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Shifters of Anubis: The Complete Series (5 Books) by Sabrina Hunt (26)




Balt’s heartbroken expression, the rawness of his voice was making my chest feel as though it were caving in. This is all my fault, I thought dizzily. What have I brought upon this family?

I’d never seen three strong and capable men look so helpless. Kai was striding back and forth, his hands raking through his hair. His father was resting his forehead on his hand, staring at the floor, and Balt was looking around as though Piper would suddenly appear.

My friend, who’d risked her life, and now I was suspecting, her job – for me – was in terrible danger. Being held by the madmen of the TLO. And I couldn’t do a damn thing.

“There has to be something… Some lead,” I said, my eyes burning. “Something.”

“Piper was off-books with this Japan trip,” Balt said, sounding numb. “Everything we’ve been doing was to keep you and Kai safe. How did they get her? I don’t…”

Kai’s father placed a hand flat on the table, speaking in a calm voice, “Balt, descending into panic and unanswerable questions is the worst thing you can do to yourself right now. Let’s figure out questions we can answer and actions we can take.”

Though Elias Weslark sounded and looked very little like his son, there was something about the steadiness behind the words that reminded me of Kai.

“Get the people at SoA you know you can trust working on this,” Kai said. “And I’ll call Ray-Ray. She’s been working on TLO stuff, right?”

“Soraya was supposed to be flying out to South Africa any day now – I don’t know if she’s still home,” Balt said, rubbing his forehead and shaking his head. “But maybe you can catch her.”

“I think it’s time we expose the Tapetum Lucidium Organization for what it is,” Elias spoke up quietly. “I understand that Piper wanted to keep it quiet because we lacked proof, but I never agreed with that.”

“You didn’t?” Kai asked, coming over and sitting down next to his father.

“No,” he replied, looking at Kai. “All the proof we need is right here.”

“Me?” Kai asked, trying to sound ironic and only sounding more surprised.

“Yes. It would mean you’d need to finally see Dr. Hakedo, however.”

I watched Kai swallow and glance away.

"Kai hasn't enough time gone by to convince you–?" Elias stopped abruptly and glanced at me. "We can talk about this later. But I urge you to consider it, my son."

“I never knew you disagreed with Piper,” Kai muttered, sounding petulant.

Elias allowed himself a smile. “I disagree with her all the time. However, she is a Director in the SoA and I am semi-retired. My words only go so far.”

“If we expose them, it could run them into hiding,” Balt said heavily. “That was always one of Piper’s biggest qualms. That and she didn’t like the idea of using Kai as proof.”

“You mean she hated it,” Elias said crisply. “Her protectiveness knows no bounds and since Kai had been through an ordeal, I bowed to her instincts at the time. But the choice has always lain with him.” He reached out and gripped Kai’s shoulder. “Whatever you decide, I will respect it.”

I suddenly felt horribly and awkwardly out of place in that kitchen.

Never mind that my entire body was sagging with exhaustion and my head was starting to pound. Kai noticed me drooping and stood up.

“Isla, you need sleep,” he said. “Come with me.”

“I should help,” I protested. “I–” A yawn interrupted me and Kai nudged me to get to my feet.

Elias and Balt both gave me kind smiles. “When you wake up, you can help me,” Elias promised. “But Kai is right, you’re dead on your feet.” He hesitated. “You both are–”

“I’ll be right back,” Kai said over his shoulder as he steered me out of the kitchen.

After collecting our bags from the entryway, we climbed a curving set of stairs, up onto an airy and well-lit second floor. I blinked at all the sunshine pouring in through the windows. And in the back of my mind, I noted how it was the opposite of the house in Maui.

The views out the window were similar, however. All ocean, horizon, and trees. But this house was perched up on a cliff and the colors were different. Mellower.

Kai opened a door and glanced in. "Okay, this one looks like it was cleaned recently. I'd put you in my old room, but it's probably coated in dust." He hesitated. "Plus, I haven't seen it in seven years and – well, anyway. Get some rest. I'll bring up your bag."

“Does Piper live here?” I asked curiously.

“Sometimes,” Kai replied, wincing. “But she also has a loft in Redondo. Closer to the city and SoA headquarters. That’s where she really lived.” He paused. “Lives.”

“Piper’s tough, Kai. She’s gonna be okay,” I said softly, moving in to hug him.

He pulled away. “I know.”

As he went to the door, I desperately tried to think of something to keep him even a minute longer. “So, Shifters of Anubis? That’s the name of the group you were always alluding to, huh?”

Kai flinched and gave me a sheepish smile. “Cat out of the bag, huh? Yeah, it is.”

“Are they like the police? Government?” I asked.

"More like a cross between the FBI, samurai, and ninjas, if I had to describe it." Kai made a face. “It’s a secret group, Isla, even to the shifter world.”

I smiled at him. “I thought so. So, I was right.”

Kai leaned against the doorway, looking tired and haggard, but he smiled back. "You are about most things, you know. But to what are you referring to now, I wonder?”

“You. You are a superhero,” I said.

In the span of a breath, Kai had crossed the room and pulled me against him. Our lips met, tangling and warm, reassuring and starving. I clung to him, not wanting him to go, wanting to go with him and wishing we’d met in any other kind of scenario. One where lives weren’t on the line.

When he pulled away, he whispered, “I love you, Isla.”

“I love you, Kai,” I whispered back.

“Good to know I haven’t screwed this up yet,” he managed a grin. “Now, please. Sleep.”

After he left, shutting the door behind him, I curled up on the bed. I was certain I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I told myself, in a minute, I’ll get up to go shower and change.

But in less than a minute, I was fast asleep.


When I woke up, I saw headlights cutting across the bedroom ceiling and sat up to see a car pulling into the driveway. Fumbling around, I saw by the bedside clock it was 9:30 p.m.

Moving slowly, I made my way into the bathroom and splashed water on my face. It wasn’t enough, so I flicked on the shower and got undressed. Taking a deep breath, I let the cold water hit my skin and gasped as it woke me up.

Scrubbing myself, I hastened through it, as worry gnawed through me. Was Piper okay? Did they have any leads? Why had they taken her?

Is this all because of me?

Raising my face to the water, a few tears escaped and my breathing became shaky.

Please, oh please let Piper be okay.

Once I was dressed, I carefully crept downstairs, feeling like an intrusive guest. At night, with the lamps on, the house became softer and warmer. The hard edges and shadows blended together, giving it a homey and comfortable appearance.

Voices were coming from the kitchen. A woman was speaking. Her voice was beautiful, a low husky voice sharpened around the edges by the same intelligence I associated with Piper. Whoever she was, she had to be another member of the SoA.

“Kai was right,” she was saying grimly. “Lilian Frost is out and about in LA. She was at LAX but then vanished. We have people trying to track her down, but…”

“What about Hunter?” Elias asked.

“Not in LA, as far as we can tell,” she replied. “I don’t have to tell you I don’t like this, I–” Abruptly she cut off as I appeared in the doorway, smiling awkwardly, then my jaw dropped.

The woman talking to Eli was lithe, poised, and stylish. She had goddess braids swirling across her scalp and swept up into a bun. A long rose-gold satin jacket, with ties up the sleeves, hung from her shoulders and under it was a simple black crop top. Striped harem pants hugged her waist and fell to strappy heels.

Wow, what an amazing outfit. Her instinct for color combination alone was dazzling and my fingers itched for a paintbrush.

“Hi Isla, I’m Soraya,” she said, waving at me.

“Hi,” I said shyly, moving into the kitchen.

“I go by about a million nicknames, so feel free to call me Raya, Ray, Ray-Ray, Sora... Whatever. That jet lag sucks, huh?” Her gray eyes sparkled against her dark skin as she smiled. “You hungry? We ordered pizza!”

“Um, sure.” I paused, then blurted out, “I love your outfit.”

“Oh, thank you. I just got back from London – found a few posh pieces there to add to my collection. Nearly had to buy another suitcase.” Soraya laughed and I did too.

“So, um.” I bit my lip. “Piper?”

Soraya and Elias looked at each other. “Nothing yet, unfortunately. But don’t worry. We’ve got the best on it.” Soraya let out a small laugh. “I’ve never seen Balt so pissed off. Lion on a warpath. It’s a little scary, he’s usually so annoyingly jolly.”

“They should be back soon with an update,” Elias added. He was sitting at the table, a laptop in front of him and papers spread around him.

“I’m so excited to see Kai,” Soraya enthused. “I’ve missed him.”

A pinch of jealousy went through me. Was Soraya an ex-girlfriend?

“It’s been months since I’ve seen him,” she continued on. “We were supposed to hit up Tahiti to go surfing, but of course that never happened.” Soraya shook her head. "Once Piper is back, though, we are doing a cousin's trip if I have to kidnap her myself." Elias winced and Soraya went pink. "Too soon? I'm sorry. You know Piper is going to be fine, though." Her face became fierce. "Wrong woman to mess with."

Elias reached up and squeezed her hand. “Wrong family to mess with.”

Bending down, Soraya gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll go get the pizza, Uncle Eli. You sit tight.” Soraya swept towards me and into a hug. “Isla, it’s so nice to meet you.” Then in my ear, she whispered, “I was so happy to hear Kai has a girlfriend. Welcome to the fam, gorgeous.”

Then in a cloud of perfume and heel-clicking, Soraya was gone and down the hall.

Elias gave me a gentle smile. “Soraya is a force of nature. And once she decides your family, that’s it. You’ve got a friend for life. Also, make yourself at home. You need a drink?”

“I can get it, thanks. So, how are you related?” I asked, walking over to the fridge and opening it, then grabbing a water bottle.

“Soraya is the eldest daughter of my brother-in-law. She’s got a younger brother and sister.”

“Huh,” I murmured, sipping at my water as I sat down. “Kai never mentioned his cousins.”

“Probably because he misses them. Her brother is Kai’s best friend, as Soraya is Piper’s. But my nephew travels a lot for the SoA, so they’ve fallen out of touch. Plus, we decided not to tell them what happened to Kai. Even Soraya doesn’t know. But Kai tells me you do, Isla.”

Startled at the sadness in Kai’s father’s tone, I stared at him before nodding.

“I can’t tell you how relieved I am to hear that,” Elias continued. “I know Kai has friends in Hawaii, some shifter friends even – but outside of Piper, Balt, Kuwe and I, no one else…” He put a hand to his face. “Anyways, thank you.”

“There’s nothing to thank me for,” I said softly. “Your son is an incredible man. I love him with my whole heart.”

“I know he is,” Elias said, lowering his hand and smiling at me. “I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed him. How much everyone has. I know he’s made a life for himself, I know he’s happy – he’s his mother’s son. Palila, my wife, she was always smiling and making the best of things.”

I nodded, unsure of what to say. From the hints Kai had dropped, it’d seemed like he believed his father and sister were glad to be rid of him. I wondered if they realized that.

“From the look on your face, I’m guessing Kai would have you believe we were glad to exile him,” Elias said and I jumped. “He’s not wrong, not completely. Isla, forgive me, I know with everything else going on the timing seems odd, but I feel it’s important you know this. And we may not get another chance. After all, you are involved in more ways than one.

“See, as long as the TLO remained a secret under SoA’s purview, Kai’s investigation into them had to remain a secret as well. Yet it became increasingly clear that they were after him. But he’s so dedicated and selfless, Piper and I had to find a way to get him out of LA and somewhere safe. We made a difficult and perhaps hasty choice.”

“Did you lie to him?” I asked, feeling a flash of anger.

“Yes and no,” Elias sighed. “I thought it would be months, maybe a year. All of a sudden, I’ve realized seven years have passed. My wife would have been horrified. It was a storm of things, though. Her death and Kai’s ordeal with the TLO. It seemed prudent to send him away. Easier for everyone. Now I wonder if it was easier to keep it out of sight, out of mind without a feeling for what the consequences might be. The rifts that would splinter and be all but impossible to mend.”

“I’m not sure why you’re telling me this,” I commented.

“Because of the TLO, Kai has had to sacrifice so much. It would break a lesser man.” Elias smiled at me. “But I saw the way he looked at you. And now I feel a sense of relief I haven’t in years when it comes to Kai. He has someone to talk sense into him. Out-stubborn his stubborn.” He glanced behind him. “Ah, they’re back.”

My head was spinning as Kai and Balt appeared at the back door, trooping in together. Balt looked as though he had aged about twenty years, while Kai looked exhausted. Walking over to the table, he all but fell into the chair next to me and put his head on the table.

“Tell me there is food in this house, Dad,” he groaned.

I rubbed his shoulder as Elias nodded. “Soraya is bringing back food.”

“That’s dangerous,” Kai muttered. “You know how easily sidetracked that girl is? If she runs into someone she knows, we’ll be waiting till next week.”

“Mmm,” Elias said noncommittally. “And?”

Balt, who’d seated himself slowly and painfully on the other side of Elias shook his head. “Nothing yet. Lots of people looking, no leads. Since Piper was supposed to be on vacation for the next two weeks, we have a few days before people will start noticing.”

“I’ve been thinking about this all day – why would the TLO pull such a risky move? And out themselves in the same vein? It’s almost as though they want to be exposed,” Elias said.

“Who can tell what their sick end-game is,” Kai muttered.

“Once they’re exposed, the Tribunal can easily go in and cut off all funding. Create profiles for the FBI and other inanis agencies to start hunting them. They’re painting targets on their back. Willingly.” Balt paused. “What are we missing?”

“Well,” I said, speaking up timidly and Kai gave me a surprised look, then nodded. “For years they’ve postured as legitimate – why?”

“Money, reputation, law enforcement not hunting them,” Balt said dryly.

“Sure,” I said. “But they probably can get money from anywhere. If they were exposed, doesn’t it untie their hands in a way? They don’t have to posture to lure people in.”

Kai sat up and stared at me. “They can just take them.”