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My Weakness by Alison Mello, C.A. Harms, Keren Hughes, Evan Grace, Skyla Madi, CJ Laurence, Kenadee Bryant, Crave Publishing (66)













I took in a deep breath, my forehead pressed to Morgan’s as I tried to come back down from the high I just hit. Our bodies slick with sweat, mine still firmly tucked between her thighs as her legs remained around my waist, securely locked behind my back as if she wasn’t quite ready to let me go. That was fine. I wasn’t ready to leave. In fact if she agreed, I planned to stay right where I was all night and well into the morning.

The challenge I’d faced trying to get her to give me a chance was torturous, but well worth it. I was just sorry I missed how amazing we were together the first time around.

“That was…” her words faded off and I knew just what she was feeling.

“Yeah, it was.” Both of us obviously found it hard to think of a word to describe what we just shared.

She tucked her face into the crease of my neck, snuggling in as close as she could get.

“I could get used to this,” I confessed, closing my eyes and getting lost for a moment.

“Used to what?” she asked, her warm breath tickling my neck.

“You being all cute and snuggling against me.” I could almost sense her rolling her eyes. “Just admit it, you like it too.”

“Maybe,” she whispered softly, burrowing in a little closer before pausing. “Okay, I like it too.”

It was my turn to smile. I think my girl was beginning to get a little soft. I liked the idea of being able to share this with her when we were alone. She was determined and stubborn yet with a gentle side hiding underneath. It was the best of both worlds. Her sassiness turned me on like nothing I’ve ever felt before, but this right here, this was good too.

I was glad I was lucky enough to see this side of her. The idea of any other man doing this very thing, with this very girl, made my chest burn with jealousy.

“Stay with me tonight.” I knew one thing, I didn’t want this to end.

“I drove my mom’s car,” she replied. “I should get it back to her.”

“So we can take it back early in the morning. She’s not going anywhere tonight.” Morgan was quiet and I knew she was worrying her lips. It’s strange how by just silently observing someone for so long you learn their nervous tics. I’d witnessed it each time I approached her after our first night together. I also found her doing it multiple times when I was at her parents’ house, interacting with Toby. I didn’t have to see her face to know she was doing it now.

“I really don’t want to get up now, but if it would make you feel better, we could take it back tonight.” I was willing to do just about anything to keep her with me tonight.

“We can take it in the morning,” her soft, hesitant whisper filled the darkened room and I felt instantly relieved. I rolled toward my side, yet kept my arms securely around her body. The fact that Morgan willingly came, curling into my chest, was a good sign that she was warming up to the idea of us.

I know my persistence helped too.

We lay there in the darkness, her body snuggled in tightly to mine, neither saying a word. I could tell she was awake, but I waited to see if she was going to say anything more.

I could hear the guys downstairs, and even in the hallway outside my room—loud laughter and havoc as usual. I’d gotten used to sleeping through most of their activities. You had to in this house or you would never get any sleep.

“What else do you enjoy besides living with bunch of zoo animals?” she asked, making me chuckle. “You know it’s true,” she added. “Most of these guys are out of control.”

“Yes, they are.” I didn’t deny it.

“So besides streaking, egg tosses, and whatever else you guys do to torment one another, what do you enjoy?” she asked again.

“Right now, I’m enjoying you,” I said as I kissed along the back of her neck and shoulder.

“Besides that,” she said, breathier than the words she spoke only seconds before.

When I didn’t answer right away, she turned in my arms to face me. “I like drawing,” she whispered, surprising me. “I’m not very good at it, but I find it relaxes me. Mostly landscapes and abstract images.”

Knowing what I knew of Morgan, so stubborn and hard headed, I just found it hard to imagine her sitting with a sketch book in her hands.

“I’d like to see them sometime,” I told her and she tucked her chin to her chest. When I reached out and placed my finger beneath her chin, I lifted her head to get a better look at her face. “Will you show me?”

“Maybe,” she whispered. “Now you have to tell me something.”

I sat quiet for a moment, scanning over her face in the darkness. Her profile was illuminated by the light coming in the window from the street lamp just outside.

“I used to play baseball,” I confessed and her nose wrinkled in the cutest way.

“A jock, huh?” she said, a smile covering her lips.

“Why, you into jocks?” I asked her as I slipped my hand around her back and placed it against the dip just above her ass. She looked up and I took advantage of our closeness, pressing my lips to hers. For a moment we were lost in our kiss, her tongue seeking entrance, mine meeting hers without hesitation.

I could kiss this girl for hours, I swear.

She pulled away much too soon and I fought against the urge to pull her back to me.

“Not really,” she said. “I prefer the bad boy type with a bit of attitude.”

“Then I’m glad I decided not to go after that scholarship and play for UCLA.” Her eyes widened and I knew I’d surprised her. “I loved it once, but I outgrew it. I knew I wanted more. Honestly, leaving my family to live in California was hard to imagine.”

Her features softened.

“What?” I asked, wondering what the look covering her face was all about.

She snuggled in closer, her arms slipping around my side. Our bodies were completely pressed together, our legs tangled as our lips hovered only inches apart. “I think that is one of the things I find l like about you most. You understand the need for family. I can see it in the way you talk about yours; your need to stay close just confirms it.”

“I told you we were more alike that you thought,” I assured her as I kissed her softly.

No other words were spoken, just soft kisses in the dark. Those kisses alone were enough, they were more than enough. I was completely content with them alone.




“Drop that pizza.” I turned my head to the left and found Morgan standing near the refrigerator, her arm extended outward as she pointed directly at me. I held the pizza near my mouth, fully intending to take a bite, but she looked kind of vicious. “Now,” she added as she took a step toward me.

“This pizza?” I asked, wanting to fire her up just a little more. It was actually fun, and I’d found over the last week times like these had become a part of what I enjoyed most of our time together. The silly banter, the continuous flirting was refreshing.

“Yes.” She narrowed her eyes at me. “That pizza. Mushrooms and black olives are mine.” She tried to sound intimidating, but it was impossible to hide her smile. It tugged at the corner of her mouth as she pursed her lips attempting to hide it. “That half is mine.”

“The whole half?” I asked, looking her over from head to toe. There was no way a tiny girl her size could eat the entire thing. Could she?

As if Marcus could read the question in my eyes, he began to chuckle from across the table, “She can, she has, and she most definitely will again. Your girl eats like a man, so you better get used to it. The one piece of advice I can give you is never, and I do mean never, get between her and her mushroom and olive pizza.” I looked between him and Morgan, before looking back at him once more. “You could lose a finger, or a nut.” He shrugged and I swallowed hard just as Morgan snorted in laughter.

“I love my pizza,” she added, trying to regain control after Marcus and his threat on my manly jewels. Or one of them at least.

“Pete has a thing for Morgan, and when he makes her pizza, he makes it special,” Marcus added, suddenly gaining my full attention. “He puts extra toppings, and I swear the man writes hidden messages with the mushrooms. He is hooked on her something fierce.”

“Marcus,” Morgan said in warning, only I wanted to know all about this Pete guy.

“No,” I said, waving my hand in a continue on manner. “Please go on, I’d love to hear all about this Pete character.” I was trying to look unaffected by the thoughts of another guy liking Morgan. I smirked and leaned back in my chair, but my gut was tied in knots.

“His family owns Porter’s Pizza on Michigan Ave.,” Marcus continued and I watched Morgan for a reaction, looking for any sign that she might have an equal interest in ol’ Petey. “He never charges us full price, never makes us wait for pizza. If I call in and order, it is top priority for Morgan here.”

It had only been a couple weeks since Morgan gave in to what she was feeling toward me and showed up at my place. Since then she’d allowed me into her world. Which means I’d also been allowed into Toby’s and Marcus’ world too. Marcus was actually a pretty okay guy, and seeing how protective he seemed of Morgan, I found I liked him too. When she wasn’t with me, she had him, and that was reassuring.

“He has a unibrow,” Morgan announced, breaking through my thoughts. “A huge, overgrown unibrow, of the darkest black hair I have ever seen.”

Marcus broke out in laughter, and I know I had to have one hell of a perplexed look on my face.

“A unibrow?” I repeated, and she nodded, her eyes widening just a bit.

That helped, a little. But I still thought me and a few of the guys should visit Porter’s and harass this Pete guy. I thought it could be a fun way to fill an evening. Maybe I could trick Morgan into coming along just so I could fawn over her in front of him to prove a very important point.

She is mine.

Without a second thought, I lifted the pizza I held to my mouth and took a huge bite, just because I could. Morgan’s eyes grew wide, and you would think I just performed some horrendous act. Her eyes narrowed, her nostrils flared, and her lips pressed into a tight line.

At that moment I swore I could have heard a pin drop. Marcus didn’t speak, I continued to chew, and Morgan watched me as if I were the enemy. “This is some damn good pizza,” I said as I took another bite.

I closed my eyes and made an over-exaggerated sound expressing my delight as I continued to eat the slice of pizza. I could almost see smoke coming out of her ears. I wanted to laugh at her; she didn't scare me, she intrigued me, even when she was irritated. Whenever she attempted to look mean, I only found her cute. It was actually fucking adorable that she thought she could intimidate me.

When I reached out for another slice, Morgan moved in fast, placing her hand over mine. Leaning in close, she brought her face close to mine, her eyes staring directly in to mine. “If you touch another piece of my pizza I can assure you, you’ll be going home tonight instead of sharing my bed with me.”

“Is that so?” I asked, and all she did was offer me a very slow nod.

Part of me wanted to push back. I wanted to fire her up and then when she was good and pissed, I would toss her up over my shoulder. I assumed she’d be kicking and thrashing as I carried her down the hallway toward her bedroom. I could almost hear her deep, exasperated pants mixed with her irritation when I’d toss her to her bed and move in quick.

I had a feeling irritated, rage sex would be one hell of a heightened experience with Morgan.

“That is most definitely so,” she assured me. “Eating my pizza equals banishment.”

I chuckled.

“I’m in no way exaggerating, Mr. Stone. You and your special friend down below will no longer be sharing my bed, or any other bed, with me.”

So it’s like that? I wanted to challenge her, but I wanted her body pressed to mine later tonight more. I gave in. I’d save this battle for another night.

“I tried warning you,” Marcus said. “You should just consider yourself lucky she didn’t kill you for stealing one piece. But she could still take off a nut later, so I would for sure remain on guard.”

Ignoring Marcus and his continuous mention of my nuts, I focused on Morgan. Fucking adorable was the only thing I could think of her attempt to frighten me.

Without another thought, I moved forward before Morgan expected it and pressed a quick kiss against her lips. I could tell I’d caught her off guard as her lips stiffened against my own, but honestly I loved doing that. It wasn’t often I was able to get to her with her guard down. Well, not when other people were around to witness it, anyway.

When we were alone it was different, she gave me a side of herself I knew she did her best to keep hidden.

Pulling away from our kiss, my gaze connected with hers and instantly I noticed the lust in her eyes. My chest felt as if it swelled with pride. Knowing that with just one simple kiss I could trigger that kind of reaction reassured me and tamed the insecurity I felt only moments ago.