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My Weakness by Alison Mello, C.A. Harms, Keren Hughes, Evan Grace, Skyla Madi, CJ Laurence, Kenadee Bryant, Crave Publishing (104)













I wake next to Kara, and can’t help the smile that plays on my lips. I love watching her as she sleeps. She proved last night that she loves me because she didn’t recoil when I told her the truth of mine and Zoey’s relationship. It wasn’t conventional, that’s for sure, and in the end it didn’t work out. But now at least Kara knows why I left town and she’s been put straight about me just ditching Zoey.

It felt cathartic to finally get it all off my chest and now I can just be excited about mine and Kara’s future together and my son being born in a few months’ time. I only hope that one day, Kara and I will share the same joy of our own baby being brought into this world.

Quietly slipping my jeans on, I sneak out of the room and head downstairs to make breakfast. I’ve got to go to work, Kara does too, but we can at least have a bacon sandwich or something before we go. I look in the fridge and find the bacon, then set about getting everything ready to make breakfast in bed for my gorgeous girlfriend. God, how long I have wanted to call Kara that, and now I finally can. Nobody could make me as happy as she does right now. Her heart is nothing but pure and kind, loving and as beautiful as she is.

Taking the tray upstairs, I slip quietly into the bedroom and place it on the nightstand before looking at my sleeping beauty. Her hair is spread across the pillow, looking almost like a golden halo. I perch on the side of the bed next to her and lean down to kiss her cheek. She mutters something I don’t quite catch before rubbing sleep from her eyes and looking up at me.

“Good morning,” she says softly.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

I reach over and grab her coffee from the tray. She moves to sit up against the headboard and I hand the mug over.

“Thank you.”

She takes a deep gulp of her drink before noticing the tray on the nightstand.

“What’s all this for?”

“I just wanted to make my angel breakfast in bed. Is that okay? I can always take it away and eat it all myself if you don’t want any.”

“No!” she says as she puts her mug down and reaches for her sandwich.

I move to sit in bed next to her with my own breakfast and we sit and eat quietly. When we’re finished, we pile the dirty plates and mugs back on the tray before I take her face in my hands and place a gentle kiss on her lips.

“I have work this morning,” she says before sighing loudly.

“I do too, baby. I wish we could stay here all day.”

“I’m not in until 10:30 though, Liam opens up today. When do you have to go?”

“Why, what did you have in mind?”


Kara moves to straddle my lap. She slept in just a t-shirt last night, so she’s naked from the waist down. She rubs herself over me and my cock twitches, begging for her touch. She notices this and smiles a shit-eating grin at me as she reaches her hand down to rub against me over the top of my jeans. Why oh why did I put them on this morning?

Sliding my hands underneath her t-shirt, I reach up to cup her breasts. I love how her nipples pebble as I run my hands over them. Kara leans down to kiss me and I use my free hand to pull her closer so that I can deepen the kiss. She opens her mouth to accept my tongue and I groan as she rubs against me again. I break our kiss to take a much needed breath, she’s sending me dizzy.


“Shh!” she says, putting a finger over my lips.

Kara reaches down and unfastens my jeans. Her warm hand glides down the length of my cock, and I’m glad I didn’t bother with underwear. She grips me and jerks her hand a few times. My breathing hitches, and I reach to remove the t-shirt she has on. I discard it to one side and see her body in all its naked glory. My hands glide over the contours of her body and she gasps as I take her left nipple into my mouth. I suck it and then nip it gently. Her back arches and I can feel the warmth between her legs as she sits on me.

I grab her ass and lift her from me. She moans at the loss, but her eyes roam over my body as I stand and discard my jeans. As soon as I’m naked, I’m back on the bed, and Kara is instantly back in my lap. She runs her hands over my chest before leaning down to kiss me. It starts off slow and sweet, but soon turns into something more. My cock is rock hard and I ache for her. Kara reaches down and guides my cock to her heat, taking me inside her inch by inch. It feels painstakingly slow as she takes her time with me, yet it’s a feeling I wouldn’t be without. A moan reverberates through her chest and out of her mouth as she rocks herself slowly against me. My hands find her hips and I grip them as she finds her rhythm. Her hands find my shoulders and she holds on tight as she ups her pace.

I’m losing myself in her and I never want to find myself again. I want to always feel like I do right now. I feel hypnotised by Kara. She owns me, body, heart, soul and mind.

Reaching my hands round her, I grip her ass and lift her up and down my length. I’m panting and there’s a sheen of sweat on my brow. The wicked smile on Kara’s face suggests she knows how close I already am to my climax. She moves up and down, faster and harder than before. Every movement has me paralysed, she’s in control here and I find I don’t mind at all.

Kara’s back arches and she moans loudly. I reach down between us and start to play with her clit, teasing her closer to the brink. It’s all I can do to keep from coming too soon. Seeming to lose her rhythm, I sense she’s closer to the edge and I take over. Gripping her hips, I move inside her, hard and slow, then more gently but faster. I draw it out for a few more moments before giving into the urge to fuck her hard and fast, bringing us both crashing down in waves.


Her breathing is rapid and I can feel her heart race as she lies against my chest.

“I love you, baby,” I whisper as I try to regulate my own breathing.

“I love you too.”

We collapse onto the bed, lying side by side, facing each other. I trace lazy circles on her hip with one hand. She has never looked more beautiful than in this moment. I can’t believe how lucky I am. Kara is my best friend, my lover, my all. I would give her the world if it was mine to give. She doesn’t realise it, but she’s piecing me back together every minute I spend with her. I want to do the same for her. I know she’s dated a string of losers over the years. I’ve met and disliked most of them. Sawyer was my main competition for her hand and her heart. He was a good guy that really cared about her. I feel sorry for him that she couldn’t return his love, but ultimately I’m happy it was because of me that she couldn’t give him her heart.

I don’t want to move to go to work, but I know I must shower and get ready. So I get up from the bed, grab Kara in my arms, and carry her to the shower. She squeals as I put her in the shower and turn the water on. Getting in with her, I kiss and caress her as the water runs over her beautiful body.

“Reid, we won’t get to work at this rate,” she chastises me. The tone in her voice suggests she doesn’t really care about work, though.

“I can’t help it when I’m around you, baby. I want you every minute of every day. You’re my kryptonite.”

Wrapping her arms around my neck, Kara pulls me to her and kisses me. Her kiss is passionate and bruising. I can’t help but get aroused again. She giggles as she notices my arousal, then she turns to grab the shower head. I don’t see it coming but she aims the water at me and I am blasted with freezing cold water.

“You’ll pay for that,” I splutter as I climb out of the shower and grab a towel.

“Hmm, I’m sure I can think of a way to make it up to you,” she whispers seductively.

“Now?” I ask hopefully.

“You’re incorrigible,” she says as she laughs at me and shakes her head.




I’m at work and all I can think of is Kara. I close my eyes, and memories of this morning play out behind my eyelids. It’s hard to get anything done when my mind is elsewhere. I wonder how I got so lucky. When I first met Kara, I had no clue this would be how things played out. If I’d known then what I know now, I would never have got with Zoey. But I guess things happen for a reason, and Kara and I got together when the time was right for us both. Luckily for me, Kara is a good woman, and when I told her what happened with Zoey and our baby, she didn’t judge me for leaving. I never really thought she would, but I didn’t want to talk about those painful memories.

I bust my ass at work for the rest of the day, distracting myself from my thoughts. I want to try to find a way to make it up to Kara for the fact that our first night away got cut short by Molly. I know she was okay about it and I love her even more for the way she helped out and put Molly and me at ease that night.

Jason and Liam are snuggled up on the couch watching a film when I get home.

“Hey bro, where have you been?” Jase greets me.

“Long story.”

“Sit,” he orders and I comply.

“Is everything okay?” he asks as Liam pauses the film and gets up to put the kettle on.

“Yeah. I’ve been with Kara.”

“We know that because you went to Blakelands together, but you seem like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. Did it not go well?”

I sigh audibly and Jase looks at me. The look in his eyes implores me to talk, but I’ve never told him about Zoey and the baby and if I plan to tell him what happened, I guess I’m going to have to tell him the whole truth.

Liam walks back in carrying three steaming mugs of coffee and I mentally shake myself, preparing to tell them both everything about the last day or so.




Jason and Liam didn’t judge me for my choices, which makes me feel better. They convince me that looking for a place of my own shouldn’t be an issue I have to contend with right now. Jase said he thinks I need the support of them around me, at least for a while. I’m appreciative of that. Looking at flats has been the last thing on my mind, and I might not admit it to them, but having them around really does help.

I’m sat in the lounge on the recliner chair with my feet up and my eyes closed when the sound of an incoming text disturbs my peace.


Kara: Fancy a night in with me and a tub of chocolate fudge brownie ice-cream?


I quickly tap out my reply.


Reid: Ben & Jerry’s? You really do know the way to my heart! ;)


Kara: The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.


Reid: Is it only ice-cream on offer? ;)


It’s a few moments before I get a reply and I feel she’s trying to make me impatient.


Kara: Come over and find out!


I get up and go in search of some clean clothes and a quick shower. I tell the boys I’m off and not to wait up. Liam grins at me.

“Don’t worry, tell her I’ll open up in the morning,” Liam says as I grab my car keys.


I give him a one-armed bro-hug and pat him on the back.

“My pleasure. It’s good to see a smile on our girl’s face.”

“Our girl?” I ask inquisitively.

“Yeah, our girl. She’s one of my best friends. If you hurt her, I know where you live.”

“Considering I live with you guys…” I laugh and shake my head at him.

“Exactly, bro, so hurt her and I won’t have to go far to hunt you down!”

He tries for a serious expression but pulls off a mildly amused one instead. I head for the door, still laughing at his protectiveness. He’s like a lion protecting his cub. But he and I both know full well he doesn’t have to worry. I’m never going to hurt Kara. Hurting her would be hurting myself.