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Knocked Up by the Billionaire's Son: A Secret Baby Romance by Lilian Monroe (10)

10 - Samantha





I stare at the screen and my heart starts thumping.  Is this a date?  I haven’t been out on a date with a man in years.  I turn away from the mailbox and walk back down the street towards the house.  I find Jess in the living room with the twins.  They’re playing together on the ground and she’s folding laundry with Owen.

“So, I think I might have a date,” I say as I pick up some clothes and start helping them.  Jess drops her hands and stares at me.

“What?!  How!  Is it the clown?”

Owen looks up and frowns.  “The clown?”

I grin.  “Children’s entertainer, thank you very much.”  They both laugh and I shrug.  “He texted me to make sure I made it home ok and then invited me out for a drink.  Is that a date?  Or is it just, I don’t know, being polite?”

Owen laughs.  “It’s a date.  He texted to make sure you made it home ok?  What did you guys do at the hospital??”

My thoughts flick back to the parking lot, when our bodies were inches away from each other and I could feel the heat of his skin under my fingers.  I can feel myself blushing already and I shake my head, staring at the pile of laundry as I fold with them.

“We just talked,” I say.  “So it’s a date?”

They both chuckle.  “It’s a date,” Jess says.  “What time are you meeting him?”

“I’m not sure yet.  He said he was having dinner at his parent’s house.”

“Cute,” Owen says.  “Family man.  I like that.”

Jess rolls her eyes and chuckles.  “Don’t listen to him.  Let’s finish this and I’ll help you choose an outfit.”

I smile and nod.  Jess winks at me and in no time we have the laundry folded and are heading back to my room to check out my clothes.

“So I think you should go with something sexy but understated, you know?  Like casual but still a bit saucy.”  Jess looks over at me and smiles.  “I’m so glad you’re doing this!”

I try to smile.  “I’m nervous, Jess.  I haven’t been on a date in so long.”

She puts her arm around me and squeezes me into her.  She smells like fresh laundry and babies.  “Don’t worry.  It doesn’t have to mean anything, and he doesn’t have to be ‘the one’ or whatever.  You’re just going out and having a drink and having fun.”

I nod and try to blink back the tears.  She wraps both arms around me and hugs me tightly.  My voice is muffled in her shoulder when I speak.

“I signed the papers and sent them,” I blurt out.

Jess pulls away.  “Is that where you went when you said you were going for a walk?”  Her eyes are soft and full of concern.  I nod and she sighs.  “Oh, Sam,” she say softly.  “I’m sorry.”

I take a deep breath and shake my head.  “It’s a good thing.  It had to be done.  It just feels so… final.”

“Well that asshole doesn’t deserve another second of your thoughts, you hear me?” She puts her hands on my shoulders and looks me straight in the eye.  “Not another second.  You go out and have a drink and flirt and maybe even kiss.  And who knows?  You might get lucky!”

My heart thumps in my chest and I shake my head.  “I don’t know.  I don’t know if I should be doing this.  It feels like it’s too soon.”

Jess scoffs. “People love to judge others for moving on too soon. I say the quicker the better. Ronnie didn’t give you the respect to be faithful during your marriage, and now you’re a free woman. You don’t need to jump into bed with anyone!  All I'm saying is if another man wants to give you attention and a bit of affection, then enjoy every single second of it.”

I nod and wipe my cheeks.  A few tears have fallen out of my eyes and I quickly brush them away.  Jess pulls me in for another hug and then takes a step back and claps her hands together.

“Ok.  We only have a few hours.  What are you wearing?  I’m thinking tight jeans and a sexy tank top.  Maybe with a cropped blazer and some good accessories?  We can blow dry your hair and give you a nice smokey eye.  I’m thinking soft pink lips, nothing too bold.  You know, something… kissable.”

I can’t help but laugh.  My throat still feels tight and my laugh comes out as a gurgle, but I nod my head and sniff my nose. 

“Sounds good.  How about this top?” I say as I pull out a black camisole with a lacy trim.  Jess nods.


I smile and take a deep breath.  She’s right.  A date is just a date, and a drink is just a drink.  I’m divorced now, and I’m allowed to go out and enjoy myself.  I’m not doing myself any favours by wallowing by myself at home.  If a sexy, funny man who happens to be very caring and loves kids wants to take me out for a drink, then who am I to refuse?  I should go out and enjoy myself.

Jess and I go through my wardrobe and my accessories.  Pretty soon the nervousness dissipates and all that’s left is excitement.