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Cleansed with Fire (Remember the Reaper Book 2) by S.K. Rose (43)

Chapter 43






Sliding open the door as quietly as possible, I sneak into the backyard and inhale the fresh air. Climbing onto the patio loveseat, I cross my legs and turn my gaze to the stars. Not a single cloud drifts across the inky night sky, it’s breathtaking. Making sure no one is around, I lift my hand and admire the beautiful ring that glitters on my finger.

All the stars in the sky don’t have shit on this gorgeous piece of jewelry.

I hear the door sliding back open from my left.


I smile when I see that it’s my favorite person in the world, and now the man I’m engaged to marry. God, and I thought it was weird when he was just my boyfriend. I scoot over on the cushion and let him take my spot. When he’s comfortable, I snuggle into his side and let out a breath of relief. Now, the night is perfect.

“Running away from your own party, I see,” Andrew chides gently, wrapping his arms around me.

Our party, you mean. Is everyone having fun?”

His chin rests on my head as he talks. “Well, Chase and my sister are arguing about something. You would think after everything that’s happened, those two would have figured their shit out, but apparently not. Mom has completely taken over the karaoke machine, she might be a little drunk because she keeps hitting on Dad with terrible one liners. Bailey and your other writer friends just took off, but told me to tell you, they can’t wait to see you next weekend.” He rubs his thumb back and forth against the small of my back, causing me to break out in goose bumps.

“That’s good. Still don’t know why we needed an engagement party,” I grumble.

“Because you left my sister in charge of everything wedding related for one, plus, I think it’s high time we had something good to celebrate.”

“You’re right, I’ve just been feeling so achy and exhausted. It’s putting a damper on my mood.” I sigh, blowing a strand of hair out of my eyes.

He pulls me closer and rubs his hand back and forth across my belly. “Growing a baby seems like a lot of work.”

I laugh. “So much damn work.”

“I’m glad we’re alone, I’ve been wanting to talk to you. . .” He trails off and pain flickers in his eyes.

I cup his cheek and give him a small smile. “It’s okay, Andrew, really.”

He shakes me off with a grimace. “No, you’ve shut me down every time I’ve tried to apologize, and I need to get this off my chest. So hush it, woman, and let me talk.” I raise an eyebrow, but nod motioning for him to continue. “I thought you ran. I was positive you did, even after you swore that you wouldn’t do that to me. I wasted so much time being angry at you, hating you for leaving me, when I should have been out looking for you. The guilt is something I will have to live with forever. I need you to know how sorry I am.” His voice hitches on the last few words.

Straightening, I wrap my hand around his neck, and press my forehead lightly against his. “Then it’s equally important you know. . . I completely forgive you,” I whisper. The words said aloud seem to provide a form of relief, and his shoulders physically relax.

“I still can’t believe you were okay with having the party here.” His eyes focus on something in the distance. Following his gaze, I find the soot covered brick wall is the only thing that stands between us and the burned ruins of my childhood home, my former prison.

The house is gone, only a few bricks are left standing. It’s a strangely powerful feeling. Like the fire not only cleansed this town of evil but cleansed my soul right along with it.

“Honestly, it doesn’t bother me at all. I can’t explain it, but I’ve felt so much lighter since it went up in flames. I’m just thankful the fire was contained quickly and didn’t damage your parents’ house. Although, I wish everyone would stop treating me like I’m a fragile doll that will shatter at any moment.”

He chuckles and nods. “Yeah, I know the feeling.” He looks at me quietly for a few minutes before asking, “Are you scared?” He places a hand over my stomach.

I give him a toothy smile. “Oh, fuck yeah, Blackwell, we are so not ready for this.”

He grins in return. “Absolutely not, at all, babies still ourselves, really. So why am I so damn excited?” he says softly, eyes lit with joy.

“Because you are going to make an amazing father. I’ll finish my classes and start writing down all these story ideas bouncing around in my head, and you will keep painting those masterpieces. We will get a house and fill it up with love. This baby will be the happiest, most adored little human that ever existed,” I say, meaning every single word.

“You know the odds of us both being successful with those careers are slim to none, right?” He shakes his head in amusement.

“So, we get boring ‘stable’ jobs and figure it out. We will have our family and friends to help us every step of the way. I know if we set our minds to it, together we can do anything.”

“Okay, who the hell are you? And what have you done with my doom and gloom girl?” he teases.

I shrug. “I don’t know. The fear that’s always held me back is just a tiny speck in the back of my mind. Don’t get me wrong, I am totally nervous that I’ll royally fuck this kid up somehow, but I don’t want to hide from the world anymore. I’m ready to make mistakes and grow from them. I used to look around and only see the ugly, the possibilities of what could go wrong, but no more. I want this life, you and me together, for as long as you can humanly tolerate my smartass mouth.”

He chuckles. “Here everyone is worried you are going to flip out, and after everything, you’re stronger than ever. Fuck, you are more amazing every goddamn day, you know that?” His hushed tone is full of awe.

“Oh, shut up. I love you, Andrew Blackwell.” I grin.

“I love you most, Tessa Kinsley,” he says before he gives me a deep kiss that leaves my heart racing.

“How long do you think we’ll be missed?” I ask breathlessly against his mouth.

Shifting his eyes to the house, he gives me a wicked grin and grabs my hand before leading me inside. Sneaking up the stairs, I let out a giggle that earns me a scolding look from Andrew, although I notice he’s fighting his own grin.

Stopping at my room, he presses me against the door, hooded eyes fixed on my lips.

“Do you remember the last time you had me pinned against this door?” I ask breathlessly.

His eyes snap to mine. “Yeah, I was a stupid teenager, and you slammed the door in my face.” He cringes, shaking his head as though the memory pains him.

“So is that what I can expect again, Blackwell?” I bite my lip and watch his eyes darken.

“I’m not a teenager anymore, princess.” His husky voice makes my core tighten with desire.

“Mmm,” I purr. “Prove it, Charming,” I tease, running a finger down his chest.

I’m jerked backwards when he turns the handle and the door gives way to my bedroom. He closes it quickly behind us, our bodies awash in the glow of moonlight from the window. His hands slowly work on unbuttoning my jeans. As they’re tugged down, he plants a soft kiss on my hip that makes me shiver. As he moves the material further down, I’m continuously rewarded with his mouth against my skin; a kiss for each part of me that is revealed.

When I’ve stepped out of my jeans and panties, his hands glide up the sides of my thighs as he rises to his feet. His fingers brush against my swollen belly as he slides beneath my top to tug it off, my bra quickly joining it on the floor.

With a squeal, I’m lifted and laid on the bed. I prop my hands behind my head as I bite my lip and watch him undress, his feverish gaze never leaves my body.

Crawling toward me on the bed, he forces my thighs apart and drops his face between them. I gasp when his teeth sink into the inside of my thigh. A surge of lust shoots through me when his tongue presses gently against the most sensitive part of my body. I let out a whimper when he returns to kissing the inside of my thigh.

The bastard is teasing me.

When his mouth finally returns, I let out a moan. His tongue moves in small circles against my clit and threatens to unravel me. Sliding his hands up my thighs, he grabs a handful of my ass before he pulls my body closer to him, like I’m the most delicious thing he’s ever had in his mouth.

I fucking lose it. Slamming a pillow over my mouth, I scream, his tongue lashing against me, faster and faster. Sitting up, he wipes his mouth on the back of his hand and gives me a fiendish grin. “Teenage Andrew didn’t know shit about that.”

I let out a breathless laugh, chest still heaving from the small ripples of pleasure that travel through me.

On his knees, still between my thighs, one of his hands drops to his hard dick and rubs up and down the length of it. A strand of blonde hair falls into his eyes and I notice he’s let his facial hair grow out a bit, the darker stubble that lines his jaw is unbelievably sexy. My lust builds back up as I watch him, wanting nothing more than to return the favor.

Sitting up quickly, I find my lips inches from his throbbing dick. Looking down at me, his gaze heats as I slowly drag my tongue across my bottom lip.

“Fuck,” he mutters as I drag my tongue from base to tip. Wrapping my lips around him, I move back and forth, slowly at first, then faster until I’m thrown onto my back without warning. Strong hands wrap around my hips and flip me onto my knees.

A strangled noise emits from my throat when his hand comes down on my ass, the sting makes me whimper and beg for more. His hand reaches to rub between my spread legs. “Jesus, you are wet.” He moans, and without warning, he’s inside, driving into me then slowly pulling back, before he pushes back in. Like a toy, I begin to wind up once more.

Thrusting against me faster and faster, his hand reaches between my thighs and begins to rub at the same time. My vision waivers as the sensations build, I hear his breathing hitch, but when he lets out a growl against the back of my neck, I’m done for. His hand clamps around my mouth as I let out a scream, the pleasure ripping through my body as every muscle in me clenches and releases.

Panting, we lie on our backs until I hear one of our phones dings with a message.

“Shit.” He laughs and drags me up off the bed. “We gotta head back.”

After cleaning up, we get dressed quickly and head downstairs.


There is an assortment of desserts on the dining room table where we find Chase digging into a pink frosted cupcake. Looking over, I see Marybeth and one of her girlfriends on the karaoke. Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell sit on the couch deep in conversation.

I take a seat next to Chase as Andrew gets us something to drink.

“Hey, Reap. Damn girl, that good, huh?” He winks, a dab of pink frosting stuck to his cheek.

“Shhhut it, shut the hell up,” I scold, my eyes glancing over to Mrs. Blackwell who has ears like a hawk. Thankfully, she seems too engrossed in the conversation with her husband.

“Don’t come around with your sexed up bed head if you’re trying to keep it a secret.” He rolls his eyes, and I realize I didn’t think to glance in the mirror on my way out. I quickly smooth out my hair and glare over at him. “Seriously though, I am so excited for you guys. I still can’t believe you’re gonna be a wife. That is really taking this domestic thing way too seriously.”

I smile. “I admit, it’s pretty damn crazy. You know, I never did say thank you for forcing me to come back to Alder Grove. So thank you, asshat.”

“Because getting kidnapped by your psycho mom and her boyfriend is the homecoming every girl dreams of.” There’s a bitter edge to his voice.

Do all the men in my life feel the need to blame themselves for everything bad that happens? Sheesh.

“I’m okay, and more importantly, you’re okay. We needed to come back and face our demons, just like you said. And thank fuck we did, because running like cowards got us nowhere. We have family here, Chase, people who love us. That is something I will never take for granted again.”

“Okay, Yoda, what the fuck is up with you? I swear I saw this on an episode of X-Files. Dude, I think an alien took over your body.” The serious concern on his face makes me burst into laughter.

Andrew slides into the seat across from us. “Man, I said the same thing. Optimistic Tessa is a little freaky, huh?” he teases, blowing me a kiss.

“You’re both idiots,” I grumble. “Now things have been a little crazy with this guy deciding to propose and buy us a house all in the same day, so this is seriously overdue, but I know that you and Beth worked your asses off to find me. Andrew spilled everything. I already told Beth this, but I owe you guys so fucking much. Who knows what would have happened if you guys didn’t track me down and show up when you did.” I throw my arms around Chase’s giant shoulders and squeeze him in a hug.

A breathless Blossom trots over, grabbing the rest of Chase’s cupcake from his hands. “Let’s be honest, you had things under control. I just wish we could have gotten to you sooner.”

“You’re wrong. That house would have burned down, taking me with it,” I say honestly.

Knowing the state of mind I had been in, rational thinking had flown out the window. I would have sat there just to watch the dragon be consumed by the flames. I shudder just thinking about it.

“You would have done it for us, Reap,” Chase pipes up from my side. Both Blossom and Andrew nod in agreement. A tear slides down my cheek. I realize how lucky I am to have each and every one of them in my life.

“God, these hormones are ridiculous,” I sniffle, wiping away the evidence.

“Holy shit, I figured it out.” Chase stands quickly, his eyes wide as he points at me.

“What are you talking about, idiot?” Blossom raises an eyebrow as she looks over to him.

“The baby, that’s why she’s so different. It’s made her. . . like, nice and positive and shit.” His eyes are glued to my stomach as if he expects the baby to pop out and agree.

“You really are an idiot.” I laugh but looking at all their faces, I see them each consider it. “Guys, come on. You’re college graduates for fuck’s sake. You know that’s not how this works.”

“Magic baby,” Chase whispers. I punch his shoulder with all the strength I can muster. “Ayeee, dead arm, dead arm.” Everyone laughs as he flails around.

Andrew moves around the table to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. His hands lie flat against my stomach, and I melt into him.

“I love you, my little magic baby,” he whispers. There’s a happy movement from inside the womb. With a start, Andrew jumps back, pointing to my stomach.

“The baby kicked me!” he shouts.

I smile and watch as movement ripples across my belly. With matching grins, Chase and Beth reach out to feel the baby kick for the first time.

My body hums with joy, and for the first time, I realize that in this fairytale, I’m not the princess or the reaper, not a demon or the villain.

I’m just a girl who found her way out of the darkness and into her happily ever after.






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