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My Weakness by Alison Mello, C.A. Harms, Keren Hughes, Evan Grace, Skyla Madi, CJ Laurence, Kenadee Bryant, Crave Publishing (105)













2 months later…


Reid and I have been dating for the last couple of months and I couldn’t be any happier. He’s the perfect boyfriend; thoughtful, kind, loving, and he always puts me first. I know his priorities will change once his son is born, but I’m making the most of being his number one while it lasts.

Zoey has asked me to go shopping with her today. Thea is growing so fast that she needs some more clothes. I love to shop, especially for baby stuff because it’s all so darn cute, so I’m catching up with Reid for a meal and drinks tonight after spending the day on my feet.

The doorbell goes and I rush to open it to my best friend and goddaughter.

“Hey beautiful,” I say as I reach to take the baby carrier from Zoey.

“Hey babe,” Zoey says as she kisses my cheek and walks into the hall.

“Are we heading straight out or do you want a coffee first?”

“I thought we’d head out and grab a caffeine fix at Costa while we’re out and about.”

“Great. Let me grab my bag and coat.”




We end up loaded down with bags, sat in a booth in Costa. Thea is asleep and I can’t help but wish I was too. My feet are sore and I’m thankful I had the sense to wear flat shoes. Zoey went on a mad spending spree and she isn’t quite finished yet. She wants to hit a couple more shops before we head home. It turned out that she also wanted me to try a dress on for her wedding, seeing as I am her maid of honour. She promised not to dress me in pink taffeta or something equally as hideous and we’ve actually found the perfect dress. Zo wants to lose a little more of her baby weight before being measured for her own dress which her parents are paying to have designed as a bespoke one-off. I think she looks pretty amazing, she’s lost lots of the weight in the last couple of months. But she says she wants everything to be “just so” and there’s no talking her round once she’s set her mind to something.

My dress has a sweetheart neckline, and cinches in at the waist before flaring out a little at the bottom. It is aubergine coloured, and I love the way it ruches over the bodice. The material feels heavenly, a sort of satin texture, and I absolutely love it. I can’t wait to wear it. I wasn’t actually expecting to like what she picked, but I have to admit that Zoey knows her stuff when it comes to dresses and what suits my body type.

After our caffeine fix, we head to the car to put the bags away before we go to the last couple of shops. A designer pram in a window catches Zoey’s eye and she practically drags me to the store. We walk in and Zoey goes to find a member of the staff to ask about the pram. While I’m stood waiting with Thea in her pram—one that I think couldn’t possibly need changing—I spot a familiar face.

Molly doesn’t see me as she’s with a store clerk talking about a pram, from what I can see. I don’t want to call out to her or draw attention to myself, so I turn back to Thea.

Zoey comes back with a store clerk in tow and starts asking all sorts of questions about the pram from the window. The lady gets one from the shop floor and talks her through all of the specifications. The lady leaves Zoey to make up her mind and she asks me what I think of it. To me, a pram is a pram, so what would I know?

Undecided, Zoey decides to look around while she thinks. We’re browsing dresses that could end up being Thea’s dress for the wedding when I see Molly again. She’s bent over the pram she was looking at before.

“Zoey, look,” I whisper quietly as I point subtly at Molly.

I can’t quite believe my eyes and need Zoey to confirm I’m not seeing things.

“What the hell?” she asks in disbelief.

I’m relieved I’m not seeing things, but I’m not happy at all right now. I need to tell Reid, but I don’t know how to say the words.

“Should we confront her?” Zoey asks quietly.

“Hell no! I don’t want to spook her. She could disappear or…well, I don’t know what she might do, but it seems like if she’s making stuff up, she’ll surely do something.”

“Wait here, I’m going to take a closer look and see if I can capture a picture on my phone.”

“No, Zoey, wait…”

I’m too late, she’s already walked off. I still can’t believe what I’m seeing. I close my eyes and count to five before taking another look. Nope, that didn’t work, it’s still there.

Thea cries, and as I stand to see to her, Molly straightens and looks directly over to me. Great. I didn’t really want her knowing I was here. It’s even more awkward knowing what I know now.

“Hi,” Molly says as she offers a little wave. She walks in my direction and dread pools in the pit of my stomach.

“Hi Molly.”

“Who’s this little beauty?” she asks as she peers at Thea in her pram.

“This is my goddaughter, or will be once she’s christened. Her name is Thea. She’s Zoey’s daughter.”

“She’s a little darling,” she coos as she reaches out a hand to her.

“Hi,” Zoey says from behind Molly.

“Oh, hi,” Molly replies, startled.

Zoey smiles politely whilst manoeuvring herself between Molly and Thea. I don’t blame her in light of things.

“Are you here getting everything ready for your little one?” Zoey asks.

“Yeah, I’m getting a pram and a few other little bits while I’m here.”

“That’s great. I was pretty anal about having everything in place before Thea came along.”

“I know what you mean. I have pretty much everything sorted. Just a few last things to get.”

I know Reid gave her some money for baby things a while ago. He’d told her he’d help in any way he could. What he’s going to do now though is anybody’s guess.

We make small talk with Molly for a few more minutes before making our excuses and saying our goodbyes. Zoey all but drags me out of the shop, all thoughts of the new pram seemingly forgotten. Once we get outside I take a few deep breaths. I know I have to go home and talk to Reid, but I really don’t want to do this.

“I got a couple of photos,” Zoey says as we get back to her car. 

“Good, can you send them to me? Or better yet, could you come with me to tell Reid?”

“I don’t think I can, honey. I promised to meet Brock at Madison Avenue for a bite to eat.”

“Can you call him and tell him you’ll be a little later than expected? Please?” I all but beg.

“Oh honey.” She wraps her arms around me and I bury my head in the crook of her neck. “I’ll ring Brock now. We can have a meal anytime. Reid needs to know about this, and the sooner, the better. I’m sorry, I didn’t stop to think it would be this upsetting for you.”

I cry into her shoulder. I weep for Reid. I weep for what could have been, but what won’t be. My eyes are stinging from the amount of tears I didn’t realise I would shed.




Zoey drove me to Reid’s place and now we’re sat in the driveway because I can’t bring myself to go in and shatter his world.

“Honey, you don’t have to do this,” Zoey says quietly so as not to wake a sleeping Thea.

“I do. She’s a lying bitch and she doesn’t deserve this kind, loving man to be at her beck and call. She made us think there could have been a problem with the baby, Zoey. You tell me what else I should do?”

“She did what?”

The look on Zoey’s face makes me crumple. I tell her about us looking after Molly the night she told us they were having a son. Her rage is palpable. She may not be with Reid anymore, but she obviously still cares that someone would use him in such a way.

I open my car door and steel myself to do the unthinkable. I just hope this doesn’t break his heart to a point that it can’t be fixed. There’s no going back now that I’m on the doorstep, hand raised to knock.