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Misconduct: Birmingham Rebels by Samantha Kane (19)

Chapter 19

Danny sat down on the bench and threw a towel over his head as players came over, shouting and pounding him on the shoulder. He’d scored in the first five minutes of the game. But he knew from experience you couldn’t sit back at this point, not unless you wanted to lose the game. Football games could turn on a dime, everyone knew that. But they’d discussed this game and the importance of taking the lead early. That was the key to their strategy. The Colts had had trouble all season coming back from a deficit.

Danny was not going to lose this game. They needed to go against the Rough Riders off a win. Psychologically, it made all the difference in the world. A win tonight meant they’d go into the game higher in the standings than Vegas. It also meant they’d lock down second place in the division and get a bye during the wild-card playoffs, then face either the Bills or the Texans in the second-round division playoffs. They’d already beaten the Texans this year, so that was a good option. If they lost this game and the Rough Riders game, they’d fall to third in the division, and lose the wild-card bye. They’d still be in the playoffs, the first time ever for the Rebels, but not in an ideal position. Everyone was trying to play it cool and stay healthy for the playoffs, but Danny and the other playoff veterans on the team knew positioning was key to making it to the next round. Danny had never been to the Super Bowl. He’d like to do that before he retired from football.

Tom sat down next to him and punched him lightly on the top of his thigh. “Good run,” he said. Marian sat down on the other side with her tablet.

“Look at this,” she said. She shoved it in front of him and played the game film. “Watch Becker. See the way he feints to the left trying to draw you out? If you hadn’t been so quick to recover he would have gotten you on that. You let DeShawn worry about him. You had two linemen coming straight at you. They aren’t messing around. They’ve got two guys on you and they’re not going to let up.” She leaned over and included Tom in their discussion. “We’ve decided to go to the Triple D offense. You two and Beau will all be out there. Watch for Ty to switch up the signals.”

“Did you see Gandolfini?” Tom asked. He reached over and hit replay. “He didn’t even look anywhere else except Ty. He’s gunning for him.”

“How did you see that?” Danny asked. He didn’t know why he was still surprised when Tom knew what was going on better than Danny did. Tom saw a lot more than the average player. He thought a lot like a coach.

“Good eye,” Marian said. “But Ty is on a roll. They know the only way to stop him is to sack him. Brian’s talking to him and Cass and Kitt. Kitt’s making his career this year on protecting Ty’s ass. You worry about getting past their defense.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Tom said earnestly. Danny grinned, staring off at the field. He loved how polite Tom was. He was almost a cliché, the overly polite farm kid from the Midwest. But Tom was too genuine to make it a cliché. When he said ma’am or asked if he could help, he meant it.

By the middle of the fourth quarter the Rebels led 24 to 17. It wasn’t a comfortable lead. The Colts were one touchdown away from tying it. The Rebels had the ball and they were on the Colts twenty-five-yard line when disaster struck.

“Hi forty-two!” Ty screamed out the count as the stadium echoed with the noise of the Colts fans. Cass hiked the ball and Ty fell back in the pocket. Danny turned at the ten and caught a beautiful pass. He had just been forced out of bounds when he heard a collective gasp from the fans. He turned around and saw a pileup where Ty should be, but players were frantically scrambling out of the way as the ref blew the whistle. Immediately, the Rebels trainers ran for Ty, who was lying on the ground in a little ball, holding his shoulder. Kitt Doyle was on the ground, too, not far away. He was on his back with his foot in the air. Danny ran over and grabbed Tom.

“What happened?” he asked.

“Kitt slipped and fell and did something to his ankle, and Gandolfini had a clear lane. He hit Ty and Ty was screaming before he hit the ground. I think he dislocated his shoulder or something.”

“Fuck!” Danny yelled. He spun around and put his hands on his hips. Ty and Kitt were both having stellar seasons and were a big part of the reason they were going to the playoffs. He could hear the trainers asking Ty questions about a concussion. Danny turned to Tom. “How hard did he hit the ground? Do you think he has a concussion, too?”

“Maybe,” Tom said frowning. “He slammed down. He was trying to protect his shoulder, not his head.”

Cass came over and Danny could tell he was pissed. “I can’t believe they haven’t called them for roughing the passer,” he snarled. “That’s bullshit! It was a late hit. We all know it was a late hit.”

“Ty’s getting up,” Tom said. “Come on.” He jogged over to where Ty was and exchanged a couple of words with him. Danny knew Tom and Ty were close. He liked Ty, but after that evening with Marian, when Ty had held him down and kissed him, Danny had a hard time being around him. He was embarrassed by what he’d done with Ty, and by how easily Ty had read him and known that he’d like that. He watched Tom squeeze Ty’s good shoulder and jog back over to them. “He said his shoulder is fucked. He heard something pop, and it hurt so bad he thought he might pass out. That doesn’t sound good.”

Danny’s heart sank. “There’s no way we’re winning the Rough Riders game without Ty,” he said flatly. “We are fucked in the playoffs.”

“Parris is a good quarterback,” Cass said tightly. “Marlon can handle it.”

“He hasn’t started one game this season,” Danny pointed out.

“That is not the attitude he needs to see when he gets out here,” Cass said angrily. “Get your shit together and help him. Jesus Christ, get out of your head and quit worrying about the Rough Riders. We need to get through this game. We have almost seven minutes left and we need to score.” He ran for the sideline, where Marian was motioning him in. The two of them huddled with Brian Mason, the quarterback coach and Ty’s boyfriend. Brian had to be going nuts with worry while he was forced to keep doing his job. A second later, Brian motioned backup quarterback Marlon Parris over to the huddle.

The second cart had rolled off the field carrying Kitt Doyle. If his ankle was screwed up, he’d be out for the playoffs, too. As soon as the cart was off, Cass and Marlon jogged out onto the field.

“Let’s go!” Marlon called out. The offense huddled. “We’ve lost a time-out to the injuries. No penalty on the Colts, which is bullshit. But clear that out of your heads. We need to carry this ball into the end zone. Kelly, you game?” He looked at Tom, all business. Parris seemed to have nerves of steel. He’d been waiting all season for this.

“I’m in,” Tom said.

“Good. On Miami fifteen. Smith, run wide. Perez, block Odom so Tom can cross the line. Let’s go!” Parris clapped his hands and they all broke for the line of scrimmage, lining up. This was a play they hadn’t done yet. Parris liked a running game, although he could throw when he needed to.

Parris called the play and Danny ran wide. As they’d been counting on, the two linemen stayed with Danny. Parris handed Tom the ball and Tom pushed straight through the line. As he was dragged down by one of the Colts, he got the ball over the goal line for a touchdown.

Danny ran over and they jumped in the air and high-fived. He and Tom celebrated with a stupid handshake that involved slaps and ended with a clap. Tom had taught it to Danny and forced him to do it whenever one of them scored. Superstition made Danny keep doing it. Hey, they’d gotten this far with it.

Nigel came out and kicked the extra point. They were two touchdowns ahead. But other than the handshake there wasn’t much celebrating. They’d lost their starting quarterback and their best offensive tackle. The end of the season was officially up in the air. How the hell were they going to beat the Rough Riders?

Tom clicked off the TV in their hotel room as Danny came out of the bathroom after taking a shower. Danny still had a towel wrapped around his neck. The only thing he wore was a pair of black boxer briefs. Tom was leaning back against the pillows on his bed wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He’d always found it odd that Danny was so comfortable without his clothes on around him. After all, Danny knew he was into guys, and he knew that Tom was open to the two of them doing more than just having sex with different people while they were in the same room. At least, Tom thought he knew that. He definitely knew that Tom still thought about what had happened with Marian, and how Danny had reacted that night.

“I can’t believe Ty’s out for the rest of the season and the playoffs,” Tom said, forcing his mind to think about something other than Danny in nothing but those tight briefs. His best friend packed some heat, that was for damn sure.

“I hope that’s all it is,” Danny said grimly. “Injuries like that can sideline a career for a quarterback. A torn rotator cuff is serious.”

“He seemed pretty upbeat at the hospital.” They’d gone to visit him after the game and Ty had been joking and laughing. His girlfriend, Randi, was flying into Indianapolis tonight and was going to stay with him until he could travel home. Their boyfriend, Brian, had to go back to Birmingham with the team. He and Marlon had a lot of work to do to get the backup quarterback up to speed before the Rough Riders game on New Year’s Day.

“It’s a sucky way to spend Christmas,” Danny said. “He’s got to be feeling that.” He tossed the towel onto the back of the chair by the window and then walked over and crawled onto his bed. They had two king beds in a nice suite at a luxury hotel. Tom had sure traveled in style since he joined the Rebels. “Shit, I’m tired,” Danny said.

“Well, you left before the sun came up yesterday and then played four quarters of hard ball today. That takes a toll. What had you up so early?”

“I couldn’t sleep is all,” Danny said absently. “Thought I might as well get in a workout.”

“So not only did you get up super early, but you probably overdid it in the weight room,” Tom said. “You always do. No wonder you’re tired.”

“Shut up. I already got it from Marian.” Danny cracked his neck and then put a hand on his right shoulder and rotated it. “That hit in the third quarter hurt.”

“Want me to get you another ice pack?” Tom started to get up.

“No, man,” Danny said. “I’m beginning to feel like an iceberg.” He stretched his arms over his head. “I was hoping a hot shower would take care of it. Helped a little, I guess.” He looked over his shoulder at Tom. “Can you put an elbow in it? I’ve got a knot the size of a soccer ball.”

“That’s a big knot,” he said with a laugh as he got up. Danny scooted over to sit on the edge of the bed while Tom crawled over and kneeled behind him. “Here?” he asked, rubbing a spot on Danny’s shoulder. Danny’s skin was still warm and soft from the shower, and Tom bit back a groan. The guy didn’t even know what a temptation he was.

“No,” Danny said, unaware of Tom’s dilemma. “Right here.” He grabbed Tom’s wrist and moved his hand, and the contact was so unexpected that Tom jerked back. “What?” Danny said, looking at him funny.

“Nothing,” Tom said. “You just startled me.” He reached for Danny again. “Here, right?” He dug his thumb into the knot and Danny groaned.

“Hell, yeah,” Danny said in a guttural voice. “Right there. Don’t stop.”

Tom had to bite back a laugh. “You know, I get that a lot in bed.”

“Ha ha,” Danny said. He groaned again. “That hurts so good.”

“Another top ten response in bed.” Tom was starting to enjoy this.

“Oh, Tom, you’re the best,” Danny said in a high-pitched voice. “So amazing. I’ve never had better.” Tom laughed out loud.

“That’s numbers one, two, and three on the list,” he said. “How’d you know?”

“We’ve all heard it before,” Danny said with a sigh. He twisted his head to the side, giving Tom more room to rub his shoulder. “They never mean it, farm boy. Trust me.”

“They mean every word,” Tom declared. “At least where I’m concerned. You, I’m not so sure.” Danny huffed out a little laugh.

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he said.

It was on the tip of Tom’s tongue to say yes, but he thought better of it. Instead he casually said, “Carmina seemed to think so. About you, I mean.” He could feel Danny tense up under his hands, but he kept massaging his shoulder.

“Look, I’m sorry about that,” Danny finally said. “I didn’t know you and she were exclusive. Or that you wanted to be. I mean, I knew you liked her, but you don’t do exclusive. At least, not since I’ve known you. Ah, hell. What I’m saying is, I thought she was available, that you two were just fooling around. And she didn’t tell me any different when I mentioned you. I realize now she was probably nervous or surprised and her words failed her. But I wasn’t thinking that clearly when I saw her in my shower.” After a pause he asked. “Is she mad at me about it? Or upset? I didn’t want to hurt her.”

“She’s not upset,” Tom told him. He dug his elbow into the knot in Danny’s back and Danny yelped. Tom was sadistically satisfied by that sound of pain. “I think she’s relieved. Not that you gave her the brush-off—”

“I didn’t give her the brush-off,” Danny protested through clenched teeth.

“But that she finally had an orgasm,” Tom continued as if he hadn’t heard Danny. He released the pressure on Danny’s back and Danny took a deep breath while Tom gently massaged his back again. “So, are you going to tell me how you made that happen? Woman hasn’t had one in almost three years and you make it happen without even trying.”

Danny eased away from his hands, and Tom sat back on his heels. Danny slid over so they weren’t sitting so close, and pulled one leg up on the bed, bending his knee as he faced Tom. “I honestly don’t know,” he said, looking puzzled. “It was a wham, bam, thank you, ma’am. And I don’t mean that in a bad way.” He looked at Tom skeptically. “Are you sure you want to hear this?”

“Yeah,” Tom said, surprised. “Of course I do. Why not?”

“I mean, I’m talking about boning your girl,” Danny said. “That doesn’t make you a little crazy?”

“Okay, it bugs me a little because I’m so close to both of you, and you guys did it without talking to me or anything,” Tom said honestly. “If it were any other guy, yeah, I’d have flattened him already. But we’re best friends, right? So I don’t want to let what happened—which I know you didn’t do to intentionally hurt me—ruin our friendship. And you got her off, which is awesome. But I want to get her off, too. That’s what she’s been so worried about, so accomplishing that should help her relax, and maybe that will help her and me in bed. I’m trying to see the positive in what happened, which means you have to teach me how to get her off.”

Danny laughed incredulously. “Man, that is some fucked-up logic, but I’m glad that’s how you’re looking at it. Not sure what I can teach you about fucking, though. It’s like your second career.” Tom didn’t like the sound of that and he frowned.

“That’s not true,” he said defensively. “Yeah, the last few months I’ve been making up for lost time, but so have you.”

“Yeah, but I ain’t been doing guys,” Danny said. “You’re a one-man wrecking crew. I don’t know shit about that.”

“I don’t want you to teach me how to fuck a guy,” Danny said. “They’re easy. Guys like it all. You know? I want you to teach me about Carmina.”

“You’ve been with her,” Danny said. He looked uncomfortable. “What did you do?”

“Well, the first time she was kind of shy, so I went slow and I licked her pussy first. She came real close. I thought she was going to come. I didn’t know she had a problem with it then. When she couldn’t get off, I fucked her. I was waiting for her when she confessed she couldn’t come. I was ready to stop then, but she begged me to finish. Said it had been so long and she loved the way it felt, wanted me to come. So I did.” Tom shrugged. “And I felt like a selfish asshole afterwards. But she said it was okay, that she enjoyed it even if she didn’t come.”

“Jesus,” Danny said. “That sounds like a nightmare.”

“No, it wasn’t,” Tom insisted. “I could tell she meant it. Afterwards she told me that she’s been trying to get herself off with vibrators and toys, but that hasn’t worked and she thought maybe a real dick would do it.” He shook his head. “It didn’t. At least not my dick. Have you got something special that I don’t?”

Danny grinned and brushed his shoulder off. “Oh, hell, yeah,” he bragged. “My dick is world class.” Tom laughed because Danny was obviously joking. “Seriously, man, it’s an average dick. And I will deny I ever said that if you repeat it.”

“Well, I can tell that it’s big,” Tom told him. “You walk around in those tight briefs all the time, showing it off.”

“Are you checking out my dick?” Danny asked in shock.

“It’s there,” Tom said with a shrug. “I’m not ignoring it.” Danny shoved his shoulder.

“Man, stop looking at my dick,” he said. Tom shoved him back.

“No,” he said. Danny pushed back and before Tom knew it they were wrestling on the bed laughing. Tom pinned Danny pretty easily, sitting on his stomach and holding his wrists over his head on the bed.

“Shit,” Danny said, panting. “You outweigh me, otherwise I would have kicked your ass.”

“Bullshit,” Tom said, laughing. “It doesn’t matter how much time you spend in the weight room, a farm boy will always outwrestle a city boy.”

“The mean streets of Atlanta did not prepare me for you,” Danny said in agreement. “Let go.” He tried to pull his left hand free, but Tom held tight.

“Tell me about Carmina,” he demanded. He didn’t know why he was goading Danny like this. He knew what this position would do to him, even if Danny didn’t want to admit it. Tom wanted it. He wanted to make Danny lose his cool. No, he wanted to turn him on. That’s what Tom wanted. He wanted Danny as aroused as he was. Maybe it was bad of him, but he didn’t care.

“Fine,” Danny snapped. “I walked in and she was naked in the shower. She’s a fucking brick house, and you know it. Stopped me in my tracks. Then she looked up and saw me. At first she was startled and tried to cover up, but then she dropped her arms and the look she gave me said yes. Right?” He stopped. Tom waited, but he didn’t say anything else.

“And?” Tom asked. “How’d you get from walking in to fucking her until she came?” He readjusted his hold on Danny’s wrists, tightening his grip. He watched as Danny took a deep breath, his nostrils flaring, either in anger or arousal. Maybe both. Tom grinned, letting Danny know that Tom knew he was getting to him.

“So I got in the shower with her and then everything moved pretty fast,” Danny said tightly, trying to pretend he wasn’t getting turned on. “We kissed, and suddenly I had to be inside her. She was all into it, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me, and I just lifted her up with my hands on that J-Lo ass and told her to put my dick in her, and she did.” Tom was a little taken aback.

“No foreplay?” he asked. “Seriously? You just shoved your dick in her?”

“She didn’t want foreplay,” Danny claimed. “She was as hot for it as I was. Told me to fuck her. So I gave it to her good, slamming her against the tile, and she fucking loved it. I think I waited until she came, but it was damn close.”

“So you did that caveman thing you do?” Tom asked. “I’ve seen you do it, man. You just fuck them hard and take what you want.” He was pretty surprised that that was what had gotten Carmina off. She’d seemed so shy when they were in bed together. But at the club, she’d been into that. Tom had done almost the same thing, but then she’d backed off. What had gone wrong when Tom had done it that hadn’t gone wrong when Danny did it?

“I took her to Johnny’s,” Tom told Danny. He adjusted his hips and slid back a little on Danny’s stomach. He knew exactly when his ass hit Danny’s cock. Danny sucked in a breath. “I tried the same thing,” Tom continued in a low voice, as if nothing had happened. “I took her out on the dance floor and we humped out there with my hands on that ass, and then I carried her back to the corner and slammed her against the wall and shoved my hand down her pants. She was totally into it. Hot and wet, her pussy was saying yes.” Danny’s eyes were nearly crossed, he was so turned on, his breath sawing in and out of his lungs. “I fucked her with my big-ass fingers,” Tom said, squeezing Danny’s wrists. “She was getting off on it, getting off on having a table full of people watching us. Then all of a sudden she hit the brakes. I still don’t know why. My dick was so hard it hurt.” He leaned forward and pressed his hard cock against Danny’s stomach. “Sort of like now,” he said, watching Danny.

“Boy, what are you doing?” Danny asked, his voice strained. Tom could tell he was trying to be reasonable.

“I want to get you off,” Tom told him. “I’m feeling a little insecure about it since I can’t get Carmina off.”

“I ain’t one of your damn boyfriends,” Danny said, rocking his hips to knock Tom off. He stopped almost as soon as he started, because all it did was rub his dick on Tom’s ass and force Tom’s dick into his stomach. Tom groaned.

“Don’t do that,” Tom said. “Or do it again. And again.”

“Get off me, you asshole,” Danny said breathlessly. “This is not going to happen.”

“Speak for yourself,” Tom told him. “It is totally going to happen for me. Right here, right now. Or pretty damn soon. I thought holding you down would get you off, but it’s making me pretty hot, too.”

“Tom, seriously,” Danny begged. “Don’t.”

“Why?” Tom asked. “There’s nothing wrong with it. It feels so fucking good.” He dragged his crotch down Danny’s stomach until he could press their hard cocks together. Danny cut off a guttural sound before it could fully escape. “See?” Tom said. “It’s just me, Danny. You can let go with me. I know you don’t want anyone to see this, to see who you really are. But I won’t tell. You know I won’t. Let me. Come on.” Danny shook his head, but his hips pressed up, and Tom gasped at how good it felt. “That’s it,” he whispered. “Give me what I want. You’ve got no choice. I’m in control.” He was winging it. He’d never actually played these kinds of games before. Some of his lovers had wanted to, but Tom didn’t, because it reminded him of Danny. Had he held back because he was saving it for his best friend?

Danny turned his head to the side, but he thrust his hips up at Tom again. Tom grabbed both Danny’s wrists in one hand, then he leaned down and licked the side of Danny’s neck. “You taste like soap and sweat and desperation,” Tom whispered in his ear. “You want to come, don’t you?” Shit, it was all Tom could do not to go off like a rocket. He pulled back and reached down, shoving Danny’s underwear out of the way.

“What are you doing?” Danny asked, turning panicked eyes up at Tom. “You didn’t say anything about that. About touching me.”

“I can do anything I want to you,” Tom told him. “I’m on top. I own you right now.” It was the right thing to say. Danny’s pupils were huge and he was breathing so damn hard. “I want to see what Carmina enjoyed so much. I’m going to jack us both off,” Tom told him. “Together.”

“No,” Danny said forcefully. “Don’t.”

“You’re afraid because you know you want it,” Tom told him quietly. “You know how sweet it’s going to feel if you just lie back and let me do what I want. Let me make you feel good. You don’t have to do a damn thing.” Tom shoved his shorts down over his hips, exposing his hard cock, then he pressed it to Danny’s bare erection. He shuddered at the contact and Danny whimpered, his hips thrusting up against Tom. “You just lie there and let me do all the work,” Tom told him. “Let me get you off.” He couldn’t believe how hot this was, or that he was actually doing it. He’d been fantasizing about Danny for months, and now he was living those fantasies. Their cocks pressed together were so damn hot to see, black and white, Danny’s thick and long, Tom’s a little shorter and a little fatter. He rubbed his thumb over the slits in both cocks, smearing the precum across them, and Danny groaned.

He didn’t want Danny to hate it later. He tried to get his thoughts together so he could say the right thing. “This isn’t about us being guys, Danny,” he told him as he gathered their cocks together in his fist. “This is about me being in control of you. About how much you need that and how much I want to give that to you. I know you’re not excited because we both have dicks. You’re excited because I’ve got you pinned down, because I’m holding you down. I own you. You have to do what I want. And that excites you. Hell, it’s exciting me. That’s hot. If you can’t do this with anyone else, I’ll give it to you. Okay?” Danny gasped as Tom began to pump their dicks in his fist. “You don’t have to say a word, Danny,” Tom said breathlessly. “Nothing. I’m going to take care of you.”

Tom felt Danny relax under him. “Fine,” Danny said. “You want to see it? You like to watch me? I can do that. Because it is hot and I do like it. There? Happy?”

“Yeah,” Tom said. “Yeah I am. And so are you.”

Danny’s hips moved, but not in the jerky way they had before. This time he was thrusting into Tom’s hand, letting the pleasure take over, letting Tom own him, and it was glorious to watch. Danny’s whole face transformed as he fell into a smooth, hard rhythm, and Tom grew tense, hoping he could hold off his own orgasm until after Danny came. Danny’s dick grew rigid in his hand, the veins bulging. “Are you going to come?” Tom asked in a whisper. “I’m so close. Owning you like this has me so fucking hot I’m going to blow.” Danny twisted under him, driving his cock into Tom’s fist. “Do it,” Tom demanded. “Come all over my hand. All over my dick. That’s what I want, and you have to do as I say. Do it.” He squeezed Danny’s wrists tight, and Danny gave a shout and came, his dick pulsing hard in Tom’s fist. Tom groaned and let his own orgasm go. The heat of his release as it pulsed out of his dick made him shiver. “Oh, yeah,” he groaned. “Like that. Hell, yeah.” When it was over he just sat there on top of Danny for about a minute, panting.

“Get off me,” Danny finally said, his voice hoarse. Tom let go of his hands and rolled off to lie beside him panting. “I can’t believe I just let you do that, motherfucker,” Danny said. His tone didn’t sound nearly as upset as his words indicated.

“You wanted it,” Tom told him. “You admitted as much. I know I sure as hell did. Listening to you talk about fucking Carmina had me seriously on edge.”

“Carmina?” Danny asked incredulously. He rolled off the bed and yanked his shorts up. They immediately grew dark with a wet stain from the come all over his groin. “You just used my…that was private and, damn it, I told you it was a one-time deal. And you used it against me, used what you know.”

“That you like a little bondage?” Tom asked, leaning up on one elbow. “Yeah. Yeah, I did. It’s hot. Sue me.”

“Cover that damn thing up,” Danny said, gesturing to Tom’s dick.

“It’s not a thing,” Tom said, falling back on his shoulders so he could lift his hips and pull his shorts up. “It’s a dick. A very satisfied dick, thank you very much. And you’re welcome.”

“I’m supposed to thank you?” Danny asked, crossing his arms.

“Yeah, you are,” Tom said, rolling off Danny’s bed. “I jerked us both off because we were horny and it needed to be done. And I made you see that what you want isn’t so bad after all, is it? Carmina is totally into me being with guys, by the way.”

Danny’s mouth dropped open. “You didn’t tell her about me, did you?” he asked.

“No, I didn’t tell her,” Tom said. “I promised I wouldn’t. Look, this didn’t mean anything, right? Isn’t that what you told her? This isn’t any different than what you and she did, is it? We were both here, we were both horny, we were talking about Carmina and it happened. It was good. I’m happy now. You’re happy now.”

“I am not happy now,” Danny said, stalking toward the bathroom. “I’m taking another shower.”

“Want me to join you?” Tom called after him. Danny slammed the bathroom door.