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Misconduct: Birmingham Rebels by Samantha Kane (5)

Chapter 5

Danny leaned against the wall in Nigel Locke’s living room, sipping his beer. Nigel had a penthouse at the luxury apartment complex next to the arena. A lot of the players had places there, including Danny and Tom. Danny wondered how Locke had gotten a penthouse. These things weren’t cheap. He glanced around at the pictures on the wall. Some of them were action shots of Nigel playing soccer in Europe. He’d played for several teams in the Premier League and the Bundesliga. There were also photos of him in advertisements for big-name products like Coke and Nike. Damn. He really had been a superstar over there. He didn’t act like it at all. Didn’t look like it, either. He wasn’t model pretty like Beckham. Apparently he’d once gotten on the wrong side of a bookie, who’d cut him up. He had scars on either side of his mouth that made him look a little like the Joker. Nigel called it a Glasgow smile. He’d had a pretty solid season with the Rebels this year, but it must be hard to go from superstar to average kicker.

This party was pretty low-key. Nothing like the blowout he and Tom had a while ago, when some dickhead had caught a bunch of them on video having sex. Danny came off the best in that one because he’d been having sex with two women. King and Sam and Jane had taken the brunt of the abuse for their make-out session, even though Tom had been caught getting blown by a guy. But it had been darker in Tom’s corner and harder to see what was going on. Somehow Tom’s misconduct always seemed to be treated lightly while other guys had the book thrown at them.

Hard to hate the kid, though. He was the best roommate Danny had ever had, honestly. Funny, generous, loyal, easygoing; Tom was an all-around nice guy. Danny hadn’t known a lot of those in his lifetime. Tom had sort of renewed Danny’s faith in mankind, but he’d never tell Tom that. The kid was pretty cocky already. If anyone had told Danny a year ago that his best friend was going to be some big, corn-fed, white Nebraska rookie, he’d have laughed in their face. But Tom had seen Danny at his most vulnerable, knew Danny’s deepest secrets, and he hadn’t taken advantage of it or of him. They’d gotten into some freaky shit the past few months, so much so that it was now routine for them to have sex with other people while they were in the same room. Another thing Danny wouldn’t have believed a year ago. But Danny figured the kink factor on that was pretty low, so he wasn’t going to worry too much about it. After all, sex for him had become just another thing to do, like playing videogames or eating dinner. It wasn’t like he had to work for it, or it meant anything. Every time he turned around there were women begging for it. He’d actually come to Nigel’s tonight to get away from that scene.

“Hey, Smith,” Nigel said as he walked up and stopped in front of Danny. “Surprised to see you all alone over here. You all right?” His question was friendly enough, so Danny didn’t take offense.

“How come you came to Birmingham to play for the Rebels?” Danny asked, instead of answering Nigel’s question. He pointed at one of the photos. “From the looks of things, you did all right. You don’t need the money.”

Nigel didn’t appear to take offense at Danny’s question, either. “Well, money is always good,” he said with a wink. Sometimes he reminded Danny of a leprechaun, with his mannerisms and the way he talked. “But I don’t need it, no. I made plenty.” He shrugged. “I just wasn’t ready to fade away, I guess. Playing pro ball of any kind is better than sitting around playing with your own balls all day.”

“Speak for yourself,” Tom said as he fell back against the wall beside Danny with a thud. He grinned. “I like playing with my own balls.”

“Is there anything you won’t say?” Danny asked him, shaking his head.

“Not much,” Tom answered, pretending to think about it. “I won’t tell a pretty girl to go away. I won’t say no to a blow job from just about anybody. I won’t ever insult someone’s mother. That’s not cool, man. Or someone’s wife or girlfriend. Or boyfriend. I wouldn’t say no to another beer. I—”

“Okay, okay, I get it,” Danny said, holding his hand up to stop him.

Tom was looking across the room. “I wouldn’t say no to her,” he said, gesturing with his beer. Danny looked over and saw Carmina de la Cruz had just walked in with Sam and King and their girlfriend, and was now standing by the door looking very nervous.

“Bloody hell,” Nigel said under his breath.

Danny silently agreed. Danny had never seen Carmina in anything other than jeans or workout clothes, but she’d dressed up tonight. She wore a tight dress and high heels with those sexy ankle straps, and her lips were all shiny with some kind of gloss or something. The dress wasn’t cheap looking or slutty. It was high-class, a deep burgundy-red color, sleeveless, with a round neck that didn’t show anything below her collarbones. And it came to the middle of her thighs, so not too short. But it was clingy and sort of gathered at the waist, and it gave her a curvy, hourglass figure that was blowing everyone’s mind. At least it was his. And Tom’s and Nigel’s, too.

“Any man who said no to that would be the world’s greatest idiot, mate,” Nigel said.

“She barely speaks to me,” Tom said, sounding sad.

“She barely speaks to anyone,” Danny pointed out. “That don’t mean nothing.”

“I’m pretty sure I’ve been relegated to the ‘friend’ department,” Nigel said with a sigh. “I guess I brought that on myself by being, you know, a friend.”

Danny laughed. “Yeah, that’ll happen,” he said. He took a sip of his beer, not looking away from Carmina. There was something different about her tonight, and it wasn’t just the dress. He watched her look around the room. It suddenly hit him that she was on the prowl. Sam’s little buddy was out to get a little somethin’ somethin’ tonight. Danny frowned as he followed her gaze. “Oh, hell no,” he said under his breath as she stared too long at Rasheed Davis. Davis played safety and stood out even in this crowd. His skin was darker than any other black man Danny knew, including him. Rasheed liked to wear thick silver hoop earrings that somehow managed to make him look like a badass. Carmina was not getting with Rasheed. Over Danny’s dead body. But he still wasn’t ready to go there himself. He pushed Tom’s shoulder. “Go talk to her.”

“What?” Tom asked, staring at him. “Did you not hear me? She doesn’t talk to me.”

“I’ve seen you talking to her,” Nigel said. “She talks back.”

“She’s looking at Rasheed,” Danny warned him.

“What?” Tom craned his neck to see through the crowd. “Damn.” Danny could see he was fighting indecision.

“Man up, farm boy,” he said sharply. “You want her getting with Rasheed? Or with you?”

“Well, that’s a stupid question,” Tom said. “Why are you suddenly high on me getting with Carmina?”

“Yeah,” Nigel said, watching them. “Why?” He sipped his beer and looked back and forth between them.

“Because I know you have a crush on her,” Danny said. It wasn’t really the reason. Or maybe it was. He didn’t know why, really. “I don’t want to have to listen to you pissing and moaning about losing her to Rasheed.”

“I’m not in kindergarten,” Tom said. “I don’t have crushes. But if you’re trying to say I want her bad, then, okay, true.”

“Now I’m on Team Danny,” Nigel said. “You’re a good guy. Go talk to her. I’ll vouch for you. I’m the friend, remember? I’ll be your wingman. But if you fuck her over, I’ll have to hurt you.” Nigel looked dead serious.

“O-kay,” Tom said. “Why do I feel like you guys are pimping me out?”

“You don’t have to have sex with her,” Danny told him impatiently. As a matter of fact, he didn’t want them to have sex at all. He just wanted Tom to monopolize her and keep Rasheed away. Rasheed had noticed her looking his way. “Hurry. Davis is sizing her up.”

“Shit,” Tom said. “Do I look okay?” He put his beer down and smoothed his short, brown hair into place. Not that it was ever out of place. Danny was pretty sure the kid was going to get some lucrative endorsement deals after the season was over, because he’d made a name for himself and he was very photogenic. Danny was man enough to admit Tom was pretty damn hot.

“You look the same as you always do,” Danny told him, pushing him toward her. “Why didn’t you wear something nicer than that?” Tom had on a black T-shirt and jeans with a leather jacket. They were nice clothes, but he looked like the guy from the wrong side of the tracks. “Davis is wearing a fucking suit.”

“We were coming to Nigel’s!” Tom exclaimed. “I didn’t know I needed to wear church clothes.”

“I’m going to run interference,” Nigel said, laughter in his voice. “When you ladies have it all together come over and relieve me.”

“Take Tom,” Danny told him. “She’ll feel more comfortable if you’re there, too. Then you can leave when they hit it off.”

“Yes, captain,” Nigel said. He grabbed Tom’s arm. “Come on, pretty boy. The fix is in.”

Carmina looked around the room nervously. This might not be such a good idea. The Rebels players had women all over them all the time. Women who looked like supermodels. Or actually were supermodels. Carmina was a fucked-up, way too curvy Puerto Rican girl from a small town in Florida. Not exactly the kind of woman these guys were used to. And this party didn’t look like a good place to hook up. It was mostly the team and their wives and girlfriends. She hid a smile as she remembered Sam and King describing another party like that—a party at Tom and Danny’s that had turned out to be more or less an orgy. The urge to smile disappeared as she thought about the fallout Sam and King and Jane had suffered after that night. She supposed it wasn’t funny after all.

She spotted Tom and Danny on the other side of the room and deliberately didn’t look at them. Every time she saw them she thought about what she’d seen at their party a few weeks ago. She’d never actually seen people having public sex before. It had been a total turn-on. She’d never known anyone who just put it out there like that. Sam’s actions that night had shocked her. Before King and Jane he’d been very closed off, happier standing in the shadows than in the spotlight, like her. It made her start wondering if Sam could do it, why couldn’t she? It was after that night that she’d started thinking about Tom and Danny in her frustrating sessions with the vibrator.

As she looked around, one of the players caught her eye. She’d noticed him in the past because of his really dark skin and big silver earrings. He was sexy in a dark pair of slacks and a suit jacket that was almost the same color as her dress. Maybe that was a sign? They’d never really talked before or even been introduced.

“Has Rasheed Davis ever asked about me?” she whispered to Sam. “Or have you mentioned me to him?”

“No,” Sam asked, confusion on his face. Then he got that mulish expression she hated. “I am not going to let you hook up with Rasheed Davis.”

“Why?” she asked in exasperation. “He wasn’t on your list.”

“He lives with his aging mother,” Sam told her. “Do you really want to get involved in that?”

“Oh,” Carmina said. “That’s sweet. He takes care of his mom. I like that.”

“I thought you just wanted sex,” Sam said.

“I do,” she said. “But it would be a bonus if I at least liked him.” She rolled her eyes at him. “Honestly, is this how you’re going to help?”

“Fine,” Sam said, sounding like a martyr. “But Rasheed doesn’t know who you are.”

“Good,” she said. “That means he doesn’t know about me. About the way I talk or what happened.”

“Why is that good?” Sam asked.

Carmina didn’t know how to explain it to him. She couldn’t think of the words. She took a deep breath and didn’t get frustrated. She must be more nervous than she thought. “I am what I am,” she finally settled on saying. “Don’t tell him. About anything.”

“Car,” Sam said in a warning voice. “You have to tell him, or whoever it is. You know you do.” She vigorously shook her head. They’d been standing side by side, but Sam turned to face her and he looked serious. “I’m saying this as your best friend. I love you. You know I do. You know I’d do anything for you and that I don’t think less of you because of what happened, right?”

Oh, God. Carmina let her head fall back and sighed as she prepared herself for whatever he was going to say. Because good things never began with disclaimers. “Yes,” she said in resignation when it became obvious he was waiting for an answer, and looked at him again.

“Okay. I can tell that even during our conversation about him you got nervous and lost the words. Didn’t you?” She thinned her lips and didn’t answer. “That’s what I thought,” Sam said, not unkindly. “I just don’t want you to jump into something you’re not ready for. I get that you’re frustrated. You know, in that way,” he added awkwardly. “I was there not too long ago. But please, please promise me you’ll take your time and wait until you’re ready.”

“I’m beyond ready,” she said.

“For what?” Carmina turned and Rasheed Davis stood there smiling at them. “Sam, want to do the honors?”

“Oh, hey Rasheed,” Sam said. He glanced at Carmina and she wondered if she looked as panicked as he did. Rasheed Davis was even more gorgeous up close. Holy crap, she was not ready for this. “This is my best friend, Carmina de la Cruz. She and I were in Afghanistan together.” Carmina glared at him. She knew he’d added the last part deliberately, taking the decision to tell Rasheed her story out of her hands. He’d hear about it later.

“Yeah?” Rasheed sounded impressed. He held out his hand. “Rasheed Davis. I play safety for the Rebels.”

“I know,” Carmina said. She winced inwardly. That hadn’t sounded very friendly. “I mean, because of Sam. You know.” She shrugged helplessly, not sure what to say next.

“So you two were in the Army together?” Rasheed asked. She wasn’t sure if he was being polite now, or if he was really interested. Was he making small talk? Was he interested in her? Was he the kind of guy who’d have sex with her and then go away? Which sounded horrible, but she wasn’t really in a place where she could contemplate a long-term relationship. But it was a little late to think of that now, wasn’t it? She should have thought of that before she put on this stupid dress. Also, her feet were killing her in these heels.

“Carmina?” Sam prompted her and she looked over to see him watching her with concern. Oh, God. She hadn’t answered Rasheed.

“Yes. Army,” she said quickly. She closed her eyes in mortification. She’d been reduced to little better than monosyllables again. It was as if the past six months of therapy had never happened.

“Hey, guys.” Carmina turned to Tom Kelly with a sense of overwhelming relief. She could talk to Tom. She had before, right?

“Hi, Tom,” she said. She knew she sounded way too happy to see him. Tom gave her a puzzled but happy smile and she saw Rasheed looking at the two of them. Sam was frowning, as usual. “I just met Rasheed,” she told Tom. Then she felt like an idiot.

“Cool,” Tom said, not missing a beat. “How’s it going, Rasheed?” he asked, reaching out to shake his hand.

“Good,” Rasheed said. “You two know each other?”

“Sure,” Tom said. He put his arm around Carmina and she was so shocked she just stood there and let him. “We met a while ago at a party at our place. She’s been by the arena a few times. Haven’t you seen her there?” Carmina could tell there was some kind of underlying guy bullshit going on, but she wasn’t sure how to interpret it.

“Hey, Carmina.” She turned and Nigel was standing on Tom’s left. She hadn’t even noticed him.

“Hi, Nigel,” she said. She tried to inject the same warmth in her voice she’d had when she greeted Tom, but from the wry look on Nigel’s face, it didn’t work.

“I guess everyone knows you but me,” Rasheed said drily. The look he gave her wasn’t exactly condemning, but it was close.

“Hey,” Sam said, and she knew he was about to jump in.

“No,” she said. “Not everyone. Just friends.” She smiled both to diffuse the situation and to show him there were no hard feelings. She’d learned over the last couple of years facial expressions could often say more than words, so she kept hers friendly. She didn’t want trouble with anyone on the team. But it was pretty clear Rasheed wasn’t going to be the one. She could tell he picked up on everything she was saying and not saying by the chagrined look on his face.

“Yeah, I’ve been pretty busy taking care of my mom lately, so I probably just missed you because I wasn’t paying attention,” he said. She accepted the peace offering.

“I’m sorry,” she said sincerely. “I hope she’s okay?”

“Oh, man, Rasheed,” Tom said, real concern in his voice. “Is she okay?” In her mind she imagined him asking if he could mow Rasheed’s lawn and she almost smiled. Tom still hadn’t let her go, but there didn’t seem to be any ulterior motive to his arm around her. He was just being friendly, because that’s what Tom did.

“No, she’s good,” Rasheed said. “She had cataract surgery and there were some complications. But a couple of people from her church have been helping out and she’s much better now.”

“That’s great,” Nigel said. “But you should have told us. If there’s anything we can do, don’t hesitate, mate.”

“Thanks,” Rasheed said. “I will.” They all stood there in silence for a moment or two and Carmina grew uncomfortable when Tom didn’t remove his arm, so she wiggled out from under it. He took it away without comment. She glanced over and saw Danny Smith still leaning against the wall, but he was watching them. When their eyes met he looked away.

“So, are you guys ready for the playoffs?” Nigel asked. “What should I expect? It doesn’t seem quite as cutthroat as what I’m used to in the European soccer leagues.”

Carmina could almost feel the release of tension as the other three jumped into the conversation. She was just as relieved, because she wouldn’t be expected to contribute to this conversation. After a few minutes of pretending to listen she wandered off, resigned to yet another evening of standing in the corner and watching.




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