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Spring Fling: A Limited Edition Collection of Romance by Nicole Morgan, Stacy Deanne, Jan Springer, Krista Ames, Cara Marsi, Khardine Gray, Nikky Kaye, Lisa Marbly-Warir, Dana Kenzi, Lynn Burke (40)


Almost one year later…

Andrew squirmed uneasily beside Adam in the courtroom as he watched Paisley. She appeared calm, cool and collected in the witness box as she answered questions about her past with Paul. Andrew had never seen her so composed as she relayed what she had gone through with that son-of-a-bitch. Inside, an intense rage burned. How dare that creep hurt Paisley? Hurting any woman was something he could not comprehend doing. But he swore if he had a few minutes alone with this guy, he would strangle him to death.

“Easy, bud,” Adam chuckled beneath his breath and gave Andrew a sharp nudge to his ribs.

“I can’t help it. I want to reach out and grab him by the throat and watch his eyes bug out of his face,” Andrew whispered.

“I think Paisley’s doing a good-enough job on her own. Paul has been squirming in his seat since she’s gotten up on the stand. Her testimony will solidify that this guy has a history of abuse. All we need to do now is to support and love her. She’s one strong woman. We’re very lucky she came back to us.”

Relief poured through Andrew. Adam was right. He didn’t have to protect Paisley. She was tough as nails, and she proved it by coming here to face her ex right here in the courtroom and air what had gone on between them during their marriage.

Andrew still remembered that morning after they’d made love to her in the cabin. They’d parted ways on the lake in their respective canoes. She’d gone off to the Art House and Adam and he had headed back to the lodge.

Andrew’d found a message on his answering machine from a cop friend. The message had said Paul was in jail for beating his girlfriend. Andrew had decided not to tell Paisley or Adam. Later that day, though, she’d come to them with the news. Her friend, Selena, had informed Paisley about Paul.

For a while, he’d hated her friend. Loathed her for bringing Paul back into their lives. Despised her because Paisley said she would participate in helping to put Paul behind bars.

Andrew hadn’t liked that idea. He’d wanted to keep her at home with them. Wanted to wrap her up in his arms and keep her safe, but she’d been persistent and had talked to the cops and DA about Paul.

Andrew grinned as he watched the defense lawyer continue to fire questions at Paisley. Man, she really was tough. She didn’t so much as flinch.

And his son, Jerry, had already fallen in love with her. He called her all the time. Even more than he called Andrew. His ex-wife had also commented on what a nice person Paisley was and said that he should hang onto her. That was a high compliment from his ex, who rarely gave personal compliments.

For sure, Paisley was one tough lady. She was a lovable lady and she was the love of his life.

* * *

Adam knew the instant when Andrew realized he didn’t have to worry about Paisley anymore. His shoulders slumped and his fists unclenched in his lap. It was like watching a big ball of tension finally unwind. It had taken long enough.

The man had been ultra-tense for the better part of the year, worrying about Paisley and constantly telling her that she didn’t have to go through with this courtroom drama. But she’d been insistent and strong and confident.

Her confidence turned him on. Just as it was doing now. He liked this new, mature Paisley. He hadn’t even realized she’d been living in a cocoon until the beautiful butterfly had emerged and spread her wings that night almost a year ago when she’d asked the two of them to make love to her in that cabin.

Man, they’d been making love to her almost every night since then. They hadn’t officially moved in together. But they eventually would.

Until that happened, it was kind of fun sneaking over to the Art House and into Paisley’s bed when the lodge and its guests were put to bed every night. They hadn’t advertised to the employees about their relationship with Paisley, but he figured everyone probably knew something was up.

Hell, it wasn’t their business anyway.

He and Andrew had Paisley back in their lives, and that was all that really mattered.

* * *

Three days later…

Soft snores whispered through the interior of the car. Paisley glanced off the secluded road and quickly gazed into the rearview mirror. Midnight moonlight shone through the window and onto Adam. He was fast asleep in the back seat. His head was propped back against the headrest and his mouth was slightly open as he snored softly.

He looked stress-free and boyish as he slept. His dark hair was unkempt and the wrapper of a chocolate bar lay on his chest.

She did a quick scan of Andrew, who sat on the passenger seat. He’d fallen asleep as well and he snored just a bit louder than Adam. He looked peaceful in sleep, and she was glad this entire trial was finally over. Thankfully, they would be home within minutes.

The jury had found Paul guilty and he was now heading off to prison for attempted murder. His girlfriend had suffered broken bones, but she was expected to make a full physical recovery. A full mental recovery would be another story. Paisley knew from personal experience living with an abuser like Paul sucked a lot of life out of a woman.

Paisley focused her attention back to the dirt road. As she drove, she caught glimpses of Dream Catcher Lake. Silver sparkles of moonlight danced on the waves and the black silhouette of pine trees that towered into the star-studded dark blue sky breathed inspiration into Paisley.

Northern Ontario, Canada was so beautiful, even at night.

The seclusion. The scenery. The wildlife. The stillness. It all spoke to her inner girl and brought peace into her soul.

The lights from Dreamheart Wilderness Lodge suddenly splashed through the trees to her right, but Paisley drove past the building as an idea suddenly sprang to mind. She turned onto a narrow dirt road and as she drove, she grabbed a couple of items from her purse and stuffed them into her cardigan pocket.

A few minutes later, she finally pulled into the dark parking lot of the Art House.

As she turned off the car, the sudden soft musical ring tone sang from her cell phone where she’d stashed it in her open purse beside her. She pulled the phone out. She knew who would be calling. He’d been doing it quite often lately, especially on the weekends, and she was surprised no one had caught on to the secret night phone calls.

“Hey, Jerry, can’t sleep again?” she said into the phone.

“Hi, Paisley. How did your day go today?” The six-year-old’s voice was so sweet she wanted to reach into the phone, grab him and hug him. She’d already met Andrew’s son a few times. And his mother as well.

She’d fallen instantly in love with Jerry, but she still hadn’t figured out why Andrew had married the boisterous, older, red-haired party-girl type who seemed Paisley’s total opposite.

“I’m fine. How are you doing, sweetie?” she asked Jerry.

“Hmm. I’m getting excited about next weekend,” he said in a louder voice.

“About your visiting us for Thanksgiving?” she teased. She already knew the answer.

“Of course! I love turkey…” He went silent for a moment. “You are making turkey, aren’t you?”

“As a matter of fact, yes,” she gushed and smiled as she imagined his big bright-blue eyes widen with surprise.

“Yeah!” he cried.

Paisley laughed.

“Jerry! What are you doing on the phone? Who are you talking to?”

“Oops, Mom’s up. I must have woke her. I think I am in big trouble.” But Jerry didn’t sound in the least bit frightened to be caught talking on the phone long after bedtime.

“Hello? Who is this?” Jerry’s mom, Lea, sounded angry, and a bit scared too. It wasn’t every day one discovered their six-year-old boy on the phone past midnight on a Friday night.

“It’s just me, Lea. Paisley.”

“Paisley?” She sounded surprised and then worried. “What’s happened? Has something happened to Andrew? Is that why you’re calling?”

“Actually, Jerry called me. He couldn’t sleep. He’s excited about Thanksgiving.” Momentary guilt flooded through Paisley for ratting out Jerry. But she didn’t want to lie to Lea.

“Oh, thank God.” Relief poured through the woman’s voice.

“Andrew is fine. Everything is fine.” Paisley said with a smile. Everything was perfect. She couldn’t wait to see the little boy again. Jerry was a miniature version of Andrew. Jerry looked like his father, and acted like him too. It was so endearing to watch the two of them together and her heart ached with sadness every time Jerry had to leave again.

“Are you having turkey, by chance? Jerry loves turkey,” Andrew’s ex-wife laughed.

“Thanksgiving wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without turkey. And remember, you and Bill are invited as well,” Paisley replied heartily. Bill was Lea’s latest boy toy.

Movement from beside her had Paisley gazing over at Andrew. He blinked sleepily at her and yawned, not quite awake yet.

“That’s great, Paisley. We’ll be there. I’ve already made the reservations at the lodge.” Her voice softened. “Thank you so much for being so good to our son. He really loves you.”

“I love him too. He’s the sweetest boy I have ever known.” Oh yeah, she was so going to love hugging Jerry when she saw him. She could hardly wait.

“We’ll see you next weekend. Bye for now, Paisley.”

“Bye. Sleep tight.”

The line went dead.

Paisley tossed her cell back into her purse and gazed at Andrew.

“Who was that?” Andrew asked as he rubbed his eyes.

“The kid. He can’t wait to get here.” The kid was Andrew’s nickname for his son.

Andrew grinned and his eyes twinkled with happiness.

“He called you again?”

Paisley nodded.

Andrew laughed. It was a happy sound that came from deep in his chest.

“Man, he must really like you. Probably has a crush on you. Like his old man does.”

“You only have a crush on me?” she teased. She knew it was more than a crush. The two men were always telling her how much they loved her.

“Hell, lady. If those big-time erections Andy is getting every time he sees you is what he calls a crush, then we’ve got some seriously huge problems when he falls in love.” Adam grumbled from the back seat.

She glanced in the rearview mirror and Adam winked at her. He was, of course, only teasing. She got his meaning. Andrew’s cock would get even bigger.

Paisley shook her head as her cheeks suddenly warmed and she hid a smile. To her annoyance, she still got a bit embarrassed when the guys talked about sex so blatantly.

“Heh. Where are we anyway?” Andrew asked as he gazed into the trees in front of them.

“Look out the back window,” Paisley suggested.

Both men turned to look and Paisley opened her door and stepped out of the car.

“We’re home,” she whispered.

Cool October air whispered against Paisley as she gazed at the two-story building, with the black silhouette of pine trees.

Adam and Andrew stepped out of the car and joined her.

“Home sweet home.” Andrew replied softly.

“I missed this place,” Adam said.

“Let’s leave the luggage until tomorrow and head inside,” Andrew said quickly as he suddenly seemed to understand why she hadn’t dropped them off at the lodge.

“Actually, I have a better idea. Follow me.” Paisley tossed them her most seductive smile and enjoyed the way both men’s eyes widened.

Yeah, they knew what she wanted.

They eagerly joined her as she ascended the stairs and headed around the building to the veranda.

Paisley inhaled a deep breath of the fresh-scented air and grabbed onto the railing to gaze at the lake. If she didn’t have more pressing needs, she’d prop up her easel and start painting the quiet scene.

Moonlight shone over the waters, giving it a shimmering silver effect. A cool breeze whispered through the nearby pine branches and water lapped against the rocky shoreline. Somewhere in the distance, she spied a lonesome loon who cried a mournful song.

“Isn’t it pretty?” Paisley asked as she heard Adam and Andrew come up behind her. She took that moment to dig into her cardigan. A second later, she placed the tube of lube and package of condoms onto the railing.

Excitement rippled through her like a live wire as she waited for them to comment. When they didn’t say anything, she twisted around and stared.

Both were already getting undressed. Their belts were undone and their zippers lowered. Within seconds, the two men were naked and soon after Paisley was also naked and trapped between them.

She moaned as Adam plunged his lubed, sheathed cock into her rear. Her anal muscles clenched around him, welcoming the thick, hot intrusion.

Andrew’s firm lips made love to her tingling mouth and his thick condomed penis penetrated her pussy.

Paisley cried out shamelessly as both men quickly pushed her toward the pleasure she craved. Their strong hands held her tight as she bucked and arched into their thrusts.

A little over a year ago, if someone had told her that dreams didn’t come true, she would have believed them.

But no more.

She was living the dream. And she loved it with all her heart.

The End