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Judged: A Billionaire Biker Romance by Ellie Danes (49)


My phone alerted me to a new message. I looked at the screen and, sure enough, it was from Ryan. The devil in disguise. He wanted to meet for a drink, promising—and this was a surprise—full disclosure.

My body began to exude heat, from my thighs all the way up. I realized how relieved I was that he had texted, but now it was time to fortify myself and be strong. He was a charming, too-gorgeous-for-his-own-good man, and I needed to keep my head on straight. I had the feeling that he would try to wiggle out of telling me the truth. I stood a little straighter, imagining our conversation and not letting him slide.

I dressed carefully. Sometimes a woman’s strength came from her sexiest lingerie, and I put on a red lace thong and matching red bra like armor. He wouldn’t see it, but I would feel it. I topped the lingerie with a tank top and flowy skirt. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and applied my makeup carefully and lightly.

He was already at a beachside table when I arrived at the Boathouse, and I took a deep breath when I saw him. I felt butterflies in my stomach and a familiar, pleasant ache between my legs. I walked to the table, and he stood to greet me. I could tell he was nervous.

“Hello, Ryan.”

He made a move to kiss me hello but I pulled away, leaving him awkwardly kissing the air. My body was screaming at me, What are you doing? But my mind was in charge tonight, and we were not leaving without answers.

“Alicia,” he said. His eyes flashed that brilliant blue and I felt myself begin to melt. “How are you?”

“I’m fine, how are you?”

Before he could answer, our server approached. The universe was smiling on me, because our waiter was an absolutely gorgeous man who was probably a would-be pro surfer who only waited tables to avoid homelessness and starvation.

“Hi folks, how are we tonight?”

I smiled warmly at the waiter, rounding my shoulders to press my breasts together. “We’re fine. How are you?”

He took a nice, long look. I caught Ryan’s fish mouth out of the corner of my eye and stifled a smile.

“See,” I said to Ryan after the waiter had left to get our drinks. “I’m not the only one who knows how to flirt with servers.”

“Apparently. Impressive…skills,” he said, looking suggestively at my chest.

I rolled my eyes; he was trying to flirt but came across like a bull in a china shop.

“Sorry,” he said. “Listen, the group is going away for the weekend to Mercy Landing, this absolutely amazing private resort lodge in the mountains. I would love it if you came. I dig hanging out with you and all my friends like you. Plus,” he blushed, “I want to make up for not being forthcoming with you about the club.”

He had no intention of telling me about the club; he wanted me to be his arm candy again.

“How about this?” I asked, seething. “You tell me what this club is and what it’s all about, like you said you would, or you hand me the thousand bucks that you owe me and I’ll leave and delete your number from my phone.” I stood up to show him that I meant it.

“Hey, calm down!” Ryan put a hand on my arm, his blue eyes radiating sincerity. “Listen, I will tell you. I just thought you might enjoy a weekend away. It’s super exclusive and private; Roger says we’ll basically have the place to ourselves.”

I took a deep breath and held my ground. “Talk or I walk.”

The look on his face suggested my sexy, self-confident, red lace armor had convinced him. He gestured for me to sit, and I sat. He began to talk. I couldn’t believe what he was telling me.

“The Diamond Club, that’s what we call it, is a secret, invitation-only club that Roger, Justin, Dylan, and I started during our last year in college. We were bored, and we all had way more money than we knew what to do with. We were on vacation in Nicaragua and decided to go volcano surfing. It was fucking amazing. And after that we decided that we wanted to do more extreme stuff, stuff that we could really feel.”

As he talked, I watched Ryan’s body physically react to his memories and his words. His eyes were bright and wide, like a little kid’s. He shifted in his chair, moved his hands; he had more energy than he knew what to do with. It was fascinating.

“What kind of stuff do you do?” I asked.

“Oh you name it. Sky diving, swimming with sharks, extreme skiing, ice climbing—basically, if it’ll make your heart jump into your throat, we’ve done it or will do it.” He looked so proud. “We’re planning to run with the bulls next year.”

“What about Tammy, Reena, and Lori?” I asked. To me it sounded like a bunch of too rich boys with too much time on their hands.

“They do some things with us, but mostly they just hang with each other. We tend to travel together, but then the girls—”

I raised my eyebrows at him sharply and he corrected himself immediately. “The women don’t really want to do all of that stuff so they usually shop or go to happy hour or something.”

“So you basically act like boys in grown men’s bodies,” I said. I didn’t mean to sound bitchy, but I had been expecting something a little more impressive. I had promised my readers more information, after all. “Why wouldn’t you just tell me that? What’s the big deal?”

Ryan shifted again, but this time from discomfort, not excess energy.

“If you’re going to be in a relationship with me, you really have to get along with the other women. They’re together literally all the time.” He looked down. I was just about ready to grab him and tell him to spit it out when he mumbled, “Plus, you’re a waitress.”

“Excuse me? I didn’t catch that last part.” I should have known better than to expect that he would be anything other than a shallow jerk, I thought. I mean, look at the guy—he’s gorgeous, rich, tan, and he has a boat and can travel whenever he wants.

Of course, right then he just looked pained.

“Reena, Tammy, Lori, and basically any girl we have dated are all from old money families. They don’t work because they don’t need to. And you do.”

“So, because I have to actually work for a living, I’m not cut out to be a part of your little club?”

“No, it’s not that. I mean, it’s just…” He was fumbling with his napkin and turning red. He was completely flustered, and I was getting angrier by the second. Every time he opened his mouth it seemed he made it worse for himself.

“What?” I asked. “Please, enlighten me.” I looked around; the waiter still wasn’t back with our drinks and I either needed to drink mine or toss it at Ryan.

“I didn’t know what to do because I really like you, Alicia.” He looked at me and leaned forward. “Hanging out with you was so awesome and I loved every second of it. I’m happy to keep paying you, if that’s what it takes. I really want to get to know you better and if that meant telling you about the club, then that’s what I was willing to do. But I don’t know how well you’ll get along with the other women, and that’s super important.” He sat back in his chair as if he’d just finished testifying before a grand jury.

“Well, how about this,” I stood again, “Since I’m not a hooker, and since I haven’t cared about being a part of the in-crowd since high school, why don’t you just go ahead and buy yourself another girlfriend. I don’t really think I’m your type.”

I walked away from the table and left the restaurant. I got into my car and immediately pulled out of the parking lot. I didn’t want to risk Ryan coming after me, and I had a feeling he might. A few blocks away I pulled over. I was shaking. It seemed like every time I thought someone was worth trusting, they ended up being the opposite of who I thought they were. Could I be a worse judge of character?