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Free to Breathe by K. Shandwick (24)

Chapter Twenty-Four


Maggie sat on the edge of the bed and instead of sitting beside her, I pulled a chair across and sat directly facing her.

“You know I love you with all my heart, right?”

“It’s okay, Noah. There’s no need to apologize. I guess both our feelings were running high yesterday,” Maggie said, thinking I was going to talk about me leaving.

“Oh, honey, there is every need and I believe me I’m sorry, but that isn’t what this is about.”

She frowned, puzzled at what else it could be.

“You know you told me about the reporter who had been fishing about Shona?” I asked with my heart pounding in my chest.


“I have something to say about that this morning but before I do, I need to ask you something. Do you trust me?”

Maggie’s eyes raked over my face as if trying to read what I had to tell her.

“Yeah, Noah.”

“Good,” I said and exhaled loudly.

“Then you will believe me when I say I have no idea whatsoever about what I learned this morning,” I stated. “I know this is going to come as a huge shock, but you need to hear me out. The girl that went to the papers, Vivian something or other, she has told Victor Bright that Shona had a secret baby… and it’s mine.”

Maggie’s face paled immediately; she breathed rapidly like there wasn’t enough air, then she passed out.

“Mom, Eamon,” I called from the landing and ran back into the room. Scooping Maggie up in my arms I hugged her to my chest. What have I done? Everything I touch turns to shit. She doesn’t deserve this.

* * *

When Maggie came around, she vomited, and I swore to myself if she forgave me for this I’d do anything she wanted just to be with her. Steve turned up at the house having been filled in by Annalise and he was livid that we were put in this position, especially with everything else we had on our plate.

Mom was amazing. She sat with myself and Maggie and her common sense went a long way with helping Maggie to understand that it wasn’t my fault. That I never knew about Molly and it was Shona’s decision to keep the information to herself.

At lunchtime, my legal team called to say they had attached all Shona’s emails to a zip file and had forwarded them for us to read. Maggie and I went into the den to read them from my laptop.

Emails from Victor Bright

6th Feb

Shona to Vivian: OMGEEE! Last night was EVERYTHING I ever dreamed of. N is an animal in the sack. I could hardly walk this morning, but it reminds me this one wasn’t a dream it was REAL. #fuckedlikeabull. Luvsya S.

6th Feb

Vivian to Shona: I’m dead jealous! Lucky you. George was good, but pretty drunk, and if I’m honest a bit sloppy. Did you go home? (hugs) Viv.

6th Feb

Shona to Vivian: Moany Maggie is on my case.I think she’s forgotten what it’s like to be young. Call you next week. Luvsya S.

There were daily exchanges following this email between the girls but nothing of significance to the story in those.

4th April

Vivian to Shona: Can you escape? Got two tickets for NYC gig on the 15th. Will you make it? I need my partner in crime. Maybe we can sneak backstage again. I could always blow a roadie if I need to. (hugs) Viv.

4th April

Shona to Viv: Definitely. I’ve been going out of my mind. I really need to see N again. Luvsya S.

Then there were a series of emails regarding the concert getting closer and their excitement but nothing else significant other than the impending meeting.

16th April

Vivian to Shona: Where the hell did you disappear to last night? I managed to get into the Fr8Load dressing room and George remembered me. Squee. He invited me to spend the night with him in Rhode Island. (The sex was insane. I prefer sober George to drunk George.) No sign of Noah anywhere during the time I was there. Did you manage to meet up with him? (hugs) Viv.

16th April

Shona to Vivian: We got separated, and I lost my cell. Tried to con my way backstage but came up against that guy who guards N… Eamon. He told me N was already engaged, and I was wasting my time. Hitched a ride back to MA with a guy from Vermont and cried all the way home. Gonna try to get tickets on eBay for the gig in CT next month.

Again, the girls kept in regular contact with nothing relevant to the story.

17th May

Vivian to Shona: Didya get the tickets? (hugs) Viv.

17th May

Shona to Vivian: Nope gotten beat in the online auction with five seconds to go :( Can’t afford to go after the others, they’re too expensive. Need new clothes I’ve gotten fat over the winter. Luvsya S.

17th May

Vivian to Shona: Everything happens for a reason. I’m kinda seeing someone so I’m not sure if I want to ruin that by going all ‘groupie to the band’ on him. (hugs) Viv.

There were many more regular emails between the girls until this.

22nd June.

Viv to Shona: Been seeing this guy who practices Buddhism. Never been so interested in religion before. Maybe because he’s hung like a horse and knows how to use it ;) Decided to go traveling to Nepal and Tibet with him next month. Keep me up to date with Fr8Load. I doubt I’ll hear much about them where I’m going. Good luck at college in the fall, Shona. Knock ‘em dead. (hugs) Viv.

Shona doesn’t reply and there’s a pause in their emails after Vivian leaves the country until these.

22nd November

Vivian to Shona: Heyyy girlie! It’s been a while, huh? I’ve been traipsing around these mountain passages and living in love shacks with my man. I love this life and I’m teaching English to the locals for my keep. I’m so happy, Shona, who would have thought this excitement loving groupie would settle with one guy, eh? What about you? I expected to see a long line of emails from you and there isn’t one. What the hell are you doing, girl? Fill me in. (hugs) miss ya Viv.

22nd November

Shona to Vivian: How weird that I was thinking about you last night and you pop up in my emails today. Glad you’re having so much fun, unlike me. It’s been a difficult time here, but I’m getting there. I have something to tell you and I think you are the ONLY one I can trust with my news. Here goes. On the 2nd of this month I had a baby girl, Molly. She’s as cute as a button but a demon during the night when she deprives me of sleep. I’ve barely slept a wink since the day she was born. I thank God she mainly looks like me but I can see little subtle things that tell me she’s her dad’s child as well. The truth is I never bid for the tickets for the gig in May because I already knew I was carrying her inside. I kept her a secret until I couldn’t hide her anymore and I had to confess. My sister, Maggie is furious with me. I get how she feels, I’m pretty pissed at myself for not being more careful, but I can’t deny how in love I am with my baby. I may never get to see Noah Haxby again, and I’m okay with that now, because I’ll always have something to remind me of the night I spent with him. Take this to the grave, Viv, you are the only person who knows about this. Luvsya S.

23rd November

Vivian to Shona: Sorry I just got your email. Internet here is extremely patchy. No shit! Shona. I’m speechless. You haven’t told anyone? Holy fuck, you just blew my mind. You must have known this before I left, and you never said a word. Why not? You shouldn’t have to do this all on your own. Maybe you should contact his manager, you never know, Noah may step up… financially at least. I’ve been catching up on Fr8Load online since your email and saw he’s with someone now… Andrea or something. For the record she looks like a bitch. You are far prettier. I bet she’s a gold digger. Don’t worry, Shona, for as long as you’re alive my lips are sealed. I love the photographs you sent, she is ultra-cute and you look adorable in the pictures with your blonde hair. I prefer that to the black and purple style you had when I met you. You’re right, I can see Noah in her. What a gorgeous baby. Your sister Maggie will have a hard job staying mad at you when she looks at that little girl. Her eyes are to die for. You are in so much trouble trying to tell that one off when she’s older. It must be hard for you seeing Noah on TV when you have kept this secret inside all this time. If you ever need to get things off your chest, you can always message me. (hugs) Viv.

The girls had kept in touch a few times a year since then, mainly with Shona sending photographs around each birthday, then Vivian received an email from Shona which was dated 21st of December a month before she died.

21st December

Shona to Vivian: Hi hon, it’s been a while since we messaged, but I just had to tell someone my news or I’ll burst. I applied to an agency to gain experience with an image consultant and you’ll never guess what they threw up. Wardrobe Assistant for Fr8Load’s Image team. At first, I thought, no chance, but remember I’m really keen on marketing and advertising and I had done loads of fashion shows in high school. Anyway, I applied thinking I had nothing to lose. I almost fell over when three days later I got a call asking if I would be willing to travel to Australia to support the image team for them. ME! CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE THAT? I interviewed and although I lacked experience I had a handle on the band’s image and they HIRED me!

So, I thought… this is fate, right? I mean I get to tell Noah face to face he has a daughter and you know what? I think it will make his world because that bitch Andrea (Yep you called that one right) has made his life a misery by keeping his son from him. (I know I have but this is different. He doesn’t know about Molly, so it doesn’t affect him the way his son does.) Anywhoo… I’m out of here 3rd Jan to fly to Sydney, AUSTRALIA. I’m scared to tell him because I know he’ll think I’m a crank, but I can’t wait to see his face when he actually knows about her. I’ve made him an album from naught to five as she had her fifth birthday last month. Pray for me or send good vibes or whatever Buddhist’s do because I hope he’ll be happy when I tell him. Why now? I can hear you ask. (See how well I know you?) Well, I’m over that period of insanity, and I don’t expect much from Noah, but Molly has asked me many times who her daddy is. I don’t want to lie to her so I’m going to give him the chance to know Molly and be her dad. If he doesn’t want that then I’m still going to tell her who he is because she shouldn’t go through life with that huge a void. That wouldn’t be right. Okay, I’ll message when I’m there and tell you how it goes. Luvsya S.

26th December

Vivian to Shona: Damned internet. I’ve just seen this. Whoo hoo. This is insane. I can’t wait to hear how it goes. Dream job or what? I can’t imagine how you must be feeling. I wish I was there to support you through this. Remember I’m here if you need me. Life here is very sedate, loads of meditation and hugging. Still enjoying the local people, they’re so enthusiastic and treat me like a queen. Charlie has gone a bit deep and dull. If it wasn’t for the sex, I’d probably leave. (Yep, he really is that good.) (hugs) Viv.

Shona sent one last email to Vivian before she died.

19th January

Shona to Vivian: Been here two weeks on the crew and I’ve never even gotten into the same building as Noah. I’m a glorified laundry maid here and the image stylists are so far up their own asses they could probably give themselves tonsillectomies. If I’m honest, it’s getting me down now. There’s only one guy here who understands me although all the crew are friendly. Problem is I think he’s a junkie because of the mood swings he has. I feel like packing up and going home to Massachusetts. If I don’t have any success this week, I think I’ll give up and head back. I miss Molly and my sister, and I think I’m just chasing dreams here. Luvsya S.

Vivian sent several emails to Shona but when she didn’t get a reply, she figured she’d gone home. After that she got caught up in her own life and never knew Shona had died. She only came back to the USA a few days ago to visit her parents. That’s when she saw the piece about Maggie and learned about Shona’s death in the article. It would appear now Shona had passed, Vivian felt it her duty to share Shona’s secret and take her confession to the press as a way of lining her pockets.

Maggie stared, glassy eyed at the screen, tears streaming down her face and I caught her by the chin. Turning her face toward me I was sure she saw the pleading look I gave her. It was all that I had because I was devastated at what I’d learned, and I didn’t have the words to begin to talk about it.