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Backstage: A Fake Marriage Romance by Abbey Foxx (31)

Chapter Four


Getting through security is way easier than it should be. I flash my VIP bracelet, thrust my tits forward and smile sweetly. The fact that Logan was already out here just a coincidental bonus.

“Man, you are even bigger close up than you are on the field.”

Logan takes the words out of my mouth while Carter takes care of my breath. The wide receiver has sort of trapped me up against the wall while the quarterback closes off any chance of my escape. Any more tension I could explode.

“What are you doing back here?” Carter says to me. “You know this is a restricted area?”

“Come on man, she’s with me”, Logan says, coming immediately to my defense.

I hold my wrist up to flash off the wristband, my fingers trembling a little. “I was just doing the included tour.”

“That’s right”, Logan says, smiling flirtatiously. “We don’t usually get girls as pretty as you all the way down here.”

I look from one giant of a man to the other, my eyes dancing across the lycra uniforms quick enough for them not to notice it, not quick enough for me to miss,  almost too excited to hold my nerve. They could do terrible things to me, incredible things. Just the smell of them is making my pussy twitch like someone’s held an electrode to it. Musk, sweat, testosterone. These are real men, and even without asking them, I know they want to.

“I didn’t have a good enough view from upstairs”, I say. “And I wanted to meet the stars after all.”

“Isn’t this the kind of thing you usually wait until after the game for?” Carter asks Logan. “Come on, you’ve had your fun.”

“Since when did you become such a buzz killer, Carter?” Logan says. “The least we can do is meet the fans. She’s come all the way down here after all.”

Carter gives off a low growl like a trapped animal. “I’m going back to the locker room”, he says. “You should do the same if you want to win.”

“Wait”, I say. “I know I shouldn’t be down here. I wasn’t sure if they’d even let me in, but I thought I’d try.”

“Well now it’s time to go back up”, Carter says.

When he turns his back, Logan mouths the word asshole to me, which makes me laugh.

“I’ve got a proposition for you”, I say.

“Three minutes”, Carter says, stepping away.

“Go on”, Logan says.

“Winner gets a date with me”, I say.

“A date?” Logan says. “You know, who that’s gonna be right? Carter, you hear that? I’m going on a date with this princess.”

Carter pauses briefly and then turns around to march back towards us.

“Listen”, he says, squaring up to Logan and completely ignoring me. “I’ve got some advice for you. I’m going to tell you because I don’t think anyone else will.”

“Go on”, Logan says in a disinterested tone.

“You have the potential to not only be one of the best wide receivers ever, but one of the best football players. If you want to achieve that you need to start concentrating more on the game than you do on your own dick.”

While Logan chews that advice over, Carter turns to me, pushing Logan to the side.

“I’m Carter Kane”, he says, holding out his hand.

“Marissa”, I say, smiling sweetly up at him.

“Have a think about where you’d like to go, because there is no way I’m letting Logan win this.”

“Hey”, Logan says, pushing his way back into the conversation. “What about your advice to concentrate on the game rather than your own dick?”

“My advice to you”, Carter says. “I’m doing you a favor.”

“We’ll see”, Logan says.

“You better get back to your seat, Marissa”, Carter says to me. “You don’t want to miss any of the action.”

After that, he puts on his helmet again and heads back towards the locker room.

“Man that guy is so serious”, Logan says. “No wonder people think he’s an asshole.”

“How did you know I was a princess?” I ask.

Logan looks at me and laughs. “Go tell the guy that you’re here with that you're dumping him for a real man, and then work out where you’d like me to take you. Carter’s a good football player, but he’s getting kind of old. I couldn’t let you waste your time with him.”

I smile at that. One thing Logan clearly doesn’t lack is confidence, and that turns me on. He’s way cuter than he is in his online photos too, and I know it sounds stupid to say it, but much more real. Whereas Carter gave off a territorial, macho vibe, Logan makes me feel like we’ve known each other for years. I’ve barely been in his company for five minutes, but I get the impression that we know exactly what we want from each other. He might flirt with every pretty girl he sees, but even if he does, I can’t help but be attracted to it. Just by standing next to him, I can tell how attentive he’ll be in bed. He’s like a little puppy dog that wants to lick you all over.

“I think he’s cute”, I say.

“Not as cute as me, though, right?”

The players start coming out of the locker rooms, and it’s clear they are about to head back out to the field.

“You don’t have to be somewhere?” I say, refusing to inflate his ego.

Logan doesn’t seem bothered. Unwavering, unflappable confidence, no matter what anyone else says. He isn’t cuter, just different. Both men make my clitoris stand on end.

“Logan, what the fuck?” someone calls from the crowd of players already lining up to troop out.

“Chill out”, he calls back to them. “So, when I win, how am I gonna find you?”

“Logan?” comes the call again.

I begin to walk away, my hands still trembling with excitement.


“Get the fuck in line, Logan”, I hear Carter say. ”You’re embarrassing yourself.”

“I’ll find you”, I say, and disappear back through security to make my way up the stairs and back to Elon.