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Knocked Up by the Billionaire's Son: A Secret Baby Romance by Lilian Monroe (25)

25 - Dean





Sam looks a bit tense as the elevator dings open and I guide her down the hallway towards my door.  I look at her and smile.

“Don’t worry,” I say as I look for my keys.  “We’re just going to have a drink.  I’m not going to suddenly expect you to sleep with me just because you decided to come up to my apartment.”

Sam’s shoulders relax slightly and she smiles.  She nods.

“Okay.  Thanks, Dean.”

I laugh as I slide the keys in the door.  “I’m not an asshole, Sam.  You’ve just had to deal with your ex acting like a toddler having a temper tantrum.  I just want you to relax and feel good.  I mean it.”  I turn to her and smile.  She nods again and I tilt her chin up towards me with my finger.  I lay a soft kiss on her lips and breathe in that floral scent that I’ve come to love over the past few days.  When I pull away, Sam’s smile looks a bit easier, and she lets out a sigh to relax herself.

I laugh.  “Come on.  What are you drinking?  Wine?  Whiskey?  Coffee?  Tell me about your new job.”  I step into my apartment and throw my keys onto the table by the door.  I strip my jacket off and stretch my neck back and forth, heading for the fridge.

It’s not until I hear Sam’s gasp that I turn to look at her.  Her jaw is hanging open as she looks across the room to the wall of windows.  She glances back at me and shakes her head.

“You weren’t kidding, the view is amazing.”

“Wait until nighttime,” I say as I open the fridge and grab a beer for myself.  “You can see the lights of the city so clearly from up here.  What are you drinking?”

“Wow,” Sam says, taking a step towards the windows.  She glances back at me.  “I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

I nod and pull out another beer, holding it in the crook of my broken arm to pop the cap off.  Sam is opening the sliding glass doors and stepping out onto the balcony, so I bring our drinks out to join her.

“This is incredible, Dean.”

“It’s not bad, yeah,” I reply as I lift the beer to my lips.  “Easy to get used to.”

Sam takes her beer and stares at me.  She narrows her eyes as she searches my face, tilting her head to the side.

“Dean, how rich are you, really?  I mean, all this, the cars…” Her voice trails off as she glances back at the view.  I chuckle.

“I’m not struggling for money.  Well, I wasn’t.  I never thought my own father would fire me.”

Sam turns back to me and puts her hand on my arm.  “I’m sorry.  What happened?”

“Just family stuff,” I say, not wanting to talk about it.  The less I have to think about Victoria and my family, the better.  Sam nods and takes a sip of her beer.  The sun is starting to go down and it’s giving everything a golden aura.  Sam’s skin looks like she’s been dipped in a vat of gold, and her hair is shining like a halo around her head.  I put my beer down on the table and run my fingers along her jaw to tangle them at the base of her head.  She groans and takes a step closer to me, running her fingers up my chest to touch my neck.

My whole body feels electric when we kiss. The second her lips touch mine, my feet leave the ground and I’m floating in space.  She wraps her fingers around my neck, her other hand still holding the bottle of beer as I pull her closer to me.  I can’t get enough of her.  I want her closer, I want to taste her more, to feel more of her body against mine.  I want to run my fingers over every inch of her and taste and kiss every bit of skin that I can find.  I let my lips trail down her neck and across her collarbone as her fingers tangle into my hair.  She moans and a thrill passes straight through my stomach.  My cock is aching for her.

“Let’s go inside,” she breathes.  I pull away and nod.  “The couch,” she says.  She drops her beer next to mine and closes the sliding glass door when we step through.  I sit down on the couch and groan when she swings her legs over to straddle me.  Her chest is pressed against my cast, her centre next to mine.  I can feel the heat between her legs radiating as my cock jumps up against my pants.

“Sam,” I groan. 

“What,” she says, dipping her head down to kiss my earlobe, and then my neck, and then that little bit of space between my collarbones.  Her lips come up to find mine again and she grinds against me as we kiss.  The passion between us intensifies as she starts to unbutton my shirt, slowly at first, and then more frantically as she gets closer to my pants.  She pulls the shirt away from my chest and runs her fingers up my stomach, exhaling as she watches her hand crawl up my chest.

“I’ve been thinking about your chest ever since the hospital parking lot,” she breathes.  “It feels so good to touch it.”

I groan, leaning my head back against the back of the sofa.  “Touch it all you want,” I say.  She runs her fingers up over my cast, trailing them up to my shoulders.

“You’re so muscular,” she says. 

“I work out,” I reply with a grin.  Sam laughs.  I run my hand down her chest and rest it against her breast.  I give it a squeeze and groan as she grinds her hips into me at the same time.

“Sam,” I breathe.  “Are you sure about this?”

Sam’s eyes flick up to mine and she bites her lip.  There’s a spark in her look that I’ve never seen before, and it sends a thrill straight to my cock.  She nods her head slowly as her hand travels down my stomach to rest on top of my pants.  She strokes my hard cock back and forth as I groan.

“Yeah,” she finally replies.  “I’m sure.”