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Cleansed with Fire (Remember the Reaper Book 2) by S.K. Rose (21)

Chapter 20






I can’t believe I forgot it was my birthday. I’ve been so damn distracted with everything going on, it never even crossed my mind. Of course, it doesn’t help that I’ve done everything in my power to forget that it exists.

So much for that.

Looking around, my chest constricts as I contemplate the obvious amount of work that went into the party. The place looks amazing. Streamers twirl across the room, banners and decorations are hung up on the walls, there’s a huge buffet of appetizers, and Mr. Blackwell is in the backyard firing up the grill for hotdogs and hamburgers.

It dawns on me, this is why Blossom insisted I get a new dress and change into it right away, and why she insisted we get our hair and makeup done “just for fun”. I shoot her a knowing look that she returns with a sly wink.

Everyone in the world who means something to me is present. All four of the Blackwells, Chase, Mrs. Masters, Sam, and Delilah. The first time I met Delilah, she trapped me in a bear hug and told me we were going to be the best of friends. I rolled my eyes at the time, but it turns out I like her a lot. She’s soft spoken and sweet, where Sam is loud and gruff. They balance each other out and it’s kind of beautiful.

I head to Chase’s frail mom who rests in a chair. “Hi Mrs. Masters, how are you?”

“Darlin’, how many times do I have to tell you? It’s just Jody. Now stop looking at me with those worried eyes. I’m feeling better than I have in weeks, and I’m thrilled to be here to celebrate.” She looks up, daring me to argue with her.

“Of course.” I laugh. “Thank you for being here.”

“Looking good, Reap.” Chase snatches my hand and guides me into a little twirl. The light fabric of my new dress fans out at my knees and reminds me of all the times we would start the day with laughter and dancing.

“Be nice to my sweet girl,” Jody snaps out at him.

He rolls his eyes. “Ma, I’m always nice.”

She holds two fingers to her eyes and motions that she’s watching him.

I giggle and let him lead me away. “I miss you,” I admit.

“It’s only been a few days.” He chuckles. “But I’ve missed you too. It’s been weird, huh? So used to it being us against the world. It’s harder letting you go than I thought.” He nods over to where Andrew watches us. When he catches my eye, he smiles before returning to his conversation with Sam. “Just keep an eye on that temper of his. I’ll knock his ass out if he lays a hand on you,” his voice grows serious.

“I’m pretty sure he knows that.” I laugh.

He shoots a suspicious glance over to Andrew. “I’ll be reminding him, regardless.”

Feeling a rush of emotions for the man who stuck by my side for the past four years, I wrap my arms around him in a hug. “I know I’ve said it a million times, but thank you.”


Stepping back, I look into his dark eyes. “For protecting me all these years, mostly from myself.”

He brushes it off with a shrug. “And you were the first person to see through my bullshit, to trust me, and to understand the broken parts of me. You’re my best friend, but it doesn’t have to be just you and me against the world anymore, and I think. . . I think that’s okay.” Taking my hand he raises it to his lips. “My Fair Reaper,” he teases just like he did so many years ago as he presses a soft kiss above my knuckles. With a wink, he heads back to Blossom who is watching us out of the corner of her eye.

Andrew is in front of me within seconds, eyes blazing. “What the fuck? He’s not allowed to kiss you, Tess. And just to be clear, no man is allowed to put their lips anywhere near you,” he growls under his breath.

I giggle and plant a kiss on his cheek. Grumbling under his breath, he takes my hand and leads me to the back of the house. I gasp when I see the transformation the backyard has undergone. Twinkling lights are strung around bannisters and snaked through all the trees and plants. Little round tables and chairs are arranged in the yard with sunflower centerpieces. Colorful balloons tied to weights bob with each breeze that rolls by.

“All this for me?” I gasp. Coming up behind me, his arms slip around my waist. I lean back in amazement.

“This is just the beginning,” he breathes into my ear.


The party is in full swing, and the next few hours are filled with smiles and laughter. Everyone eats their fill of Mr. Blackwell’s barbecue ribs and Mrs. Blackwell’s famous potato salad. I try my hand at the bean bag toss only to learn I’m terrible at it. Delilah and Sam crush everyone in points and eventually have to be split into separate teams to give others a fighting chance. Mrs. Masters takes off early, but not before handing me a card full of cash and giving me a tight hug.

When it gets too cold out, I’m herded inside the house for the “best part” of the party.

Mrs. Blackwell leads me to the dining room table where I’m instructed to “sit and wait.” Andrew disappears with her in the kitchen as everyone else finds their seats around the table.

I lean over to whisper when Beth takes the seat beside me. “Didn’t we just eat?”

“It’s time for cake, silly.” Her eyes sparkle with laughter.

A birthday cake? For me?

When Andrew returns, he’s carrying a white frosted cake that’s covered in a rainbow of sprinkles. Placing it on the table, he winks and begins to sing Happy Birthday. His voice is just as beautiful as I remember. As more voices join the chorus, the cake is slid in front of me.

Instead of twenty-two candles, there are twenty-two little sticks poking out of the frosting. My hands fly to my face in a gasp, and tears sprout from the corners of my eyes.

When I look back up, I no longer see the man Andrew has become.

Instead, I see the little boy who wanted to comfort the girl who was crying next door. There’s dirt smudged on his chin and his ears stick out a little too far. He’s waving his hands around as he tells me a tale about fighting off a giant.

Wiping away happy tears, I laugh, and the vision is gone. But my Andrew still wears that same beautiful smile, so full of light and love. As the song finishes, I jump to my feet, eyes glued to Andrew.

From my peripherals, I see Chase slide the cake toward Beth so it doesn’t get smashed. Leaning across the table, I grab a handful of Andrew’s shirt and pull him toward me, our faces meet in the middle. When our lips meet in a passionate kiss, a roar of cheering goes up around us. I break away, laughing as heat rushes up my neck.

When the cake is nothing but a plate of crumbs, and the table is cleared, gifts are piled in front of me.

“Guys really, this has already been the best birthday. I don’t need gifts.” I shake my head trying to push them away. It’s too much.

Mrs. Blackwell shouts at me from the kitchen, “Tessa Kinsley, you open those presents right this instant.”

Chase sniggers, and I shoot him a dirty look. With an unsuccessful attempt to hide my excitement, I begin unwrapping the closest package to me.

I open a pair of beautiful gray boots from Blossom, then a set of new band tees from Chase that are supposed to get me “back to my roots”. From Mrs. Blackwell is a bunch of pretty dresses and shoes for when we “go someplace nice”. Mr. Blackwell’s gift isn’t wrapped, instead, he places a can of mace in front of me, and with a grunt, nods to my purse.

Sam and Delilah give me a paintball gun with a box of ammo. Going paintball shooting is a family tradition for the Masters. The sentiment behind the gift brings me to tears once more.

There are three gifts remaining. Andrew nods for me to continue. The first one is heavy, and when I open the box and pull away the tissue paper, I find a brand new, genuine leather jacket. I run my fingers across the material in admiration.

“Thank you,” I finally spit out when I can drag my eyes away from the beautiful coat.

Andrew grins and encourages me to open the rest. I unwrap the next present to reveal a box set of books; it’s the entire Harry Potter series. Lined up, the spines of the books create an image of a castle. I let out an actual squeal of excitement making everyone laugh. I look up at him in disbelief, these gifts must have cost him a pretty penny.

“I missed a few years.” He shrugs with a grin.

One gift is left. A small box with a yellow bow. Curiously, I pop off the lid and pull out a small note. “From your family” it reads. Nestled beneath white tissue paper is a set of keys.

“It’s for Sparkles!” Blossom shouts impatiently from beside me.

I shake my head in confusion. “Wait, what?” Am I missing something? They can’t possibly be giving me a car.

Mrs. Blackwell chimes in, “We want you to have the Prius, sweetheart.”

Are they insane? No way do people just give away cars for free, not even families as nice as the Blackwells.

“No, no really. I can’t accept this.” I push the box across the table and look away, ashamed.

I don’t deserve this, any of this. It’s just too much.

Surprising everyone, Mr. Blackwell speaks up, “Nobody has used the car in a few years, she’s just been collecting dust, the poor girl. You would really be doing us a favor, Tessa.” He holds his hand across his chest as he gives me the saddest looking eyes I’ve ever seen. So that’s where Blossom picked up that manipulative little move from.

Fucking Blackwells. How can I say no to that?

“Well, I guess I can, but this is just too much I—”

“It’s decided then.” He smiles and slaps the keys in my hand. “She’s already been pulled up to the front yard, why don’t you take a minute to check her out.”

With a kiss on my cheek, Andrew shoos me outside with a promise that after he helps clean up, we’ll take her for a spin.

I head outside, thankful for the chance alone to collect my thoughts. The front porch lamp casts a yellow glow over Sparkles, but even in the poor lighting, flecks of her paint still shimmer and shine.

I glide my fingertips across the hood of the Prius, and with a toothy smile, finally allow my excitement to show. My very own car. For the first time in my life, I have the ability to go where I want, whenever I please, without having to rely on other people or wait for a bus.

 It’s a freedom I’ve craved for as long as I can remember.

A sudden movement near the back of the car catches my eyes. Muscles tensing, I take a hesitant step closer. Squinting in the dim light, I make out the form of a person standing in the shadows.

Alarms trigger and I drop down to snatch the knife from my boot. Grasping at my ankle, I feel the straps of the dainty sandals Blossom insisted I wear with my dress. Standing up, I straighten and take a deep breath. Maybe someone at the party just needed some fresh air.

Wouldn’t you have seen them leave, Reaper? Don’t be foolish.

There’s a few clicking noises before a small flame strikes up in the darkness. A hand moves to block the wind as the figure holds a cigarette to the lighter, then snaps it shut. The cherry bobs for a second, then rises to a pair of cracked lips. The flickering glow from the cigarette lights up hardened, familiar blue eyes. The air is sucked from my lungs as I come face to face with the woman I’ve gone out of my way to avoid.

The dragon.

“What are you doing here?” I spit, finally finding my voice.

She moves slowly, taking a step into the light where I can finally see her. Dark, stringy hair frames a hideous face that’s been twisted over the years by drugs, drinking, and unadulterated hatred. Hanging on her skeletal frame is a long black dress that’s torn and filthy, her pale skin looks sickly against the dark material. I’m automatically drawn to look at the scar between her eyes, my parting gift from our last encounter. The irrational part of me wonders if she’s actually a ghost, and that she really did die that day and has come back to haunt me just as I find true happiness.

“Here I was about to ask you the same thing.” She tilts her head up, observing the house behind me.

I cross my arms defensively. “This is my home now.”

She lets out a harsh laugh. “The family whose little boy you nearly killed? Oh, that is rich.” When she smiles, dark gaps appear where her teeth have rotted out.

I take a deep breath and bite my tongue before lashing out. Although I’ve been putting it off, my intention was to seek her out to find closure. This could be my chance to make some sort of amends with her and move on.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” I force myself to stay calm as I speak, “But I am glad you’re here. I don’t have any grand illusions that we will ever have any sort of relationship, but it was . . . wrong of me to burn you. I apologize, and would appreciate it if we could just be civil going forward.” I get the words out between gritted teeth.

She continues like I never said a word, “You know, that boy you whored yourself out to sure has a nasty temper these days. Really fucked him right up, didncha’? Guess you haven’t been too concerned about it since you ran off with one of the Masters’ boys. You’ve become quite the little slut, eh?” She wheezes and coughs as she laughs.

I rub my temples where a throbbing headache has started to form. Like poison, her words enter my bloodstream and spread throughout my body. How did I ever think I could reason with her like a human being? She has no feelings, no heart. She’s a cold monster and no amount of time will change that.

“Fuck you. Just get the fuck out of here. You aren’t welcome.” I bristle, my knuckles turning white from clenching them so tight.

“So, this your new car, huh? My, my, whoring does pay off. No wonder you dropped the degenerate boy for the rich one. Perhaps you’re not as stupid as you look after all, darling daughter.”

I swallow hard and unclench my fist. She wants to get a reaction from me, the same as when I was a child. I speak low and direct, tired of hearing her voice that’s like nails on a chalkboard to my ears.

“Go. The. Fuck. Away.”

“I’m in need of some cash, it’s time you come home and start putting those lucrative services to use for me. It’s really the least you can do after destroying my life, murdering my husband, fucking my boyfriend, and giving me this hideous scar on my face. Wouldn’t you say, Tessa, dear?”

I spit at her feet and turn to leave, ready to return to the light, and to the people who love me once and for all. One step and my head is yanked back, a claw snaking into my hair. I gasp at the sudden pain and let out a terrified yelp.

The dragon mutters to herself as she drags me across the Blackwell’s lawn. “Those legs will spread only for me now. Oh yes, I know quite a few men who will pay a pretty penny. Mommy needs her medicine, so it’s time the deceitful pup comes home to pay her dues,” she titters.

Panic surges and pulses through my veins. I try to yank myself away, but her grip is strong, much stronger than I would have ever guessed. Tears squeeze from my eyes as I think of the hell I’m going back to.

I won’t survive this time.

“STOP!” his voice rings out in the night, and she whips around to face him. I strain to look, but can’t see past the curtain of my hair as my head is yanked downward.

“Mind your business, boy, this is a family affair,” she hisses.

He’s so close now, I can feel him beside me. “You let her go right this instant, or I swear to God I will have the police raid your house for drugs faster than you can say tooth rot,” he snarls.

Her fingers loosen the grip they have on my hair. Moving quickly, he yanks me behind his body and points to the house.

“Go back home.”


“Now,” he roars, followed by a softer, “please, Tessa”.

Begrudgingly, I nod and walk shakily back to the house. Instead of going inside, I take a seat on the porch swing, unwilling to leave him completely alone with her. I wrap my arms around my body in a pathetic hug, heart thundering as I watch them. I hate this. I don’t understand why she’s here. Why now?

She’s going to drag me back to hell, or worse, she’s going to find a way to hurt Andrew.

This is my battle. Why must he always feel the need to protect me?

Because he loves you.

I watch as my mother straightens her shoulders, squaring off toward Andrew. “Who the hell do you think you are? You have no right, no goddamn right to keep me from my flesh and blood.” She’s trembling from rage, or withdrawals—maybe a mixture of both.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” He runs a hand through his hair as he shakes his head in disbelief. “She’s your daughter for God’s sake. How can you treat her like this?”

“You think she’s some innocent angel? Is that it? Oh, I bet she didn’t tell you about the nasty things she did with my old boyfriend, did she?” His face hardens, and she cackles darkly. “No, I didn’t think so. Come to think of it, her daddy was awfully sweet on her, wonder why? Just hand her over, she’s a used up little slut who needs to be taught a lesson,” she snarls.

I slide from the swing cushion down to the floor and place my hands over my ears. I don’t want to hear anymore. She’s going to twist his thoughts with lies. He’ll be disgusted by me. I’ll be alone again, hated and feared. The dark thought takes root and bile rises in my throat.

Don’t take him away from me, please, God. I will be a good person, please.

My head snaps up when I hear his thunderous voice. “Don’t you fucking dare say one more word about her.”

The dragon bares her teeth in a grin. “Filthy. Disgusting. Whore.” In one fluid motion, Andrew’s fist raises before it comes down across her face. She hits the ground hard with a loud thump.

“Shit,” a new voice comes from my right.

Turning my head, I watch everyone filter outside. Chase runs forward with a yell for everyone to stay put and let him handle it. Delilah moves to me quickly, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, but I can’t focus on her soft words.

My eyes are glued to Andrew as he looks down on my mother’s fallen form, his clenched fist daring her to get back up. Chase puts a hand on Andrew’s shoulder and says something that I can’t make out. Andrew shakes him off and crosses his arms in defiance.

My mother begins to stir, and when her dazed face turns up, she laughs. It’s a high pitched, hysterical sound that sends a shiver down my spine. Her mind that had always teetered on the brink of madness, has finally tipped over the edge of sanity.

“Is that how you got Tessa to follow you around like a puppy then?” She spits out a glob of blood and grins up at him. “You’ve seen her scars. She craves the pain, I don’t blame you for needing a weak girl to beat bloody every once in a while. Hell, I applaud you.” She starts clapping.

Chase has to physically restrain Andrew from lunging forward.

Spittle flies from Andrew’s mouth. “Shut your fucking mouth.”

My mother cackles and gives him an exaggerated pout. “Truth hurts, handsome. Unfortunately, it’s time for us to leave.” With a wicked glint in her eye, she’s up and racing toward me. I kick out my heels and scoot back frantically as if the devil himself is coming to claim my soul.

Both boys are on her in seconds. Chase moves to stand between me and the dragon, and Andrew knocks her back to the ground. He leans in close to her ear. I barely make out his soft words, “I know every sick fucking detail of what went down in that house. It’s taking everything in my power not to snap that ugly neck of yours, but frankly, Tessa has been through enough. Instead, you are going to turn around, and if you so much as look in her direction again, I will give you a lot worse than a little cigarette burn.” His muscles flex, and my mother’s eyes narrow as she looks around and calculates the situation.

Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell take this moment to swoop in and stand on either side of Andrew. Blossom follows quickly in their footsteps, slipping next to Chase before she clasps her hand with his. Their bodies form a physical barricade between me and my mother.

“I’m going to have to ask you to leave now,” Mrs. Blackwell says coldly from beside her son.

I can’t see her anymore, but I can hear my mother’s scathing response. “Always did think you were better than me with your bullshit charity. I suppose my daughter had to learn whoring from someone.”

The back of Mrs. Blackwell’s neck reddens, but her voice is steady like a rock. “I should have stood up for your daughter a long time ago. I am no longer a coward. Tessa is part of our family now, she’s over eighteen, so there is not a damn thing you can do about it. As a mother, you should be ashamed of yourself. But frankly, as a human being, you should be disgusted. Get holed back up in that house, you are not welcome here. Not now, not ever.”

As if on cue, sirens fill the air and I hear the squeal of tires as a police cruiser comes to a screeching halt in front of the house. With the bright, flashing red and blue lights, I can only see the silhouette of five people who have banded together in my defense.

In times of fear or pain, I’ve always sealed myself off from emotion—and other people—to protect myself. This time was different, I didn’t need my armor, nor my shield. I stand slowly and my heartbeat stutters at the implication. These people fight for me. They care about my well-being and undeniably love me.

I finally have what I wished for every time I blew out a fake birthday candle.

A family.

My knees wobble, the flashing lights blur together, and everything goes black.