others in Hong Kong.”

“We waited a week for you, Andrei!” Soraya all but shouted. “Do you know how idiotic we looked? I almost had to do probation work because of you.”

“I am an important man, what do you want?” Andrei asked, grinning.

It was clear Andrei thought it was a joke and Soraya didn't. I was torn between laughing and walking Soraya to a corner like you might calm down a boxer in a ring.

“Is this what it’s come to?” Soraya asked. “I have to work with you?”

“Listen, Lafi, you’ve already enacted your revenge on me. How many Anubis agents glare at just the sight of me because of what I did? Your fan club has done enough, let’s move past it.”

Turning to me, Soraya said, “Dez, I hate to ask you this – but could we have the office for maybe fifteen minutes or so?”

“Oh, he can stay,” Andrei said cheerfully, still intent on messing with Soraya.

“Andrei, will you please shut up?” Soraya said, almost snarling over at him.

“I can leave, it’s not a problem,” I said.

“He’s not a Shifter of Anubis, Andrei, he doesn’t have the clearance. This is sensitive shit!” I looked over at Soraya in surprise and she flushed. “I’m sorry, I’m stressed.”

Glancing up, I saw Andrei studying me and his eyes narrowed. “Oh, my mistake. I was just thinking since he has done so much for the Order, it wouldn’t be a problem.”

Now Soraya and Andrei were glaring at each other, some private battle of wills going on that made me want to leave the room. Then she threw her hands up and said, “Fine, come on.”

Walking over the computer, I worked hard to keep my face nonchalant as Soraya pulled out a silver flash-drive. Andrei eyed it, then sat down in her seat as it began to play.

In a second, his mood changed and it was like a thunderstorm had rolled up. His jaw grit, his face darkened and he leaned in closer, eyes flitting across the screen.

“There,” he muttered, pausing it and his finger landing on the Anubis agents. “What the hell?”

“You didn’t know?” Soraya asked.

“I knew,” Andrei shot at her. “I was the one who figured it out. But I didn’t know they had enough sway to send in agents in gear like it was nothing. This is…” He made a frustrated sound. “This is the last thing I needed right now.”

“Right, because what any of us needs in this damn war is traitors,” Soraya said sarcastically. “Why wasn’t I told?”

I made a surprised sound, but Andrei’s snort was louder. “Don’t ask me. Last, I knew, only a handful of other people besides me knew. Two heads, one tribunal and six Anubis.”

“So few?” I asked without thinking and they both looked at me.

“We have no choice,” Andrei said, standing up and taking the hard-drive. “All I was able to find out was the name of two and that there were more. I’ve been trying to find numbers, names and everything else, but I also have other assignments.” He sounded weary. “It’s a nightmare.”

“Well, thank you for coming all the way to get it,” Soraya said, sounding subdued.

“How did you get this?” Andrei asked, turning to her and wiggling it.

Soraya’s eyes went wide and her lips parted. “I can’t tell you that,” she finally said.

“Do you not realize the source of this information might be able to get us more?” Andrei demanded. “Please tell me you at least have a name or something.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Soraya said, her voice sounding strained.

“You trust this source?” Andrei asked.

“Yes,” Soraya said simply and I had to look down to hide a smile. “Andrei, if that’s all, I think you should be going now.”

“Sure,” Andrei said in a far too polite voice. “Hey, Dez, you’re from Boston, right? Could you walk me outside and answer a few questions for a tourist?” Soraya made an angry sound and Andrei held up his hands. “It will help me leave faster.”

I shrugged, a little taken aback. “Um, sure.” Soraya watched us go with a furrowed brow and I tried to shoot her a reassuring smile. “What did you want to know?”

But Andrei didn’t say anything until we got outside and were standing on the busy street. He was a lot like Roy, I realized, though more hard-assed and even harder to read.

“She doesn’t know?” he asked me.

“Who doesn’t know?” I asked, at a loss.

"Soraya – she hasn't figured it out yet. What you are." Andrei's lips twisted. "Who you are."

I gaped at him. “How-how did you…?”

“It’s my job to know these things,” Andrei said carelessly. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” There was a bitterness to his face that made me wonder how many secrets he kept. “You’ve been doing a lot of good work, Dez. No one is going to interfere. In fact, I thought they sent Soraya here to help the King Cheetah in his work. I would’ve thought you’d have told her.”

I swallowed hard. “Doesn’t seem like a good idea – and are you blackmailing me?”

Andrei pulled back and shook his head violently. "No, God no, Dez, we are on the same side. Honestly, you didn’t look surprised up there, only as pissed as I am. That’s why I wanted to ask – did you give this to her?” He held up the drive.

“Yes,” I said.

“Feel like telling me where you got it?” Andrei asked and I hesitated. “Listen, if you do this for me, I’ll stick around another night and help you. I picked up a tip about what’s going on with the warehouses. I think I might have a name for you that will help move this all along.”

“How do you know all of this?” I asked. “What, are you a spy?

Andrei’s lips twitched. “Call me double-oh-seven.”

“Damn,” I said, impressed in spite of myself.

“Name, Dez?” He asked.

“All I got was Merv,” I replied, hoping I was not dooming Merv to horrible torture. “No last name. He’s not a bad guy, for a crook.”

“Ah, the smuggler. No, he’s not a bad guy and I could see him handing this over for the right reasons. He spooks easily. Lived through a lot of inanis civil wars as a kid. Hates it for altruistic reasons and because it’s bad for his business.” Andrei laughed a little. “Alright, thanks.”

“Shouldn’t you leave now and get it back to LA?” I asked.

“I have to watch my step,” Andrei said. “As should you, my friend. Everything you’ve been doing – it’s only a matter of time before there’s a bounty on your head. If there’s not already with the Valspars running around town.”

“I’m careful,” I said.

“Listen, I know you’re fast, but Evie is a master at laying traps.” Andrei shoved his hands in his pockets. “Don’t let her ever catch on about, you know.” He jerked his head in the direction of the building. I stared at him and shrugged, bewildered. “Lafi. You two are getting cozy, hm?”

“What–no,” I said.

“It’s okay,” Andrei said with a shrug. “Honestly, that’s the happiest I’ve seen her in months. She’s been a wreck since her friend died.” A shadow flitted through his eyes. “I didn’t mean to be such a dick and give her a hard time, but honestly, I was kind of relieved she was sparring with me. We’re old rivals.”

I nodded, not sure what to say. “I get that, but I think you have the wrong idea–”

“Keep an eye on her, Devoy,” Andrei said, walking away. “She’s a pain in the ass, but I’d miss her if she wasn’t around to mess with. And don’t kid yourself – you’re good for her.”

With that, he vanished into the crowd and I was left alone, trying to pick my jaw up off the ground.