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Spring Fling: A Limited Edition Collection of Romance by Nicole Morgan, Stacy Deanne, Jan Springer, Krista Ames, Cara Marsi, Khardine Gray, Nikky Kaye, Lisa Marbly-Warir, Dana Kenzi, Lynn Burke (61)

Chapter Four

They’re back,” Mindy’s whispered words quickened Meg’s heartbeat, but before she could put down her brush and go invite their neighbors over for dinner, Mindy dropped the novel she’d been reading and flounced through the blueberry bushes toward their neighbor’s incoming BMW SUV.

Annoyance prickled Meg at the way her friend’s locks bounced, her perfect ass swayed, and without doubt, her ample breasts jiggled in the bikini barely covering them. She turned back to her easel and used a knife to mix a lighter green. With a fan brush, she feathered in some newer leaves hinting at spring growth.

Focused on her work, she reloaded the brush, intent on adding more. Perhaps some lighter…a few darker.

“They’ll be over at seven,” Mindy said with a giggle, settling back onto her towel a short time later.

Meg’s heartbeat kicked back up a notch.

“My God, they’re both so damn fine,” her friend groaned.

Kayla snickered. “Did you tell them you’re up for a threesome if they are?”

Meg’s gaze narrowed, but she focused on the canvas.

“Neither even took note of this skimpy bikini.” Mindy huffed. “Definitely gay.”

Butterflies danced in Meg’s stomach. Both men had taken more than an eyeful of her the day before—in cutoffs and a sweatshirt. Since when? Mindy always got the pick of the guys, and Meg the leftovers.

She glanced over at the men’s cabin, trying not to stare as they exited the back of the A-frame and settled into their Adirondack chairs, beers in hand. Kayla and Mindy continued to chit-chat, but Meg’s mind buzzed over thoughts of being between Trevor and Jack, the sole focus of their attention.

Trevor’s scruff scraping her thighs…Jack’s full lips tugging on a nipple.

More leaves appeared on the canvas as Meg allowed her imagination free rein, both in paint and daydreams. White highlighted the shoreline. A bit of shading suggested ripples from a feeding fish.

“My God, Meg.”

Kayla’s words jerked Meg back to the present. “What?”

“That’s really good.” Her friend smiled down at her. “Really.”

Meg relaxed on her stool and ran her gaze over the painting. “There’s actually a little bit of life, isn’t there?”

“Yes,” Kayla agreed.

Tears clogged Meg’s throat and hazed the colors of the canvas in front of her. “Finally.”

Kayla hugged her from behind. “You’re amazing, Meg.” She squeezed and kissed her cheek.

A blossom of hope sprang up in Meg’s heart.

If only the mountain’s shadow would fade.

* * *

“Here they come!” Mindy squealed, and Meg cursed herself for taking so long to put the final touches on the painting. Hair still wrapped up in a towel and only half-dressed, she scurried to throw on some leggings. She might not have the best curves on the planet, but she’d at least been blessed with long, shapely legs.

She glanced out her window, her attention lingering a few seconds on the darkness and light of their neighbors. Defined muscles rippled beneath their tight t-shirts, calves flexed with each step, and the engine of Meg’s arousal turned over, purring to life. She’d never wanted anyone—two someones—so much in her life.

Trevor carried a six-pack, but the bottle of white in Jack’s hand kicked the strange flutters in her stomach into motion.

Has nothing to do with the fact they know you prefer white. He probably just grabbed a bottle without looking

A quick rub of the towel over her hair, and she huffed a breath while turning away from the window. “It’ll have to do.” Damp strands hung to the middle of her back, and a squirt of curl cream would hopefully keep it tamed enough so it wouldn’t frizz. She slid a hair tie around her wrist just in case, gave her barely-there makeup enhanced face a quick peek, and smiled at the light in her eyes.

All because of two hot men

Her smile faded at the vibrant darkness tinging the bags beneath her eyes. She needed to get her head out of the damn clouds. They were committed to each other, and she wouldn’t do anything to wreck their relationship.

Rumbling voices in the living room announced the two men’s arrival.

Meg smoothed her suddenly damp palms down her thighs and blew a breath between her lips. “Keep it cool,” she whispered to herself.

She stepped from the hallway into the open concept living room slash kitchen and pulled up short as the energy of the two men swept over her, pebbling her skin. Ignoring Mindy in the kitchen, her attention flew to the perfect asses on the far side of the room before she realized Trevor and Jack studied her painting that Kayla had propped up on the mantle.

Meg’s mouth dried, and her hands shook for a whole different reason. Two of her idols, dissecting her work

She bit the inside of her lip.

“Incredible,” one of the men murmured.

Hands on hips beside them, Kayla nodded. “This is the best one she’s done for a long time.”

Tears stung Meg’s eyes, and she glanced at Mindy. Her friend’s eyes sparkled and smile flashed from across the kitchen, and she gave two thumbs up before blowing her a kiss. “Who’s hungry?” Mindy called out, pulling the three on the other side of the room around.

Both Trevor and Jack’s gaze landed on Meg, and a jolt of something kicked her in the chest. If her friends couldn’t feel that rush of…whatever it was, they were blobs of black paint left sitting in the sun.

Mindy moved across the room, and clearing her throat, held out two serving dishes. “You guys want to take these to the table out back?”

Trevor was the first to move forward to do as asked. Jack’s gaze lingered on Meg. “Sure,” he finally said, following after his partner.

The screen door closed behind them.

“What. The. Fuck?” Mindy whispered, head whipping toward Meg.

“What?” Meg managed to ask, forcing her feet to carry her into the kitchen area.

“Here’s your chance to mark off that number one bucket list item,” Kayla whispered, “that’s what!”

“My God, am I jealous,” Mindy said with a sigh.

“Seriously, Meg.” One of Kayla’s eyebrows rose with her smirk. “Even I would be tempted with the way those two looked at you.”

Meg glanced at the closed screen door and ran her palms down her leggings again. “H-how did they look at me?”

“Like they wanted to devour every inch of you and come back for seconds.”

“Thirds,” Mindy added with a snort. “Lucky bitch. Now, get over here and take this outside before I decide I don’t like you anymore.”

Insides jittering, Meg stuck out her tongue and took the small dish of lemon slices. She made for the back door, Kayla on her heels.

“Kayla!” Mindy whispered harshly.

Her friend pulled up short, and Meg went outside alone into the thick—whatever it was—energy between her and their two very hot neighbors.

Gaze flitting from Trevor to Jack and back again, Meg smiled. “Hey,” she squeaked.

“Hey,” they both said at the same time.

“You are so beautiful,” Jack said, his gaze roaming down her body, lingering on her legs.

Heat flooded Meg’s face. “O-oh. Thanks.”

Trevor elbowed Jack but grinned. “He has no filter on his mouth.”

“And you love me for it.”

Meg’s attention glued to Trevor to check for any hint of jealousy, but his smile remained as he turned back toward her. “He’s right, though. You’re beautiful.”

Well. She tried for a smile. Okay.

Hand shaking, and glancing down at her chest to see if her body betrayed her arousal by the sudden high beams chafing against her bra, Meg sat the lemons on the picnic table to her right.

Mindy flounced out the back door, heading toward the grill. “Hope you boys are hungry. I got a beautiful piece of salmon and threw some steak tips on the grill, too, in case you don’t like fish.”

Her announcement eased the tension in Meg’s shoulders, and she sat down on one of the picnic table’s benches.

Trevor sat on the other end to her right.

Jack moved around to the left. “Scoot over?” He motioned her toward his partner.

Face hot, Meg slid on the bench toward Trevor. Jack sat, sandwiching her in between them. She inhaled, only to be swarmed by the scent of Trevor’s soap and Jack’s woodsy cologne.

Thank God for panties. She cleared her throat and smiled, praying like mad that little scrap of cotton-lined satin could retain the moisture springing to life between her thighs.

“So Meg tells us you’re the Bitner and Reece,” Kayla said, sitting down across from Trevor.

Meg wanted to blow her friend a kiss—Mindy, she wanted to slap silly for the waggling brow and suggestive wink.

For three hours, the five of them talked art, Boston’s nightlife, college memories, and studio ideas and business. The sexual tension eventually faded to a low hum between Meg’s thighs. The party moved from the table to the kitchen for cleanup, and back out to the fire pit where Trevor had gotten a nice pile of glowing coals ready for a dessert of s’mores.

Darkness fell, the almost full moon outshining the millions of stars trying to twinkle down on their party. The two men had retrieved their Adirondack chairs and added them to the circle around the women’s fire pit, and the laughter flowed as easily as the beer and wine.

“So you two are together, together?” Mindy asked after finishing off her third glass of wine.

“We have been since college,” Trevor said.

“What’s it like?”

“What’s what like?” Jack asked.

Mindy giggled. “Being so damn hot together that you make every straight woman dream about a threesome?”

Meg’s heart stumbled, heat flushing her from hair to toes, and she clenched her eyes shut.

Kayla laughed.

“So you think we’re damn hot together?” Trevor asked, laughter in his voice.

“God, yes.” Mindy sighed. “’Course, I’ve been dreaming about a threesome ever since I learned it could be done.”

“Good Lord, Mindy,” Meg mumbled, wondering how much wine her friend had drunk. “Seriously?”

“How about you, Meg?” Jack’s low question spread warmth through her entire body. “You ever dream about being with two men?”

Both Kayla and Mindy snickered, but Meg’s mind and mouth refused to work. The cabin beckoned, offering her a place to hide. She glanced at her two friends, both of whom returned her look, one brow raised, the other offering a wink.

“Well?” Trevor prompted.


“It’s number one on her bucket list.”

“Mindy!” Meg gasped.

“Well,” Mindy made a show of yawning before standing, “I’m calling it a night.” She inclined her heard toward Kayla—not too subtly, either.

“Yeah.” Kayla stood and grabbed the two empty beer bottles from beside her chair. “Me, too.”

Trevor and Jack stood to say their goodbyes to Meg’s friends, but made no move to head home as the two women disappeared inside.

Still horrified and frozen in place, Meg stared at the screen door as it shut behind her friends.

“Are you ready to call it a night?” Jack asked, pulling Meg’s attention back to the present situation.

She stood, every hair on her body rising at the sudden rush of sexual tension crackling between them. Her gaze flicked to Trevor. He stared at her from across the dying fire, but she didn’t need flames to see the desire in his blue eyes.

She opened her mouth to say yes. No.”

“It’s warmer tonight. Want to go sit on the dock and put our feet in the water?” Trevor suggested.

“S-sure.” Meg kicked off her flip flops as the men slipped out of theirs.

Trevor led the way, and Jack feathered his hand along Meg’s lower back as she passed him, but his touch fell away after two steps. She walked between the two men, her skin alive, pulse thrumming, her mind telling her to run inside and lock her bedroom door before she did something stupid. Her feet had a mind of their own, and when Trevor sat on the dock’s end and offered his hand, she accepted.

Those long fingers of his entwined with hers as she lowered herself to sit beside him and slid her feet and ankles into the cold water. He was slow to let go of his hold on her hand.

Jack settled on her other side rather than beside his partner, same as at the picnic table, effectively sandwiching her between them.

Meg fought to keep her inner jitters from shaking her body. The chilly water gave her something to focus on, but it didn’t cool her heated blood.

“Too cold away from the fire?” Jack asked, rubbing a hand down her hair to her lower back. The heat of his palm sent a rush of fire through her blood.

What is it about these two, she wondered, glancing over at him. “I’m good.” Smoldering, actually, she wanted to add.

He played with the ends of her hair, a lazy smile revealing his dimple. “Good.”

Trevor ran his hands down his thighs, the pinky on his left hand brushing hers and leaving a trail of fire in its wake.

God. She couldn’t imagine what his hands on her skin would actually feel like. She’d combust from that alone

Jack whispered something, drawing her head back around. “What?” she asked, her voice breathless and shaking.

“I asked if I could kiss you.”

“I-I don’t think…” She glanced over at Trevor.

He dipped his head as though giving permission. “He’s wanted to kiss you since he first saw you, and I can’t say no to him. I would give him the world if I could.”

She returned her attention to Jack and that damn adorable dimple. “But…you’re gay,” she whispered.

“Bi. Both of us are.”


“We used to share women in college until we decided we liked each other more. I haven’t wanted a woman since…until I saw you, just like he said.”

Her gaze flitted back to Trevor.

“Same for me.”


Meg swallowed, her mind screaming at her to get up and leave. Immediately.

Damn body took control, turning her back toward Jack. “Maybe…” Her gaze dropped to his full lips. “Maybe just one kiss,” she heard herself say.

He captured her lips without hesitation, sending a rush of heat and goosebumps skittering across her skin. His soft lips swept across hers as his hand slipped up her back and grabbed hold of her hair, angling her head toward him.

The brush of his tongue along her lips sent a spasm through her pussy, and a moan rose to her throat.

Trevor leaned into her, his open-mouth kisses dampening her neck as Jack continued his languid assault on her mouth. Tasting. Licking.

One man’s hand in her hair, the other’s on her waist, one on each thigh, rubbing, slowing inching upward.

Meg tore her lips from Jacks, heaving for breath, eyelids clenched shut.

One kiss, she’d said. She hadn’t expected a long, drawn-out kiss that would make her body quake with need.

“Come over to our cabin with us,” Trevor said, his low voice rumbling in her ear, his thumb drawing circles mid-thigh on her bare skin. “Check off your number one bucket list item.”

Jack nibbled along her jaw to her other ear. A shiver slid down to her toes as he squeezed her other thigh. “I…I c-can’t.”

“Does the thought of Trevor and I together turn you off?” Jack asked, nibbling her earlobe.

A huff of laughter flew past Meg’s lips as the two men continued their assault on her senses. “I saw you kissing on your back patio the other night.” The words escaped her parted lips, unintended.

Trevor nipped her skin in the hollow beneath her ear. “How did that make you feel?”

“Aroused,” she whispered, eyes still shut tight. They pulled answers from her easier than

“I was thinking about you while fucking Jack.”

A rush of moisture soaked her panties at Trevor’s low, rumbled confession against the hollow beneath her ear. “I-I heard you.”

“Did you touch yourself?” Jack asked against the corner of her mouth, his sweet breath fanning her lips.

Meg swallowed. “Yes.”

“Did you come?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

Both men groaned.

“Come to our cabin with us,” Jack said. “Please.”

Meg thought she’d known what temptation was, but the war raging between her body and mind put a whole new meaning to the word. The memory of her mother’s downward spiral leading to three tragic deaths hit her like a cold wave, grounding her.

She struggled to her feet, the two men’s hands falling off of her. “I can’t.” Her voice broke, and she refused to meet their eyes. “I’m sorry.” Without another word, she turned and picked her way back to the cabin, her legs shaking. Breath short, and tears stinging her eyes.

Silently, she locked the cabin door behind her, and once in the privacy of her room, leaned back against the door, lip between her teeth, eyes clenching shut.

Damn it all to hell. Opening her eyes, she flicked the light switch beside her, gaze immediately going to her open window. She stood in silence, listening…wondering if the two men still sat on the dock. Did they take up where the three of them had left off? Wandering hands and tongues? Groans of need mingling as they tasted each other’s lips, breathing in each other’s exhaled breaths?

Light flared to life, illuminating the trees outside her window, drawing her across the room. The floodlight on the back of Jack and Trevor’s A-frame shone down on the two men embracing on their back patio.

Meg stood on her tiptoes.

The two men pressed tight together. Jack’s hands clasped Trevor’s face as his snaked around to Jack’s ass.

Their shared groans carried to her, and she cursed her choice. Cursed her mother. Cursed him.

They broke apart and stared at each other a moment before turning her way. She didn’t move from her window, knowing full well they would see her silhouette since she could clearly make them out from her tip-toed height. Crickets chirped. A breeze rustled leaves and teased at Meg’s hair.

Trevor took Jack’s hand, leading him into the house.

The floodlight flicked off, but Meg lowered to her flat feet and waited, fingernails digging into her palms.

Their bedroom light flicked on, and the two men took up where they’d left off on the patio, their mouths coming together in a rush, hands grasping at shirts. Ripping them off overhead.

Meg bit back a moan and rubbed a hand down over her leggings. She was wet clear through, her clit protruding. Without a second thought, she pushed them off her hips, struggling to peel them off her legs as Trevor turned Jack around and attacked his neck.

Trevor’s hand snaked down the front of Jack and out of sight as Meg finally rid herself of her leggings. Jack’s head tipped back, mouth parted, and Meg stood on her tiptoes again, desperate to see beneath their sill as she slid her fingers down over her pubic bone to the soaked folds below.

“God,” she whispered at the arousal coating her, dripping from her throbbing pussy.

Trevor’s mouth moved against Jack’s ear, and Jack nodded.

The two broke apart, and Jack moved toward the window as Trevor unbuttoned his shorts and pushed them down out of sight. Jack placed his hands on the sill and stared across the short distance separating her from them.

Meg’s legs rooted in place, her fingers slipping through her swelled labia. She couldn’t turn away if she’d wanted to. Trevor knelt behind Jack…kissing him? Reaching around to fondle him?

Jack’s eyelids fluttered shut, and he shifted as though stepping out of his shorts.

Trevor stood and peered at Meg over Jack’s shoulder, using a hand to push his partner’s upper body down. Jack bent forward, hands on the sill, gaze on Meg.

One hand on Jack’s back, Trevor stepped close, his gaze dropping and hand moving between them.

A low groan accompanied Jack’s eyes closing, and Meg’s gaze flitted to Trevor’s face. His eyes closed too, head tipped back as both of his hands grasped at Jack’s hips. He pulled back and pressed forward again, both of their groans crossing the distance between them.

They were fucking…knowing full well she watched.

Meg slid two of her fingers deep into her pussy, and moved her hand in time with Trevor, fucking herself with her fingers and wishing she’d accepted their invitation. Gone to the need claiming her body, she grasped her breast beneath her shirt, pinching and rolling her nipple.

Trevor leaned forward, one arm wrapping around Jack’s waist, drawing a deep moan from him. His forearm flexed in time with his hips, and Meg imagined his long fingers wrapped around Jack’s cock, jerking him off in time with each thrust into his ass.

She imagined being on her knees in front of Jack, her lips around his cock, sucking him deep into her throat every time Trevor trust into him from behind. Biting down on her lower lip barely suppressed her moan.

Trevor grabbed hold of Jack’s hair with his free hand and bowed his back, the slapping of their skin and grunts spurring Meg on. Both of the men’s eyes opened and latched on to her.

Their bodies moved together, in time with her thrusting fingers.

Her need to come, her desire to come together with them overrode all else. She held one’s gaze, then the other.


Jack shuddered with a deep groan, and Trevor muffled his shout against his partner’s shoulder.

Meg’s climax ripped through her, and she gave over to the spasms pulling on her fingers, shuddering through her legs, biting her tongue to keep herself quiet. Her eyes closed on their own as she rode the convulsions until they faded to mere tremors.

She heaved for breath, her cum dripping down her thighs and hand. Release, but no satisfaction, something she would never physically allow herself with her neighbors.

Without glancing out the window, Meg slid her fingers from her pussy and turned away, her eyes stinging. She flicked off her bedroom light and snuck to the bathroom to clean up.




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